:hiav, Nov. mi, inin THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ivwu; Timitu, 13 " BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL CARDS ! Commission & Auction DR. CARTER DENTIST Room yM wo buy household fur--iinrn' mill llHirclllllldlllo. High ?! cash prlro imlil. Him, WHITE lli;iM)iffl phone 85 DICK 1 00 K Mlilfl St. KllN'til KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works, 11)10 MAIN HT. l'liono :tin..l 1I1M Mnln Si. 0. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly t Ifi Mnln St. JIiiinivMiido Pie iiiiiJ Cakes. Culil Meats & Lunch Gooil. Ico Cream nnu Fruits. Ui HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We linmllii tlio Hurley-Davidson MnfnrcyrK'B ami lllcyelon Kxolus Irely AIko buy, soil nnd exchange ill othor aiiikimi. I'cniiHyivnniii tiil Diamond Tires nun tuiiuu. C. E. 1UHMARK 115 fi. Olh Ht. Klniiinth Falls RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W A",. 4 ', 7 A. tf . , n -a m. l "U r :' "Vr "pfcj, ,p( . n c.i-m Troubloa Ih My Troubles. H' . U.ini: ii.mo iii liny part .f tin- ilty E. C. KTIVICY. Carpenter it t'liljiiiattnakor Phone 4J7VV 101!l Main. , "N J. ('. CI, I GIIOItN Clill Hiiglnrer mill Surveyor Offlco G17 Mnln St. Mimic, Off Ico, HID. Hew. IIWM. . J VMWVWWVWVWWV CITV AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 817Mln AiiTHUit n. wilson Manager 0. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under new manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. Phone 460 Ice Cream 720 Main Bt. Oamdles PASTIME Jack Monrew, Prop. Ogsre, Tobacco, Soft DitekJ Peel and BUlUrds Barber Shop In oCnnectloa OCR MOTTO "Courtesy and SerrleeM DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarrer PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets NOTICE . grayed to this place Oct! IB, ED o-' n "oioateln holfor, branded ear, halfVor A Ful1 crop a ,cft E mav !,, wu' OIt "8" ear. ownor I aim navu B,im, ,)V Pnv1nK feed bill -.h ir mis au. i-.ntnrpriao FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Iooinbi llldg., KIiiiiiiiIIi Fall DR. O. A. HAMHO Dentist I. O. (). F. IliilldliiK PHONE (11 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Nihv Open for Maternity Ciwi'H Mrs. Itonn McDmilcls, 301 High St Phone 455 Olllco Phono 177W Iti'K 177U Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician mnl Surgeon Wlill. ( llullillni; KIiiiiiiiIIi Knllrt Oregon IJR. R IJ. aOHUARD O'ltiMipntlllc P'lyMrlnu It Niirgs' Hullo Ul t, I tl. (I ( . i.mplt (over K K K iori Plmtie 8!M (The only 0!cM!:t'ilr I'uysl lni ill: J K :.- .h in K!aitir.tk K'l ) DR. R. B. GRAVER Diagnosis Mi'illi"! ' 'iitl Sorcery Ollli I'Vi I I'iuI.TUimiiIh Phono ?miV 7tli mnl M.iin i.:"-:..:..:.-:..:'.' (CATHERINE SCHL.EEF . : i I'liysli'lan anil Siiigoon I'llin', t !'il llblg. A i WARREN HUNT MEDICINE ANI SUItOKRT 20C I. O. O. P. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Hnccciwor to Dr. Truax Hult 200, 1. O. O. V. Bldg Ofllce phono Htt.1 Ron Pbono 80M Phone -151 J Houso 1B1M Residence- DR. A. A. SOULE Offlce, 420 Mnln Rcsldonco; 1009 Main HAW Mllili ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. DeHlKncrn mid Iralldcrd of mod era Haw MUM, Planing Mills, Itox Plants. Complete plants contract ed., Appralnal.1 and reports made. DrodKlng. We contract to build any class, of a building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done, niue Prlnto made. PHONE 140J Office In K. D. IluUdlng MiWVWMVAMAAMMMAAMMA KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do An Kinds of Spring Repair ing Now Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthlng AMj WORK GUARANTEED Phone 800-Y 017 Klamath Ave. VOCHATZER BROS. DRILLING Kluiiiath Falls, Oregon - f i - I am now prepared to furnish I L . 