The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 03, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ,AV, rr:rnuTn n, nto
aTT-- - i" "
. '
.1. Deception Practiced by Moth
fi"" ;L5 In Her Attempt to
ir M . . Vtunn.
givi Her Youna.
Illll'll out
(lint tlif
L Lull''- ")" """
.rtipiuy to iimi '
rtlcpl I" ft ll,"l"',, w"y y """'5'
! i. miililnu worn Interesting In
lt of lilnl Mfo tlmii Hi" efforts
itlltD" . .... - ........I... ,nl
the i'" "'""' '.
P1"1 .'".. J.,..!,r Tln.y IIIIIHT JUHt
j inn II' rl
T ' f ihn treMMHscr to attract
..oilwnmtlliriHl.oy trull off-will.
Lai einllimif "'" "' '""
P 1.1... iiitn (commonly called
n! ii a iiut nitnblp tnctlelnn In
P.lllof ilwpllim. 'Hil" l'll
j ,1 rtllr hflplr-M " "' f,u" "r """
wMlnir. no wcupon. lift power
Jiwlfl fllK'11 fl,r " H,",r' ,II,,,,,,K'" H
Hitut when there nre III tic boh-
fnu . .....I Dm niiiilii.r will mil
; ..ii,ni 1hc nml In ulwnys on the
B"1"' . . ii.... II..-.
MiW II"' I'KK" ""' '"" ', I
JVpto I" the ravages of sunken iin.l
Vire miiiH'tlini'M a xcoro of eggs. I
i.jf tiolntcd nt "no I'litl iiml nuinil '
' ' ... .... .I... aiinrin III Mill nndl
jilitcinrr, " ''" "i-"
JwinouilM'l. ''1, cl,ltkN ",lU ,m'1'
Utlire before '""i" nru fa,rl' 'Jt ,,f '
ti ititH.
n.. Inherit knowledge of the
Siilj rrrnnciilnr. nnd ench llttln bond
( ilie w of n pen. hold quirk
-rffptlon nml riKoitno win. u umi-
tirfiitoim tin brooil, tho mother
Scill. The younjr n" "K '-"
H'jtllJi t'"' "r,,P um " "pr,,,'r
wrtiincc to In nt the moment. A
til at s oy niiKiu u-i mn i
4,, irt almost InUslblo nmong tlin
MMfi ami gnu. J lie moiiicr nirii
mjJri hrnirlf ery conspicuous, flut-
krlri lth n "lirokcn wliiR."
n mournlnK ilovr l iinollir tlmlil
itjWplf rronlure; ho nUo trie
ftibrok'n Iiik rum to divert dun-
m from hrr mM. Tim ilovi nriiuirtMl
mtroken wing hnbll" of diccptlnn
.vn. ilie irlhi let nentPil on tho
psni Tim hnhlt iicmlstH, attlimiKli
nlnrluJIrnniH wIipii exprclHPd on Dip
ktjh of iree or on the top of a
n3 ftoce.
Tables, Rugs,
Beds and Bedroom
m&wmmc b virrrri mu-w-
w ' rfwiBai Miv milium msr7wr
xnr J o ,. w , rMKH
Rockers & Parlor
The Gift for Her
Now In tho tlmo of your wlum miltiililu
mi well (in unnfiil XmnH (!lfln aro
thoiicht ntiout Wii BUKKont to you thut
you comu In nml hcd our dnlnty and
Hcrvlcrnlili) Htock of TiiIiIch, Duds mid
lli'd Itoom KurnlHlilngH. Thoro nro
now HUlti-H Unit nru purfect drcuniH of
I' vHlnoiw i;ood unoiiijh I'vcn for tho
ili'tirciit wiiiuiin tlmt .you kndw tho
wort of nult you'll llkn to hpo hur hnvn.
Kiimn ono Ih koIiik to hnvo Home or
thi'nn milti'H Hot iihIiIii for Bomo ono
oIiio'h ClirlHtinim pri'Hont heforo thoy
hnvo ndornvd our (loom lonjr.
Tim IIukh Ili'iiutlful that Ih tho clnmil.
flctitlon nnd dollnltlon of our Uurh. AJ1
tho IntOHt In tho liitcat puttorns.
The Feminine
The Hope Chest
Our balcony holdn nn lininonflo
cnljiictlnn of chi'HtH In cedar,
walnut and nuirOKnny. Horo
nro c:hiMn v.p1I mudo nnd
hnmlHomoly flnlBliod JiiRt tho
thlnijH for furii, woolunH or for
dnlnty (lnory A wolcomo jjlft,
Your Dining-Room
Wants a New Dress
The room whoro you upend so
many delightful hours and
half-houra Is entitled to look
Uwayn at Its best, If only to
please you, the master. When
you seo those new creations In
mahogany, walnut and oak,
you'll want to thank us for
suggesting It.
