THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ". DKOKMlUo , I MMIIIIIIIM I I I IIIIMIW ""iMTliillir IMIliiril I III II III III 1 1 111 I ' if I". tis TRAVELING GOODS Why Not A "BELBER Trunk, Suit Case of Bag for Xmas? Something that you need every day of the year. See the new styles we have just received. H w 5jw , .SfaSS-' ... .W '4U;k-" . scte-rfw -jk ' 1iL2f'ia,- ,11 : . . iiX ' MtrMJir'' ---l: wa:'3w WribUMUailAkX 5fiaK!EOTsaBSr v ll ..Mvtt " 7 S&SM: " V M spapf ; V GOING DOWN-THIS IS A REAL SHOE SALE r TvV IV Exclusive on Belber Luggage STOPS BUCHE FEWMNUTES Sob lumbago, pain, soreness, stiff ness right ont with "St. Jacob's Iiinhncn"' t COPPERS SCARCE IN LONDON MARTS LONDON, Nov. 17. (By Mail). Thb dearth of bronze coinage with which London is now faced 1b at tributable to the approach of Christ mas when many articles that cost a few cents are bought. Shopkeepers with no banking account are in the habit of hoarding the coppers until after Christmas. An official at the mint said that they were pouring out more coins Going down in price is the feature of this greatest shoe sale that ever visited Klamath Falls a new stock arrives and they are im mediately placed on the counter of shoe slaughter. To appreci ate these wonderful values you must look over the line of goods to satisfy yourself then we know after looking ihem ever you will be convinced. SEEING IS BELIEVING NOW COME AND SEE We want the public to benefit by our sale. Shoes of the stand ard makes, such as Crossett, Men'a JSase, liuckingham-Hecht and several others have not nor will riot be bought any place for the price you can get them in our store. Everyone is invited to pay us a visit to prove to you these exceptional values we offer you. Bradley s Shoe Store When your back Is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or neuruitis has 7on stiffened up. don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St Jacob's "Liniment" at any drug tore, pour a little in your hand and rub It right into the pain or ache, than ever before but that seems to mud by the time you count fifty, make no, difference, for the damand the soreness and lameness Is gone. i. ?onRtkntiv mwini Don't stay crippled! This' Booth- ,B constantly, growing. big, penetrating liniment takes the m ache and pain right out and ends the FIND -BIG OPAIj misery. It is magical, yet absolute-l ly harmless and doesn't burn or dis color the skin. UriNTENBAR, Australia, Oct. 30. Nothing else stops lumbago, sd-jBy Mail). A black opal find here aUca and lame back misery so 'haa created great excitement. Al promptly and surely. It never dis- , " " , """"""1 " appoints! ready 10 claims have been staked 'out. There are 782 varieties of Arctic flowers which have but two colors, white and yellow. 7 f w December 11, 12, 13. 727 MAIN ST. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. : t ? ? ? Y ? Y Y Y Y t v t Y T V t Y Y T t Y Y V t t T 1 J . mmm T Jf 9T - f -- c " 5 T DON'T SAY "OVERALLS," SAY UNION HADE YfUNION HADE WW) They will give you the service They are Union Made and have a number of features over other makes of overalls. First is the material from which they are made; second, all seams are felled and triple stitched; third, cord-bound button holes and full cut in seat. Last, they are Union Made. , We handle the complete line. K. Sugarman "I ain't mad at nobody" PHOENIX, Arizona, Dec. 4. He clamatlon of more largo areas of Lland Jn Arizona by means of Irrlga tlon projects, becamo a strong prob ability when the Mate land commis sion, acting in conjunction with offlcluls of the United States Re clamation Service, decided on an in vestigation and a final report on salient facta concerning five irriga tion projects. Three are In Jj'an farlos, Sun Francisco river unci Rod Rock river projects. Two others are to bo reported liticr, tho com mission announced. A $30,000 ap propriation was made uvaildblo for the investigation aud report. Tho San Carlos dam sito is locat ed on the Gila river, in Arizona, and tho project contemplates the recla mation of an estimated 100,000 acres, possibly more, chle'.'y in Plna! county between the towns of Flor ence and Casa Grande. The Red Rock sito is located in Now Mexico in a position command ing irrigable lands in Arizona on the mesa south of Franklin, Oreon leo county. Tho San Francisco dam site also is In New Mexico, near Alma, and it iu proposed for development db, an auxiliary to the Sun Carlos project. Tho state's part In theso enter prises Is ono of co-operation with the United States Reclamation Service. NOTICI3 Tho Ladles of tho Catholic Church will hold their annual Fair Doc. 11, 12. 