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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1919)
-mptTi-w ,' s?i Kv ri! .-1 r jl PAGR KIGBfT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T1HJIWDAY, DK WRMBjm ; t t ? T f t t t f ' T t t t t t ? t f I frHNfr,4.frts.frSNSHH4 mm 7Ai m ntrMJO iirrrc AT A IiII7MC OTAnn DU I I UUIV MUm O V3ir Id HI I 1Y1JD11 O O 1 VJHk rmmJ t " & jftfM" Here you will find the largest stocks of practical, sensible gifts for men and boys. We have anticipated your wants to the extent of a large assortment of gifts that are dear to the hearts of men and boys. A few suggestiens: Bath Robes, Collar Bags, Fine Scarfs, Silk Shirts, Fine Underwear, Night Robes, Pajamas, Slippers, Smoking Jackets, House Coats, Sweaters, Gloves, Fine Hosiery, Traveling Bags, Dress Hats and Caps; a "Kuppenheimer" Suit or Overcoat, a "Dubbelbilt" Suit for Boys, Patrick Mackinaws for "r Men and Boys, Hunting Coats, Rubber Boots, Leather Vests, Fine Wool Vests, etc Christmas Certificates issued for any amount, or for any article in the store. When in doubt what to give, "give a Xmas Certificate." K K K Store - The Men s Xmas Store $HHH$Hfy$4fc4HH$ri$r VISITING CALIFORNIA Miss Beth Fry loft this morning for San Jose, whcro she will visit her sister. Miss-May Fry. Later she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Martin in San Francisco. Sho will be absent for about two weeks. As many as 4000 dates have been gathered from a single palm at one bearing. , 'THE MARS" H. A. Thiede at 1022 Main St. bcs Just recolvod a fresh shipment of Xmas candy. All kinds of soft drinks. cigars ana looacco, grape juice anai. iuku. ivu ti uuui iu uuin lib tii ui served at the Mars stjra. C-lt Canada has given many prominent actrosses to the American stage, among them Julia Arthur, Margaret Anglln, Viola Allen, May Irwin, Roso Stahl and Marie Dressier. "Motherhood insurance," which has been In successful oporatlon for somo years In the Scandinavian countries, is about to bo given Its first trial in tho Unltod States by the American Woolen company, whoso plan will assure uvory pros pective mother in its employ of four woeks' benefits without any cost to her. JEWISH LAUDS SPRING Ii.KK NOTKfl Try 'om. Herald Want Ada. "WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH: THAT'S WHY WE SELL FOR LESS' 411-413-415 MAIN STREET KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SPECIAL SALE GIRLS' HATS-One-Halt Off Wo still have left somo Oirls' Hats about 75 of them and you can select what you aro look ing for. These will save you meney: VelvetB, Poplins and Corduroys, daintily trimmed with fur; velvets and beautiful ribbons for girls from 3 to 10 years. The colors are bold, yet appeal ing; In light bluo, navy, red, black, yellow and brown in tho latest of styles. They aro Just the thing. Why Not DISHES ? In giving gifts, select something for tho home. In this lino wo find our dishes are the thing Nippon make extra pieces and whole sots, In plain, with gold bands, and In fancy patterns, i Cut Glass -and Candlo Sticks are very appropriate. Pyrex brand Casseroles complete, also Pyrex Pie Plates and Custard Cups. Toytown tho home of thousands of toys, dolls and games offers the splendid children's gifts at excellent prices. We have tho larg est stock of Toys in town, and selection from our Toy Dopartment for tho little ones on Christmas Eve will gladden their hearts. AH American products by the best American makors. Visit our Toy Department. ' Tons of Toys tontfr &&&-' 14 Babies' Ready-to-Wear " For Baby's Chrismas " In the Babies' Department we handle everything for the baby, including Silk Bonnets, in white and nicely trimmed. Bootees are white but daintily trimmed in both blue and pink. Baby Mittens We have them. Quilts for baby, silk coverings with wool fillings. Baby Coats Silk covered and filled with wool, in blue only. Knit Sacques is what the baby needs. Now then, a Blanket in cotton, both pink and blue. Comb and Brush Set for the baby. Pillows with down filling are the delight of the little one, where it may lie in comfort. Also the Snowball and Darling Sets, in white,"" grey, red and cadet, keep the baby warm when exposed to the weather. Everything you want for baby, we have a complete line of it. LONDON. Oct. 1C. -(Corrusnon-donco of Associated Press)- Since tho triumphal return of Iord Allcn by, "conquorcr of tho Holy lnd", thoro has been some JIhcukhIoii In tho prow and military circles of tin) relative morltn of military leader ship In tho Kast and West. There havo bocn suggestions that war in tho West and war in the Kast aro so dlfforent In character that tho laur els gained Tn the second aro, In a military sonso, not comparable to the laurels gained In tho flnU. he." Tho "ZIonLst Review" the official oi Ran of tho l-Tngllnh Zionist l'odor ntion, makes a spirited reply to cer tain critics who, they infer, seek to discount what Iu widely acclalniod lis Genorul Allcnby's proved military genius. "Iord Altenby has returned from the Host to England with a military reputation and tho romance of suc cess second to those of no ilritlsu commander" says tho "Rovlow". I "Wo aro convinced that no British commander could have conducted the Palestine campaign with brllll anco superior to that manifested