The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Islfe AGK TWO
: IBrl ! ' LieHTis oir
Ift should satisfy " ' , '.,
Be 4p without surf eitinj; - iy
1 -SL Snow Flakes nre of a wonderful .J .- "j
ft Isl texture and enspness perfect ' - X"
S Sold fresh evervwlierc bv grocers "
I L Ji
t , m juii l iiarv inr ur.LCKurs ttw n. . n.-j
1 Wwv sa! Snow Flakes A$& .7iiV Co.
TO -v j5
V Archeologists Exp:ct to Uneo.i'
Jj' Treasures of Art Hldc'cn for Some ,
n .'I Twenty Cinturics.
m i i
; Purine the wnr nreheolnelcni evn-1 K
mt rtlm,t nf frtmnli-i .in lhi nnplli Af P . . . C9 VvJfc
SAN DIEHO. Cut. Not at!
Klubornto nrriHiKoiuunW him liuon
HEWS Mflgs
i ley to tlio cant of San Diego for tlio
CMICAliO. Nov 26. - The fortieth celebration mnrXIntt the opening or
biithd.iy of tie IncnmJeaci-nt light tlto Sim' Ole:o A Arliotm railway,
bulh was colctirntoit hero rotontly which, connecting with tint Southern
wlun the dehpUs to the conwn Pft'lUe rntliond ut Yuma. Artionn.
tlon ot the lllutnlnnttni; KuRtnoi-rtin;! will mnki xnnotbor tninni-ontliientitl
'Soilctj of America mot on n tat- loute ltiillrond imm of prominence.
'ospee.allv urrtutReJ to eotnc'do wit'1 hnvo predicted that thin Ih llkuly to
tlio aunlvotsary Speakers recalled; bo the lust route of the kind to bo
, thni the nnuounommt ti Thomas opened for nt least several ymira.
jj KillKou. October 21. 1S7U. Hint h..j It Ih nnnouuci'il tbnt riKUlnr train
Im.l perfoctcil nn IncnM.hwcent lump service between Bnu DIlko ml Im
ttmt wout.l nwill) "light." wiw re- I""-'"1 T11,,y ,oll,,,, " ,w Ht"r,,ul
fcelvcil v.h Bood-tmturetl riillcule'"" Peeember 1 niul ttmt trmiH.ontt-
l?ut iorapl.1 n tho tlevolopment of "" ,r""s bu ruunlnu over
the Invention uiul rccoRnltion ot tlm ",u 1,,u' h J"""'"- I.
FOR SALE Roal Estnto
VOn HAM: Or will tmilo for
Klnmntli Kullii city propetty, -K)
cre.t, ti inlleii from Klumnth l'n,i
nbnui 20 mrcM ciiltlvnlcil, tlm very
limit of noil. Ilnlimct) timber Inntl
'11 lit t til r 111! II tllnlll Ifltf iv.k.l .iFV I.. . .i.
mitrfe here nmt In the luiperlnl !, About 10U cortln limb wood ntlll on
Kiounu two room eublii, i;uin
olilclcuii Iioubo, woil of water mi
arcomptlnlinient that on tb follow-1
The celebrittlcn will bo from ne.
Iuk ClirlMm.'B
euralon ri,m,,or 1 to 0. Inclusive, tlio llrm
; Durlnc the wnr nreheolnelcnl x
Ytlnn wert contlnuiMl nt the Itnllitr
eolonj nf S.vrvnnlc:i on the north AT
rlcan cihisi, mill now iiiine the lie"'
that whnt h:i Iwen fouml alrn1r
nnilM the uiuweriim of iiuotber!
ancient city as Itniiortsint n"! IVin
jwll. Once Uioti a tfuie the vpot
wns a Oreek colony. n"lth ihe civilian
tlon nf t! recce tnin"plnnei1 to tl:'
oil of Afrlcn. The work h;i lnen enj
rlctl on during the wnr under the u i
pervNIon of I'rof. I.uclo .I.irmni. d
iwtnr of the nrcheolos'nil -ei!ee o
the mliiKtry of the mlonieo. nnd lh
prediction Is now made that the nt 'i j
1y discovered City will evennmlM
prove actually richer ttrin rompcll In
Its evidence of a past civilisation.
