The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 25, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    'AT, NOVKMMCW , ltl
rJ-y--:::....,4V.VWWJ. , y ., btit, T w
zr ? Jbiimiittw of (JeeJ Drat
The value in buying Ncttleton Shoes U that they
nut only look well when new but thry pew $U
guxt fully.
Avoid the loss :uul disappointment of cxntri
inttitini;. Wc recommend Kcttletons.
KOI, I) nv thi:
l'( IllHhn Al(ClltN
Agtnl o' Ntllkton Mtn't Sliotlt,e WcrM't Hntit
fftneh Invtntor, AfUr Lena Study,
H Evelvtd a Truly Wonderful
Artificial Product.
According to Count Hllitlrr. Inventor
of nrtlfli'lnl Milk, which li now pro
duced by vast factories In Hwltrcrhmd.
Hclglnm, France, (Cngland ntnl the
United Stilton, It turn fur Its hauls noth
ing less tlmn gun cotton. One of tho
yreatcst problem lip had to solve In
perfecting It for everyday use wiin to
render It rioucxploxive.
The gun rot ton under the chnrdnn
net prnoi'M l flrt cIInhoIvviI In n mix
ture of nlrrihnl unil ether find then
upon through fine rapllliiry tubes by
means of lijdrinillc presses.
Other rlieiiilrnl processed give It In
comhuMtlhle n ml noncxploshe quail
lien, together with the civndstency nnd
Hip trunxpnrency of the finest Hllk from
.Inpim or Chlnn.
It look JiihI .'10 years of the SO nlilch
Count lllhilrp has eompleted to per
fect IiIh tllfoovcry nnd rendpr it of act
mil mid practical commercial value.
'I lie llliiNtrlniii chemist and scientist
hii" Just I ii elected to the supreme
honor of membership In the Trench
AiiiiIciii of KcIcwth for IiIh discovery
of how to put one over on, the silk
norms. During the war he hud been
decorated by the Trench uilnlNter of
war with the Cross of a Chevalier of
the Legion of Honor for discoveries
rdatlw to the manufacture of high ex
plores glowing out of bin resell relics
innile piliiuirlly to render aitlllchil silk
Mi" Mllgs toeplilHlo,
Office Supplies:Xmas Goods
VereoHiiliiKU first-class Slu-
llontry Store, in which win oe
carried everything for the Olllce,
uellrH a select lino of Holiday
(loodj. I'lllNTINd of all kinds.
SSWa 126 Main Street
Klamath Lodge No. 137
I. O. O. F.
Heed Friday night of each week at
1 0. 0. F. hall, 5th and Main atreeU.
P, J.aerges , N. O.; Fred Bremer
BKreUry; P. L. Fountain Treaanrer
JEwinna Encampment No. 46, I. O
0. r., meeta Tuesday night of each
nk at L O. O. V. hall. ArlleWor
ril, C. ;P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe
P.SL. Fountain Treaaarer.
Today's Birthdays
o O
Sir (leorgo W Iluchunun, Itritlsli
ambassador to Italy, horn In Copen
hagen, G5 .earu ugo today.
air Frederick llaultaln, chancel
lor of tho I'lilvurslty of Snskatcho
wau, born In llugluud, G2 years ago
i Itt. Itov Denjamln llrewHtor,
Kplscopnl blnhop of Maine, born at
Now llntcn, Ct., 09 years ago today.
JudKO Hen I). Lindecy of Colo
rado, the father of tho Juvenile
court HyBtcm, born at Jackson,
Tenn., CO onr ago tod.i).
Walter A. WntHon, reprosentatlvo
In Congress of tho Fourth VlrgUp
district, born In Nottowny County,
Va., 02 years ago today.
A. F. Graham I
General I
Concrete I
Construction .1
Shasta Sand Used I
Exclusively H
crates en
De:lre for Latest and Prettiest Things i
n evidence of Wlidcm, Ac
cording to Authority.
