ii is 3fog Hsugntttg Herald J 0FFIOlAli I'AI-KK OV OFFICIAL PAPER OK KMMATH KAIiM KLAMATH count JBa Fourteenth Year No. 3779, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1919 Price, Five Cents ITIITI to Hi AT I HT STEP idmlnMrnll'ii Olllrliiln Dorlnro Tlny Arc lU-mly to Abandon "Wulxli ftt WiiltliiK" Attitude JrnkJnn Kiu (Iran lliwnl UTAH 1INUTU.N. n'JV. ZH. V Jomw Wallace, nn American clllion, was nhot and klllod by Carrarulata iioldlorH near Tam- pco, Wednesday, tho stuto do- partment Ih advlBod. InvcHtl- jatlon of tho flhootlng hna bouu ordorort. Dutallii aro lacking a hut t io iiiimiuiHirniion cnur but ,.,o ........ " --- ;M. Maud Tucker. 339 Michigan av- .eterlicd It ... 'almost tho last . of ft n bm T(o ''"A ,I"0'1 th0 ,I(,fnmlnnt r' nt"1 ,,0Hl"- I tho latter amounting to nhout $10, WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 28. Negotiations with Mexico will not; It was Intlmntcd by Judge Cl-ap-a proloiiKoil if unsatisfactory to tho ( man that tluiro wiw a possibility of United States government. It wns In- purolo on tho Jail term, providing dlcated by titatimiouln of admlnlstra- tho dofendant showed a proper rc lloa olllclalB today. Tho Amorlcnn pontnnro, and tho prisoner was nl jovcrnment, thoy Bald, hail docldod lowod to i;o on IiIh own recognizance ipon Its cmirBo of'uctlon unci Ih pro- to appear at 7:30 o'clock thin oven pared to follow It to whatever end Inn, when the parole petition will bo Uneccwary. icoiiHldured. J Tho amount which tho defendant WASHINGTON, I). C, Nor. 28. "-d bin lanillndy waH $21. AlthouRti further Investigations will i be made, tlio American governmoiit. has no Intention of receding from , ITALY SOCIALISTS Ha position in tho Jcnklnn cano, ad ministration olllclalH declared today. Tho government, they na!d, Ih pre pared for tlio next Htup, which may take the form of an ultimatum to the Mexican government. 1st victory at tbo gonornl elections MEXICO CITY, Nov. 2S. Tho H ,, act of complote solidarity with iaso eurroundlng tho nrroHt of tho tho Soviet ropubllc of Husaln, clear American consular agent, Junklns, iy oxproHsing to tho Italian govorn luralshcd tho basis for an oxtrn cdl-'In0nt an order to rocognizo Inunc tion of Kl Universal Monday loon. Tho newspaper quoted npoclal dlB patebca from Washington nnd Now Tork that tho next session of tho American Congress might concern Itself Immediately with tho Moxlcan situation, rovlving tho probability or intervention nnd giving nllogod planB lor a military advanco ngalnBt Mex ico. Tho oxtra, which was hoadod "A Grave Situation Dutwcen Mexico and the United States," created no un due stir Generally tho nowspnpors soem inclined to troat tho Jenkins affair lth much caution. There has been minimum oi cuuorini comment ami one of this Inflammatory. I At thn Amnrlpnn nmlinDiiv II wna ii ,,,, , , , , Ma that no answer had boon recolv- --. ..... .....x,. buit u.i.ifun.ij n m.. i .,.., ,,, , , . , i eairoiu tho Moxlcan government rol-. tivo to the American government's noto demanding tho rolonso of Jon Uns. So far as is known, Jenkins remains In jail m Pueblo. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2S. Tho governmont has chocked up on tho oi'lcial and prlvnto rocord of Jen kins and has glvon him a high class "ting. Oillcinla doclarod thoro was w foundation for tho chargo that ho Md conapirod with tho bandits. Tho latest roport from tho Amorl- n embassy showod that Jonkfns still in tho ponltontlary and 111 nd denied ball. Jn looking Into tho various fon- ures of tho consular agont'a prodlc ament olUclals pointed out today thnt ""der the Moxlcan constitution utato ourts had no Jurisdiction ovor cases involving diplomatic or consular of "c"s, such Jurisdiction bolng lodged "Peclllcaiiy tho fedoral courts. It contended that tho federal court Mexico cold settlo tho quostion '" ono stroko of tho pon, simply y assuming Jurlsdlbtlon as Its right, lh Moxlcan olllcials havo stated at their govprnment could not mix P in tho caso; that it was botora ,, f atu court nnd that tho federal '0,,rt coma not interfere WKATHim UKI'OUT ,ain.Ea0N Tonight and Saturday, WOfll IHlIn A- 1 &. .1 rato southerly winds. LOCAL GARAGE MAN WEDDED YESTERDAY K A. Dunham and Miss