The Home Gift
Tea Wagons
Smokers' Stands
Sewing Tables
Some Things You Want to Meet
Fem Stands
Wing Rockers
Music Cabinets
Book Ends
Library Tables
Davenport Tables
Perkm's Furniture House
Away with the stiff, formal chairs Oivo
us the cosy, friendly, Inviting daven
port, the easy rocker, tho comfortable
morris chair in fact, let us have the
luxury of life these arc found first in
the home and in tho home's furnish
ings. When you walk into your par
lor on Christmas Eve, see that the par
lor has that new and nifty furniture set
in it you were going to place there leng
Let us show you those articles we have,
upholstered, in handsome tapestries,
damasks and leather in soft, warm col
orings. We delight in doing this, show
ing off our goods.
Clay Eaten.
rti Actnnrn Inilliiim, Inhabiting tin
ilcniof LnU Tlllrnrn nnd the lofty
fitil'J of Ilie AiiiIph, find tin' fllnijf
(t for riltti'iiiv hnrd at nn nltltiulc
il moff limn lUiiX) fi'Pt nliovi Hip
m level. Their prlndpnl nrtlrlcH of
ltd ire million, n conrp crnln n-
rmbtinc rice, nnd polutopH, of which
Ictir ilielr country in tho orlnliml
lose. The dIMlctilly of IioIIIiir food
il io iriiit mi nllltuil iiccPHsitntP!)
CtprMlmi' iniK'priitlon of all urtlclrn
fclndfd to hp ko cooked, Thp potnto
kltfrffore prepnrpd for atorlng nnd
tx k; cipoMiiK It to the front; then
It Ii placed In water nnd itnmppif
i pi He, all the Hiiluhlt mutter Is
iiiiitd.out and Hip ftnrchy and furl
UfMUl uI)Mhiic rrmnliiH. Thla la liuno nml It U madp Into a nil-
trltlosi thouKh Insipid aoup. The Ac
uni me cl) aa nn article of food.
Irbf II llh gtiluna. Thp piny they
mil of a n blurb color and rather
pit!;, direful analyst shows that
Urontilnt no organic mntter.
Psychology Expert Decries Some
Popular Tests.
Rabbit Skins In Demand.
Tltrr I a market for rabbit skins.
kftff the nr an enormous trade
m Mrrlnl n abrond. It la said
"I Crmt llrltnlii and Irelnml alone
Mum) nliout 30,000,000 aklna an
' Mom rabbit Hklna are sold In
biln, by eKl,t, ,. fr froln ,..,
ue for felting purpospH. mid
m illtn for iimklng nine. The wnr
Wwiiptnl thp linpnrtntlons from Ku
nPt ind AlinlrnllK I., .!, .n ..i...,.
the price Iihh Krpntly IncreiiRod.
" wiler nklns nrp sold by Hip
n. W,Pn OrpsNpd thpv bocomi
' C('n" "f llif fur trndp. often Mild
jrfmidfui mime. Aniprlcun broed
"are rnWnK uiruU of rnblilts
"Prod,,,.,. ,IP ll(,Kt .Von ,. f
'" shops.
A rtnl,i ndiiiimi used to rclnto n
J l,o, ,,., Rr n MlR.
W Memner wh wnK lu,X(TOHy
TO ,m.rnfie ,,y flvo of tho
'.fmf,r,H',AN ","1 ,ook,',, '"' "I' "f
Jn nf i !VOr "h0 h0,,l,t ' "!
t the bout for nil vice In milk-
it 1 . C.- ",H KB-. "-us
W ""'l ,"', ovPriioanl. ho.
f'. ninklng iirrniigPiiients Hint
"hi mum
ow, four
t'oino to her. This
if ltnH h..t. ..
"Plnir in ;, """" I'lompuy
r V . " ""' ,,(mt- "What-
nn t.i "W 7" sh" ''"lulred of
? ' "I don't rightly know,
aj h, ""W'reil. Hi-rntrhltiR bis
e I'd im ' . Nny' '' It
""taltoihe dry ,..
Hi'i'ins to
rheV.u. P;A,ln, Japan'
eral !.".' w,,rl ' Jnpnn Is ot
t o , r ' T''1 "H wmtry nnd
naneso ' 1,lH w"'1- Uwthn with
fci0 '" ",e,r nntlvi. hind, weru
"Vorlc , viy n "'" n'",r '"",I-
r '?,' "HS M"-B. "'ho
C A ,""' ,WoiiO of thp V.
Ion i, ," Jnpiincao nssn.
'iS,01 " Proximity nnd
call rnns "' ,lrK' "e to rocclvo
lVhcn.Lhe D"fern
hM,!'' a hit In play
Wei l Into fame."