Jlerc have been found already vmttics
of the Graces a Hermes, an Kros, nn
.Alexander the Great and most Impres
sive of all. the Aphrodite of Cjrene.
"which Is said by certain connoisseurs
to be a fair rival In beauty to the
Tcnns of Milo and the Venus of Cnl
das. The discoveries have extended
rer a pood many years. It may be PLATINUM AND
added, however, as an Illustration of
the modified Joys of archeology, and
the Introduction of a new mystery Into
the history of art. that the Aphrodite
f Cyrene lacks both head and arms.
The world may wonder what she
looked like as r.ell as what she was
supposed n be dolne.
tn.ln wna mn from New ork to
.st Orange. N J. umtIuk
'tlrtuiit to lew thi woudeni of tie
P a community llKhted by eloctr
c .y.
IVtlar'nt imt the ue of clctrl
oltv for I'ltl'tirK is yet only In tb-
ttiHt !t..)Ui of development. tte
fuckers po..ued oat that g.-nei 'I
ucp of the hd.aon Inenllou did imi
come until the last leu or fifteen
.tenn- nnd thut up to that time ken -rene
nnd gasolmo lumps nnd candlm
were widely used. Hut now even
smnll communltlcu hnvo olectr'c
lU;btitiK plants nnd farm homea nre
four dnyH hnlni; boon allotted to
this city mid the Inst two to Imperial
valley cities, which, by t tit t route,
will have a short outlet to tttlnwntur.
Another fen tu i o of the Hue on which
Its In. I Id -n li-ve Intel eniphtiHl Is
that It will ntTord nn nll-yenr-rouud
nnd easy t;rudo line from the wist
to the rnclflc Coast The lino
'!" ." l....Vw'
WUUo IVI ""llrc. ff.l?t
'"101. "i l!
y "AitiiAon u-i
III A kl
II t. 1
"mv"'1 PnonVi V ?
pump In well. Adilnma
llartett, (enurnl Delivery.
tlio Stterainoiito Co. Iiui.l, 10 hitch
near l.odl, eboap for casti. Will
eouHliUir nxcltniiKo. Wlmt hnvn von?
('nil or address Itoom 12U W'lilto
Pelican llotul. 31-tf
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
COIl KAI.H Milk Cod Olilekotm
niul Turkoya. City Milk Depot.
I'hojio 21M'.-J. 2.5t
FOIl SAI.K nt a Imritnlti tlm follow.
Ini: Hccotul hittiil cum 2 liUi;
IIoo'h In koiiiI coiidttloti, JSMi eiirh,
1 I'.'li! l-'otil tiiitrtlllT ear .
2 StiuletKiI.era. r. passiiiiKer S&o ,
and SliHitt C. I, McWIIIIniim,
11 .',7 Mtiln. I'liutio Kill. I7tf
, roil
i :.o
through tlio moimtulns if Ann Diego 'iitre
county near the liiiperlul valley lino
has been built on tmoy crude, prac
tically frco from snow
The first dny of the celubrntlou
hns been set iinlile In honor of John
D. Spreckles of this city, who lias
Itl.NT Hood
feel, near H
lletnld olllce
wurnhouHo 5 1 X
I Dopot In-1-tf
ti f :"
",r rii iu ..'
