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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1919)
: wmmmmmmmm imi PT'V? 'flPT- v -TfJBy ' THE FVFiMiNr.-HRRALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON simis ftATtmAv,,Uttn urn P &KMMKtfVtMStf&!!3i assengers Domestic Science Department & i T T and Baggage Conducted 4' Mrs.ScJteDc ?ntf Jkuncsric JWvci VlnvAw Sterry Vow tl A - BUSSM Hi'll II I ililW III I II IllIll l l III , Jif AGR TWO f IP WX&!F" 'sca ANYWnKKR IX THK C1TV QUICK 8KIIVI0H KKA8ONAM1K 11ATK8 I'UOXK 187 WesternTf ansfer Co. ssi o.k a M 4 Mli,v I ksMWBNiawtsststt assa'sn!!rsswwrxrS sLS VEGETABLES SHOULD PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE DAILY DIET ROOFING Now la the tlmo to fix thnt Hoof now boforo tho rnln and snow como and inako It al most impossible to do tho work. You sa to money by doing It now, and savo your proporty, too. Let mo do your work and It will bo dono right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phone 203 232 Oth St. VMWWWMWVWWAAAAMAAAA We can do your work and do it RIGHT We have opened a Garage at 522-538 S. Sixth St and we are going to have a repair depart ment that will be sec ond to none. We will do all kinds of auto, truck and tractor repair ing, and the charge will be such as to make you glad you came, and bring you back. We just ask for one trial. J. H. Garrett & Son In cooking fresh vegetables tho housewife will tlnd ample scope lor variety and have an opportunity to exercise her skill In cookery. Too often this branch of tho kitchen art la ncclectcd because It seems so I elmplo to boll vegetables. There aro few thluga more unappetizing I than o dish of soggy potatoes, cab bage boiled until strong and tough, or under-cooked string beans or peas. This Is really unnecessary, for It Is very simple to prepare veg etables If ono understands tho rules governing this branch of cookery. With tho exception of beans, peas and lentils, not many vegetables possess a high food valuo. They, Hko fruits, aro very necessary In tho diet all tho year round, on account of tho salts they contain. Different I vegetables contain different mln ierals, all of which aro required by itho system, and each vegetable In ! season should be given a place In i tho menu. &tlnl IMnnt.s Valued Kor Suits They Contain Tho vegetables vnlued chiefly for preparation Is by boiling", regard less of how vegetables aro to bo se.-ed. 'whether with .the vurltiutt st.ucus or scalloped or nu gtntln dhhes. Mvt oot Vegetables are of a Mnrehy formation which Is In solublo except In boiling water, ami If cooked In water under the boil ing point or placed In cold water nnd allowed to roach tho boiling point gradually, the starchy frame of the egotnhlo will become wnter scaked nnd tho result will bo that thoy will bo soggy and Indigestible llolllng wnter bursts the itnrh colls, and when cooked the vege- fnhio.q will bo dry nnd mealy. Xt steaming Is preferred, have the water under tho steamer boiling rrr'dly before vogouibles are ad did and do not allow tho water to l it below tho huil'iig point dining the process. Vegetables Dhliled Into Sweet and Strong Cln-vsis Vegetables can bo divided Into two classes tho sweet varieties, IWWMWMMMWMVMWWMMAMAAAM CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tefls How To Get Quick Belief bom Hcad-Colda. It's Splendid! tho salts they contain aro tho one, such as greon peas, celery, string lacking starch, and aro uouall beans, asparagus and tomotoes. oaten raw, and to this chus belong Cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower, jtur tho salad plants. There aro only a mips and onions belong to the strong few rulea to rcmomber In this rarlety. Tho sweet typo of voge branch of cookery. tables Is cooked In n small tmoiint All vegetables should bo cooked of boiling water, whllo tho strong In rapidly boiling water. ilrocn' vegetables aro cooked In a quau(lt vegetables srowlng above the