by ' Lord AHonby From Gaza and Uojr flhoba to Aleppo his work bore the 'stamp of gcnlUs and wo aro dispos ed to doubt whether any llrltlsh cemmandur during tho war has u suror claim to military genius than ho"; Mr and Mrs A. 10. Hehrolnor and daughtor, Pauline, spent the week end at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John DePuy, who have Just returned from Ashland. Mrs Jim Stewart Is on the sick list this wcok. Mr and Mrs. II. J. Dennett, Mr and Mrs. I. K. Iconblco and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Schrclnor spent Thanks giving ut tho K. A. Schrclnor horn. MIks Lucille Stewart was horo Sat urday from Merrill to spend tho day Y'lth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stowurt. Mitts Kthol Mack pnsRod the week J ml with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cbas Muck. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I LOST A ladles bond bag conUla. Jug receipts, key and monej. Lciivo at llrundonburgs. (lectin reward f.i Try our cream bread Made from Drifted Hnow flour 10 centa a leaf. Central Market, 335 6th Bt. Ut' FOIt IU:nt- Housekeeping vti sleeping rooms 1313 Mala. 4-5t FOR 8AI.K llyo Hay flO.OJ ptr ton If taken by tho Black at tie Mendenhall I'lnco. I. C. Carlo, Klamath Falls. 4-U' OAKLAND MAN INVENTS A MAP , FOR AVIATORS SHERIFF FINDS AN EASY VICTIM PRE8COTT. Ariz., Dec. A. Sheriff Warren G. Davlfl. of Yava pai county, and Grant Cartor, ono ol i his deputies, one evening recently, ( found thomsolves In Grand Junc tion near here. Entering a small ostaurant, they ordered supper. Half wny through tho dinner, according o the oiflcorfi. tho proprietor came around the counter, loaned ovor confidentially and said: "Want a little nip?" 'Wbll, don't know but what I do," tho shorlff replied. Tho shor- Iff said tho man disappeared, return Ing from tho kltchon a moment, tutor with u pint of whlskoy. "Kino," beamed tho sheriff, "How much for tho hottIo7 Only ?B7 Havo you got any more?" , "You bet!" answered tho cafo proprietor, according to tho shorHf's version. "Lots of It." "You must bo tho man I am look ing for then," said' tho shorlfT, dis playing tho star of Yavapai' county, "Come along. If wo hurry, wo cr.n make tho train for Pre&" i!'Want Ads bring result. SAN FRANCISCO, Cat,, One. t.- Flyers in tho proposed 1920 world girdling air dorby will not travel by Morctttor's projection but by a now 'butterfly" map devised by II. J. 8. Cahltl, of Oaklund, Cat., which tins Just boon adopted by Major Chorion J (Hidden, ojfocutho Hocrotary of the Aortal Derby Commission, now on his way to tho Far Knst and who gave ttie map tils approval beforo leaving hero Mr. Cahlll, who Is the originator of San Franclsco'H ? 12,000,000, "clvlo center" plan, said that an nlntor using tho Moreutor projec tion as a guide, would go 1,000 mllim out of his way in a trip from Panama to Yokohama. "If the rorth Polo were on an Island a mile wldo," ho snld, "It would appear on Morcutor's projection to bo U.'i.OOO wldo, or noarly the totut olrcumfer onco of tho eart'i at the ouuutor " Tho Inventor of the now map, who workod on his dr.iwlngs flfteon years, said that "an impartial and rational world googniphy la chsoii tlal to world penco." Ho bald that Morcutor's projection, wlilc'i was originally dovtsod by tho llolglan eartographor as a guldo for naviga tors, "distorted and oxaggorratod tho earth an it receded from tho equator." This, or Instanco, mncla It appear as If South Amorica woro much smaller than North America when, an a mattor of fact, ho said, they woro ubout tho samo area, Tho Cahlll map Is as though nn actual sphoro had boon cut and flat tened, Its appearance somewhat re sembling tho otitsproad wings of n butterfly. A nation looking unduly expand ed on tho map may oaslly, Mr. Cahlll says, dovelop a ort of googruphl cal "big hoadodnosH," Inducing v.n ovorboarlng diplomacy, A nation whoso torrltory Is so unduly exag gerated on tho mups in common uta may wotl como to oxaggorato Its ro 8ou rros, ltrt economic strength and evon Us irtuos and so croato an atmosphoro anything but conduclvo to mutual good will and consoquont world poaco. WANTKI) 100 snckB dry land po tatoes. Will supply niy own itcki Joe Kmtlng, 1327 Sargent Are. Mf K8TRAY Cnmo to my pltico about 2 wceli ago, a black and white gelding white strip on fnco. No brnnd noticeable. Ownor can havo anraa by paying feel bill and for this ad Jit' hill and for this nil. Joy Manning, It F. D. No. 1, Klamnth FalU. Mt' KHTRAY Strayed o my ranch about II davs nco. ono venrllnir Horford ateer crop off each enr no other braai noticeable ownor enn navo same tj paying for this ad and food bill. 3-3f paying for this nil anil feod bill. Jr Manning, R. F. I). No. 1. Klaraatk Fulls. '" Host yet. Herald Want Ads. WWWWWWV"AAAAAArtrt HOUSTON' Metropolitan Amuiemcnta HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAN'CINO I0VKRY Wt:t)MIAT AND SATURDAY THEATER STAR TODAY IUw I U-acU'H TrcmwwlWM Dmrnn of Alaska 'Tim WtAND" A Picture of Muscle and MIM North ' B3 Also A KoHtonr Oomcdy Starring wllKI) MAOD "AN OlliY HOOUNDIIKI' TEMPLE THEATER . TODAY jagkii: SAUNDWW in "MUGHUV" Alw A Lyoiw and Mofi OowV And IntornuUonal Current 1J MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION gjjs TUESDAYS AND HATliH"- Uerrui. ""