sm ssV rBasBBBBBsTfBBBBBBBBBBBr i luJtP 4httzrt 4HFiMtIift OFFICIAL PAPKB Cft I KLAMATH OOUimC I KLAMATH FALLH 1 m r -w w v V s" "F" 1" W W ' Fourteenth Year No. 3787, finwiATi III WiUblAL U UNDER W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 Price, Five Cent LANSING DENIES DEP'T INTERVENED aaBitfre Will Canvas Iluulm litiion Vri In Wrokta Cu- J, I'kd nt cmplB to revitalize the vj,mtth Commercial Club, which y, B(t with liberal i-uppori during S,Iiit few days "m b6klnn i.nd H-gilrUI Inlereats, will, I oitcnd d io the business district Monday. Tk activities ot tk organisation (jjtfMhed tor two yr by war WAniiiiNWTUN, Dor II - Tim Amiirlrnn govornnmont lini) not changed Its uttltudo on i tint JonklitH vunn and hud no lnrl 'In obtaining IiIh rolciiHo from tho Moxlcuti authorities, Secretary Lansing dcclarod to- day In denying vague rumors 4 that tho state department hnd unofficially "pnHod tho word" to tho American embassy nt 4 Moxlco City to nee that Jen- klnii won liberated on ball. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? feiJiud that 'to giVJto ,orgaaixaA 4b Ml ftc---ana, " an ELKS' MEMORIAL SERVICES WILL BE HELD TOMORROW EL .in ha miM It siUac'cat hor'' .Mart U fortbeoilkf. It U espo.rnw. afteraedn at S o'clock, at Annual .memorial services will be by tko(local lodge o( ISIks to- tbev,,WkaMealer. The meeting la 'open 'to the. public. O-Whg'to con- nict ocoinor arrangement ot some of those who take part In the pro- u-of a Mxnmi7 wung ,-Uiad.rovldlar aaatateaance for i time. 1 3u00 teaea. Ul " rm. " umo wan cnanxca trom jaoont B. L. Klllott, chairman ofjovcnlng, aa originally planned, to lit nontanluUos committee, staset tho attornoon. Tbu Inntructlvo and I'ditflJOO has been pledged by tho tUU, box lactone auu iiinuci m- lerwU. Other members of tho comralttco in 0, Peyton, R. C. Oroonbeck, IT, Magulro and O. O. Burke. During tho last two yearsj wlillo U commercial club haa not been active, It, haa still kept up-Jts ex Meace, the chairman, Capt. J. W. Slemcm and secretary, Cnpt. O. G. ipplcgntu, having attended to or rtipoDdcnco and vital matter. When tho reorganization com- Improiwlvo service of tho ElkH Is highly InBplratlouul and Hhould at truct many who uro not (numbers of the order. Only the mom pressing of reasons prevent the membors from being present en this occa sion. Tho program of the servlccB follews: "Nocturne" from "Midsummer Night's Dream McridclBsohn Elks' Orchestra Opening Exorcises i Otflcurit of tho I.oHtro Qdarcttc Blttee flnlshea lta campaign a ntcf4 ';,;w. Mal)0n Vm A. IJukcr ten li will uo cauoa oy me cnairman ul tho commute will present It nport ond rocommondatlonH. All ftnota who havo plodgnd member- ' tblp In tho body will have a voice U the organization proccfllhga, choice ot officers and direction ot the futuro policy ot the orgalzatio annual momborahlpa In tho club in fixed at $10, payable In three quarterly Installments, the first duo April 15, 1919. Whlilo no indlvl daal concern can take letut than one membership, thoro Is no limit to tho umber that can bo takon In oxcosfl c( one. QucBtlonnalreu, dcnlgncd tn tr cure an expression ot sontlmot on tie need for ,i comutorclal club. choice of a Hccr.narv an.l the salary I U should havo, huvo been sent out ud many oplim recoled, which will be laid heforo the reorganiza tion meeting. There havo been nuggestlona to Ci0HnE 'i I'uinnmioe inn icu onamo oi iiiu organization bo changed to Klamath County Commercial club and sub orgtnlzatlons 'formed lu various ectlon8 of tho county, with a voto I l the general organization nccord- . to membership. Some of the I IM.III .-.,"'- .1 ... . l- vuiumiv.'u'uuiiuvn mill liio nuvoiop j- ui ui mo agricultural anu siock lng resources of tho county are fundamental work ot tho organ! atlon, essential to Its buccobs, and "Hi plan hns been suggested ns a feasible way 'to Includo these Inter ' In tho genofal council. This quos'ilon', bid othor8, will Probably fornv-part' of tho com ilttee'a report nt tbe tlrat meotlng, Mw will probably formulate a Mcy dealing (Wjtluall tho matters "Mer consldMailontt, ' 'i'ii QiajwTi n A!AROinftTfi.DKPORTKD " -,( KROM JU. .v,TO RUHSIA NEW .YdKjf Doc'C. Alexander "Wkmnnnd EmTma Goldman wore nt frn.K 4ftkSl'VtfJi.J . .!. ers: K. J. Sullivan, E. V. o Lawrence, bass. ilQmorlal Hltual OfllcerH of tho bodBc Solo, "Ono Fleeting Honr" Dorothy Lf Jennie Fylling Mclby Altar Services Officers of tho Lodge "Extaso" Oaune Elks' Orchestra Ocnornl Eulogy