UtflHVl THE EVENING HER ALP, , KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON "VAOK KIVH PIKTMHKH o irm I Buy Your Winter Footwear Where there are salespeople vtho have been trained, to understand FeetO nur Foot Imports havo liimn trained In tho Wlrnrd System, of root Correction, nml nro exports In flttliiK shoes nn we.II oh - j i .I Society Relief. rend tlw flXnCt wonlH published by tliu National Mild ciincn f I'litt Foot tend to root troubles can bo prevented by wcnrlnK propor shoos that Jyo biwn 1't011 correct ly, In enso you alroady havo foot trouble, ronii im nn iVrntv Council, thnn net Don't neglect your fret. poW wonto." . nAdJuirtM' leather Arcli Support nro mi nld to fallen arches." We carry n complete lino of ft wmm Adjustable, Leather Foot Appliances Personal Mention AHKH CANCKLLATIOX OK TAX CIJItTH'ICATES Vul'jtldo'H near approach has hnd effect upon nffalrs In tho city social clrchH thlH week Tho majority of Pcopln hiivo been too buny with ClirlnttniiM plans, shopping and ply ing n buMy noodle In preparing dainty gift to' leave much tlmo for iiocljil relaxation. Jack Front, aleo Is In a way responsible for tho doarlh of Indoor happenings as tho frozen ponds and Icy IiIHhIOch have tempted mot of tho JTiung folks to forego tho evening flrcBldo for skating and coasting. Complimenting tho Chutauquu on tortnlnora, tlm Misses French, Leon- ard and Talmago who havo been In tho city recently, Mr. A. II. Collins guc a supper party Tuesday ovenlng In tlio banquet room of tho Doer Head drill. Dancing and iiiuhIc en tertained the puo'.i and Ihooo pvj-ent boHldOii tho gueHs i f honor, and MIhh Hetty Onddls were Messrs Milnp, ChordB, Jtoy Sloan of Tort- land and the boat, Mr. Collins. A dinner party followed by n very plen.sant afternoon was injoy ed at tlm homo of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Soulo on Kai t Main Direct last Sun da). 'J'Iioho present were: Dr. and tlri, Jcnnlo Hum, C. C. Hoguc, C. II. Bowman, A. II. Tonnbrook, O. W. WHIlo, It. H. WattcnbUTg, K. O, CummlngH, Ooorgo A. Wlrtz, George Chastnln, John Martin, and 8. E. Martin. Tho frlondB of Ilevercnd nnd Mm. W. E. Ilnrnbo will bo glad to learn ot their snfo arrival In Constanti nople, October lDth. Their ad dress for tho presont U care of A. C. II. N. K. 13 lluo I'ctlto Champ, Con stantinople, Turkoy. Tho many friends of Mm. J. P. Sattorleo will bo Interested to learn that sho sailed, with her sinter and mother for Franco on tho 8. S. Ad riatic on tho 28th of last month. Mr; Batterloo who nccompanled hfs wlfo to Now York hoa returned to Long Hoach. Tho committees In chnfgo of tho Annual Fair and Carnival which Is to bo held under their direction for tho benefit of Sacred Heart church haro about completed their arrange ments and It Is expected that this I event will be bigger and better than ' any over given before. Tho Fair will open Thursday evening with nil' tho thrills that usually go with tho good times theso young people put , into their entertainments. The! committee which has had charge oft soliciting, reports that their efforts i irfWMrfga Take advantage of the present price of Woven Wire Fence (: i i . 1 .1 ii,UJi to meet your spring requirements. We have recently received a caV from the factory and can take care-of your hpecifica tion at prices which" cannot be duplicated next spring. - h Baldwin Hardware Co. v THE HOUSE OFiQOALITY" Kfarbath Falls, Oregon , tit! llonico (1 Shldlcr has begun suit " In the circuit court against Klamath .... .,...1.,... Tr. ..... ,. ,.r. ..f COtllltV llllll Cl'dfl'll I.. II II 111 II I, r.. V at Imperial Hotel In l'ortlnnil, nnd ,0 "in col two tacortlllcntes and ho jjrr; 0. Allen, Htato provldunl ofcr" deoreo (iiluting tltlo of tho ajD P.O. i:, will arrive with K !,'"' InvolM'd. Tho cortlllcutts nnor I Kubll, principal speakur at tho tnxoM for 1913 and 1914, ut which Hi memorial services tomorrow 'tlmo plaintiff alleges ho