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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1919)
' i- 1 agk joun THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH, FALLS, OREGON MTHiWy tl"-Mfr. I The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAY Editor VRED HOULB City Editor bora of thlsv committee p-all upon juu, juhi rencu lor juur jiuu nnu biku tho membership slip and bo glnd'of tho opportunity. Show thorn thnt It la n pleasure for you to do bo. Don't bo ;nlggnrdly- every cent you con tribute will tome buck to ytm n Fibllshed dally except Sunday by thou.nna.foW. Klamath Kails has Herald Publishing Company of,"10 greatest iuiura 01 any cny i iau Falls, at 115 Fourth Street .tho west, won't you help to hasten tho day when it will bo fully real- 1 ARRANGED TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOM MI X--at The Liberty FOR 8ALHulck six enr, A-l con dition. New tires. 1'liono su-u C-2t OPENING 1 FOR RENT To gentleman, hod room In prlvnto homo furnueu heated. Hot witter all tho time. Apply It, llorald Olllco. O-ll tferMil fr Ihn tfatfttld nt tftativ Brails, Oro., for transmission thru Utf,l! Thcro ftro bl enterprises that malls as second-class matter. lean bo brought hero If tho proper 1 1 effort Ih nut forth. Won't you bo Subscription ternU by mall to any, ono of tho men to land them hero MMrcae In tho United States: jand help yourself? Wo have the Dm year L.. . 5.00 Ichnnco to. make a ureal city hero f)M month .. , .... .60 within tho next Ave years 25,000 " ; .people. Won't you bo among tho Member of tho Associated Frew 'chnrter member of such an under The Associated Press is exclusively I taking? The Hornld knows you rnoVs.urchfeosdCcrrwi- r rtiot otherwlso credited in this pa-(nnn stands ready to do more than Vex, and also local news published i his share, for practically every one reln. of them has bo expressed himself. All rights of republication of spe- Lot Monday be the banner day. Lot m dispatches horelri nro also reserv-ju bo tho turnjMg ,)0lnt In tho nf- . ' fairs of Klamath Falls. Let It bo tho day on which you will pl.ico your FOR BALB- 30 red plus, weight Ml I tn 65 lbs. at 3 cents: othri Itourt 'from SO to 140 lbs. at 13 cent. Ml Tho Klamath Falls Municipal llox- hvtw at 11.00 ouch. Win. Ihrkv, Ing commission Is now completing Merrill. Oro. l"'t KILL YOUItHKLK arrangements for tho show to be giv en on tho night of December lu HouBton'H opera house nun been se lected as the scene of tho bourn. Tho commission announces that tho mnln event will bo n 10-rouud .lost Ou Main St. go between Hilly Huff of Klamath White PollCon Dancing to that Victor Record of Tho Yellow Dog lllues at Shepherds tl-2t botweou tilt) Hotel and 'ltex Falls and Toby Miller of Oakland, -'0' on 000R ' .... "Si. Z r ,,,., . , , ... rafflo tlckotB on tho .lx hair Cnllfomla. Tho seml-Ounl, which F,dlr pt,n80 rentura to tho llorald will bo six rounds, will bo between Office. Howard. fl-tf Guy Hoberts nud Hob Allen, wulturs "Rough Riding Romance" Sunday and Monday SATURDAY, IIKCESniKR O, 1010 nnmo to an undertaking that means more than any other one thins thnt DO IT SOW A number of applicants wish to ap pear In tho two preliminaries of four rounds each, and Winter Knight, tho matchmaker, Is confident that the preliminaries alouo will bo well worth tho price of admission. Tho commission 13 desirous thnt rUll aAl.u i ornmii Milium uin prlie stock. Huy ono for tho kid- - dies Chrlstmna It. 1. Shnw, Clillo- S quIii. Oro. O-Ct A December herds. Hecords -Karl Slnp- -;u jhas orer boon attempted for the up-;tho pubUc know , clrcums .Liberty. ; building of Klamntlf Falls -greater , dor which thoso l)0Ut8 nru 8taKOd Two ,atlne Special Sunday Matinees at the ees will ho given nt the Chanter 311 of tho Rcnornl laws of 'Liberty Theatre Sunday afternoon . the stock industry, the tlmbor, tho orecon. 