Past Exalted Ruler ChaH J. Ferguson Qunrtottc n. W. Mason, F. A. Hnkor, F. J. Sullivan, E. P. Lawronco Addrcsu Hon. K. K. Kubll, Portland Iodgo No. 142 "Tho AngoluH," from scone PI Ho- rosquo Mass 'not Elks' Orchestra Thoro aro Just 20 days loft In tho your 1919 for you to do yonr part us n patriotic citlzon In tho pnrchaso of war savings ntnmps. Doubtless you Intondod to buy thorn long ago; but January slipped by, February como, March passed tho summer Is gone, and Just a few dayB left for Klamath county to make good her 1910 quota. Whilo tho spur of actual war ac tivities Is no longer felt, we mast still support our government; A moment's thought will convince you that tho need for money to run the government and pay war debtee ii Just an pressing" now aa when, ovr boya were fighting. Tho war aariage certificate la one form ot a government bond and there Is no better. It paya aa good Interest as 'any other tors and the advaaUgtrthaUt W'terflfct at any time on ten days; notpC ai anrlptoffle.,and4r.ou.jei waatfyti paid 'for It with lotereat np to the nfo'nth you cash It. What more -an you ask? That this feature U s. popular one Is evidenced by the rec ords of tbu Klamath Falls poatofflce. which has already cashed more than $60,000 of these certificates tor the holders In the past year. It Ig your privilege to cosh thm, but it Is also your duty to continue buying them from time 'to time. Thoro aro numerous citizens in our county who can buy the limit ot $1000 (face valuo); many others who can buy from $100 to $500, and all tho rest should buy a few stamps at least. If our citizens would invest an amount equal to buying one stamp for each child In the county we would be over tho top. What better Christinas gift can you make to your child or yourself than a war sav lugs stamp? Tho Elk lodgo has generously of-1 ferod to conduct the campaign, but no patriotic citlzon expects them to sell tho full quota to their own membors alono. Do your duty today. Go to your bank or the poatofflce and buy war savings stumps. W. A. DELZELL, Chairman. SUES CITY FOR OLD WARRANTS SEIZE 5,000,000 POUNDS SUGAR I-estio Rogers, as oxocutor ot the ostato of Aloxandor Martin, deceas ed, has begun suit in tho circuit court against the city ot Klamath Falls, to recover $4061.23, alleged to be duo for paving done on Sixth street in 1913 py O. A. Harris & Co. in which copeorn tho late Aloxann der Martin waa a partner. The warrants aro IB in number, Plaintiff alleges that on presenta tion to the cty treasurer, after com pletlon ot tho contracts, tpey were refused payment because of lack of funds, wkiea lack, he asserts,- was due to negligence and business like management of -the city, fuada, la tins rears since intervening plain US a4ferta that frequent' Fernanda have' haaa made for-'a" ae'ttiementf belt have all' ben ifefased.- Intirest o tho claiau Is paid-to , October -7, inn: - 7f - '- Oa'.rfortsjiier '. last;.-tie." alleges. final demand- was- made-ton the: aar- of'aaij eobiei! folnclnsTem of-tha warrant elalms. in the-nextyearlr budget, list the demands-Was refused, hence the suit." SPOKANE, Doc. 6. Orders for tho solzuro by tho govern- 4 rnont of 5,000,000 pounds of 4 sugar hold at Yakima and 4 and Tonponnlsh, Washington, by the Utah-Idaho Sugar com- pany, woro Issued today by 4 Federal Judge Cushman, pre- 4 4 elding at the hoarlng of a 4 4 libel action In which hoarding 4 4 and attempted unjustifiable 4 4 price Increases were charged. 4 M U TO ITT HERE llhl.r-IWini'K IHf DOY SCOUT IS GOOD WRITER ASSOCIATIONTO i rtWMOTE PHYSICAL TRAINING PLANNED i 4 , ' Bttswesa men, bankera and pro fesslesuU'' men are enthusiastically tieklaci a movement for tho forma tion rot An athletic association here and-ii saeetlag Jiaa bees called, to be hetdat Room 204 Willita building, Ttosiay evening, December 9, at 8 1 b'cleek-to' discuss the possiblUUea of orgaouauon, securing suiiaoie Quarters and .equipment and a physical instructor. 