B If at f U7"
Wrono to Judo Chcracter and Intelll.
gonce by Meant of Handwrltlno
and Photooraphs, la Assertion
of Prominent Kansan.
Judging thnmctiT nnd Intplllgpncp
by iiieiiim of pliotnanipliK nnd bund-
writing Ih n nnel'.M custom. In thp
opliilmi of Ir. J. C. IVtiwon, astlstiint
liriifpssnr of iiMjcliolojiy In the Knnns
Sinto Agrlctilturul college. Kvou
iIiiiiikIi Hip ciiMtoin Is miilutnlnpd by
it IfiiKt two Hili'dH of school lion nls, a
huge number of employment ngencles,
nnd tunny lending unUerHltlpv, It hns
no IiiihIs of proven accuracy ns nn px
pump for Its uhp, according to Doctor
I'eisous applying for teaching post
tlous or for fellowships In colleges
nre almost always required to submit
applications In their own handwriting
and to send photographs with the ap
plications. "Too often," saya Doctor Peterson,
"a pleasant smile and cleur, regular
penmanship outweigh years of experi
ence and testimonials of scholarship.
" A belief In the claims net forth by
buudvirltfug and feature-reading ex
perts hns become widespread. And no
cue' will deny that a few persons of
more Hum ordinary Insight have been
most successful in determining cbnr
ucter nnd mentnl endowments by n
Htudy of features and handwriting. But
those experts hne not been nble to
explain their methods so that others,
less gifted, could follow them und ob
tain Mitlsfitctbry reMilt8.
"Twelve children, ranging from tlift
wcnk-mlnded to thoso of superior In
telligence, wpre tested for mentality
by the psychology department of thu
Ohio Stnte university. I'hotogrnphs
of the children were then submitted to
CI Judges, iiinong whom were phyM
elans, psychologists, teachers, college
students, und business men nnd women.
"When the oMlnuited Intelligence re
ports were compared with the nctunl
inentullty dutprnilned by the .iitentnl
tests, It wns found Hint they did not
correspond. One girl who was nn In
mate of nn Institution for tho feeble
mined wus Judged by most to be of
superior Intelligence, while n boy who
wiih really superior wus Judged to be
on the border line of feeblo-niluded-ucss.
"llnndwrltlng tests hnvo shown
Inrgely the siime. results. Hnndwrlt
ing experts lire ulmost unanimous- In
the opinion that pride nnd uiiiliHIou
nro shown In nn upward slanting of
lines; Hint linslifulnoss Is Indicated by
lino lines; force, by heavy lines nnd
heuvy burs on t'sj perseverance, by
long bars on t's ; reserve by closed o's
nnd a's, etc., and that lack of these
I'UiilltlPH Ih Indicated by a luck of the
corresponding chuincterlstlcs In pen
uiaiihlilp. "Holding Hint n person's traits of
iliarucler can best be determined b)
tho combined Judgment of ninny uc
gmilntnnces, psychologists of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin Judged IT stu
dents of tho university, ranking each
according to Hie degree of each trait
possessed. Specimens of handwriting,
all written under the same conditions,
were then secured. These were, care
fully measured and graded, and tho
result compared with the ranking
previously ulrern There wus uo appro.
ClabU oerl"" "
ONE CENT SALE-Thurs., Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4-5-6
Star Drug Company
The conditions of this sale are such that all purchases mast
be cask No telephone orders received for items on this sale.
A surprising blond of infld breakfast coffee.
At this .sale
2 lbs. for 86c
Miwlo front tho vanilla bean, contains no
K-liemkals or artificial coloring .,
One bottle 40c, 2 for 41c '.
40c Hyinonds Inn I.cmon, a oz., a for 41c
40c Symondu Inn Chocolate Hur (bitter),
H lb 2 for 41c
A flno "American Process" cocoa iu half
pound cans
Standard price icr cim 35c
Sale price, 2 cans for 36c
Tar Shampoo Soap
25c, 2 for 26s
10c Rexall Soap, 2 for lie
A liiRli Rrndo imported product, a .necessity,
for Milady's dressing tublo; llnchel,
lll.'iuclie, Xnliircllc. ami Iloso
One box 60c, Two boxes 61c
A delightful rolling massage. Cleanses and
beautifies. Makes (lie skin soft mid
smooth. Liberal sio pncUago
Standard price 60c, 2 for 61c
A splendid gi-mlc. of hard milled soap. Poos
not liecoino soft and niiissy. A clean,
fragrant odor
One bar 10c, 2 for lie
A perfect dentifrice, antiseptic and deodor
ant. Cleans and whitens the teeth.
