i JiAfe,"tr r4- Mfr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SSi'Kw pagr Kiairr MfilNMffMW 9N s5$b8 ? -?.- '-T'r X Fr f 8- 4f ; i r V i f Personal Mention Geno Wllkerson of I-orella l In tho city on husltiWH. Otto Klum loft on this morning' Irnln for Ashland on iu.it tors of busi ness. ll.i roUl Murr)man left tills morn ing for Snn Francisco on a short business trip. I). O. Schnlttor toft this morning on the train for Dunsmtiir on luisl ness. J. 1 Rilclirist left thli mornlnR for Uerkeley. after . abort Walt hero Mrs. Charles Drew anil children nro In tlio city today tram tliulr rfincli. Pat Parker Is In the city from h' rench near Illy. J. Frank Atlams anil son. Will, are in tho city for a few days from tholr ranch near Merrill. J. Ullilerhick and son, A lllliler liiek. left on thi3 morning's train for their homo In Ashland. Hen Uay, who has spoilt several months in Klamath Falls, left this morning for Word en. Joseph Kent left for S.m Francis cc on this morning's train after spending several days In this city. J. A. Anderson, who has been here for a short time left for Weed this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Obcnchaln loft oa this morning's train for Central I oint to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Obenchaln's mother, Nancy Obcnchaln. Mrs. S. C. Hayes left this morning for her home in Seattle, accompanied by her daughter and children, whom she has beeu visiting here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. If. B. Armstrong left op the train this morning for Silror ton, Oregon. Mr. Armstrong Is Fed eral Stock Inspector. Mrs. G. B. Skeen left for hor homo in Dorris this morning on the train, after a couple of days spent In shopping in Klamath Falls. Mack Reynolds, who spent the summer in Klamath Falls left for his home this morning in the eastern part of Oregon. Mrs. R. O. Thotna3 and children or this city left thU morning for Cas- tello to spend Thanksgiving with friends. Betty Gaddis left for Dorris this Mr. Kjnnoy, who In travelling for M. Sellers & Co.. of Portland, loft on this morning's train for thnt plnco. Mi s. 11 Gallagher and children left this morning for their homo In Willow'. California. Mrs. Gallagher, who was formerly MIks Marjorlo Me- Cluro, for tho past six wookn h.is boon visiting hor mother on West Hlvoralilo, nnit has greatly pleased J tl.o muHic-lovora of tho city by her lovely recitals She doclire.1 thnt! alio had n most pleasant visit wlillo, lu'ro. , I Mrs. Han Walker, of Ashland, has nirlvod In Klnmath Falls and Is go--lug to spend the winter with hor sis-' tor. Mrs. I. U, Applognto j Mrs. N K. Prior, mother of Mrs II. A. Colvln. left for Montague this morning after a short visit with Mrs ; Colvln hero. After n short visit In; Montague she will lenvo for hor homo in Rospburg. F. M. Kichnrdson. ex-roy export,, has been hero for some time Install-, lug tho ox-rnv transformer in lr ' Fred Wostorfld's office. While, hero ho sold Dr. Warren Hunt aj $1000 ex-ray for his now hospital j on 4th mid Pine streets. .Ho will ro- turn In February mid Install tl:e ex-ray transformer. ) Mrs. Karl Ueckdolilt Is In the city, today from Bonanza. I H4j THANKSGIVING BALL OF ELKS TONIGHT Tonight promises to bo a big night In the .social life of Elkdom, as nil tho Invitations are out for tho big Thanksgiving evt dince and a record-breaking crowd Is expected Dr. Paul Noel and Glenn Jester, tho commlttoo on arrangements havo overlooked nothing thnt would aid in making the affair a succct-s. , Peerless orchostra muMc, a splen did floor and tho "bust peoplo on earth" for hosts, form a combination that cannot fall to provldo pleasure for every one. inki s'jo each for peace disturbance I As a result of a fresh outbreak of, the feud between Mrs. Louisa Hon-' Ulrlcks and Mrs. Martha Schonchin. Indian women, on Main street lust M nl"M nnrh natil n fine of S20 for ills- morning to spend tho day teaching: tlu ,,;,. ti.c poaco in i,oUco jul,Se' music. She will return on the train heavllVa court thla m0rning. ', evening. ( There ,s a com,,ant pending in, M. I). Owens, who represents UiOtno justice court against Mrs. lieu-, Dayton Scales has been hero for sev- dmka and her son for an alleged oral days installing a Dayton SI leer assauk.several da) a ago ' , at the Rex Cafe. Ho left on this! . j morning's train for Dayton, Ohio ! Try "em Herald Want Ads : lee na lacte Hotel i Under the management of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wolfe, will serve a delicious Home -Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner NEW ENGLAND STYLE, and will be pleased ; to have your patronage. SLADE HOTEL 1006 Main Street 4 ! . 