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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1919)
-- "? wr?: i i ' ff " ''W5 '" ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE&M TAOR TWO SL''tti..ia1 31 nm. Society Note Owing to lack of space tho ocloty section was crowded out of Saturday's Issue. Tho fact thnt the UoniB wore written for publication Saturday should lio taken Into u.n Idcrntlon If the reader discovers nn apparent discrepancy In dates. jiSiHsBcrw . . .. ' i i, ! 1 WATCH FOR THE BIG ; 'I ' li Tw Thanksgiving without entertain ing would bo a dismal affair Tho very name, of Thnnksglvlng sug gests merry parties that meet about tho dinner table, famllv reunions, vacntlons, dances, a cordial weleomo to rrlends and relatives, and the real plrlt of hospitality. Ono of tho mosf Interesting af faire of tho week was thn Thanks clvlng danco at tha l-lka pompIe Wednesday night. V Inrgt' irowd of Elks and their whoa and sweet hearts attended thh most success ful dance. Kvery one had a splen did time, and enjoyed Miemselves especially. In swinging their part ners In tho circle two-steps, which wore greatly applauded. Tho best or music and a lively crowd made tho dance successful. Punch was served throughout tho evening. Mr. and Mrs George Watt enter tained at a Thanksgiving dinner Thanksgiving Day. Thoso seated at tho table were: Miss Twyln Head Mls3 Alice McCourt. Mr. and Mrs George Watt and children, Gerald Ine, Roland, and Tom. Miss Josephine Low entertained at dinner Thanksgiving Day. The in vited guests were: Hex McMillan, W. W. Potter, Irene Santamau and Meta Chastaln. A musical was held at the home of Mrs. A. J. Voye Tuesday"night. Mls Lctha Drlscoll being the honored gnest. The guests were favored with six selections by Miss Leotta Noud, and a selection bv Miss Dris- M lK3ESHil9El9HHE9HIHbHHilB!3Eifc39BSQEIHiHHHlBH 65 Loganberries Are,U3ed to flavor one Jifly-Jell dessert. The juice is condensed and sealed in a vial. This is one of oar best fruit flavors. Compare it with the old-style quick gelatine desserts. 10 Flavor, at Yoar Grocer1 2 Packages for 2S CnU , 'coll. Miss Noud is to sing, "White Blossom's" from D. W. Griffith's wonderful production "Broken Blos soms", which Is to bo shown at the Liberty Theatre on the 21st, and 22nd of December. Miss Drlscoll Is leaving Monday morning for San Francisco, whoro sbo will study vocal music under Fuella Wagar Coplln, dramatics of Miss Joseph! Kincald. The regular meeting of the P. E. O. Society was held at tho home of Mrs. Verio Brewbaker Monday night. Mrs. McCow of Portland, state In spector of tho society was here at this meeting. She just returned from fa convention which was hold at Den ver, and told at tho meeting about ' w 1 Dassengers r and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WesternTransfer Co. pnrtmont. Tho regular Issue of 'TIio Tntlor" read on this occasion vtai pronounced nn unusually good edi tion with Pearl Lundy, Kdltor-lu Chief and read by Forrest Cooper. Florence Dlllard guvo un unusually good recitation on "What an old maid has to bo thankful for." Tho "Wedding Chorus" was rendered by tho Girls Glee Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Hobortson had as thulr guests at their homo In tho Hot Springs Addition, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Reynolds, Thanksgiving day. The Reynolds' reside at- tho White Pelican Hotol. The ladles of Sacred Heart Church ttnvn Kiiun Hilttvlnc rhnmuitlvan urlftt the convention. Mrs. Fred Fleet wasi .... . . .. I ...... i . .u i rn, tho annunl Important ovent of tho' Parish the bazaar to bo field Dec ember 11, 12,13 at the Mooso Hall. Initiated into tho society. Thoso present were, Mrs. R. O. Groesbeck, fo rtrfn Pnrniiot Mn Vorln RrnW. Lt,' ua AhV w,.n m,. sm Extensive arrangements .have nl- ' , .. ., . ready been made by tho committees Evans, Mrs. Frances Beatty, Mrs. A. ' . ,v .. i ' v-0 . .,, In chargo and besides the booths for M. Collier. Mrs. McCaw and Mrs. I . ... ' Fred Fleet. (ale, fourth part, accompanied by Ginovii Glenn, Piano Thoro In, In deed, great promise of u musical future for these young girls and thoso who wore ptvsont urged the slstor to present hur pupils In, larg er quarters soon that everyone may have an opportunity of hearing them to hotter udvnntugu. Follow ing Is tho pregram: Tho Thrush Rich Clans Reading St. Cecilia Fay Slack Sonata Op. 79 Beethoven ElTzaboth Ratnuby Mighty Lak' a Robo Novln Chlorlno Ryan, Catborlno Ulrlch Valso Bloue Margls Margarot Hargus My Heart Is Singing .. . Sans Soucl Elizabeth Ramsby, Opal Cnrdwell Vesper Dolls Krogman Anita Lawreiice, Romana Rail Whro Blossoms Grow . ..Sans Soucl Florence nnd Clarice Elliott Shopberd's Song Kern l.orntin Konop Kong of tho Sunny South (By request) "Violet Gale. Chlorlnu It) an TliituknghiiiK