"Woman him gained her political nnd
lull llei nial fi loin," Mild Kinll W.
I Kuliii In an address befoie the Nev
Vol I, Kelnll Jewelers' eonvetitlon lit
Saratoga. "She has declared In public
ami Iji prhiite that neer again will
she be the slae of men. Hut 1 ven
ture that she ulll runulu the willing
fchue of fiuhlon.
The wouiaii who declares bhe would
rather be dead than out of fashion ex
prehses a thought In every woman's
mind. Ah It Is a man's privilege to pay
the bllln, he may at times express dis
pleasure. That man, however, who Is
permanently and chronically displeased
at or Indifferent to milady's pretty hat,
becoming gown and beautiful Jewelry
Is n brute nnd should be caged with
other wild animals.
"To be contented with the thoughts
and things of jesterday Is to stand
still, and stagnation breeds decay. To
be sensitive to new Ideas Is to be
jouthful. Woman's desire to possess
Jewelry that Is new and fnslilonable
and beautiful Is an evidence of growth,
mid growth Is the Inw of life."
.wo obj
The American men nnd women
must guard constantly against Kid
ney trouble becnutro wo eat too much
and all our food la rich. Our blood
Is filled with uric acid which tho kld
noys strive to Dlt'erut, they weaken
from ovorwdrk, become sluggish;
tho ollminatlvo tissues clog nnd tho
rosult la kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline in
'JVhon your kidneys feel liko
lumps of load; your back hurts or
tho urlno Is cloudy, full of sediment
or you nro obliged to sok relief two
or three tlmeB a night; if you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spoils, acid stomach, or you have
rheumatism when tho wenthor is
bad, got from your pharmacist about
four ounces of Jnd Salts; take a
tablcspoonful In n gloss of water be
foro breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous snlts Is mnda from tho acid
of grapes nnd lomon juice, combin
ed with lltlilu, and has boon used
for generations to flush and stlmu
Hto clogged kidney; to noutrnltzo
tho acids In the urlno so it no longer
Is u source of Irritation, thus end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; ennnot
Injure, makes n delightful efferves
cent lltliln-wntcr beverage, and be
longs in every homo, becnuso no
body ran muko a tnlstuko by hnving
it good kidney UtiBhlng any time.
Present indications are
that all kinds of wood
will be scarce and high
er in price in the near
Take my advice and
buy now.
"Wood to Burn"
W'ono 187 702 Main fit.
and Baggage
l'HON'B 187
Half a mni0n barrels of high-'
"ade Petroleum in ton yonrs is the
Word of the plonoor wells in tho
P Creek o(l:flelds of Wyoming. "
Now Is tho timo to fix that
yioof now hofoto tho ruin nnd
snow como and ninko It al
most lmposslhlo to do tho
worlc. You sa vo money by
doing it now, and savo your
proporty, too. Lot mo do your
work and it will bo done right.
rbone 298 S33 Oth St.
Safe Light for Miner.
Nowadays the up-to-date miner car
ries a packnge of electricity about with
him while underground. It Is a smnll
stornge battery attached to the back"
of his belt, and Is connected by a cord
with a lamp fastened to the front of
'his cap.
The lamp, provided with a reflector,
throws quite a flood of light In front
of the miner. But Ha chief advantage
Is absolute safety.
In olden days miners (who must, of
course, have iTght) carried about with
them open-flame lamps. These caused
Innumerable " disastrous accidents
through Ignition of cool dust or gases.
Sir Humphry Davy's invention 'of a
tafety lamp whose flame was protected
by a wire gauze saved an Immense
number of lives. It Is In common use
today, hut the electric mine lamp Is
better and more convenient.
To Photograph' a Star.
A discovery may be made photo
graphically by some astronomer this
fall or winter in the constellation Gem
ini, according to Isnbel M. Lewis of
the United Stutes naval observatory.