'All persons in terested In athletics, calisthenics and sports 'are urged to attend. Men-whoso work confined them to County-Wide Convention of bers Will Klect OAeera for aW Coming Year Next Wedaesdag Everyone Iateresteel Is IavKejl r. The campaign which has boe aw der way since October 6 for the war-. pose of organizing a, standard Karsi. bureau in Klamath county win close with a county-wide nveetlar next" Wednesday, December 10. Taia meeting is for the purpose of elect ing county officers and adoptlnar a . county frrogTata,of agricwrtoral-e- tension'work'for. tha.cosaiag 74ar. , This campaign has been m rjaw" of' -a -committee oXr-actlve- conslstlng ot T. N. Case, chai F. 3. Bowne, F. T. Nelson, D. a. Young and O. E. Hunt. An etMt been made to reach every comma Ity in the county. Evryone iatar ested in the agricultural and Biak stock development of Klamath coan-. SUNDAY SCHOOLS IN RELIEF DRIVE lthAVCoiJrt1r. nt thn t .. "7. A"Ml.'r?FI"" "w ited SfatesTodayptobably nover return,."' ThorbYo taken to ' lalahd'iWlVrat'ion stolon, "ere thoy 'will bV held until a ship availably to ciVrthem back to Russia ' " - r l ytK KxM$jafi$a TO MEET FIKNCH FIGHTER DNEW ORL13ANS,: Doc. G. Jack ompsey, heavyweight champion, is Jedy uhdor;:ntcont!i'aot to moot orgos Carpentlor, who won tho fropean chomplonshlp last night jJJ Joe Reckott In. London, Eng- . a locar proniotor announced May, . , CHURCH CLEAR OF ALL DEBTS Congregation and friends last night joined in a meeting and bn quot at tho MothodiBt church, in cel ebration of tho final lifting of the church dobt and to discuss futuro noods and plans for advancement. Tho final Installment of church Indebtedness hns boon paid and tho $1600 mortgago of ton years' stand ing was burned with appropriate ceremony. Tho banquet tables would not nc- commodato tho large crowd at one tlmo, and muny were servod at tho second tablo. Tho preparation and serving of tho repast was undor di rection of J. S. Elliot and Mrs. Harry Poltz, to whose efforts much of the success ot tho affair is creditod. Qoorgo J. Wlton was toastmas- tor for tho occasion. Theie was a program of varied addresses. R. L. Morrltt spoko on "Tho Loaguo Allvo," dealing with tho alms and purponoB of the Epworth League. Othor spoakora and topics were: Tho Sunday School," Lawronco Pholps; "A HuBinosB Man's Church," I. D. Whjtmoroj "Tho Ladios' Aid," Mrs. Harry Pholps! "Impressions of tho Stronger," Ilnrry Myqrs; "Moth odiBt Minute Mon," E. M. Chllcoto; "Speculations 'on the Futuro," tho Rov, S. J. Chanoy. Sunday schools of tho state, in cluding tho local organizations, aro making a Christmas drive for a gift fund ftr Armenian relief Local Sun day t-rhools havo pledged amounts ranging from $10 to $100, accord ing to size, redeemable at Christ mas. This is purely a Sunday school cont'floutlon to roliof work, but nnr sonsrifit afflllatod with any Sunday s'cYbolhnay holp If they desire. The ahiount fixed for each adult is not less than $1. Children's contribu tions are fixed at an amount corres ponding with their number of birthdays. ysuV COLLECTION SUIT H. R. Reynolds has begun suit in ,tho circuit court against H. W. Bar- ton and wife, seeking to collect $312, alleged to'bo due on a'blll for hay and machinery, purchased by defendants, and. dated March 7, 1919. Clearly and concisely Clarence Hill, 13 years old, living on the Merrill route. In a letter to Scout master R, S. Fry, explains his stand on Boy Scout organization. Clar ence has a 'power of pointed ex pression 'that a good many men shouidVenvy. ' As ?a result of his explanation of the,snxiaMon. in. his neighborhood. Mr. rVy:. said ; today. ha ..would take, the.-matter Hp.ationceand try and help Ofoitencer achieve" his-wishes. Tlia'lattafa iu,1fjiTn1flnatnnr Tf saysUU Klamath Falls, Ore., December 1, 1919. Mr. Robert. S. Fry, Deaf Sfrr- I havo seen tho items in the paper about, how the Boy Scouts, are getting-along in Klamath Falls, ana would like to see u yon will help mo- to get them started here in our-community. Could you have timer to bo Scout master out here too-, if the National hoadquarters would give permissien: or would you try to get some other man interested, so that he would? I have been trying: to get the Boy Scouts started here ever since I was 12 years old, and I am now 13. I am now going to tell yon briofly about1, ray unsuccessful attempts to biujl tau uoy ocuuis uut uuro. The ..first pamphlets that. I got from 'the National Headquarters came November 20, 1918. A little later I gpt another boy- interested and then another, hut by- that time we bega n to try to get a Scout master. I wont and asked one man if he woujd be Scoutmaster, but he said that '.he had no time to spare. But one night I had happy news. It waa that the principal of a school farther up the Valley had already- started tho Boy Scouts and I went and join ed and went to tho meetings. But the school term -ended and ho had to go away and all hope was gone be cause some ,of the boys