1 hh$khm: x x t f y ? t ? T r y y t f T y y y t f t t f r f t y t y T y f t f f This is the one "Thanksc'ivins" that we should dispense with t business and enjoy the festivities of this great day. With this ' good old country of ours still safe for humanity still a good place to live in with prosperity over this great land of ours let X us forget our business worries for one day and help make tins t "Thanksgiving" everything that it stands for. i KK K ' STORE, Leading Clothiers an STORE WILL BECL0ST1 Rfl ALL DAY THANKSGIVING ! .Srf ! A 5 d Hatters t y M?.MfMt Y ! Y Y t Y Y 9 AAJ y VTT7T " W V V TTTTrTrT V " " V WJ V TTW lnnr Tr V VT 'y'FWTVTTTVT'i'TII WWWSAAAVMMMA At the Theatres THE OWL CAFE Special Thanksgiving Dinner Ripe 01ive3 Caviare MENU ItclisllCfl Hearts of Celery Soup Turkey Giblet Fresh Crab FlAh Salad Canapes Mayonaiso Dressing I toasts Choice of Uoast Young Klamath Turkey, Cranberry Jelly Roast Suckling Pig, Klamath Uaked Apples Roast Young Chicken, Oyster Dressing French Peas Vegetables Candled Sweet Potatoos V Dessert Cbolco of Hot Mince Pie, Hard and Drandu' Sauco Kngllah Plum Pudding, Hard and Draudu Sauco Pumpkin Plo Cafo Nolr ' Assorted NuIb THE OWL CAFE 427 Main Phone 103 HIGH SCORES IN BOWLING CONTEST TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A ttaddlo. Phono 18K13. , n . ,,.. , ,i.l Houston's bowlers took threo Florence Reed, daughter of tho t ..... , .straight games from Nool's toam In late Roland Reed, the leading actor. ,Mt nght,8 C0Dtm n tho EkB t(JUr. made her debut with tho I'roctorln,,,,!,,,! Several high Individual WANTKD 2C-3t Llgget's Klect Chocolates, frenlt shipment at Star Drug Co. It Stock Company, Fifth Avenue Thea tre, New York at tho ago of 1C. Originally intended for a muslaal career Miss Reed's plans wore ab ruptly changod by the docoaso of hor father. Playing In tho Proctor Company for two years Miss Reed was then engaged to play leading parts with E. II. Sothorn. Her first big New York buccoss was in tho part of the psychic girl In Seven Days. Other prominent successes on tho speaking stage was Under Cover Tho Yellow Ticket, Tho Cele brated Case, and later still Tho Wanderor, Chu Chin Chow and Roads to Destiny In which last Miss ' Reed starred a notable triumph. Florence Reed's scroon successes are equally remarkable In Wives of Men this storling actress, to men tion only recent successes on thn sllvor sheet, made n notable lilt, and In tho still moro successful roleasos of United Picture Thoatros of Amor lea sho Is adding to hor famo as tho foremost emotional artist of tho day in such triumphs as Her Code of Honor and Tho Woman Undor Oath, which last Is by far tho most thril ling story that has fallen to Miss scores wore rolled by men on each toam. Thoro will bo no contoot to night on account of tho dance, tho game schoduled bolng postponed un til Saturday night. Last nights sceres: WILL TRADE Klamath KnllH property for Iota In Portland. Address, Alexander Martin, r3j Morgan Kldg., Portlan.l. Ore. 2(5-3t NO ELKS MinrriNfi ov ACCOUNT OK HOI ID" will be no mcetine Kails Mkc No- " K. tomorrow evenl w Houston's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. L. Houston.... 148 191 220 GG9 Do Lap 1C2 187 204 C53 Lonnox 188 203 170 D67 Mitchell 174 135 140 455 W. Houston. .. 235 109 127 531 907 885 873 Nool's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Joster 230 147 150 533 Ambroao 138 210 143 491 Nool i 171 159 137 409 Hoagland 170 175 140 485 Mooro 180 153 177 510 889 844 753 3 WANTKD Employment on ranch or camp by man and wife. Wife to cook or wnlt on tnblo. 131 2nd St. 20-3t WANTKD Hoard and room In pri vate family for man und throo boys "ago 10 to 17. Write particulars to TX Horald. 2C-Ct. Thorn Klumnth ' . " . ".,. hniMav. announced nccouni oi i" ""- ,,r l0J C. II. Underwood, exalted ruler. dny. 7. VI Docomber Hi 12i 13 NOTICE - .- Notlco is horoby given that I will not bo rosponslblo for any debts coa tractod by my wife, sho having loft my bod and board 26-3t WILLIAM J. UHRIN. COURT SETS HEARINGS NOTICE On or about Doc. 1st Iho Diamond Shoo Shining Parlor for gontlonion will move 3 doors west on Main St. tho west end of tho Star Tliunlro. 2fi-r.t n.ilntv nmt.ii-M. dollclou.-i routings , , , , . , , . 'and beautiful packages describes Thn hearing of John Flodon and,,, .. ,, ,,, (.,, nrinr ... , , , . ,,, thoso now candles at the bt'tr I'fiib Chris Thompson, accused of nulling, (-0 it Reed's lot for plcturlzatloi,, present-, bond. liquor, was contlnuod until Docom bor 1 by Justice Chapirinn yesterday. Defendants are at liberty undor MARIAOi: LICENSE. ing as It does tho unique experiences of a woman Jumr In a llfo and death caEo In a Now York court. Tho Woman Undor Oath comes to Mm Liberty Theatre today. The hearing of draco Jopson, charged with tho larceny of a Chev rolet automobile, was set for Novem ber 29, Sho Is at liberty undor bond. A marriage Hconso was Isucd yes terday to Charles Sherman Waldrlp and Mlnola Taylor or Klamuth Falls. Cluth's Fruits and Cream -enters mako Thanksgiving complete. R" agents Star Drug Co, 1' Shoe Strings Polishes of all kinds, or anything else you may need m connection with sho we have it. Hosiery for Children The kind that la at Bradley Shoe Union Store 727 Man S'' i i "Mf- &r &4&