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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1919)
V i t A FVDvf "vrsrTjfwvj, ;; , 8 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATnm.iv, xov,a,;.rw c Wv AGK KOL'Il ' &' .sNs ' - The Evening Herald '-TTtH r s K. J. MUKKAY Editor FUKI) SOULK City Editor Rooting and Building Paper :&. jp: ,s n Published dally except Sunday by Tfce Herald Publishing Company or Khunath Falls, nt 115 Fourth street Entered at tho postofflco at Klnm hth Falls, Ore., for transmission thru 9ke malls as second-class matter. " Subscription terms by mall to any ""address In tbc United States: Dee year - $5.00 Oao month SO "V- Member of tho Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively untitled to the uso for republication all nows dispatches credited to It er not otherwise credited in this pa per, and also local news published fccrein. All rlshts of republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also resorv- ATUnOAY, XOVEMHEK !. It) It) THE OPENING OK THE KKSKH- i- iTinv I "Wo are glad that Mr. Baker 'etepped into tho limelight and op osed the proposed bill offered by Wr. Ashurst. It has done the very thing that should be done to accom plish the best results it hns brought About a public discussion of its pro Tlslons and centered upon it tho minds of the people in this section "who are most deeply interested in tho object of the measure the opening of tho reservation. No ono can honestly dispute Mr. Baker's earnest desire to work for tho best Interests of the community, no mat ter how vigorously they may differ "with his proposals. Neither can Mr Ashurst's position bo unreservedly supported, even though it has the backing of the Indians themselves. Both men have gone too far in their own directions, forgetting that there is a middle ground, upen which they Tnust stand if they are going to meet with success and at the same time protect the rights and interests of the Indians and the people of Klam ath county. One thing Is certain the reserva tion must not be thrown open unre servedly, leaving the Indians the competent ones to be the victims f their more advanced brothers, as well as the unscrupulous white vul- 'tares who are waiting fcr an oppor tunity to prey upon them. They must ot be denied the right of self-government elf-determlnatlon if you out into the broad field of world politics to choose a term that 1U with a nicety into a question so dose at home. It is onr belief that e suggestions of both Mr. Baker and Mr. Ashurst can be amalgamat ed and formed into a workable plan Just received a carload of Rubcroid and Rcsisto Roofing and Building Paper, We are prepared to meet your requirements Baldwin Hardware The House of Quality Klamath Falls, Ore. - r,rHfc.i-i j. " r-.L- 3$& - -.r 5 MrtumW'mTi h Xmas Special for Men ; ft that will givo to tho Indians Just what they aro asking for and h:vo a right to demand, will treo tho In dians and tho county from tho curso of the administrative Influence of tho Indian nureau, protect tho tim ber resources of tho reservation for tho benefit of tho Indians thetusolvcs. as well as for tho watershed that is so important to tho future of this county. This plan simply provides for tho administration of the afTairs of tho Indians by the Indians thomsolves. through a tribal council, assisted by a board cf consultors. consist ing of one member appointed by the governor of the state, one by tho In dians and the third selected by these two, no cne of the three having any direct or indirect connection with the reservation. This board would act as a bulwark between tho ag gression of tho whites and tho In dians; it would keep a watchful oyo on the administrative affairs of tho reservation and the actions of tho Indian council. It could mnko in vestigations either on request or on its own initiative. It could offer suggestions to the council In a word it would bo tho good friend that would stand as the "manda tory" for the Indians. The timber land of the reservation could be sold by the Indians through their coun cil, to 'be logged under the most modern methods, the proceeds to be distributed among the tribe in per petuity. It would be an "indissolu ble asset" that would bo an insur ance to the Indians agalnBt want x -vtj. . r and prevont them over becoming a charge upon this county. ; Soiuo objection hns been raised to , this plan en the ground that It does 'not givo to tho lml I im that freedom enjoyed by his white brother, but this argument Is not well taken. Tho ' white brother 1ms his forest reservo, with this difference ho bus nothing to say about Its administration. The government autocrats nt Washington I dictate that. L'ndor tho proposed plan. Wa8hlgton Is out of tho ruser tvntlcn completely. No measure i should bo considered for an Instant I that would give to Washington one iota of a say In the affairs of the reservation. Every provision to pro tect tho Indian against these pocket pickers should bo taken Just as care fully as they should bo protected i against any other unscrupulous white man. Lot us unite to stop It no is. but in stopping the bureau thieves, do not let us turn loose on tho In dians a horde of other thieves equal ly as bad. Let us romember thnt our first duty is to protect all of tho Indians, not only against dishonest whites but against dishonest In