KugeiKi Fluid Tho Boy'H CliuriiH W. Ilnnnou nnd It llnguo, Violins, C. Riley, Piano. IAmour Op. tt'J No. 2. Hchutt Florence Elliott Old Frlund of Mint). Jacobs-Bond Witlvn Wlthrow, plnno, Jean Mc DonoM, vocal. Thine Eyes So Blue and Tender . .Lnsnlu Elvlrn Anderson Pansy Blanch Stuphuns, Ada Ball Mazurka, iSulnl-Sa.ons Ellznbuth Rnmshy My Ixivo O' You .Gorrlsh-JonoH Chlorlno ityun, Ellzabuth Rumshy Venl Cauctlln Florence Elliott. Chlorlno Ryan, Elizabeth Rnrnsby, Waive WlthrowJ Violet Onto Piano, Geneva Glenn Mm. E. A. Dunhnm. formerly eisxs MASONS ATTENTION Special communication Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M., Monday evening, December 1, at 7:30. WorkinM.M. Degree. Visitors welcome. By order of GEO. C. ULRICH, W. M. I (Continued on Page Three) 7, I 'I. December 11, 12, IS. . Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill Hunter en tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Th gueit-i wir Mr and 'rr Lamm o' ill" Lamm dliferent fancy articles for xmas gifts, a cafetorla supper will bo served each ovcnlng. " Mrs. W. H. McPherren entertain ed friends at a four course Thanks- Company and daughters. Ethel and. glrton dlnnor, Thufady. Thoso Edith, son Wllford and Mrs. Hunt er's brother, Seawood Futquartz. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Weedo.i enter tained Mr. and Mrs. C. T. WcvJon and daughter at dinner Thanksgiv ing Day. ' Mrs. Thomas Hampton entertaln- presont were the Misses Helen and' Lena Quest, Miss Eunice Vanden burg, Carl Schubort, Dr. Fred West-' erfeld and tho host and hostess, Mr.' and Mrs. McPherren. ) I Ono of tho most enjoyable after-i noons thnt tho music lover i of' Klamath Falls have spent for n long time, was given at tho assembly d tho Ijlnnrn Hour Cluh Saturday. I n.i,i o i,wi n,i frEi, ' room of Sacred Heart Church Put I'ltU&U TV t0 (UU; VU -fi4fc vftau ROOFING Now Is the time to fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and make It al most impossible to do the work. You sa ve money by doing it now, and save your property, too. Let me do your work and It will be done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phono 203 2.12 Oth St. ir.ents were served by the hostess. I I Mrs. Robert E. Smith and Miss Marie McMillan gave a dinner at the . home ' of tho latter Thanksgiving I Day. The appointments were In yel low and red, the center piece, a largo i basket of yellow chrysanthmums j and red carnations, with red and yel- low ribbons extending to each cover. The favors given to each guest wore , unique ) TIioho seated at tho tnblo were: ' i Mr and Mrs. Itobort E. Smith, Miss McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Mortonsen,' Mr. and Mrs. Don Zumwalt, Mrs. E. Estelle Carrlor. Mr. William Bray and Mr. James Milne. I - Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, Gth and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L-. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, 1. O O. F., meets Tuesday night ot each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlie Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterboln, Scrlbej P. h. Fountain Treasurer. urday afternoon, when Bister Angel llca presented her pupils In n nong recital in 'honor of St. Cecilia, tho patron Saint of music. It .votild he Impossible to mention especially each pupil's good points suffice It to say that they all show great pro mlso us the coming musicians of tho city. Wo must in out Ion how- ! ever, tho Boys Chorus, recently or ' ganlzcd, consisting of eight boys, i accompanied by Charles Rollly pl j ano, and Walter Hannon and Rich ard Boruo, violins, Ono could ncarco , ly realize" that these boys had not been singing always and Charles Rellly's accomranlments woro really those of a musician of several years practice. Walter Hannon surprised i ove'ryono as his lessons aro only of a The Parent-Teachers Association , few months duration, and ho takes gavo a dancing party for tho High' to tho violin as though ho received School girls and boys nnd tho Alum-! keen onjoyment from the very hand nl at tho White Pelican Frldity even- ling of It, Richard Boguo plays ox- inng. The danco was a success and . ceptlonnlly well and wo hopo Sister everyone present had a si.lnndld Angelllca will lot us hear the Boy's time. After running two porlods Wed nesday, high school closed with u Chorus often In tho future We must also mention tho closing numbor, ''Venl Caoclla," vocal, by Florence Elliott and Chlorene Ryan, Sopran short program given by the pupils of es, Elizabeth Ramsby, second part, tho Public Speaking and Music de- Wulve Wlthrow, third and Violet II ? ' ? M M i V MBHIM I I JL 1 Li ? ? I IE WATCH I I Dec. 11 and 12 CHIT ROMP MFATQrRAP VffMACII FOR Murphes Feed & Seed Store jiiia tviiu, iTiuni u vi in i u. uuu innuii rwiriTFNQ .. p' 126 South Sixth St