had not re ceived a patent to tho land and It was still tho proporty of tho United Stales government. On this basis at tho(.no uhIh for cancellation of tho cor llllcatos and enjolndor against dn fendants' further effort to collect tno tax. Lttrooon, on tonignts train to at tsJ ibe cvrclncH. Matinees Spedl Sunday Utertr. Two matinees will bo given at the liberty Tbcutro Sunday afternoon, bflnt Hill Mart promptly at 1:30 d the second at 3:30 p. in. Tlm loon will bo open one halt hour ho tre the show ptatts. Try 'em. Horaia Want Ads. WANTKI) Men with teams nnd sleds, or wagunB to haul lumber from Hound I. uko. (lood wages. Stcndy work. Apply Dig Lukes Hox Co. C-Gt rtM"M4 Rex Cafe Sunday, December 7. 1919, we are serving a I I special dinner at $1.00 that will consist of MKNU Olympin Oystor CockUU Houp Chlekon Gumbo a la Creole IIcUnImki Rlp Ollvea Sweet Ghorliilns1 Salad " Waldorf Salnd l Your .Choice ot Young Klamath Turkoy, Dressing Cranborry Sauco Chicken Frlcassac, Rex Style VeKotnblcH Si.ttioSlrt. v.p.!j S,. f Whipped Crcnm Potatoes Steamed Hood Rice Cliolco of IK'Kserts Cabinet Fuddlng and Delicious Sauco Hot Mlnco Pio Cato Nolr k ! fl t 4- Mrs C! A. Mohsov ami cliirilrnn. Mr and Mrs. J. 12. Urutton, Dale llnvo ,)eon m0st "ucccssfu In obtnln- and Don Soulo, nnd I)r.nnd Mrs,!1'"'' for lho falr V excoptlona)y Soulo nnd rhlldrcn. ' M largo list ot beautiful and useful aaa ,' articles to be swld nt the booths. A The Happy Hour Club met nt tho homo O Mrs Stclnmotz on Tuesday A delicious luncheon was served after Wilch tho uftornoon was pleasantly spent In needlework. Tho mombors present wore: Mesdajincs John Hamilton, Nowham, Gcorgo D. Huinphroy, George Iliohn, S. T. iSummors, Jcnnlo Hum, W. 1. John on, II. A. Kmmltt, Ivy North, John M. Johnson, nnd W. G. Wilson. The guests were: Mcsdnmes C. K. Seltz, H. J. Winters, Stolla Mang, Iteck ard, N. K. Hond and Mrs. Levi Mc Donald. Ono of tlm largest and most en joyable parties of tho wcok was giv en at tho homo of Mrs. S. K. Martin on High St.reet, Wednesday after noon when tho A. N. Wl club enter talnod tho Young Matrons Club. Bliss Elizabeth Hanisby entertained thq, guests with piano (solos, beauti fully performed, Mrs) Jjumwalt. song three 'soloctfonis,'' "Memoiyes", 'Night", "Morning" In ner uaunl sweet pleasing manner and Mrs. J. B. Dratton gave sovernl readings most entertainingly. The afternoon .was pleasantly spent In needle work after which delicious refresh ments ' were served. The guests of the A. N. W- Club were: Mes dnraes' Q. A. Massey, Don J, Zum- walt, Stephoneon, C. I. Wipnek, Wil- l(a,m Duncan, G. A, Krause, h. Rog ers, C, A. Hayen, Charles Roberta, Oscar Shlve and little daughter, E. T. Ludden, Durgo Mason, Arthur Wilson, Misses Blliabeth RJmsb; and Alice Bowman, and George Haydep, Jr. The 'members, of the A. N. W. Club present wore: Mos- dames' C. SI. Ramsby, George Hay den, A. W. Plel, PhJUIps, R. H. Dun bar, J. B. Bratton, Charles J. Mar- ) 4 ' .i fcafeterln supper wlir bo served each evening and dancing will be one of tho fentures. There will be no end of games and contests and a good tlmo is assured all who attend. Mr and Mrs. LosIIo Ilogors were hosts ut a most enjoyable dinner on Sundny afternoon at three o'clock, at their attractive home in Hot Springs .having as their guests Mr. and Mra'WHl W. Baldwin, and son George Hnrtzel, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Underwood. Monday evening. Miss Campbell entertained at an informal dancing party at the home ot Dr. ard Mrb. Massey at their homo in the Hot Springs Addition Music as well us landing were onj.ijed and da'ir.v refreshments served tnu.ughout tho evening. Thoso present were: Tho Misses Campbell, Mary Dmjgpndor fer. Dotty GaddU. and Acnes Dris- cyll and the Messrs. Hoy sfeari, "Lou i Prltcbard, Zerrener nnd Collins. il ' HOME ENTERTAINMENT In connection with this special dinner we will also serve our regular