The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 03, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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JijRJ ? CiOQQMtf JvNxt. Pom u D w .1
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II UoNftU) Tiii. is mo. ph.-kt I I imui.t.a l jt etif I U. .-Ai.nirSr&JI II CJJ I llOWtSTLY. I 'P&HT
mm kit it ".t.v:..V i ''- I I 'n " ""1 " I 16b. 9nwaurv;:r9ieVl CTTJ I . . ......... .. AltMiO iJ HUT !
VQL I ' M??s GONE? -vxt icfi -DonM'r -tJ Li kwwnivo vvm uv 1 "JV'flJfl
" , 'r ,, ,"'
rtUiYlfc. MH yip' flk W-wn fi-, ICJ Kj uQKu - - f1 WmVH XI
:i-HkrtaSLJ& tSDjBI M II
ra i?)i Bil WVjK--3ELLJ .Will rroanzrarr-
-. I J VtotrtRJ H I I TrVJ r'l '-rT " d .U w V ' I
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I x-k IlILl lllLtril U1U i
Better Let Us
Patch 'Em Lfp
This is the time to look over your tires with the
idea of making them last through the winter. Of
course, if you must have new tires, Diamonds are the
only ones to buy at this time of the year or at any
other time, so far as that goes but the idea we wish
to convey is that we can make the old ones last
through the bad weather, and save you money on
your tire bill by repairing the worn ones. Bring
them in, and if they are worth repairing we will tell
you what it will cost if they are not worth repair
ing, we will tell you that, just as readily. We can't
make a new tire out of one that is worn out, but we
can take a damaged tire and repair it so you will
get many more miles put of it before it goes to the
junk pile.
Diamond Tire & VulcanizingCo.
MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors
120 S. Main St Phone 167
Whose Word Is Better
Than Your Druggist's?
Physician, Dentists and Nurses Rely on Him Isn't That
Sufficient Reason for Public Confidence?
There are many good reasons for
the confldenoe the public repose in
their druggist. First, he is educat
ed to know by four jears of College
and Practical training. Second,
thlcal physicians everywhere rely
Jmpliclty on his skill they trust
him. This faltM, of course, origi
nates and is maintained bv tne
professional service rendered by the
druggist in filling prescriptions.
Everyone admits this contiden'ce
when offering a prescription to a
Very few men can be honest in
one department of their business,"? Milk of Magnesia, Aspirin, Digestive
and dishonest In the other. Mr.
Jekl and Mr. Hyde exist very little
in real life. .If jou trust your drug
gist to nil your prescription, there
fore, in all fairness, you must accept
his word against the word of un
known and far distant manufac
turers. '
To recommend ai article, the
druggist must of course, know what
it contains and how it is made, and
this was one reason for the forma
tion of a co-operative national asso
ciation of druggists and physicians
who prepare a complete lino of
household remedies and toilet
goods. This association is tho
American Druggists Syndicate, pop
ularly called A. D. S., which boasts
a membership of 28,000 druggists
and physicians, the largest of its
kind in the world. V"or 10 years
ly for conference in ordir to obtain
the best formulas for its product
that the combined skill and exper
ience of Its members could produce.
All these articles are non-secrot,
strictly ethical. Tho ingredients in
all A. D. S. preparations conform to
tho standard advocated by the gov
ernment, and cannot be excelled iii
quality. As the association Is
strictly co-operative, its merchan
dise is also sold at the very lowest
prices possible for the quality.
In Klamath Falls there are three
druggists who will tell you that
A D. S. Household Remedies, like
these professional men met annual-' sells.
Tablets, Peredlxo Tooth Paste, etc
are tho best that they can find in all
markets. These three druggists
stand squarely behind every.A. D. S.
product with an unqualified guar
antee and n hearty endorsement.
Such a recommendation is the great
est that can obtain, based on the
sclcntiBc knowledge of tens of
thousands of experts and fulfilled
by a man you know well and must
trust impliclty your druggist.