"'J'" 1'ltniHo ami ' , nln C
"' r Pb-ioie r ;' ,tlclM'
",,,,,,,n "'" Hliir!, J A, ,
" '!' WANT llTI'li... ""
-''i i.h....,' ""S,h ,, TP "M
(llrl. ..."
miiiK. u. V"'c
"MiVHiK uiul
"""""oil rll ".; "' Renetii
"d-1.. , , ,:: ', "?n " to b,
". iiu nl
mil to tin,.,
e iimLf
'"i 'I ii mn iii,
r m,.t!i
n.i .;r,;,,VuV.ri,C"a
ilivcifii1 tiiorii (tinn tnu viwirii nf tint.
llgbtlnK n nlollar way while tho ai- M- offort n,KL ,, ,...
structlcn. Tucsdiiy, Ducemtnir 2,
will bo harbor day; Wodneudny, De-
plication of electric power to prac
tical uses hn been widely extended
KOH li:akk
that hnvn oiiulpiue
ntianm ttiemuelves. a deNltublo ranch
Adremi M K. 'J. Iloruld olllcu. n-tf
To responsiblo parties MADAM IH1NA d.i - .
ut and cash toi ..,rl ,
U",l,1' '! 1',
I'nlinWt niul MihIIuiu
Down In the blue crass of
Mar'se Henry Watterson's statu.
Democratic lenders got a severe
J&lt in the recent elections when
Edward P. Morrow, Itepublicun,
was elected governor. It was one
of the political surprises of tho
November " polling to natlonul
leaders of both big parties.
. .comber .1, Htiulluin day, when events
.. ....'....-..I If...!.. I , ...
( iui cuii'liil nuillti itiu uo IKHKOI III
I New i-rcncn ko-tus. i aan uieRo a great outiloor uretia;
Crinh dspatihts tvciiH) stnteil Thursdny
tint the en1 Ire road construct Inn pro- )0l pa
" Ihi re will xisi ni-iiri) iw 1 iim- -
II .. f..i.,..u .1 hli.h If lw dlt,tt.l Itl
Mi. Il-.l.-m-v. I.u.Ik.1 reponer. w,l. s,i, -"'' l '""'y auu navy au
li mice n mad symeui superior in Hint thorltles have promised hearty co
in fun- H.e wnr one liundn d mid operation In tho events, whkti will
-tii,i . million fraui'h linio Ihtii Include several puradei
, u!i,i'.:ed to re: d repair In the In
. vudril regions.
Uo.uIh your entire llfe-P,i ami fi,ire correctly ri,.'
llieH.s I,,,,, w. ,, d 2.
i-Htlc troulileH Telli vim ,,. I.
nn. ( iKlnptP.1 fnr and hit to
1 , to belter jour enmliiinn. i. .,,
- 'I Ills lady reaiU wmr lmn,i .. ...
WANTICD- Store work or store r oultl un n,cii 1()l) A rcaillnA.
WANTKDHIrl for K-tnurnl hoitiuv.
work nnd cookltiR - Mm. O. O. Uih
itroe. Illy, Oruttou. l-t
lay. December 4. will bo Hal-' olllco cleanltiK by IiIkIi school boy M''r will ine.-t mir IiIkIiW cip'cu
irk day. tlio main part of tho ,,,,0I,B r,l)'J- 'm '""I'"' will ho KMr ,,J
MR held , the ,ys ,..' 7 --::- 'fiZX
i --
The quick way is to use
Dr. King's New Discovery
DON'T put off until tonight what
yon can do today. Step
Into your druggist's and buy
m bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Start taking It nt once. By
the time you reach home you'll be
on the way to recovery.
Tills standard family friend has
been breaking colds, coughs, grippe
attacks, and croup for more than
'fifty years. It's used wherever sure
fire relief Is appreciated. Children
and grownups alike can use It
there Is no disagreeable after-efTect.
Your druggist hns It. 00c. and L20
bottles. Give It a triaL
Bowels Begging for Help
Torpid liver pleading for assist
ance? How careless to neglect Oieso
tl Ings when Dr. King's New Life
Pills so promptly, mildly, yet effect
tivcly come to their relief 1
Leaving the system uncleaned,
clogged bowels unmoved, results In
health-destructive after-effects. Let
stimulating, tonic -In -action Dr.
King's New Life Pills bring you the
happiness of regular, normal bowel
and liver functioning. Keep feeling
fit, doing the work of u man or wo
man who finds relish in It All
druggists 25c.