It will be u stor of the fifteenth magni
tude In nn elliptical orbit nnd has been
dilllcult to find nnd identify because
In the Milky Way there are countlo&s
others that are brighter.
The dibits of all the planets ex
cepting Mercury, are nearly perfect
elides, ami discovery of n planet ex
terior to Neptune tlmt.moes in a
gieatly elongated ellipse will stilke
one more blow at the nebular hjpothe
sis, which assumes, s.ijs Miss Lewis,
that the planets' nlmost circular oihlts
nie duo to the fact that originally they
weie thrown off as rings from a con
tracting solar nebula.
Iuegularitles In tho motion of Nep
tune Indicate that the unseen planet Is
di awing near to Neptune and during
tills peilod of conjunttiou tistionomers
hope to determine the mass of the new
Reclaiming Waste Places.
Twenty jem'" ago a news story fitn
Washington says land In the Louisiana
palish of Tangipahoa was worth 00
cents an acie and human lle was
w oi th scaieely nn thing at all. It was
a case of cause and effect.
Then the Immigrants came. They
weie ehlelly Italians and llungailaus.
They had lived at home on land that
was poorer than tho Tangipahoa. They
practiced intensive cultivation. Today
their parish Is one of tho greatest
strawberry farming districts In the
United States.
Land that sold for 50 cents Is now
worlh $100 an acre. And the school
authorities luivo practiced Intensive
cultivation on the human products of
that land. Americanization has made
life worth more there than It ever was
before. Bin'tjhflmton News.
s. tRfMVjW. ,n the world at any pricel You'll
Nv v i '''',?-'V''''"-'-i prefer Camel quality to premiums, WPjCSm
naTV jf&yii'JZ-jrtjIP ja!--' m coupons or gifts! i'AVml
K. t CJ v. U'fdfi iM ' 'M B s "t 4bl ir .T 'sI m V aW aw .ft I. " -aaal
aW' r. xv kJTBJI u.B aW l'Hai bVbbK-' -H aw f. 'B aV"aS aw jH
H -'-V'''B s -,",T 0F''i''t'rm M'.-fl r" I .!rrB '.'
Camels are eold every
where in tcbntlfically
aealed package of 30
cigarettes or ten pack
ages 200 cigarettes)
in a gtasaine-paper-covered
carton. We
strongly recommend
this carton for the
home or office supply
or whin you travell
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Wistton-SoJco, N. C.
CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you
ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch,
then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know
for your own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth
body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a
class by themselves I
Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice
Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this blend to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the
remarkable full-bodied-mildness and Smooth, refreshing
flavor it provides! Camels are a cigarette revelation!
Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only
permit you to smoke liberally -without tiring your
taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un
pleasant cigaretty odor!
Compare Camels with any cigarette
in the world at any price! You'll
prefer Camel quality to premiums,
coupons or gifts!
At the Theatres
When Eugene Walter's play "Paid
in Full" was produced by Wagenhals
& Kemper in New York in 1907. it
created a great sensation. Its re
ception by the public was phenom
enal and after running a season or
more, it was played simultaneously
by several companies en tour. This
plfiy has been picturlzed by Para
mount. for Pauline Frederick and it
will be displayed at the Temple
Theatre tonight. '
One of the best photoplay stories
"ever furnished Enid Bennett,
the Thomas H Ince star, as 'a vehi
cle is "Partners Three", the Para
mount picture which will he shown
at the Star Theatre ' tonight. The
action revolves .about Agnes Cuyler,
who, at the opening of the picture,
is discovered to be a cabaret dancer.
Accepting an offer of marriage, by a
Westoner to escape a distasteful' ex
istence, she Jumps from the frying
pan Into tho fire. She finds her hus
band is a brute, who, in a drunken
humor, abandons her on the desert.