Whenever you need a household
remedy or toilet article ask nn
A. D. S. Druggist to recommend one
to yon. AH A. D, S. Druggists Iden
tify themselves with prominent win
dow or counter displas. Ask one
about A. D. S. products. If you
would trust him to fill your pro
scription, it's only fair to take his
word about the merchandise he
Notice U hereby given that there'
nrn flinrlo in ihn rminrv tronoiit-t' fnr '
the redemption of Klamath County Klamath Lodge No. 137
General Fund warrants, protested i I n r C
on or before Sept.' 2, 1913, also war-' ' ' -
rant 30702 protested Sept. 3, 1919. Meets Friday night of each trook at
Interest on the same will cease I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets
from this date. , p, J.Gerges , N. a.; Fred Bremer
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer
this 28th day of Nov. 1919. I Bwauna EncamDment No. 46. I. O
K. VAN RIPER. 'O. F.. meetn TneaHav ntirhf nt oh
County Treasurer Iweok at I. O. O. F. ball. Arlle Wor
rel, C. P.; Nato Ottorbein, Scribal
Fountain Treasurer.
I A. F.Graham I
I '
I General ml.
I Concrete H
I Construction lj
The Ladies of the Catholic Church
will hold their annual Fair Dec. 11,
12. 22-tf
11, 12.
Please Cut Married Is tho In
trlgulng title of thu Screen Classics,
Inc , photoproductlon starring duln
t Viola Dnnu, that is booked its the
feature attraction at the l.lberb
i Theatre Tho plcturo Ir nn
I adaption of the riotous furco by
Unmet Cullon and l.oulx Alton
llrouno that Mas produced on the
, stage In Now York by Oliver Mo
' rosco, and enjojed a run of six solid
I months.
I Tho plot of this comedy Is de
scribed as moot adroit. It hns'to do
with the honeymoon of nn adoring
oung couple who, through a com
bination of embarrassing circum
stanced, are interrupted a often as
they attempt to spoon.
In the first place it turns out that
a burglar, and not a pnrson, per
formed tho coromony and It Is only
after the pnlr of )oungters hnvo
left on their bridal tour thnt tho
bride's parents leurn the astounding
fnct that they may not bo married
at all. They j-et out In pursuit, but
the newlyweds huvo n start on them,
and a great number of unusuul nd-
enturea befall them In tho llttio
mountnln hotel where they sock
shelter and solitude
Finis Fox. of the Screen Classics,
Inc.. scenario staff, adapted tho
stage fnrco to tho screen. The pro
ductlon of "i'leaao Got Married"
was made under tho pononal hup-
enlslon of Maxwell Karger. Direc
tor Oonornl. with John K Inco di
recting. Special art Interiors nnd
a number of surpassingly boautlful
exterior vlows aro contained In the
picture which is said to move with
tho rapid .tempo of French farco.
In tho cast supporting the win
some star nre Antrim Short, Mar
garet Campbell, Harry Todd, Em
mott King, Ralph Hell. Thomas
Rlcketts, Hugh Fay, Joseph Hazle
ton, V. K. Meslck. W. F. Moran,
Daisy Robinson and Thomas Hadloy.
"Please Got Married" is ono of
the ''fewer and bettor" productions
made by Screen Classics, Inc. and
distributed by Metro. For tho cnt
1919-1920, thirty-six pictures of the
"fewer and bettor" sort will make
up the Metro output. All are based
on atago successes or celebrated
Is the Best Thing You
Can Eat
Eat More of It
Phone 281
FOR SALE Real Eatate
FOR HAM: CHHAl' -S room houno
cIohu In, partly furulnhod, $2-100
Half riiHh Apply I.. I). Parks, 431
Washington St. 28-Dt
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
start to finish. An old ,l)itchelor
concludes to marry nnd pop the
question to his ward Ho then asks
tho ndlco of two of his old mnld
friends, who understood him thnt
ho in asking each for her hand
Complications follow.
The enst appear upon tho stngu
In tho following erder: Kllon
Murry, tho ward, I.uclllo Hcckloy;
Dobbin, tho maid, Kllzaboth Grigs-
by; Honry Thornton, Paul Kollor;
Henry Primrose, Kenneth Cuse,
Miss Ilimn, Fern Hanks; Miss Win
torblossom, Froda Ilichn.
Matlneo will be given nt 2:30
p. m. Saturday.