Kninm Mollimtd wiiro uultud In marriage yrstunlny afternoon at four o'clock, nl llin homo of Mr. ami Mm. Ai Mi.i. J huno. Ituv. 1C. . Lawrence porfonn- 0(1 tlio ceremony. Only Immediate rWnllmi of liolli parties worn pro- imnt, mid after tlio woddliig a du- .lloloun Tlmnkiiglvlng dinner wan iiurvud, Mm. Dunlinm lu tlio duugh lor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Molhoflu. Mr. Dunlinm Ih ownor of tlio Dunham gnnigo on Rlxth street. Mr. nml Mrn. Dunham will mako their homo In thin city, at tlio Dunham rotddonco on Gth and Onk, 'BEAT BOARD BILL; MAY GO TO JAIL A Jury In Justlco Chapman's court 1 Wednesday found L, N. Foobo guilty ,on ii charge of attempting to dofraud and nontoncod him to 00 dnyi In Jail. RECOGNIZE 'REDS' ROME, Nov. 28. Tho directors of tho Socialist party today adopted a motion declaring that tho "Social nftcr-,,HntoIy tho Sovlot ropubllc of Hub Hla." POPULAR BECOMES USE At tbo resldenco of tho brldo's ' par on Li Judgo nnd Mrs, A. L. Loav- ltt, 160 Conger avenue Wednesday ovonlng, Miss Pearl Loavltt, ono of 1 tho city's most opular maidens, bo- carao tho wifo of Frank IJ. Robinson. OutHldo tho Immcdlato family, tho omy persons present, wero Jingo ; ' ' b. t umi Mrs. i. v. nuyKuiiuaii, iir. aim iiiin. iv. u, niriiiiv unit r. v. luurr.ll. Tho Ilov. B. P. Uiwronco conductod tho wedding service Tbo bride wns simply attired In a bluo sorgo suit and woro a corsago bouauot of roaes and bridal wreath. Mi. R. h. Morritt attended tho brldo and hor husband porformod liko fiorvlco for tho bridegroom. Following tho marrlngo a bounti ful Thanksgiving dinner was sorvod and at tho closo of tho evening tho nowly-woddod pnlr left for thc Whltlock apartments, where thoy will mako tholr home. Thrro will bo no Immcdlnto honoymoon tour, but It Is understood hat later a trip Is planned. Mr. Robinson for tho lost bix months has been n member of tho, staff o tho Star pharmioy, resign ing recontly to tako charge of tho pharmacy dopartmont of tho now hospital, which will bo oponed iho ilrst of tho year. Tho brldo Ik too woll known nnd holds too high a placo In tho hearts of young and old nllko In this city to rcftuiro Introduction. Hor circlo of frlonds embraces tho entire com munity nnd felicitations and brat wisher for lor happiness will be forthcoming from tholn all. DIVOIKIK COMPIiAINT Adna Schumpf has begun suit in tho circuit court for dlvorco from Qoorgo Schumpf on tho ground of It.. OV. HM1. A..... m l.A minor children. EVANS JAILED LU mn 1 1 mm TO FOIJUHP OPERATE HERE Lark N. Ivvnnn, arrested hero nomo nix weuks ago on a chargo of luring a Orantu Pass Jitney driver named Whltw to a lonely plnco lh tho hills near Jacksonville, robbing him ut tho olnt of a revolvor nnd escap ing In tho Jltnoy mans car, but re leased after establishing un alibi, Is again In custody on tho snmo chargo and this liino tho authorities bollovo thoy havo evidence to substantiate tho chargo. At tho time of his former arrest hero Sheriff Terral of Jackson county took Kvans to Jacksonville, but Whlto was absent and tho sher iff was unnbVi) to mako his caso strong enough to hold tlio prisoner. Ho was rolcascd and returned to this city. Sheriff Terrall Informed the local pollco to keep watch on his movements and arrest hltn If ho endeavored to luuvo. In tho menn tlnio tho sheriff went to work to strengthen his case. Moody t waste, en which Kvans is alleged to havo wiped his hands aft er gagging and tying White In an old prospect nolo, was found among goods, tho oulccrs nssert, that tho prisoner had In storage. The stolen car, niado over Into a roadster, has been unearthed and Wednesday Ev ans was arrested by the local pollco on instructions fiom Sheriff Torrall, and a deputy took him to Jackson ville this morning. White came over with tho deputy nhnrlff anil when confronted with Hvans Identified him positively as tho man who had robbed him. Evans worked horo as an auto mobllo mechanic, both beforo and after his first arrest. Ho is a mar ried man. He says that ho served three poars In tho Canadian army. BREAK BETWEEN SPAIN AND SOVIET MADHID, Spain, Nov. 28. Spain has brokon off all relations with tho Soviet government of Russia, It was announced yesterday by the