URBANA, 111., Nov. 2fl. A new
metal alloy that can bo substituted i
" for platinum or gold where acid re-
slstlng metals are required has- been
discovered by Prof. S. W. Parr of j
the department of chemistry of the ,
University of Illinois. The new alloy,
which professor I'arr has named
"Illiuni" in honor of the university,
costs approximately 25 cents an
ounce whereas the cost of platinum
recently was $140 an ounce and gold
40 an ounce.
Th first mixture of llllum was
made in April 1917. This was not
entirely satisfactory but early in the
next year a fifty per 'cent standard I
of Euccesa was obtained. Now a
piece of the metal has been kept In
acid for six months while tho acid I
has been made hot and cold, diluted
and concentrated, and the metal has
shown no sign of change.
Last year It was used with mark
ed oucceHu and tho calorimeter
bombs used in measuring tho heat
units in coal which the .government
has ordered in large quantities now
contain llllum instead of platinum.
Other alloys, It is said, have been
found too brittle and can be cast
but not machined like illiuni.
We can do your
Work and do it
We have opened a
Garage at
522-538 S. Sixth St
and we are going to
have a repair depart
ment that will be sec
ond to none. We will
do all kinds of aiito,
truck and tractor repair
ing, and the charge will
be such as to make you
glad you came, and
bring you back. We just
ask for one trial.
J. H. Garrett & Son
. I 7.
! December II. 12.
I On Friday, December 5. special - - --
trains will take several thousand'
people from San Diego to Imperial I
i valley, where tho celebration will bo
c.utlnucd for two days.
I.,, I . . -n " till
.. ,...,.-.,. ,-P nnd inuring you in an .
vlrotiinent f ml,y ,10Ught ai
contentment Iti.i,iiK, Sun.hf ani
l,'," '' ' "' 3u p m itoom 5,
v .iiMon 111,1k , ,,, KUn atore. Main
"M . between Mh ,i, ;ih, opn Wcit
lorn l-nlon. Kl.unutli FnIM Orccon
I 12-13.19
J "IVrhnps nt no other lime In this
! nntlorfs history In the nppcnl 'Work
and Save" ai nc-oie-nry nn ir present.
' Mnnnfaetiirers, lliuiiiclers. rconniulHts
I and ninny others Including esen tho
more rouaerwitlve labor lenders, real
l7.e that unless we work and work hard,
nnd sac and save hard, wo ere headed
for a period of uuiMM'edentcd I nrdHhlit.
j This Is not the mere inouth'ug or n
I Jingo or professional penult.) st. It Is a
I fact, and to supported by Inrrrucrnbtu
s'gns everywhere K.very hour wasted
. nnd nvorv itc'lar hi', ml nn'ill.uvtv la I
I lP'.c a small dagger thrum at the heart
i of IMS country Tuough of theco dag
ger thrusts will finally reach the hoart
HSolf. The fact Hint we are extra
ordinarily rich f'iril.shes no Immunity
frm ultimate disaster If wu waste
these rl-hs-i. The thliiK to do Is for
each ard every one of us to pull In the
same direction, towards national econ
omy. Wltho'it it we are lost. With It,
we can Insure 0'ir natlonul futuiu"
"Odd Lot Review
National economy Is only collective
10 sneks No. 1 need potatoes, dry' -
hind spuds variety. Karly Six Weeks NOTK'i:
proforrod Netted Horns or Hluoj The l.adle, of the Catholic Churd.