1919. "nrovlilos for Mm rr. I tho first will start promptly nt 1 30 3- tourist attractions. For it means ntion 0f tt,0 municipal boxing com- nd tho second at 3:30 p m 'I For tho past year appeal after has than the railroads, tho irrigation. been made for tho rehabilitate l tho Commercial Club. Several spo Tho Tadlc attempts have boon made to tho cashing in on thoso great rt-1 mission. Kvory person desiring toIlrs will w open one half hour he- . bring this abcut, but ono thing or sources ir wo only tako nitvanM jo .participate In n boxing competition foro tho show Mtarts. A nnother interfered with tho final cf our opportunities. must register with tho becrotary of' " consummation of tho plan. Hut the1 When .the committco calls, don't tho commission and shall bo subject ! F0'1 S,Al'l:77Uh"i1,j KhuT' 'c'u time is at baud when ono of two ask how much, but ask whero you tu .iio rules ami rmriiiniinna nt n... ' ("r " ' " v ' I 7. December 11, 1-, 2'J-tf thintrc: is cnlnrr In hnnnon. Klthor will slcn. Let Klamath 'Falls ko !. ..,.,. ioi., n .. i... .... the ro-organizatlon committee is go- over tho top fn her own behalf. Let amlned and found iihvslcallv lit tn , lag to raise Iho funds necessary for her ralso not f 6,000. but $ 10,000. participate In tho match not less u)ST I'urso with child's glasseH. , t -the placing of the Commercial Club so that thenj will be ample funds to than six hours before the match niurn lo C. 11. Larson. 3H5 North! nlaco. I Sixth St. lluward. 6-If 13. All net recolpts from each compe tition, after n general sinking fund I has been provided, will uutomutlctil- W" tt-fMmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWi'''' on a permanent basis, or it is going meet any demand that may bo made ! rop the whole matter. upon the organization. Wo know that mere is not a busl-i - ess man or property owner in the' ounty who wants the Commercial Club plan abandoned. We know -they want a real, live, well financed. DIVORCE SUITS FILED DIVORCE HEARINCS The divorce action of II J. O'llrleu ly Crento a civic umorrnncv fuml . ' , . , , . , lot which tho city treasurer shall bo against Addlo O. O'Hrlen was parti) L. Hruley yesterday filed suit ,,, . ., ...... ...... . . , ..... ,...,. !...-.. l"u ouic uuBiuuiuu unu i ins iuuu nenru in mo circuii tuuri yi-Kiuruuy. as cause. W. L. Sims alleges cruelty as the ground of a divorce action agatnut Edna Sims. Defendant Is now liv ing in Woodland, California. Plain tiff asks custody of flvu minor chil dren. Manning & Ganong re his attorneys. cufltmllnn unci thlu successful, active, effective organira- r ,vo"e "om f. , Dru,oy la shall bo expended by tho mayor or; Further testimony wbb taken today !. ,nqfin. v n , , fcu uiruuit uuutl ,uiUf3iub ut-'auniuu tary. We know that they are will ing to contribute their share towards -this. Wo know that the principal reason why this has not been done Is due simply to tho fact that every one was so 'busy attending to his wn business that he had little time JAZZ DANCE TO.MGHT Id give to public affairs. But this ondltion must end. Either enough time must be devoted to the plan mow to insure its successful", launch- ftSP. Or ft Will VSa nnafnnno.1 lntiA itely. That would be a lamitV d!T. f ?.'? ? wh,ch aro Another of. thoso1 semi-weekly attracting nfu'ch attention -fc now f. .... i .- u... . "ua "uc" uiieouoa ninonK M. r7 -- V- V . "'Bl"r' Ol;terpslchorean devotees, will be hold e city was it in greater, need of a1 .,., , . fc Commercial Club. ' .tonight at Moose hall. "Kext Monday the re-organlratlon LOCAL COUPLK ARE mmittee is going. to call upon thel WEDDED BY JUSTIOE wBsiness men and property owners , Mr their subscrlptiona. These men WilliamHaTWirray and Leona fcready have raised over JllOO,' Anderson weremarrled Thursday mong the mill men. This sum must evening by. JtUttariN. J. Chapman e mnltiplied about' jilx times to at the home.of the bride's parents. When the. mem- 830 Highetrset. ... . - i council of tho city for tho relief )( J. T. PerkluB was granted u dl Indigent persons or In such other .vorco' from Tommlo Luulln IVrklns manner as the mayor and council J by Judge KuykcfidaU yesterday, and may provide. I Mabel lirown Dick Uoll was grunted Tom Wntters has been selectod ns'a divorce from John Loo Hell, referee of tho matches. Ho is al-l ready too well known among tho sport fans of Southorn Orcgou o. uccu luuuuutuuu. luv luuicnmQjter, Winter Knight, Is no nowcomor in tho sporting world, having not only arranged bouts InKlamath Falls in years past but. has also staged th-ra at outside points. w, , f, wETcn " - .. .- :' i -t. on. Y. ' .'fV aw; J " - I. - Hi. 'lOilttti -I J- i X . jL. " . ui: . i . ... Jf, "' 'i i; 'ten .! 