She is picked up by a prospector,
who secures her a position os wait
ress in a railway restaurant. Here
Bhe falls in love with a sickly youth,
and because of her sympathy and
care for him. Is practically driven
back to the desert. The two find
a haven In the adobe hut with the
Eskimo babies are seldom wean
ed until they aro four or five years
bacco ,and to swallow tho juico, be
old, but thoy aro taught to chew to
tweon tho ages of 9 and 12 months.
If anyone began to count tho cor
puscles in the body of n man of av-
'prago size, counting at tho rate of
100 a minute, day and night, it
would tako 2S5.000 years to com
plete tho task.
New' Store
507 Main
The "shop committee" plan of or
ganization apparently has been
tried out with success in the mills
of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber
company here, believed to be the
first company to try this experiment
on th Pacific coast.
As a result of the plan, recently
put into effect, some 800 employes
of twp mills of the company now
have personal representation in all
matters affecting the industrial re
lations of the plants, the plan', it
was announced by the company,
would be extended to its twelve
other plants and' lumber camps as
rapidly as the men grow fnto it an4
become sufficiently' interested' to a
dopt it. Publication of a monthly
plant organ, -with 'the editorial
direction in the hands of the em
ployes, also in contemplated, the
first issue to appear in December.
The lumber workers' appear to
have seized the "shop committee"
plan with enthusiam. Matters of
personal welfare, safety, sanitation
and wage classification havee been
considered by the committee. One
workman's claim for higher wages
was refused by the committee. Al
lowances for overtime suggested by
the committee met speedy agree
ment from all mill officers, and other
questions of working conditions
hnve been settled.
On the workings of the plan,
President J. H. Bloedel of the mill
company says:
"It is going to remove many of
tho difficulties that in tho past hnve
arisen between employer and em
ploye becauso of the fact that thoy
have held aloof from each other.
Tho elimination of outside interfer
ence will follow, because this system
will inspire mutual confidence nnd
reduce to a minimum rancor and
antagonisms." '
Among the althy eccentrics of
Hngland was a man who lived near
nesting Ills fad excited much atten
tion and nmii-enient among hN nelghj
bnrs. Punctually at noon each day in
would appear In Ills front jni'd wJth
n crimson ttuhan on his head, his feet
covired with rklily embroidered" nnd.
leweled sandals, and with a coolie
cloth round his waist. Then, abso
lutely Indifferent to tiie hoots of the
i.eonle in the street, he would first
pray aloud to the sun, "the father of
light and good," and Immediately oft
erwmd prostrate himself before a
quaint miniature Idol with diamond
ejes What made his eccentric!! re
mnikablo was the fact that he was not
of Eastern origin, nor had he ever been
converted to any religious faith or cult
of the East.
It Is surprising how quickly eye in
flammation is helped by common
witchazel, camphor, Hydrastis, etc.,
is mixed in Lavoptik eye wash. One
elderly lady, who had been troubled
with chronic eye inflammation for
many years, was greatly helped in
two days. We guarantee a small bot
tle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE
weak, strained or inflamed eyes.
Aluminum eye cup FREE. Whitman
Drug Co. Adv.
ft , r wP
Sloan' Liniment ahould be kept
.-,; bandy for achea and palna
"f 'T THY wait for a severe painaa
ffi ache, a twinge,, -following ea-
,jxure, a sore, muscle, sciatica, or
lumbago o leave, naturally when you
should keep Sloan's Liniment handy
. to. i help curb it and keep you active
and fit? j
Without rubbini, for it penttral,
apply a bit today to the afflicted part.
Tfote the gratifying, clean, prompt
'relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment
couldn't keep its many thousands of
friends the world it didn't make
' good; That's worth remembering. All
druggists three sizes the largest
for utmost economy. 35c, 70c., $1.40.
J. H. Driscoll
Loomis BItlg. Phone 432
. At 507 Main Earl Shepherd says,
'tBny-nualoahisvChrtatmas." tt
Livery, Feed and Sales
Quick Service
Day or Night
Klamath Stable
Long Trips Our Specialty
Reasonable llatea -
Phone 189 822 Klamath Are