minister of foreign affairs. He said that tho tp had been taken because 'tho Spanish embassy at Petrograd had boon twice attacked and tho chargo d'affaires forced to leave Russia. MKXIOO MODERNIZED MEXICO CITY, Nov. 28. Two trains bearing farm machinery nro now touring tho ropubllc demon strating modern mothods of agricul ture. Tho tour Is being conductod under tho supervision of tho gov ernment. STRIKE SUCCEEDS CHESNEY. Eng., Nov. 28. So successful was tho housewives' sl- lont strike ngalnBt 24 conta a quart for milk hero that all tho dairymen aro now retailing it at 20 cents a quart. NEW DRUGGIST AT STAR C. L. Gill of Turlock, California, arrived hero Wednesday ovonlng and has accepted a position with tho Star Drug company. i yWMM,WWWWMWWV.WVSi SHOP iMWB CEBISTMAS! Another piece of evidence that tho prediction of Mr. Long of tho Woyor hausor company, that within Ave years Klamath would bo tho pine contcr of tho world, comes in tho an nouncement of tho Incorporation of tho Valley Lumber company, articles for which woro filed in Salem Wed nesday and with tho clerk of tho court for this county today. This company is being organized by Henry D. Davis of Wisconsin, a man known throughout this country and Canada as one of the shrewdest and experienced lumber men of tbo day. Ho only enters territory that is at tractive to the big men of tho busi ness and his 'coming to Klamath county Is ono of tho best recommen dations It can got, and will undoubt edly bo followed by men who have watched his successful career and profited by his pioneering. With him will be his two sons, Henry C, who will bo treasurer; Robert D who will bo vice-president, and George A. Stephenson, who will bo secretary. Tho latter was for years identi fied with and genoral manager of tho North Ucnd Mill & Lumber com pany, nnd knows tho business from tho ground up. Tho capital stock cf tho company will bo $100,000, but as It is tho'in tcntion of tho men interested to en gage in a general lumbering busi ness, tho amount of monoy Invested will undoubtedly bo far in oxcess of that figure. When Mr. Stephonson was asked about tho plans of his company to day, ho stated that at this timo thoro was no announcement to mako, aside from tho ono that It was tho inten tion of himself and associates to act ively cngago In tho timber business In this county. Twolvo votes out 'of a possible 512 In tho Second ward Indicates tho interest being taken in tho special election today, nt which proposals to lncroaso tho city tax rato to 28 mills, authorize a $90,000 budget for tho noxt fiscal year, create a $50,000 bonded indebtedness for Howors, and raiso a number of sala ries are boing voted upon. Doflnlto reports from othor watds aro lacking but watchers said that at all polling places tho vote was rela tively ns scanty as at tho city hall. Tho polls close at 8 o'clock, bo It is possible that voters will turn out after business hours. Experts, how over, predict tho voto will not run over 200. Tho city register lists about 3000 voters. Sugar cano waSj first introduced into Louisiana in 1751. contonnlal of steam navigation on Lake "Michigan. SCANTY VOTE CAST TODAY V 23 PMG fvN Tar niMnm UNTIL tw- v$M&&Sw WEST IS GRIPPED BY COLD WAVE CHICAGO, Nov. 28. A blankot of snow today covered most of tho country betweon tho Mississippi riv er and tbo Sierra Novadas. South of tho snow belt hoavy rains fell nnd a flood swopt part of Arizona. Trains woro delayed and wiro com munication disrupted in all tho west ern plalnB states. Lander, Wyo., tho coldest place In tho United States, reported tho thermometer 20 degroes below zero this morning. POTATO MEN ARE INVESTIGATING R. C. Zackorman and M. Zack erman, San Francisco potato "kings," said to bo the largest handlers of potatoes on tho coast, aro hero in vestigating the possibilities of Klam ath county as a potato growing cen ter of tho future. It is understood that they are looking ovor local land with the in tention of buying a largo acreago suitable to tho growing of the vege table. GOV PREACHER PENZANCE, Egnd., Nov. 10. (By Mail). Penzance boasts the distinction of nossessing a boy!to tno cola ana "eyonu tne power or preacher, only 15 years old. He is W. J. Harvey, who delivered his first sermon at the ago of 13. He is a nollsheri tneaker and uses no notes while talking. WAITS- WILLIAMS Yesterday, Frances Williams and Herbert Waits wero married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Weird at 137 High Street at 12 o'clock. Rov. E. P. Lawrence performe'd tho ceremony. Several friends of both parties were present. A luncheon was served fol lowing the wedding. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 28. Solzure of all bituminous coal mines whore tho owners show no disposi tion to co-operato In increasing pro duction,, and the use of troops to protect all miners who desiro to work, has been decided upon by the government in an effort to end the coal strike Fourteen per cent wage advance has been agreed upon by the cabinet as compensation to bo paid in the' mines seized by the government. This drastic attempt to bring about the ond of tho strike will be como effoctivo Immediately, it was said. CHICAGO, Nov .28. Cold woath or and snowstorms ovor most of tlio contral and southwest states has ren dered tho fuel shortage situation, due to tho coal miners' strike, more critical. In many of tho smaller cities and town the shortage has reached the acute stage. GOVERNMENT TO OPERATE MINES .stlsT vtfar. . . rjs MOTOR BOAT IS IMPRISONED IN UPPER LAKE IGE Observers With Glasses Fall to De tect Any Sign of Llfo Aboard the Craft Caught in Ice Rescue In Ready When Ice Breaks A roport from Rocky Point this morning stated that a motor boat was fast in the ice several miles off shore, but at 2 o'clock this after noon it was not determined whether there was anyone aboard the cratf. Residents along the shore have kept the motor boat under surveil lance through high-powered binocu lars but have failed to discern any sign of llfo or catch any signals for help, but the llttlo vessel Is so far from shore it la believed that oven tho glasses might fall to determine the presence of men aboard. The boat was first discovered yes terday morning. Residents of the Rocky Point section fear that the passengers of the motor boat, may have been unprovided with sufficient in tno way or ciotnes and rooes ana navo oeen overcome rrom exposure signalling for aid. I Mr- Hardst,, proprietor of the I Rocky Poirt resort, reported this ! afternoon that a south wind is blow- ing up tbo lake and tho weather si.zns point to a breakup in the ice. He says that he has a powerful motor boat moored at the Point and if tho ice goes out he will attempt to investigate the situation. He ax Up to this timo the thick massed ice ' Up tothis time the thick massed Ice has -made any attempt ,at rescue with a small craft impossible. NEW TERM OF COURT OPENS NEXT MONDAY The new term of circuit court opens Monday, at which time a new grand Jury will be drawn from tha panel recently summoned. Cases set down for trial at -the, next terra are as follews: December 1 Haller, vs. Hopkins; ' Jay vs. Grlssez; Bowman vs. Beck-ley. December 8 Schoenfeld vs. En- terprlse Land Investment Co.; key vs. Edwards. December 11 Ambroghetti L's- TS. strahorn; Stiles vs. Goddard At a hearing beforo Bert C. Thomas, U. S. Commissioner, Wed-, nesday, Willie David and Levi Bar ney, residents of the Klamath In dian reservation wero bound ovor to the federal grand Jury on a charge of stealing, a six-months' old calf from Herbert Nelson, and another calf from Harrison Brown. Tho defendants waived examination on tho Brown charge. They furnished bonds of $1000 each for future ap pearance and were released from custody. Tho ovldenco showed that defendants drovo a band of tholr own stock horo and traded them to A. C. Bunnell for an automobile. Three extra head woro added ''to pay expenses of tho trip," defend ants said, and It is alleged that two of these wore stolen stock and the authorities suspect that tho third also was stolon, but havo not yot identified tho owner. Bunnell would not buy tho thrco extras and after falling to sell them to R. H. Bunnnofl tho defendant, Managed to dispose of them to the Klamath Packing company. Noisc and Brown reclaimed their calven immediately. Tho third animal Is still In pasture aud tho authorities aro expecting to find an ownor for it TW R TNG 1