of boiling water. Never cover tho ground should bo salted s3 soon asj saucepan during tho cooking or gas trey are nlarrul In lolling watr. cs will form which produce a strong, rml cooked ri an uncovered sauce- unploasant odor, pan. Th's U done to retain the, One-fourth teaspoon of soda flavor, minerals and eulcr. Root should bo edded to each quart of vegetables, or those growing below water in which tho strong variety of the ground, aro cooked In unsaltcd vegetables aro cooked. After study boiling water; salt is added vhenlnK tn cream sauces. It becomes a cooking Is completed. Salt tends' sIl'le matter to glvo varioty to the to draw out the Juices and toughen ! humblest of all vegetables. Cttli the fiber of root vegetables. Daked bnB Properly cooked, sorved with should bo cooked In a a wlllt0 8nucc' or turnips, diced with i a Dlchnmel sauco. will prove a wholesomo, appetizing dish which you would not hcsltato to servo at any tlmo. vegetables hot oven. Root Vegetables Hnvo Starchy Composition The most common method of In one minute your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream "Balm from your druggist now. Ap ply a little of this fragrant, anti septic, healing cream in your ncs trils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous mem brane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. HERE ARE SOME APPETIZING, WHOLESOME I VEGETABLE DISHES j Mrs. De Graf submits today the' added. Boil in an uncovered sauce- , following receipes for the utlllza- pan about twenty-live minutes, tion of vegetables in appetizing' cabbago should bo white ways: thoroughly cooked at that CHRISTMAS RECORD HEADQUARTERS EARL SHEPHERD CO. New Store 507 Main - Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at J. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. O.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. 0 n V mpfifn Tiiesdav nleht nf oarh . . . Vri O n V. hnll Arlln wMl toro cooKing rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe; I ,ng wator t0 which salt and one P. L. Fountain Treasurer. I fourth teaspoon of soda have boon Tho and tlmo. Boiled Asparagus Longer cpoklng will causo it to bo Wash and scrape the asparagus ' toueh nnd "idlgeatlblo. Oraln and and cut off the tough ends. Cook!fierVQ P,nln or wlth whlt0' hollan both the asparagus and the ends in (Ja,se or l,raw bl,tler 8auco rapidly boiling salted water; drain. Scalloped Vegetable saving the water and tough ends, Tnls B nIso an excellent way to for cream soup. Placo the aspar-'UB0 'eft-ovor vegetables. Cut vege agus on slices of toast, nnd serve ! tabIc8 ln 8lcea or cubM- u"or a with a drawn butter" or hollandlse,' baklnK d,8h a"anK a layqr of Bauce- j vegetablrs, season, then add a layer ' or sort crumbs, dotted over with a j little butter. Repeat until dish is mien, navmg a layer of crumbs on top. Uako In a moderate oven until Stuffed Vegetables Onions, green peppers, tomntoj aad egg plant are cooked In this' manner: Scald tho vegetables a! few minutes, then plnco in cold ' water and remove the poo! of tho tomatoes or onions, and rub ff the skins of green peppers and egg plants with a cloth. Tho centers are removed and the cavities (tiled with a stuffing made of seasoned bread crumbs mixed with a little melted butter, or the portion re Crcamcd Carrots Cut carrots, after scraping. Into nicely browned. Mash well, bolng suro tlmr.. are no lumps, and add butter mm salt In proportion to the number of pota toes. . Beat well, ndillng gradually enough scalded milk to mako tlii'in creamy, and contlnuo to beat until white and light. A ri'.or cjn bo used instead of mohini; lliein, then seasonings and milk can he ad ded, and tho potatoes beater until light. - Vegetable Au Grntln Left-over vegetables are usually slices; let boll in boiling water until J tender; drain, and for one pint of carrot melt two tablespoons of but-lued, and almost any varioty may ter; in it cook two tablespoons of bo