popular-priced menu. . HHHH-.K..H..i... Tpf Dancing at AT MOSEHALL TONIGHT "Real Jazz" And No Foolin' Kay-Jav Orchestra Dancincr 8:45 'HH A"" t t T T T T T T T T T t t T Special Sunday Matinees t at the Liberty. Two matinees will be given at the Liberty Theatre.. Sunday afternoon, the tirdU will start, promptly at 1:30 and the second at 3:30 p. ta. The doors Mill be open one halt hourjje fote" the show starts. a r December herds. v - Records Earl Shep--3t . k , ,' .; .' h - MMV ANMMArfWWWVMWVMWWWWAMF Uni'i QTn N'C i llitropollU AaiBMcaests VWWWVVWWMWMMMWMMMMMMWWWWM HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE .V, DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY ' AND SATURDAY STAR THEATER -'v TODAY MARGUERITE CLARK In "COME OUT OP THE KITCHEN" Also A Bllllo West Comedy In Two Parts LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OF. T1D3 PICTURES" H .W. I'OOLE, Oti-ncr. "v'HARRY''BOREIi, Musical Director TONIGHT "THE WINNING STROKE' is a great college story starving GEORGE WALSH "FOUR OF A KIND" will give yon a good laugh, and the FOX NEWS shows latest events by Coining Sunday Tbo great Tom Mix, the man who newt lakes, in "ROUGH.RIDING ROMANCE Two Matinrcct. Sunday 1:30 a 8:30 Coming- Soon-"Broken BIbftom" .Doors open 1:30 and 0:30 P. M. Eremlag wIUhls start at 7 a'rtack MRS. NICHOIiAS ARBAIGNHD iWIIJ PLEAD DECEMBER 10 iMrK:: ' Minnie Nicholas was ar raigned oa.a charge of assault with Intenmo" kill before Jndge Kuyken-dail-ln''thfi circuit court yesterday afternoon and the Indictment aga'pst her was read. December 19 was. nxed as tne aaie xor pieaams. " charge is baaed on the alleged shoot ing of Dr. George Mitchell. WANTED Men with teams and sleds,, 6r wagons to haul lumber from Round Lake. Good wages. Steady work! Apply Dig Lakes Box Co. G-tt- KTLL YOURSELF Dancing to that Victor Record of The Yellow Dog Blues at Shepherds -2t . Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. WaHMX Men with teams andsfleds, or wagons to k&vl'lauityw tmm Round Lake. QmiA tkubsl ' ..0toedy work. Apply Big TgHw.nTBxt . -t . V V r ,X" i.r- LP 'St Came., tomi pteee about 2 weeks ago, a ItlafjpuRI , seUtog white strip t ob' lMCk tm Dtand MUeeable. Owner Miteeame'by' paying feed bUl;fttffor tola ad. Jay MbButng, K. V. D. N: ; KiarTaH. 3-3t ' Syeekl Sttsday .MMkiees at the ii vi v ' - -v;TwdjMaWas. wHtke-tem at the Liberty - Theato t Btfnda; afternoon, the first will stfet vMmjti? .at'ltO and the" second at ':3t m.' m. The dooss will be opom sne, haM-hour be-, fb'ra.Uie shqw otartR. requires a good musical instrument and many a long winter night has been made pleasant by aid of one of the Earl Shepherd Pianos, Player Pianos or Phonographs. W,e have already done the largest Christmas business in our history, as we find that people like to trade where they can see the greatest number of stand ard inakes, largest stock, and get the most conven ient terms. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 'The Store that's Different" 507 Main St SUNDAY AND MONDAY MARY PICKFORD In sTHE HOODLUM" The Gttaatost Character Study of Mary lMckfonTs Career Also A Big V. Special Comedy Starring .LARRY SEAMAN ' TEMPLE THEATER ' TODAY PAULINE FREDRICK In "BELLA DONA" Also A Rainbow ComeOy SUNDAY AND MONDAY HARRY T. MOREY In 'THE MAN WHO WON" AIso Two Reels of Good Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregoa ft - A Purchase in Time Saves Many a Dime CHRISTMAS Is only three Bhort weeks oil and the days are slipping past like sky-rocketa. U's not too early to do your Christmas thinking and even baying. Klamath Falls merchants will benefit by your early- shop ping and so will you. I ""'' Our Christmas suggestion is "A First National Savings ACCOUNT for every Boy and Girl." E. R. Reames," President A. M. Collier, Vico-Prwddeut John S, Moore, Vice-President labile ,Rogers, Cashier Ue First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON rTTfTTP" I'Ti'ir