ftl 'VAOB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON hatuiuav, iiieciain- 0. I.. -' ! " " "KJ -ri I Outfit the Dining Room You will be proud to have a Dining- Room Set in the newest of style, all complet sets, which will make an excellent display in that room. We are showing so many new pjeces in Dining Room Furniture and so moderately priced you will be surprised. In Walnut, Fumed Oak and many other finishes. An invitation of inspec tion is extended to you. For Men Some women are now in doubt what to give to thei gentleman friend, boy, father or husband. We answer your doubts by suggesting that you give him something to re member by every time he is at home and starts smoking. That is, give him one of our beautiful Smoking Sets, which we cany in all prices and all styles. -For Women Men will find that a gift of furniture as well as anything else is very ap propriate as well as ac ceptable by women. We have a complete line of little and big gifts, that will surprise and gladden them. The same time it is something every woman appreciates. mtffiggm W Perkins ' W Furniture House 'THE FURNISHER OF HAPPY HOMES" 120-126 North Sixth St. Klamath Falls, Oregon SPECIAL We have some fine Wicker Chairs which recently sold for $30.00. ' We are now going to give you a snap by selling them for $30,00 Office Desk We have a shipment of excellent desks coming in which we hope will arrive soon. Rugs and Carpets Our Rug Department in itself is most complete, as we have most anything one could want in Rugs and Carpets. Some are of wondrous designs fashioned for a real parlor, and oth ers for the dining room. We ask you to step in and examine them. i Christmas Suggestions Tea Wagons, Smoker St'ands, Sewing Tables, Fern Stands. Wing Rockers, Chairs, Music Cabinets, Floor Lamp3, Pedes tals, "Library Tables, and many other things too numerous to mention. I Gifts for Children Our lino of Gift Furniture for Children ;u . . complete, Wo haye little UooS ci mV T bios. Coasters and the new ColhuiS .iT and Kockor for the Nursery. A wS iLT,r of Kiddy Kara and Summic i VlSt These we are showing are made in tin. iw,o( of the beat mntoriBl.'ind by thi b a manufacturers. , """.ucan for the Parlor Ah I that'll tho part of thnt must bo coronet not only In Its lino Mourn but furulnhuil with good kooiIm that off to nn lutvimtiiK". docldo upon doing thlH parlor, wo nuk yuu to utoro, look over our stuck In tlilH lino nnd latum. tho houiio In Itmiir. walla ami correctly will not it Whun you with your vlult our COIIiplotU III nil flu - LMjavi--:AJiJxan -U .LUlLUja: JjM&Lli-SBUmXMl Real" Fruit Desserts Jiffy-Jell is flavored with fruit juice essences in liquid form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed to flavor each dessert So it brings you true - fruit dainties, healthful and delicious, at a trifling cost. Simply add boiling" water. Compare it with the old-style gelatine desserts. It will be a delightful rev elation. Get the right kind MY'M 10 Flavor, at Yoar Croeer'c 2 Package for 25 Cents M srt &Z Ziz&&-jxxxr7xxrrx3rtaxua&asisxxx33sa: .. Boxaesiic Science Department i . i8t$ sfT 3 Conducted Lv S $2 st 3 " I si .. .' ;M- Conducted by Mrs.ficIIeDe Grdf Dosnesto Science Mrccior Sftrrry Vour Co. re,rvrKrr-?lJ''"'f'm''"'frTT K USE MORE GREEN SALADS ALWAYS SEASON . ABLE AND REASONABLE While the food value of a green j ed so tho salad will he neither oily salad is not high, the salts they con- nor acid, and the whole well mixed, tain are valuable Tind tho oil used ' In using French dressing thoro In the various dressings supply tho should be Just sufficient to cover thoj nutriment, making them a whole- vegetables, when mixed, and non'oi pared Itavca. filling and set on lettuce! some food. In almost any climate some green salad vegetable may be obtained all the year round, and with cooked or canned vegetables an acceptable salad can be made. There are certain things essential for a good salad. First, it should left in tho bottom mixing. of tho bowl after Ciii-umlK'rs .MimIh Tough lly Mulled Walrr I'col cucumbers unil cut off a thick slico from each und; ."oak In cold water until ready to sorve, then cut In thin slices. Never soak cucumbers In salted water, for then they becomo tough nnd wilted, be sides Increasing their IndlgCHtlblllty. firccn poppora should bo scnldod for nbout five minutes, whon tho out side Hkln mny bo rubbod off. Cover with cold 'water until ready to use. Parsley should bo kept in a glass of cold water, wetting only tho roots. In this way It will keep fresh .sev eral days. i clinging to Horn, adding tho souson Ingi. If thc Hinnod wgotuhlch wont always treated In thin iimiinor thoro would not bo tiuch n lining ulHlIku to thorn u oxUls ninny pursoii.n. among the hones ami skirt I'cmovt'J anil Milled apart or faked with a fork All rft-uir tigtaliliB, fish or meat can ho uilllzitl in mhuls, and al n:osl nil (oiuhliiiitlniiH uf cooked or green M'sutahlrs nmko u pulatabla siiliid. i I-rft-OxiT Vortnlile Utilized In KuIimIm When making a sulud of cooked vegotnblei It, will bo found an Im provomont to mix with a French' dressing and allow to stand or marinate In n cool place nbout an 1 our beforo serving. With a green salad tho dressing should nvor ho added until tlmo to serve, mi the dressing cnuHes green vegetables to Itnrnnw. wllfawl Meat and poultry should ho freed ' '"n" & ?? " ' '""!! .., . .. oaves ani iininii wuu ma;ui.u.