prepared In this manner: Cut flour, half a teaspoon of salt and one-fourth a teaspoon each of pap rika and sugar; add one cup of milk vegetables Into cubes or slices Mako whlto sauce; butter a baking i dish and arrange a layer of vege- and stir until boiling; then add tho i tables Jn It, season, then add a layor carrt8- of whlto sauco. Repeat until dish Rolled Potatoes for Mjtslilng I is filled. Cover tho top with a layor Wash potatoes with a small brush t of soft crumbs nioIctonCd with and peel as thin as possible, for! melted butter. Hake in a moderate much of the mineral salts llo next tojeven. Choose may ho added to the the skin. Place In rapidly boiling whito sauco. water and cook until they may hoj Corn Fritters pierced with n fork. Drain andi One-half can corn; one-half cup shake them In tho saucepan for a! flour; ono teaspoon hnkfng powder;, fow moments to make thnm mealy j ono teaspoon salt; ono-fourth tea moved may bo chopped line and ad-, spoon paprika; ono- egg. Chop (led to the crumbs. Placo a small j corn and add dry Ingredients, mixed piece of butter on ton of each and, and sifted; thon add yolk of lxtaten bake in a hot oven. Servo plain or with a sauce. Moiled Cabbage Allow cahbag'e to noak in cold water for at least half an hour he- Place In rapidly boll- egg until thick, and fold In whlto of egg beaten stiff.. Cook on a woll greasod hot griddle. Celery In Whlto Sauco Wash, scrapo and cut celery stalks In ono Inch pieces; - cook twenty minutes or until soft In boil ing salted water; drain and to t t t X t r t ? ? r f t f t ? t t f K PRIVATE OWNERSHIP Superiority Demonstrated in World War E. N. Hurley, who served throughout the war as chaiimmt of the United States Shipping Board, was asked what in hlg had impressed him most. Ho answered : J u "The cfllcicncy of private ownership and' operation as com pared with public ownership and operation ALL Piinniin TION CENTERS ON THE COSTyou can't get away from that. Shift responsibility for the cost, for the best possible result under a given set of circumstances and you shift the responsibil ity for efficiency. On the Shinning Board, wo shifted this resume sibility from private shipbuilding concerns to the Government "With the shifting of responsibility of cost to the Govern- menc, inai Keen interest in resiuis wnicn louows private hi tiniivft was gone. THERE YOU HAVE THE WHOLE PROBLEM as ISUTWIiitiN I'UULIU UWM&iKSHll' AND I'KlVATE 0VNRI? SHIP STATED. "I don't know of a government-owned plant that produces more than two-thirds efficiency. In the years to come sonic way may be found to keep incentive to best endeavor in men under government ownership, but until that is discovered that system may be classed as a failure." California-Oregon Power Company $ Y two cups of celory add ono cup I whllo sauco. Thfc Is a mott satis factory way of us'lng tho outer j stalks of celery j I)oiiiiuIm Pntiitof.s .Melt two tablespoons shortening, add ono tablespoon finely chopped J onion. When onion Is yellow, adi'i two cups of potato cube.s Sea Kit with salt anil popper, cook un'ii. potatoes aro beuted through a:d sprinkle with finely chopped punt and serve. XOTICIS Kuulty 1120 In tho Circuit Ccurt of the Stnto of Oregon, for Klamath County. j In tho Mutter of tho Petition of the. Hoard of Directors of the gell Valley Irrigation District of, Klamath County .Oregon, I'r.y- Ing that All of tho Proceeding' In Connection with the Organl-I zation of Said District, and the Proceedings of the Hoard of 1)1-, rectors, and of the Said District Providing for and Authorizing tho IsHiKi and Sale of Ilonds of Said District, May Do Kvum'itod, Approved nnd Confirmed by thu Court. To the Langoll Valley Irrigation Dis trict and to All Freeholders, Le gal Voters and Assessment Pay ers within Said District NOTICB IS HKI1KHY OIVKN that thu above entitled court has fixed the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., of tho 22nd day of December, A. D. 