Comes out tint on tho brush
25c, 2 for 26c
Good Stationery
15c All Itag Kuvclopo, gentlemen's
slo 2 for 10c
lOe Visiting Curds 2 for lie
15c Kabrio Finish, Wallet Cut Kn-
e!oHs 2 for 10c
lOo Khaki Stationery 2 for 41c
()5o Modern Art Stationery 2 for OOc
(10c Ciifccndo Pound Paper ,.2 'for Ole
15o Rng Knvolopcs 2 for Iflc
A liquid non-grenso cream
4 oz. bottle 40c, 2 for 41c
A Novel Way to Advertise
riiis snlo was developed by the tjnlt
od Drug Co., as an advertising plan.
Rather than to spend largo sums in
other ways to convince you of the mer
its of Bexnll products, they are spend
ing it on this sale in permitting us to
sell you a full-slzo package of high
class merchandise for lc. As an illus illus
trateon: you buy a tube of Rexall Tooth
Paste at tho standard price of 25c an
by paying lc more, or 26c, you get two
War Tax Extra
Toilet Articles
50c Ilouquct Ramco Talc 2 for 51c,
91.0O Bouquet Ramco Face Pow
der 2 for $1.01
50c Violet Dulco Liquid Powder....2 for 51c
50c Violet Face I'owdcr 2 for 51c
(10c Sytu Face Powder 2 for 61c
25c Corylopsis Talcum Powder 2 for 26c
25e Arbutus Talc 2 for 20c
25c Ilnby Talcum , 2 for 2flc
2."c Itcxall Cold Cream 2 for 2flc
10c RcmiU Spap St for lie
25c Pearl Tooth Powder 2 for 20c
25c Tooth Paste 2 for 2flc
50c Hiker's Violet Cerate 2 for 51c
S1.00 Hair Ilrusli 2 for 1.01
25c Skin Soap 2 for 20c
5o Violet Dulco Shampoo Crystals, 2 for 'Iflc
5e Jaynes Alkaseptie Solution 2 for ;fle
80c Pcrooiii! Vanishing Cream .. .2 for 31c
25c Nnllold Null Polish, cake 2 for 2flc
25c Nailold Wonder Dust 2 for 20c
25e Nailold Cuticle Solvent 2 for 2c
25c Hiker's Antiseptic Tooth Pow
der 2 for 20c
$1.00 Toilet Water, Assorted
Odors 2 for $1.01
00c Arbutus Complexion Civjuiu...2 for flic
75e Poudro de Itiv 2 for 70c
25c Hrtico Talc Powder 2 for 2flc
2."5c Mcdlcnti'd Soap 2 for 2(Io
35c Powder Puffs 2 for 3flc
Household Remedies
50o Analgoslc Halm 2 for 51c
25c Carbolic Salvo 2 for 20c
30c Charcoal Tablets 2 for 31c
25c Cold Tablets , 2 for 20c
30c Hiker's Expectorant 2 for 31c
25o Liver Pills .....2 for 20c
50c Pile Treatment 2 for 51c
35c Liniment, Untitling OH 2 for 30c
OOo Hiker's Syrup of Figs '
und Sennit. 2 for 01c
50c Hcxall Kidney Pills ,...2 for 51c
1.25 Syrup Hypo. Com. 10 oz.....2 for SJ1.20
50a Hovall Eczema Ointment 1....2 for 51c
OOc Jaynes Ilalsam Tar Compound..2 for 01c
50c Blood Tablets 3 for 51c
$1.00 Nux und Iron Pills 2 for $1.01
91.00 American Pctrofol 2 for 91.01
80c lb. Jordan Almonds, Special 50c
2 lbs. 61c
A high grade white,. fabric finish writing
paper, 24 sheets of paper, 24 envelopes .
One package 40c, 2 for 41c
15c Good Fabric Finish Wallet Cut
Envelopes, 2 for 16c
24 sheet and 24 envelopes
Regular 50c, 2 for 51c
Assorted tlntfl, 24 sheets and 24 envelopes
Regular 50c, this sale 2 for 51c
I'ar plate guaranteed ten years. Good
enough for any body, good enough ,
for anybody
Spoons 35c, 2 for 36c
These are the genuine article. Each tablet
Contains live grains. Mudo hi Atircrica'
by Americans. In boxes of one doz.
In three tints, white, flesh and brunette, a
pwdcr or exceptional softness und
delicate lragranco
$1.00, Sale price 2 for $1.01
Regular 50c, Sale price 2 for 51c
All red rubber
Regular $2, 2 for $2.01
92.00 Symbol Fountain Syringe 2 for $2.0,1
A high quality face powder, delightfully
scented, dees not "show" when
properly applied
Standard price 50c, sale price
2 for 51c
An antiseptic and healing cold cream, espe
cially recommended for chapping and
roughness of the skin caused by
exposure to sun and wind
One Jar 25c, Two Jars 26c
i :
" I