dians. This can bo accomplished through a well designed board of conBultors, with sulllclent authority to help, but not enough to govern or control the Indians. With such a plan laid bofore Congress, having tho indorsement of tho Indians and tho people of this county and state, the Klamath Indian reservation will bo opened at an early date. Follow either of tho plans proposed by Mr. Daker or Mr. Ashurst, and it will still remain in tho hands, of tho In dian burenu and an asset nof foi tho Indians but a plaything for dishon est officials, who enro more for their own comfort and pleasure than the rights and welfare of tho innocent Indian wards they have been hired to protect. sik NlX n r. . xi,T v. .. ?; y V FJrfT! . . Shirts We now han dle tho latest i n X in a a Shirts for Men in Pure Silk, Madras and Percales, Earl & Wilson, Cluett- Poabody, Standard, etc. $2.00 UP. A c All the latest in o d c 1 s in Men's Hats can now be found in our f large stock of . f ;s ' Stetson. Annlo. Norm! ntn The snappiest line of Caps in the city. vvu are ueuuiiuanors lor taps. omplete line Fine Gloves for driv- Just received, a classy assortment oft rlwioo .in1 wnvlf firms :nnl Suit f!:icoj I Hals 37 w $ ing, dress and work- Grips and Suit Cases. N. B. DREW - Men j HP s logs "' million of the business men of tho city the urgent newsslty of action, to the end that Klnmath Kails lw saved from tho disaster that con fronts it. Tho best solution of tho question that wo hnvo heard advanced In that a conference bo held ut which Muni tions men will bo selected to admin ister the nffalra of tho city, under a plodgo of tho present olIlclalH to car ry out the suggestions made, or, If this cannot bo done, tho Tcplaco inent of the present administration by new olllclnls, the present Incum bents voluntarily resigning. In either evont arrnngemuutn could undoubtedly bo made with tho bunks to finance tho olty until funds for doing bo aro provided by tho taxpayers. Othorwiso, It Is doubtful if warrantB will be honored, and without funds tho city Is in a dan gerouB predicament. NOTICK I-- Itoynl Arch .Mnxenn: Special ("on- .i i-i i. t ft i ii ! fviiiiuiun iMiiiiiuiii v.iiiii'ht ik. n. .ii.; Tiii'Hdny evening. Docemlinr ". Work fn M l? M ilfti.rm. All nmilttltiltitiil Invited. ' ! jy-3t (!KO. WALTON. II. lla . Dn-x-liia. Slmiiilxmliig, MuiltitlliiK, Vntv MuMiufe Scalp Ticnttiifnt by npDomtmrnt MIIS. ;,l, Itmim 101 Itmiiii 101, White I'rllran Hotel Tho tanning of ostrich skins l a I Imlltt ' ",0 lttrK'-'!" U'n aportlnr growing Industry In South Africa. ; country in tho world. AAAAAWWrWMNMMPWWMM YESTKIIDAY'H ELKCTIO.V i.rK .m'i ?&?&! IW& THE YULETIDE GIFT FOR THE HOME What is more enjoyable at the year's glad tidings than a piano, phonograph or music? Every home should have music. Music gladdens the heart of the weaiy and rests the tired. The Klamath Falls Music House handles a full line of Pianos, Edisons, Victrolao and Columbia Phono graphs, also the latest in popular music and the best in string instruments. THE KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE The result of yesterday's election was not a suryrJso. It was confi dently expected by thoso who have sounded the sentiment of tho citi zens, and another election would bo suro to meet with tho samo deci sion. Tho people of the city nro dissatisfied with prcsont conditions and they aro not going to vote addi tional funjls until they are assured that they will bo spent with less prodigality. Tho city is faco to face with a serious situation. Some means of financing Its affairs must bo found, other than tho Issuance of warrants for tho payment of which there aro no funds. The elec tion has brought forcibly to the at- HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Arouvfme&ta MMMWWWVMMAMAMAAAMAAA HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXCIXtJ KVKKY WK1I.VK8DAY AND SATUIIDAY X Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring t t STAR THEATER TODAY THK WOMAN THOU (JAVKHT ME' An Artrruft Hix-clal With An All Stiir Cant Alh Two IteelH of Good Comedy, SUNDAY CIIAKLKS ItAY In "THK KHIOIIIKI-K SON" .MONDAY ALICK IIIIADY In IN THE HOLLOW OE HEIt HAND' Also A 111k V. SihtIh,! Comedy , Will You Be There? Rally Day Sunday, November 30th in the Sunday School Church and Epworth League. Every member present at the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, the Church of the 'Cordial Welcome, corner Tenth and High Sts. GOOD MUSIC. Sermons morning and evening for live people who live on earth today. YOU ARE INVITED t Phone 125 Geo. A. Wirtz 733 Main St V I T ( Face Massage, Scalp Treatment t by appointment i I Mrs. Gill Room 104 White Pelican Hotel TEMPLE THEATER TODAY MA ICY I'ICKEOltD 1 "KSMKKHLDA" AIho A Itiiin How Comedy "A i)()(J OO.VH SHAME" In Two I'ai'tx SUNDAY AND MONDAY BESSIE LOVE In "OVEH THE OAKDEN WALT' Also Two IUIs of Good Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oracom LIBERTY THE ATRE "THE PICK OK THE PICTURES" II .XV. POOLE, Owner. IIAIJHV IIOUKL, Minimi l"'"r TONIGHT Winsome Viola Dana stars in J "THE GOLD CURE" From the Woman's Home Companion Story, "Oh, Annice!" Sunday and Monday The Eminent Dramatic Star WILLIAM FARNUM in "WOLVES OF THE NIGHT" fl m M Doors open at 1.30 and 7:00 P. M. '- , vion-i, H 'W?'. '" ""I"''1 Vl(tia f.i" WWWVWT9WWT'W'Wyf9'WT' ITTTfTTfT? . u i-yt --i- i- -c'1 XI A J.1 j r