THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK FIVR BMM Km$"K"K"K Mll Aamant HERE IS " (Continued from pngo 1) "f ni:cKMiK" n, ni i 1 .. .,- i ...linrn III) luuuu 11 " ..,i Juiin, who In u Hliitor ""-derworlil woman, Tommj, In tn '", i it.,. i II... -...i,l ItllLll ..." nniiii'u " Uiw IjliWl """I. imrotliy. WHM llicn I"? I" . mnelMO on biilimoHB," that 8 .. .irunk on contraband llt- U'"1 ...... .h.. noli! him boor and ftJ IBU I"""'... ..rilmr nnld: I"'1 . ui.iii..i n houno nnxt nrt tu.: x .. ,.. . w.,i. i .rih of Jcim'H pluco " Wood CiUJorol' run HIGH HONORS PAID JUDGES Imposing Ceremonies. That Used u Mark Thalr Comlno to ths VarU oua 0unty Aselies. Tim stately ceremonies which have attended Iho coming of mi Kiij-IIMi Judge to the county nrntheti, three, time In etieh year, niny lip accounted for by tho fact Unit tin; jn(K,., n th.iu orcimlotiK, represented the king, mid for thn Hint being was accorded courlMlm not Tory different from (hone which would be offered tin klnf inmseir. In thn quaint old city of Cheater, which nil traveling American know better, perhaps, than any city of Eng land outside of London, It waa the uitom, before rallrondi were known, for the IiIkIi sheriff of tho county to meet the Incoming Judge with a body of men, armed with Javelin, at the border of the county which he waa leaving, In order to conduct him In oreiy to me place in wiitcii lie waa by n woman namou vi nd other women namiid llnbo, fl0"' .... ...,i iiiwiihiir woman .mil Bonn " .'nimonm"t''",nol,oarni '..! afflnnt vlnlttul n Iiouho north jAtlMt monllonotl houno, run by t0 rMldf duf fh tem " 1 llnrlinnl. Iincl Hint l...kl.. . n...... .- ..- . fOPtn Bu ..-....--, iitbiiiii; vullll, ami IHIIIC 10 DI B rtry inipnmnjr ceremony, un one oc ' cnnloii, CO yean ago, the office of high thcrlff woe Oiled by a baronet, who awaited the Judge at the county bor der with IS Javelin men, 40 servants, 100 tenant, hie entire family (filling stately carriage), trumpeters In two j detachment, two prominent editors In ! Ibvlr currlnee. and several of tho Helen Marshall Pratt ' t f0und four underworld worn T .li. .ni.i roBort, nnd that tho . .I.n iu,ut..tll UfllM I'ntirl. of one oi in" - - boy In alleged to ..i mm thu latlur nloco. UTe menu" - - , tiiui w"0 B0,d "'luor ttl onco i, pUCM. 0 ISe 1 n. nuchcus of AoHlu, who would county gentry.- ' " . .. ... ... I.. l K'L.l.nlaa uimt Quoen or miiy m um ovnv, - (dbeabdlcatlon of King Victor Km- lliW and tho uccohIoii of lil kmIii, Iho Duko of AoMtn, to tho) i nf ilm ttiftuf rttit fi fl Arose, is no "' "'" '"""- ..'"" "- ,Si women of Kuroiwim. royally, jtlian Orleiinn prlncoeB, dnuKhtur i the lata Count of Parle, and .gel her Klrlhood In KiiKlnnd, litre her futhor wnH HvInK In nxllo. tl(duchc88 Ih caiwcliilly fninoim iih I ill ftmo hunter Hhu Iiiih iiimlo tujbuntlni; trips to Abyiwlnlii and ae Interior of Africa, HpondliiK U In thu JuiikIo, with no other tcspanlon tlmn an KukIIhIi lady In u'tlig anil (ho iiiitlvo uticiHlimtH ul fuldes. ' MUST TAKE TIME TO THINK Scientist Explain! Why Men Who Do Oreat Thing Have to Have Abundant Leliure. K tbe IlunncNU hiiHbnuil, and wlfn use to tho nmcliiHlon that tlioy vt not suited to uach othor tholr rroceduro of illvnrco Ih Hlmplo mid (Ml Tho wifo iIooa not i;o to lior ktjer, hut to tho tallow-chandler, rroin him bIic olitaliiH two llttlo asdles. Tliuso ho brliiKH homo, d tbe nml lior huHbanl nit down n Ike floor, placint; tho ciindlcii ln Ue them, Ono "audio roprcscnlts lit huibanil, nno the wife. 