could no a! desk through a large part of the ty layited to attend the meettn day. especially feel tho need of es- net Wednesday. The farm bureau is tne recognized, agency through which the state ag ricultural colleges and the IT, S. de partment of agriculture will co-operate in all agricultural extensioa work. Through It the people of tk county direct the activities of their county' agricultural agent. JS kn4lAltn1 j4 Attn 4 1 A J tabllahtng a gymnasium, through which' they can get necessary ex ercise. All the physicians approach ed by the committee have endorsed the plan. If the movement gets sufficient support, which seems unquestion able, a hall will be secured, hot and cold "water installed for shower and plnnge baths, and equipment ob tained. . IS DELEGATE TO TWO CONVENTIONS Rev. E. P. Lawrence has been chosen delegate from Southern Ore gon to two important religloTMucon ventions to be held in Portland next week. Onu Tuesday he will attend the conference ot New Era Workers from New York City with the chair men of. New Era committees in Oregon- at the First Presbyterian' church. ! On. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day, the-Inter-church World Move ment will hold a Pacific Coast conference-at Portland In the Method ist chnrclr. Mr. Lawrence will at tend aa a-representative of tho Pres byterian church in Southern Oregon. Prominent workers from the east will be-present. A rural survey ot the entire country is being planned. A large program is also being. mapped out for the unifying of all the denominational forces in a unit ed, campaign ror world evangelism. longer star in the Boy Scouts and we only had. a tew boys. My main trouble -was, to get the parents Interested enough to let theif- boya join. I .think .that if I could get a lot of .printed matter showing things about j'ttj.e. Boy Scouts and a Scoutmaster,,!-could do the rest In starting the Boy .Scouts T want to hear from ypu" soon. Don't forget to writo or come and see me about the Boy Scouts'. Youra truly, ClarencVHlll, Klamat&FaJls,- Ore. ' Merrill Route. i U.f oner SHOPPING X)ltNS-'UM2b CHRISTMAS! 'CV; .a -.v-.l L2&&$ A national federation of the farm bure'au of the country was perfected!, in Chicago early In November. At this meeting there were representa tives from thirty-two of the states. With the farm bureau in a county there., Is. a definite organization -far such purposes as promoting improv ed method" ot Crop production, In troducing and studying new and profitable farm crops, 'promoting or ganized campaigns for controlling; sect and animal pests as well as dla-. eases of plants and animals, assist ing in locating breeding stock, as sisting In county and livestock fairs. promoting breeders' organization anC sales. The farm bureau serves as a clearing house for all other or ganizations In the county for the ag- . rlcultural and livestock interests. The program for Wednesday's., meeting, which will be held in tha- west hall of the Odd Fellows' build--ing, is as follews: ' , 10:30 A. M. Call to order by the chairpian of the organization com mittee; reading of f the minutes of prev'ous meeting; report of progress in the commmun'ities by community chairman; report of finance commit teo; report of 'treasurer; joint dis--cussion by committees on rabbit and. squirrel control for county-wider campaign; appointment of nominat ing committee. 12:30 P. M. Adjournment for lunch. 2:00 P. M. Farm Bureau Organs ization in Oregon',' by Paul V. Maria,. state county agent leader. 2:30 P. M. Report of nominat ing committee; election of officers; report of committee on constituttoa and by-laws; development of coun ty; program of work from sched ules prepared by county chairman.. 4:00 P. M. Adjourn. ) BOABD TERMINATES NEW WATER RIGHT A ruling of the state water boardr terminating the Inchoate rights ot Lewis Copeland, successor in owner ship of Harvey L. Scott to 45 acres, of land near Fort Klamath, to the waters of Anna creek, has been filed with the circuit court for confirma tion. The 'water board's ruling is dated November 19, 1919, and Is based upon alleged neglect of the land owner to use the water right vested In his predecessor by previ ous order ot the board. ELKS DANCE WEDNESDAY All Elks and their ladies are plan ning on attending the Elks' grand ball next Wednesday evening at the Elks' temple. Music wilt be tar nished by the Jazz orchestra. Tha dancing! starts at 9 o'clock. z: R-r-r.! -:-r a Ji ' I. Mfcu.i, ii, ,.!.