rrnXKHMV. NOV. en, "" THE FVCN1NG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON l'AOK FIVK 'M' The Jewel Cafe The waiters and cooks are not on strike now but the housewives are, as they refuse to prepare Thanksgiving dinner when they can get turkey and all the good things that go with it at the JEWEL for $1.00, from 11 :00 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. MKNU Hourt of Celery Itfpu Olives Turkey (Jlblot Houp Tom Cod Tnrtnr Hauco Hpeclnl Grab flnlnd , HtiirTud Kliimath Turkuy, Cranberry Hauco Candied Hwoot I'otutoon K.icillopod Corn Hot Mlnco IMo Fruit Cnko KiikHhIi I'liiiii Pudding, hard and dollclouu Hauco Our regular dinner also at the regular price. THE JEWEL CAFE THANKSGIVING AT LOCAL CHURCHES The Old Reliable Place 610 Main Street The Lutheran congregation will hold TlninkHglvIng kitvIcisk fit thi Library hull, corner of Third i nd Mnln, Thursday, November 27, nt 8 ji. tii. Tho sermon nitbjrct Ih "OoiI'h (loodnr-HH unil MaIi'h rnthnnkful- iii-HH." A fordliil Invltiitlon to tho' ;;jpi.bllc Ih extended hy tbe Hev AI ('. Kofsmnn, pUHlor r,,... ............ ....... . ... ii i ) i imiuiir wnirm hoi vice 1'ir ''tho diiy will ronilHl of thu Mnii iif'l 'ThnnkHglvIng nt 8 o'clock u. m (it tho church. Christian HclontlHtM will hold Hcnlrci nt II o'clock a. in. ut lliolr i hull, 113 Fourth etrift. Tho hu!- 2, Jcrt Ih "ThnnkHglvIng." A wolcoino Tils iiRHUrcd nil who attend, Other ihtircl.m will unite In n J I union Thiinkhi;lvlriK service at tho Ti Christian church In tho evening i 4 The Hev K I' l.iture.iro will dllv- , . er Hie sermon i ? Christmas Gift -Ideal THIS FIRM KNOWS ADVERTISING PAYS Phone 185 i!,":': besides doir.tcr:grV ylX,' w .--3A all flwl nny dYier363"194. X-V"" ytoSfe paste enn do - ii sVl whitens Me peroxido" Sold only where A'D 'Snoods nre diyplnyed O 8 i SAN JOSH, Nov 20. Thlrty-fvo full piiBPH of advertising, believed to ho tho hlggcHt advertisement ever iihimI hy ono ntoro In a slnt;lo day, were published In the S.in Joi-n Mer-riirj-Horald for tho I. Hart fz Son (iiiiipany, niinoti.Klng tbo oponli.p of the runiodehiI Hnrt doiui tmont more, ono of tho oldest cfUiiblMh luelilH In tho city Tho Hart com pany I.:.h rocontly nd,ded 20,000 foot of floor Hpaco to Its already extonslv.j (unrterH and tho building occupies nearly an entire block In tho center of tho city. i..Tiii:it iti:i(ntT. "Ill CON-TunlKht and Thursday fair anil colder In the east, contin ued cold In west, fresh northeily wlndrt. SAN r-ltANCISl'O. Nov l!fi The jilorni fllgn.il Is displayed along the 1 roiHt from here to tho Canadian line Small craft are warned that thoy venture along tho coast at their porll. hit in rgi'iTV roil ni:citi:i or mveitci: si'.mmoxh Kqulty No, 111.1 In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Klnmuth County. FranccH (Jortrudo Wlncboll, Plain HIT, Y8. Juuicu Howurd Wlncboll, Defendant. To James Howard Wlncboll, tho aborts named defendant: In tho name of tho Stato of Ore gon you are bcroby required to ap- ippear and answer tho coraplal-it lied against you in tho above en titled iult, on or before Monday, tho (th day of January, 1920, that be lit the day of tbo laM publication of isomona and tho last day within which you are required to annwer, u fixed by the order of publication el tali summons. If you fall o Ap pear and answer, the plalutiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded In said complaint. Bald suit u brought to secure dissolution of bonds of matrimony existing be tween yourself and plaintiff. This summons is published in The Erenlng Horald, a dally newspaper printed and published at Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of Honor wle D. V. Kuykcndall, Judajo of said ifil1' Lnnd dat0l Novomber 21st, "is, tho first publication to bo niado on tho 2th day of November, 1919, and tho last publication thereof on me 5th day of January, 1320. H. M. MANNING and WM. OANONO, Attornoys for I'lulntlff. 