'I'huy i'fll(hltd at 'its Hiimo iiiciuont, '.inu a? owner of t'ie ono which noes to kites th' lioure, taking only lior bcr clollion, whllo the ownr 4 the moro eiulitrlin: eatullo ,m ulu alw tho ownor nt tho lioiiau ultll that It contains. It iih mild by Helinholtz, on hi eeveiitluth birthday, necordliiK to Dr. (Iritlimn I.iiNk, In nil mlilrcHH printed In Hclenee, that n creut Idea bud never come to him when he wit a nt IiIh dynk, nnr when he wan tired, nor after tnk lntr a tliiKH of ulne, but ustiully when he wax walking In the cnnlen musim; jif other IhliiK. Dr. I.uak Roen en: 'The mleiitlut nnmt have lelHiire to tlilnl; over the probli'iiiR which offer iiuil he must have a certain dlxcrlml natloii In order to dlhtlnnulHli between the thlucM which are worth doliiK and thuxe hleh are not. To ilit this re iliilrex a certain ilelay In net Ion In order that plans may be matured. The Individual who run not lie huppy un less he Is nt work nt full power all the (trie Is nun li less likely to ac complish miccesfftil K'lentltlc work than he who will not commence n research until he has willsMcd himself that It I worth ilnlnc. It l 't to be denied that tlilx chhciiUiiI iiiiillllentloi of nclentlllc life l frequently regard edvllh neiirn by the busy irnctttloner of medicine, who give lilmseir no time either for ihoiiRht or study." Scientific American. T T f y t ? T ? T t T t t t T t t t T t f f t t ? T t T t t f t y t . Klamath Falls Music House Geo. A. Wirtz, Prop. Phone 125 73$ Main St. ?, THE EDISON THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A SOUL fes - w v xlr55l!iJi. "TS ILHIHIIfl 1 1 1 1 ifcy e iLaaaaaaMILaaaaaaaW LaaaaaaH Sl A rt " f - .Oi Other Makes-of Phonographs The Victorola & Columbia All the Latest Records 'r 1 . l I' Ml lTjlatV jAaa!TaAaia alfc afc Afc atfc MtA4MMtJA4AAJAJAMA-A-A-AdJMtJJdJAJJiJJJJJ a aa aa. a j&. j& &. a. a. a. j&a. a TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY In tho Jowol collection or tho DiicIiohb of Nowcastlo Is a wonder ful coronet with u feather eight In- FOR SAMO 1918 Dodge enr In A-l condition, auto rolic, U. C. Smith ahnt gun, coat, camping equipment, now floss mnttresM, bud and spilr.R." plllowfl, waffle Iron, dishes, bookH, tools, otc. Cnll after 10 a. m. 1125 Mnln St., K. G Argravc3 5-tt I1AUOAIN Upright plnno In good condition for J1&0. Inquire 1020 Main street. G-3t . WANTKD Ilonrd and Toom in pri vate family for brother and sis ter. Itox 001 or Phono G4. 5-2t FINAL ACCOUNT In tho County Court of tho Stato of Try 'em. Iloraia Want Ada. WH Rex Cafe '.The Neatest Place in Town' I nrnrnft Wnr thn Pniintv nt Klnmnlh. choa long made entirely of din- ,n U)0 Mattor t tho Eatut0 nn( inonds. Guardianship 'of Lawrence Fred Snndorson nnd Dorothy Gertrude Sanderson, Minors Notice is hereby given that Cora A. Snndorson, guardian of tho afore said minors has filed her final ac count nnd acknowledgement of settlement, nnd Hint tho 5th tiny of January, 1920, at tho Hour or i p. m. of said day, has been appoint or! I ed by snid Court for hearing ob jections to said account and tho sottloment thereof. Any person interested In said es tuto may, on or before said dnto, flip his objections, In writing, thereto, or any particular item thereof, specifying particulars of said ob jection. COrtA A. SANDERSON. Guardiaa. G-12-19-2G-2 w ' E wish to call your attention to the tact that wnen you nave inea our FRENCH PASTRY then alone will you be satisfied. Our Bill of Fare for Sunday Special Dinner will appear in each Friday edi tion of The Herald. We are sure we can tempt you when it comes to food. We know how. Rex Cafe HmH-HMt..t,1.,.,l4HHM-HtH4H Dancing y y y All Dlcllke Red. i Red hns been called the king of color. The hull Is not the only cren- , turc that resents red; the elephant, the horse, the dog, the cock, nre all alike In lid- respect. It Is Mifllcicnt. i for eynmplu. to cover the doors nnd j skylights of n kennel with red ran- ; lerlnl to cause Incessant barking nnd t commotion union:: the dogs confined I therein. A cpldcr and a wnsp, con- fined In a glass case, are reported to have dwelt happily together until a red cloth was