1i. ' . j Shasta Sand from the Hooy, Cam., sand and gravel pit, In any quantity that may be desired by contractors ind bnlldorfl. AL F. GRAHAM. Jjp It's a season of better baking in imm lit? I !SL bigger batches. Thanks to (HEffiiM&S . gf M Flour, there are mor.e appetizing Biscuits, JkB F'-W ' Pies, Cakes, Bread and other goodies in store. wtfwtLjS'" , so, say "(U5M00S"tovour " JLEtSfiSji3k: ' i j a SjP trade mark ., ' Si. " grocer when you order flour. AT B&at Patent (;' Jte H FLOUR Ja SEtSJKEJOS. Panalce Flour yiTj V &$$& , and Wheohe.ru also at f ffj ? feftlf I FplTp your8rocer- 1 US' JAS mm ' j - iiiihr mrs i liuiiiiii n ii l n iuj iMJiMiiiiiiihKiiniiii r Biii .r- ... K til. . . ,'4IWi. .U4.'Oi!jlXii.. PALACE A TOWN IN ITSELF More Than Fauitaen Hundred Rooms in Vienna Home of Ex.Empeior of Austria. TIutp nro 1,-HO ronins in Ibo "lry pnlnrt fiinnerl.v oi'riiplcd iy ilic ix i'iiiiPi'ni' of Ailslrln. In Vioiina. Il l nKxii oiiiilppnl with 1(H) kltctu-ns mitt the rourlynril envors JS.IKHI ini'li'i's. Thi mnhslve ilorlr i'iiIu .ins nl ilu out Ride I'litmni'i wore ronsiriu'ti'd h Pi'ter vnn Hoblle In 1S21-24. Tlu-oiish those one enters the "Pnlnee of Heroes," outside the rsstle wiinl. A new wine was milled here In ISS7-IM. The Inner walls nre of the UoiiaisRanee style, by Olilnimin and Rniiinann. mid were completed In 1l17. Kiirtber on, toward the eastern side if the ground. Is the Ueldenplatu. where gtsnd w exquisite inoniinients, the Inrgest In the rnpltnl. 'The one n the left Is Unit of Prince Eugene while Mint on the right Is of the Archduke Hurlcs, who defoHted Napoleon m Aspern. A Itonian ruin of snelent date Is spen In the enstle grounds. It Is chsriicterlstle of the Kommi con querors, but Is sr dllspldnted thst hut two or three of the portals re main, the others being nothing but crumbled stone. A tall' arch Is the best preserved pnrt of the ruin. Near the Itnmnu ruin Is n great obelisk, resembling n needle more tlmn most monuments of the kind. The top Is finished In gilt. The sides bear hieroglyphics of the history or Austria. Near it Is the glorious Neptune foun tain, mid from Schene Ilruuner (beau tiful fountain) the castle grounds de rived their name, Schonbruiin. NOTICE. Tho Barber Shops of tho city will bo closed nil day Thursday and open until U.00 o'clock Wednesday night. 2G-2t ti&3KMSr THREE INDICTED FOR CLAREMONT TAVERN MURDER PORTLAND, Nov. 25. Indlct mcutH charging murder in the sec ond degreo were rcturnod today by the Multnomah county grand jury against David Smith, James Ogle and Walter Banoator, alleged to be con fessed principals in tho Claremont tavern robbery and murder Friday night, in which J. N. Bargees and George Porringer wore killed. Tho caso will be handled more, ex peditiously than any similar case of recent years, it is believed by the district attorney's office. The coroner's jury last night rec ommended that tho men be held for niurdor and that the death penalty be ro-cnacted. Tho Jaiz Spirit Wnvevly (brty Glddlgnd Is crsisy ever Juzz music. M."ir"clln Indeed. "Yi. I learned that when I took her on light-seeing trip through the hlggoM holler shop In town the other day." "1 diui't L'et the connection." i "A MH.ii us wo entered ihe door ' and !i''i heard the terrific din she grahbi il ioj arm mid snld. '(Joe. let's tiuigo."' Votingstown Telegram. ! I NOTICE Strayed from Dodd Hollow ono bay saddlo horso branded figuro 4 an loft shoulder: ono gray horse. ' weight about 1700 pounds brandod 1 HJC on loft shpuldor; ono brown horso. weight, about 1150 pounds, I branded upright flatlron on loft hip I Notify Chnii. Paulson caro ,of P. N. I Hwlrloks, Morrjll. Ore., nnd receive reward. Cl-Si - .... EASY TO DARKEN YOU CAN BRING BACK COLOR AND LUSTRE WITH 8AGB TEA AND SULPHUR When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no ono can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home Is muaey and trouble some. For 50 cents you can buy at R Toys A full line of new and up-to-date toys. This stock is all new and has not been picked over. Don't wait too long or you may be disappointed. Auto Supply House 7th and any.rdug store. the ready-to-use .pro.. aratlon, improved by the addition C other Ingredients, called Wyeth's Sag. and: Sulphur, Compound.."' .You .'just, dampen a; sponge' or soft brush withU It and draw this through' your halt; ' taking one small strand at a time. By mornlng all gray hair disappears, aat, after another application or two, yaw hair becomes beautifully .darkens glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and aa we. all desire a youthful and attractrrw appearsnee, get busy at once witfc. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compoua and look years younger. ,, Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. Main -" 'J m Best yet. Herald Want Ads -w.