1. 1." H',,ond Huslness Address, Loom-' pn ,u,IIlll"B. Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. 24-1-8-15-22-29-G I PLAN IA)NG TltlP mtmmmmmmmmimm imtw&mj&mrfA m nw?wW " IP m WhiM ' ' ' ww & m mmi'M'-iK ' wv:: m wzm w - w - . isrA St'Maia'. U l&ri m uw a .a -.i x ' IIiBi'ifaiMiX. ' "m '" I mmMsSu H Combs fiOc to ."51.00 H liniNlicfl 52.00 to .7.00 H TrH JWc to 93.R0 Toilet Setn frcm gil.RO to 9.10.00 H Hair Itcceitcrs HT,c to 92.50 M Puff lJos , 7Hc to ?2J50 m Christmas Cards 9 Tags and Seals I NOW ON SALE IS I SHOP EARLY S ft MPfHSorV'fl R.""1! pf p rxm rvui tv v S I I PUBITV I THE More than ever before the selection of gifts tends toward things of practical utility and enduring worth. Rack your brain for hours, and you can not think of a present that will be receiv ed with greater immediate and lasting pleasure than Parisian Ivory We have dozens of beautiful toilet arti cles made up in this exquisite material prices to fit every purse. I'.utton Hooks 2Hc to HOc Null Flies 35c to 7.1c Pin CuMilons JJOc to 93.50 Talcum Uoxctt 51.00 to 91.50 Hut Pin Holder 8.1c to 91.50 Hhoo Horns 35c to 75c Manicure Sets from. -.51.50 to 57.50 As usual, jou will find our cards, tags and seal in tho lead of all competition. Designed by urtlstx eclrbratrd for their eacjuislte taste, (iu;rucd mid embossed in colors, each with individual envelope. Priced from 1c to 25c each. "0. xrt Lfl TT w laAPIATIi FALLS OREGON Tft W lACCUl- ACv I VHCRE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THIR DRUGS Arllncton. A rll.it.. no fur liitit, llm li.ifriA fif Itlf. llliihtrlous smithern soldier. Itohert K. ' SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 26. l.i-e. Is a historic home Hint crente FIy-our University of Washington ii Si use of lntl.ii.u-y with history, but , students aro planning a Christmas, Bm Brennan. thu ChIcaKa beavy In less dcKrt-e due. no doubt, to the trip to Dcs Moines, Iowa, to attend 'velBht. Is after i Mturn mutch with fuel Hint only the shell of Hint benutl-'n Student Volunteer movement con- Champion Jack DempBey. A broken fill example of Greek architecture re- vcntlon December 31 to January 4 'ankle forced Bill to quit In the 8ev- fUBH HKAVY STUFF entb round of bis proUous meeting wih Dempsey Walter Coffey, who was a popular Kid Norfolk, the dusky demon, is boxer around New York a f-w years known in some part of the country ago, tried to make a tomttaacK in Australia recent:..-, but he did licit nr.o-t with any gre.it meas.iro ccess in bis ut. -ii'p. if as the "light heavyweight champion. Someone must have wished that title on the Kid. mnlns todnv. the residence hnvlnc lost .......I. rt llu "hnmA" ntmnunhnr through being denuded of furniture and partially c.oneii. uui wno cun iraverne Vlr,-,nwt. n n ,. , i - Its halls or Htnnd In Its high vaulted " -..., . ., .,.. . , memory the ry of the great men',B" wueen victoria was received nd women who once lived benentb Its! here recently to ne Bet up in front rooM It In linked up with Mount Ver of the British Columbia parliament1 son by family ownership, having been .buildings. The sUtuo weighs three the home of John Parke Custls. the tons. It wsa ready for shipment last son of Mrtb. Washington .nd the r BrUJsh c offlcaIa dld father-in-law of the noble Ie. not have ,t shipped at that time be- case they rines. All War the mhrer. A man going about from doer to door with wood on hU back to aell would be a dlttluct novelty In our country, but not' so In Mexico. Hell ers of wood with the wood on their backs nre not uncommon In Mexico, and the dress of these men could not be more nondescript than It Is. It Is mude up of odds and ends of wear In nppurel und, like the Indtun, the Mexlenn Is upt to be seen wearing a bliin'Ki'l . "" 't Is a.m enough to go wjthimt shoes, nnd no mutter whin his occi.piitlou, he would he seen wear ing the x iclf sombrero which fs Hie uiichtmclng nnd distinctive feature of Mcik'iin ilit'hH. feared German subma- CapUIn Rodgera, on the Univer sity of West Virginia football team, is tho leading scorer of the East, having 93 points to his credit this season. Boxing is making a bit among tbe -natives in the Philippines. Two of tho Filipino scrappers performed In Australia recently and made a creditable showing. LIBERTY THEATRE "TIIK PICK OF THE PICTURES" -- w w WVWW H .W. POOIjE, Owner. S IIARRV HOREIj, Musical Director W""V Tonight FLORENCE REED in "THE WOMAN UNDER OATH" CHARLIE CHAPLIN m "THE SQUAREHEAD" Coming Soon "Broken Blossoms." Doors open at 1.30 and 7:00 P. M. POOR REASONING Chicago. J. Or.den Armour of Ar mour & Co., Krnes.1 A. Ilnmill, pres ident of the Corn Exchange National Hunk; Julius rtosenwnld, president of Sears, Itoebuck & Co.. ud sev eral other Chicago mllllonalivs, aro going about today clad In shoes re cently half-soled. They refuse to pay $14, $IC and $18, the price "good shoes" aro sell ing for hero. Armour says he bought his first pair of now shoes In three years last week. Ttoscnwald, whose company owns a shoo factory or two, hasn't taken a pair of new shoos out of stock for two years. All of which hasn't anything to do with limousine's. You can bet your bottom dollar that Armour and tbe rest of them "half-sole" their limou sines too. Men with money alwas refuse to pay tho other fellow's prlco. The othor day a wealthy man In San Fran cisco spent a half day haggling over tho prlco of an exponslvo automo bile. He finally forced the prlco down fifty dollars. "Well, 1 saved that much, any how," ho said, exhibiting the JGO. "I hate to pay the other fellow's price." Rich men are rich because they buy carefully and save. Got tho sav ing habit. Work over your list of "necessities." Cut out tho expensive things, Put your money In War Sav ings Stamps. They will bring you 4 per cent compounded quarterly. Thanksgiving Day Special Harris Bros. Jolly Entertainers Classy Coon Comedy HHHHRrJtV'E ATfc t-..' I. I Ki u :?.!s,v' .n. j". F-veVf VJWrv Music Melody Mirth r..t; X :r"l ''- PRICES- TWO FULL MATINEES Doors Open at 1:30 and 3:30 P. M. ' Evening 7:00 and 9.00 o'clock -Adults 50c, war tax, 5c; Children, 27c, war tax, 3c In addition to the big picture, "THE WOMAN UNDER OATH," the Harris Jolly Entertainers will give a refined vaude ville entertainment at each performance Thanksgiving Day at the Liberty. Harris & Bell, the Ragtime Fun Makers, will surely make you laugh. Ivory Baker and Goldie Duncan will entertain with a singing and talking comedy. The mixed quartette will close the program with Southern songs we all know. Don't miss . this special at the Liberty. i Liberty- Thanksgiving Day i