placed against the side)), when the Insects tackled each other nt once nnd a light to the death nued. KSfi True Knowledoc Knowledge Is more then mere sagac ity. Animals nnd snvngea display this in remnrknble degree. Real knowl edge Is due to familial Its' with mentnl and physical properties. It knows the relations of materials and the reac tions of their mutual contact. Knowl edge Is the child of experience and the j product of mentnl digestion of facts. t This takes time' and toil. It submits the learner to .situations and suhmls- .slons the average man revolts from, i That's why It Is that few gain power. I They are unwilling to pay the price of mental crowtli. LIBERTY THEATRE FACING DEATH DID HE. QUIT? See George Walsh IN THE " Winning Stroke " A William Fox Production The Thrilling story of a college hero TONIGHT TONIGHT LIBERTY THEATRE I t y y y f y y y y at AT MOOSE HALL Every Tuesday and Saturday Nights "Real Jazz" And No Foolin' Kay-Jay Orchestra Dancing 8:45 Be Master of Yourself. To ho able to keep cool when all the world goes mud shows mental grasp and genuine bigness. This grows with tho yenrs. It becomes n part of the nature. Newly dubbed nristoerncle and the victims of sudden wealth usu ally betray their plebeian origin b.r their cultivated show of authority. Where the blood tells It rises with might to occasions, hut seldom allows Itself to get ruflled without ocensfhn. And what a spectacle one can make of himself by getting till stqwed about nothing or losing his temper on some little thing that approximates the zero murk. The really big character is slow to anger nnd Irritates little dubs iiv Ms Runerior calm control. At the same time the exhibition of mnstery challenges the secret admiration of all. Mean Man. "Why Is Mrs. Gadder going homo to her mother?" "She told Mr. Gadder she would like to take a llttlo trip next summer one that wouldn't cost more than S500." "And what did Gadder say?" "The heartless brute replied : 'I see by the.papers that the trolley car Repr ice la going to be Improved." Birming ham Age-Herald. All His Worldly Goods. "Was your wlfo pleased with your raise In salary?" asked White. "I hnven't told her yet, but she will bo when bhe knows it," answered Brown. tl . "How la It that" yon haven't told her?" "Well, I thought I would enjoy It myself a little while first." Cash and Carry Store P. C. KNIGHT, Prop. Phone 485 119 N. Fourth St. Just Back of the First National Bank A now shipments just received by express Almonds and Wal nuts, Almonds 38c Walnuts 45c Fresh California stock. Our talk to you is to save you dollars and cents; therefore como to the store and seo our wonder ful prices, or call up nnd ask us about them. PICKLES Afcood line of tho best Pickles, in bottle and bulk. Fancy homo cut Sweot Pickles. Sour and Dill Pickles in bulk. SPECIAL .Saturday Only Fresh Eggs Dozen 75c Libby's MINCE MEAT while they last 1 lb. 15 oz. Jar, 93c A FRESH SHIPMENT OF PICK LED PIGS' FEET in BULK. A VERY GOOD STOCK OF THEM. BUTTER SPECIAL 2 lbs. for $1.45 AINSLEY'S FRUIT SALAD Special 49c This year's crops of Dried Fruits Peaches, Apricots, Prunes 'and Raslns. Seeded and Thompson's Seedless Raisins. The Cash and Carry Store is the place where, you can't go wrong on anything yoa want or buy. Use your phone. APPLE BUTTER LIBBY'S Special at 25c PINE APPLE Is 35c, 2s 42c 228 48c HAM AND BACON Swift's Premium Hams and Ba con at the special prices we are offering them cannot be beaten. Ham 40c lb, Bacon 65c lb Sauer Kraut and Peanut Butter. We have the best in tho city In bulk. The reason we can save you money on your groceries is be cause wo have no Hired Help, No Deliveries and Very Low 'Rent. DON'T FORGET THE STORE WITH THE UNION CARD. t T y y y y y t f y t y MKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ZIZ 11, 12, December 22-tf