-- TltV TIIIISi: S.!.M lll.TII'CS VOf'I.I, Ulii: TIIC.M I'luieiito.niiiM liet'Mi Siiluil Cut cieiim rhecHO In small cubes. Itlnso canned pimentos In cold water: drain and dry on a cloth. Cut the tow of tho pimentos In points and fill with tho cheeso and trl lings of tho peppers cut In Dressing Will Hun Off J,cuvcs of Wet Ijctturo Great care should He taken In cleansing green salad fplantt). So, i bo cold; if a green salad, it must be! soon as tho lettuce comes from the I crisp; the dressing ingredients must market It should bo sprinkled with' he carefully proportioned and blend- water nnd placed in a tightly coor-' ed pall In a cool place until ready to I Fish should hnvo nil (Continued on page 7) DON'T SAY "OVERALLS," SAY YtUNION MADE WjW They will give you the service They are Union Made and have a number of features over other makes of overalls. First is the material from which they are made; second, all seams are felled and triple stitched; third, cord-bound button holes and full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made. We handle the complete line. K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" prepare. Then cut off tho sterna, separate tho leaves, washing each one In cold water, and if it Is wilt ed, let it remain in cold wutur for fifteen minutes or more. When crisp shako leaf free from water and placo In a cheesecloth bag I and tOBB lightly to dry. Tho dress ing will all run off the lettuco If the leaves arc wet. When preparing celery for salad, use only tho innor stalks. Wash these well, using a small brush kept for that purpose Scrape them if necessary, then soak in cold water until crisp. If a' slice of lemon is added to the "water tho celery will remain white nnd bo- come very crisp. Tomatoes should bo covered with .boiling water for about two minutes, then plunged Into cold water, whon tho skins can easily bo removed. Set, aside to chill befor o slicing. Whon stuffing raw tomatoes for salad, remote tho skin, cut a slico off tho stem and scoop out the cen ters, sprinkle with salt and Invert to drain and chill. Just beforo sorvlng fill centers with tho p're- If llultir Wittrtrwt aI n l.tn ..!. ., . ' from skin ..s peas, ,,ma oeans. asparagus or cb string bean.s, open tho can nt least half an hour beforo wunted and drain off all tho liquid. Cover with ,M'W'H-' mm wutur uikii rnauy to uso. Troated In this way thoy will tnsto more Hko tho fresh vegotnblo. This same rulo applies If you tiro going to reheat thorn, Druln off the cold wnter nnd rohent In a covorod saucepan, with only tho moisture pHHInHHIBBHH9ilHIHfl .'' ' 'j j i.-i M H A M I vnhntvi H m n. 1 UI Olldlll ;:: :: iH iH ' Concrete ':: ' Construction :: I I ': Shasta Sand Used M ' Exclusively 1 1: '. . tmimimmmz Getting the Fur Coat Out of the Moth Balls Should Be a Reminder That Your Automobile Bat tery Needs a Little Extra Attention "Tho average motorist," wild Judil how, malinger of tho local "Exldo" Service Station, tho other morning, "Is u queer com";"a: tlon of so.und American common senso und unsound American ew golngnes8. And whnt parts of his car ho novur sees or hours a com plaint from ho io prono to neglect. And thnt, of course, Is mainiy why tho buttery suffers It never complnlnB, . , "It does Its work, right up to tho point whoro It has I,0Ull"b moro to givo, undor tho most nogllgent mid cruel thoatment. i" of courso, by tho tlmo It has rouchod such a point It Is in '""'; had shnpo, nnd building It up again is going to cost Mr. Uiroiesa Motorist a penny that ho might very well hnvo saved IiIiiieoii. "And nil this In splto of tho fact that wo uro continually ' w " ing our customers talking to thorn, Bonding thorn folders ana cm culars on tho subject of gottlng hotter porforniiinco ana ionji llfo from tho battory and lceoplng down big repair bills by giviu It tho right kind of sorvico at tho rlghttimo. Illfiht "v " "hr" sending out a littlo foldor showing tho importiinco of K unB i battery proper storage whon tho cor Is laid up for tho wimer. has boon tho had habit of many nutoniobllo owners at the ai""";?, of cold wonthor to simply run tho old bus, fully equipped, inio i' garago and then lock tho door till next Spring. ,iffhty "Cortalnly bo fur as thq battory is concerned, this Is n mitu a certain Bort of action and' reaction Is continually taking "j060.' j' a't I wnon it is iuio, var tnis reason u uomaiiun ""'"".." i is regular periods. This attention cun host bo given It wnon storod undor auchcondltions and superintendence as on'l'mpr muruu unuur Hucu-coniiiuons nuu suporiiHuiiuun. '...utnmers " tory oxport can glvo it. Uocauso of this, wo advlso our cusw ,, to romovo tholr batteries froniitholr cars. Bonding thorn to us .. storod nnd cared for in our storngo dopurtmont. Tho cosi . o i . ( ( tor storago Is small und. there is assurnnco that nothluB ueiriui can nappen to tho battory during Jack grout's reign.' ;, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. ; 23 Main St ' Phone 2m ;; .... . AAA .TT'--. GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS, EGG MASH FOR Murphey's Feed & Seed Store CHICKENS 126 south sixth st pbone 87 WiIWWtlM J tlitinW ii H' ST n XJi.