FOR HAl.K C1IKAP: Second hnnd
10-0 Monitor Drill complete with
gnisn' Kcodlug and proHi wheels nt.
tachment. h I.oomln Uiilldlng, 20-lt
The Public Speaking Class undei
the direction of i:. Kstello Currloi
will glvo at the Star Theatre on Sat
urday night a skit entitled "I'opplnr
The Question." The farce is one o'
Huckutonea, and is a closer produc
tion, one might say a crcum from
Our Shop is beinfr fitted with the
best equipment obtainable, and a
first-class Stationery Store opened.
gftHSSSt 126 Main Street
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Orogon for tho County of Klamath.
No. 1103, Equity.
Gus Melhaso, Plaintiff, vs. Den
Dayton, Dofendant,
Notico is hereby given that, by
virtue of an execution and ordor of
salo, duly Issued out of the above
entitled court nnd causo on tho 2nd
day of December, 1919, upon a
decree made nnd entered of record
In said Circuit Court on the 1st day
of December, 1919, and in favor of
the nbovo named plaintiff and
against the above named defendant,
directing tho sale of tho promises
thcroln -and horelnaftor described,
to satisfy tho sum of $1900.00, with
Interest thereon from tho 19th day
of September, 1914 at tho rate of
7 por centj)or annum, f2G0 attor
ney's feo, $17.45 costs and disburse
ments, and accruing costs.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, and In compliance with
said writ, I havo duly levied on
said premises and will, on Tuosday,
January 0, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day, at tho front door of tho
county court houso, in tho City of
Klamath FAlls, Klamath County,
State of Oregon, sell, at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for
ensh. all the right, title and Intorest
of the above named defendant, in
and to the following described roal
property, situated in Klamath
County, State of Oregon, to wit:
The northeast quarter of sec
tion 1, Township 29 south, Range
11 Kast of Willamette Meri
dian. '
or so much thereof as may bo
necessary to satisfy said execution,
together with (tho tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances
therounto bolonglng or in anywise
The procoods of said sale will bo
applied In tho satisfaction of sard
execution order and decree, interest
costs and accruing costs, and tho
overplus, if any there ho, paid into
court to bo further applied as by
law directed.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Orogon,
December 2, 1919.
QUO. h, HUMPHRBY, Sheriff,
LONDON, Oct. 16. (By Mall)
' Haybox" cooking, tho English adap
tation of American "flreless cook
cry", promises to become increas
ingly popular among English houso
wivos during tho coming wintor bo
rnuse of tho urgent ncod for fuel
ctonomy. Tho term Is dorlved from
tho fact that hay, ono of tho most
suitable, non-conductors of heat, Is
almost exclusively used as tho 'pack
ng' for tho ''Made in England' type
of tireless cookor, in both tho com
nercially manufactured and tho
honic-mado product.
Best yot. Herald Want Ads.
The Diamond Shlno Parlor for
gcntlemon has removed to tho west
sldo of tho Star Thoatro ontranco.
That beautiful, oven shade of dark,
glossy hair can only bo hud by brow
ing a mlxtuio of Sago Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair is your charm. It
makes or mars tho face. When It
fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances its appcarauco a hun
dred fold.
Don't bother to proparo the mix-
tuio; you can get this famous old
reclpo improved by tho addition of
other ingredients for 50 cents a largo
bottle, all ready for use. It Is called
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.
This can always bo depended upon to
bring back the natural color and lus
tre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
It darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been ap
plied, -you Dimply dampen a sponge
or soft brush with it and draw this
through tho hair, taking one small
strand at a tipio; by morning tho gray
hair has disappeared, and aftor an
other application it becomes bea tl
fully dark and appears glossy and lus-
FOR SAM: Ono 35 lb feather bod
nnd double pillow. All (lotvu and
Duck feathers, l'rlco $25.00. Phono
2Uf,J or call 229 N Ulvemldo. 2-tit
FOR SALE Pair of 1000 pound
horncrf Hound. Good unywhuro.
('heap. II, M. Daniels, Bonanza,
Ore. 29-fit
WANTED -Ford truck or oar,
serviceable condition. Don't en re.
for looks. Must bo clump. H. M.