1919, nnd tho County Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, as the tlmo and placo for tho hearing of the petition of the Hoard of dlrec- tors of tho Langell Vall"y Irrlga-t tlon District of Klamath County, Oregon, which petition has been filed with the Clork of tho Circuit Court of thu State of Oregon for Klamath County, and which raid petition prays that tbo above entitled court will examine into all tho proceed ings In connection with tho organi zation of the t.angell Valley Irriga tion District, and all tho proceed ings providing for and authorizing the I bh turn co and sale -of tho bonds of said district. Any person interested In tho or ganization of said I.angell Vnlloy Ir rigation District, or In thu proceed- by law demur to or unswur said iw- fert d"H nd heavy when wo arlso, tltlon and contest matters therein splitting bcaducbo, stuffy from u cold, contained. f0Ul tongue, nasty breath, acid Htom- Th s notice Is published pursuant ,,, ,,,!, i,,i t,i. inolt to mi order mado by the Honorable nc,, l,tmo bftck- Cftn- lnHlond( hih ,00,t D. V. Kuykondall, Judge of tho Olr-and feel as fresh as a daisy by wash cult Court of tho Stato of Oregon imp the poisons nnd toxins from tho tor Kiamam county, mauo unu en-,,ouy wltll Di,osDhatod hot water each tercd on tho 12th day of Novembor, ,'. A. D. 1919. C. n, DB.LAP, n'rn'nB- WU PIIUUIU Ulllin, uutuiu iiuuniw,., .. glnBs of real hot wator with a toa spoonful of limestone phosphato ln it to flush from tho stomach, liver, kid noya'and ten yards of bowels tho pro- Better Let Us Patch 'Em Up This is the time to look over your tires with the idea of making them last through the winter. Of course, if you must have new tires, Diamonds are the only ones to buy at this time of the year or at anv other time, so far as that goes but the idea we wish to convey is that we can make the old ones last through the bad weather, and save you money on your tire bill by repairing the worn ones. Bring them in, and if they are worth repairing we will tell you what it will cost. if they are not worth repair ing, we will tell you that, just as readily. We can't make a new tire out of one that is worn out, but we can take a damaged tire and repair it so you will get many more miles out of it before it goes to the junk pile. Diamond Tire & VulcanizingCo. MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St Phone 167 vlous day's lndlKtlblo waste, w bile and poisonous toxins; ttus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire nllmentary tract before putttol moro food Into the stomach. Tho action of limestone phosjfMM and hot wator on an empty stomacnu wonderfully Invigorating, it 'all tho sour fermentations, pits, I waste nnd acidity and giws one i .Hplondlld nppctlto for ""'";"" UlBisald a little whij J .. kirf m sDDcar m u' 1110 rone ui-ftiu Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the aytterp each morning and wash away the potoonoui, atagnant matter. to appear Clork of tho Circuit Stato of Oregon County. Court of tho for Klamath 17-24-1-8 NOTICB Sfrayed from Dodd Hollow ono bny saddle horBo' branded figure 4 on loft shouldor; ono gray horso weight about-1700 pounds branded HX on left shoulder; ono brown horso, weight nbout 11G0 pounds, branded upright tlatlron on left hip Notify Chus. Paulson caro of I N, Hcdrlcks, Merrill, Ore., and receive roward. 24-Ct l'UJIMO SAM-3 ikrAnua.orpounaofl; phosphate will cost very Utile UJJ drug store, but is "-"f-J anyone who Is bothered wlttJJ eHS,const.patl.onstMoX rheumnllHm a real en Uu alut o H,,bjnet of internal -""J-JRS and you are assured tba yuJ"' ,. bettor and fool better In every WW shortly. Ady. 'A'L Docombor 11. 12 13, Try 'cm. HeraldytggS; 3-4 mile Northwest of Malln,. Decomber 2, on O. D. Taylor ranch, 2D-4t W UNION MADE IfllWl GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS, EGG MASH FOR j Murphey's Feed & Seed Store CHICKENS t i i u - i 126 Sooth Sixth St