Centennials. Address Albert nr- will hold their annual Pair Dee li
rntt. General Delivery. 24-flt 'l? t;t 22-tf
each morning before breakfast, a tluj
of real hot water with n tcwpoonful of
limestone phoxphnte In It to wash Iron
the tttomach, liver, kldnflys anil ten
ards of bowels tho previous day's in
illccntllilf wante, sour fcrmentatlonj
and polnons, thus cleansing, sweeten
ing nnd freshening tho cntlro allnen-
f tnry en mil before putting more food
Into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache. III-
ilousness, misty breath, rheunwUin,
colds; nnd particularly those who bste
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
Happy, bright, nlort vigorous nnd (to constipated very often, are urged
vivacious a good clear skin; a natural to obtain n emitter pound of llmestons
rosy complexion and freedom from til-.phosphate at the drugstore which will
ncss are assured only by clean, healthy 'cost but a trifle but Is sufficient to dem
blood. If only ovory woman nnd llko- otiBt rate tho quick and remarkable
Hopes Women
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
t Glass of hot water each morn
ing helps us look and feci
clean, sweet, fresh, ,
wise every man could rcnllzo Uio won
Jeru of the morning insldo bath, what
a gratifying change would tnko place.
Instead of tho thousands of sickly,
anaemic- looking men, women and girls
with pasty or muddy complexions; In-
personal economy Qu-lt buying and uead of the multitudes of "nenro
sink your dollnrs In government seen-, wreck8 rundowns," brain fags" nnd
TrTli..: Pessimists we should see a vlrllo. opt.-
mtstic throng of rosy chcokod people
An Insldo bnth Is hnd by drinking,
Stimps and Treasury Savings Certl-
"V i".
& c.
' Notice is hereby given that from
this date I will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by Henry
Shadley and wife. November 24,
1919. E. H. Qulgley. 24-3t
Have an Oil Heater
to take off tho chill when it Is
tco warm to have tho furnaco
going. Wo have them that aro
as pretty as a picture, tako
very little oil and are guaran
teed to bo free from smoko or
smell. Don't wait till all tho
family ltavo colds. Get one to
122 Main Stieet
Malin Hall
Thursday Evening
Nov. 27, 1919
Everybody invited.
Music by Malin Orches
J. T. KA.MA11AD,
.Mirny I'aufjH That I'usm for Hlieu-
iiiutixiii Art; Iluilly Ihio to Weak
change In both health and appearance
awnltlng thoso who practice Internal
sanitation. Wo must remember lbt
Inside cleiinllnci-s l more Important
than outside, becnuso tho skin does not
nbsorb Impurities to contaminate the
blood, while tho pores In the thirty
feet of bowels do Adv.
At 507 M'l'n Karl Shepherd says,
i. ii, ia nhrlstmas," tt
iuy iniiDi. ii,"
I Is It rhoumatlBm?
, Not every pnln Is.
1 Weak kidneys let uric acid collect.
i Uric acid causes quoor pulns.
I In tho thigh it's sciatica;
i In tho back, lumbago;
' In tho nerves, neuritis.
Gout, gravol, dropsy or' uric
When you suspect tit a kidneys
uso Doan's Kidney PIUs
i Tho homo-recommended remedy,
Klamath Falls testimony Li the
, best proof.
1 llond this Klamath F'ulln rnan'a
! II. S. Wilson, carpenter, Fourth
land Pine Sts., says:
"So voi al years ago I had .'heumatlc
I pulns. Hearing Doan'.s Kidney Pills
recommended so highly, I gavo thorn
n good trial. I took llvo boxes In
succession and they pormanuoutiy
lover-cumo that trouble. Slnco then,
I I hnvo never had any symptoms of
rhotiriiatlc or kldnoy trouble"
Price COc, nt ull dealors. Don't
simply nsk for n kldnoy romody
get Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho sumo
that Mr Wilson hnd. Postor-Mll-burn
Co., Mfrs,, Iluffnlo, N. Y.
A New Tire
Horo la a tiro that Is a tlre-TIIE M0C about
Kuartinteod for 10,000 miles, but you don t hnvo 0' i bur a
that, for it will always boat that murk. 'I'10 " , iJ. for
tire, buy a Gonoral It's tho tiro you've been looKini, "
Wo havo u fuU lino of accessories here. Drop In an
thorn over.
CMT MM MPATQfRAPQ VCC MAQH FOR Murphey's Feed & Seed Store
y 9 uvivi ifiauii CHICKENS jm south sixth st
;i it.-il'