22-tt Demorcst, Dentist, over Sugar innn'H Store, 6th and Muln. 2-tf K8TRAY Camo to my placo about 2 weckr ago, a black nnd wblto gelding wit e strip on face. No brand noticeable. Owner can huvo sarao by paying lew bill nnd for tlilH nd. Jay Manning, K. F. D. No. 1, Klamath Falls. 3-31 Beet yot. Hornld Want Ada. BRISTOL, Eng., Oct. 29. (By Mail). Thomas Maynard, said to bo tho first man married without know ing it, was summoned to court here by his wife, his socond wife, charged with dosertlon. Mrs. Maynard told tho court her husband had previ ously been convicted on a charge of bigamy. Maynard explained that a wound rocolved at the front in Franco tho bruin. He' uLso suffered from shell-shock ho declared. When con valescing In a hospital at Bristol, Maynard told tho court, a girl took him out oi)o day for two 'hours and married him. "You wore marrlod without your knowledgo?" askod tho judgo. "Yes, and whon I -was. tried tho court said ho had 'never heard of a more romarkablo caso," was tho an swer. "I was Immediately roleasod uftcr sentence" I Maynard Was ordered to maintain his wlfo. MmtWWWH MHHW4Wtj a t n fx MUrnvifiimufj jmur jv MVi- iuim jian j MAIN CANAL F1NIHHHI) Galo & Campbell, contractors, aro about ready to break camp and post pone tho completion of tho Enter prise irrigation canal system until spring. Two miles of tho ditch, or about half tho main citnul, have been finished. Getting the Fur Coat Out of the Moth Balls Should Be a Reminder That Your Automobile Bat- tery Needs a Little Extra Attention "The average motorist," said Judd Low. niannsorof tho local "Exldo" Service Station, the other morning, "Is VCarlcni easy tlon of sound American common soiiho and unsound American goingnoss. And what partH of his car ho never hoch o , ,y plaint from ho Is prone to nogloct. And that, of course, la mam ( why tho battery suffers It novor complains. nothing !' "It does its work,, right up to tho point where ,11 ',,; ;: more to glvo, under the most negligent und cruel then ""'"" , hty ,, of course, by tho time It has reached bucIi a point , It ' 1BCar0B,e9s una snapo, anu uuuqing u up uguui " " " i,imscif. Motorist a penny that ho might very well have suvod Winso i. -Anu uii tnis in Bpno oi mo im-u muv "" r . fniiinrn nnd cir- ,. lng our customers talking to thorn, Bonding thorn ro utre ( , culars on the subject of gottlng bottor porioru .. - ,V,DB . . life from ,tho. buttery and keeping down big roy" r,t"0w Wo aro ,. it tho right kind of sorvlco nt tho rlghttlmo. , n,"l, ,vlnB the ,h i..o, n.nn. ., i. u, ,, nnr in laid un for tho Winter' . UWfclUft J out n llttlo foldor showing ino '"i"' "-"- winter. " nronor Btoraco whon tho cur Is laid up for t no w" has been tho bad habit of many automobile pt noraai i tlu) , , I has been tho bad habit of many automobile ownors ui i r. hj , X bf cold weather to simply run tho old bus, fully oqulpptu. .. P irnrniro nnil tlmn lock tho door till noxt Spring. . . . .. ,ffhty o "Certainly bo fur as tho battery Ib concerned, t is i tur6f , , poor proceeding. Inside of tho battery, owing t"H" ,V,1 ,,ttco, oven ,, a eortnln nrt of neflon anil reaction Is continually taking P' ,' n i ,, A whon it Is idle. For this reason It domnnds cortain .' ., ,9 .. regular periods. This attention can host bo glvon n m b(lt. ,, ;: Hiorou unuor jjucu conuiuonii.iiuu BupoiimuMu-- - customer o tory export can glvo It. Bockuso of this, woad' , be ;; to romovo their battorlos from their cars, Bonding tnc .'j of vVjn. ,, ;; stored and cared for in our Btorngo dopartmont. . '" detrimental ;; mr Biurugu jb bdiuii una luore in lumuiuin." - , , can nnppon to tho battery during Jack Frost a roign. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 23 Main St Phone 22M Mt,rf.Arf.4.4A4....1Jt4t44"t",'4't"""' ' rDIT DAWC M17 AT CrD A DC VCT M A QU FOR Murphey's Feed & beed aiw Ulill UJllLi) IHLitlM. &J vllri I Oy LiJJ ifiriuii CHICKENS 126 south sth st phone