Dnnlols, Bonanza. 29-&t
FOR 8AM Cheap for ensh. A
two-ploco, dry wnll toncrutn
block machine; good as now; luiod
only ono Hoanon. Could not bo
bought today for $1500 Will soil
at a bargain us owner Is in other
lino of business nnd cannot glvo It
his attention. Splendid opening
here for this luminous ns there Is n
big demand for blocks and concrete
brlckH. Muchlno Is In tho city and
cau bo Hoon tit nny time. Don't
answer unless you hnvo tho cash
Address Box 1, Herald Office. 1-tf
.,.. . zi'.
"tfcninmjr II, 12 i
WANTED A irrm,l
Hw.l if returnWroffi.
I.OHT:-On the MoTrlTnr
twoon tho King pico ,.77..
th Falls, a Hol.ll,, 'i oTorco.t rT
turn to O. K Transfer i.
"ii"iluL-ruifi .
PIlll rim 1-I, . ..."
School phono 3G0. airlg for UdIm
coplng and lUIng; nl.o Kenent
houso work, caring for children tc
Boys for rlorklng. mraspnger mlc'
chores, etc. Upuclul attention Is l!
on to this survlco by tbo school
authorities ami an effort Is to ba
mtul to miiko olllclont, conrcnlwt
ami prolltnble both to tho student
mid to iIioho requiring tholr scnloos.
FOR SALE nt n bargain tho follow
ing second hand cars: 2 1910
Ren's In good condition, $850. each;
1- 19 IG Ford touring car $350 ;
2 Htudobnkom, G pasaongor $850.,
and $1050. C I.. McWIIIIamn,
1157 Main, Phone 1G9. 17tf
FOR RENT To gentleman, bod
room in prlvato homo furnace
hloatod. Hot water all the time.
Apply K, Herald Office. 2-1 1
FOR RENT Heated rooms, bath
und phono. 840 Walnut, cor. 9th.
WANTED Girl for gqnoral house
work and cooking Mrs. O. 0. Lab
areo, Bly. Orogon. 1-tf
PHONE3 PEYTON tor Wood. 11IB.
Wo make n xwclnlii nf ilr,. iiu
nnd (trillion! InmiriMie. Phono (III art
we'll do tho m.1. (Iillrolo & Smih
World'H GtsMttcnt l'lirenologbt.
I'almUt and Misllum
Rends your ontlro llto put,
prtviont and future -correctly, gif
lug nnuuvH, dntes nnd figures In bas
Incus, love, Inw, ninrrlnRO nnd dom
estic troubles. Tolls you what jrou
lire best adapted for nnd what to d
to bettor )our conditions In lite.
This lady roads your hand as roi
would an open book. A reading br
hor will moot your hlghost expecta
tions, nnd you will ho wiser nt
hnpplor, after commltlng hor, she
having tho gift of removing all erfl
Intluoncos nnd placing you In an en
vironment of happy thought ant
contentment. Readings: Sunday aid
dally, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Iloom 5,
Swnnnon Bldg., over gun Btore, Mala
St., botwocn 6th nnd 7th, opp. West
ern Union. Klamath Falls. Orcgsa.
Having purchanod the Interest of
B. L. Cook in tho Mecca billiard par
lor, I wish to notify tho public that
I will not be ronponslblo for dobts
Incurred for this business by any
ono oxcopt myself after Docombor
1, 1919,
2-3t F. J. WII.DB.
On or about Dec 1st tho Diamond
Shoo 8blnlng Parlor for gontloracu
will move 3 doors west on Msln 8t
tho west end of tho Star Theatre.
Z I 7.
Best yot. Herald Wjint Ads. Docombor 11, 12 '
: mwjMMmwMgm$zmmi
,i WmmSgm
if ymm&mSSBKssri
Mgll The
' Nettleton
If v M
Art the foundation tf Good Drtii
II mi XT ..I CI .. !.. tlirV I
l lie value in ouyinc ixcmcion onun -
M . . i ii i I.... j.m; iniilald U
j not only looK wen wncn new oui inw
I ei ace fully. , :
j Avoid tnc loss anu aisappoimmciiv -
11 lilbilillli Tf V. 4I.VUI1UIIW4IU ..w- ij
j Kxtlusho Agents l
II i a i -. m.j;.. ...'. ... iJU' WiiJVt Fintsf l) '
U lgnt jaw """ ....- w... .. .. -
. -nmirHiHMfr.
Hife WNB !,)& Jt.i'
S -J V
: ,;"
, VTg3