4r-ti - if I 1 yr - ; f I J- ' ! ' The boxing commission, was appointed by the mayor a few days ago on a petition which con HDUIUV IIIICT ' 3 SIGN, MANDATE 4 1 I Two Special Matinees Sunday , Starting at 1:30 and 3:30 P. M. I J First eveninj performance otarts at 7 o'clock sharp. Uoors open at 1 :00 o'clock and 6:30 o'clock P. M. TOM MIX The man who never fakes MARTIAL UW IV procliiiniitliin d-cl-irltm martial law MKVKN fOl'.NTIKH n hoviii countleN, efToctlro liamodl- attly. (the procliimntlon said that McALKBTHH. Oklu . Dec. C. - tli-i t-nllre national Kumd orRanlH- aovernor Hobertsou has Issued a tlon of tho state Is on duty. PARI8, Dec. 6. In a note drafted by ,the supromo council today, it Is tained over 100 names of the,ka.l4Uon,an,lod thnl tho arman BOVOrn" ing citizens of Klamath Falls, ,,'ment sign thOf protocol for carrying sparing no pains to see that the pub- foat tho le"nB of tbe peaco troaly lie is given ono of the beat shows' ra,,n wh,c" tho noto W1" forlb' ,h" erer.T nredented Mn tHls eitr. it "" w" uo "" " blleves that Klamath Falls Is full coun l0 ml"tttry measures. of people who like good, clean sport and It will see that they get it. ffsV rik swifc A A mk jira sink svfifc itli aa - J - -- - -- -- - -- -- -4w J)- -- W w W W f V W V' W V W WWW VVv - ' . -,i--1,-: - i- - .i., - - .i, v 4", . fiitafO ';- i -' v?ooU iC ::i -!' ..,! dirT cali ' -wV' ioaxi i: gcotv yiyjw bcoQ ejjr..! nt -.; siir iunt), -or. S&CK? 1. A EsV ' x eV The utmost secrecy, is observed' regarding tae terms of tb noto, but it can bo said that it Is worded .o firmly that conference circles expect that it will finally closo dlscMssbn with Germany. ' The noto points ont that making rthe treaty effective means the im- , mediate releas oof all German pris- i oners. It leaves the reply to Ger man representatives regarding tho claims for tbe sinking of tbo Ger man fleet in Bcapa Flow to be dealt i with in a farther special note. The note closes by directing GeT" jgimany to sign the armistice protocol. V I railing wnicn ins council aeciares vlwill result in tbe adoption of meas ures of coercion on' a military order. Those who enter through the doors of this institution are assured of prompt, courteous and careful service. The con tinued growth of this bank is proof of its ability and willingness to meet the reasonable demands of its patrons. vwww''WWIMWWWftMIWwwwwvw)vww Klamath State Bank The Daylight Bank Corner Sixth and Main - V. Si i Jijj fy. i f JL 1 .. ' Malds-of-honor at the English Court must not keep a diary, and It is usual to exact a pledge to this "f- foct on their appointment. -t-MM"4M T V Bad Roads Call for a Four-Speed Transmission on your Ford Touring Car or Ton Truck. The kind we stock are are the best on the market and a proven success. Touring Car Ratios, extra low, 20 to 1 ; regular low, t 10 to 1 ; intermediate, Vt to 1 ; high, 3 to 1. t We also have a specially equipped shop for Ford re- i pair work and carry a complete stock of Ford parts ana accessories of the best quality. wmmmim1rm0mjm0mjmmlmfm0mmtmmmmjm0m0mt1i BIEHNS GARAGE KtT O.' MONEY TO LOAN ,3k , T T J T J T T T T T t T I MM$MgM$M HHMN-j jj.jief.-jn.!,: .,'. &? '"tyyfljfe?ft;"'" i",iiiMwMkl . " " r'"f- I have money to loan on residen tial and business properties. Here are some real bargains; Excellent garden spot, right in town; small buildings. A sacrtflco at flGOO. 80 acres close In; irrigated. Dost buy in tho valley today. Price $D, 000. Torms. 120 acres 4 miles south. Can bo bought for actual cost of. Improve ments. Investigate, Some good buys In houses rang ing in price from $1,000 to $8,000. If you need ,FIRB or LIFE IN SURANCE, see me. I represont tho best there is. CLEARANCE which started Wednesday will continue for ten moro days and wo will offer to the ludlcs of Klamath Falls tho most rerrinrkablo re duction In Stylish FALL AND WINTER HATS. Sovoral'Uutrlmmca shapes that havo boon selling regularly for $8.00 and $10.00 win bo closed out at $3.00. Modols In Hoavor soiling regularly at 1&. will bo sold for $8.00. ' All trimmed hats nt givat reduction during tho sale. Parisian Milliner 519 MAIN STREET 9 JAMKH M. WATKINS, Jit. Hullo 1, Hvviuison lildg. l'liojio 4HI if ' We are offering for the Holiday Trade the Finest and Most Exclusive Line of XMAS CARDS Novelties and Fancy Stationery ever ihown In Klanulli I'ulli. PIONEER PRINTING & STATIONERY COMPANY 126MainSt.-aiJ26MainSt. &!Cmtimizm)m4 wkfr'-vT VStaj? MipJftr' , ...... ,,. .iiyiip., , i) tJSiJt . Z-a luli,2L'.j