5 W ' PAGH SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, -OREGON tin XV p V If HOME WMWWK!WV- Cgofi MAKlMOOW CWlSrt SWEET fa anj Jgpifc J Iav'" U-M ERttim i 5PoT nA 5HWWMK) Bcsr cor - is a cur ih pricg' frl CL Jv you rvim I " aHlTI tl REX CAFE For the benefit of those who do not care to prepare an elaborate dinner at home, the Rex Cafe will serve a special Thanksgiving dinner that will consist of MENU Fresh Olympla Oyster Cocktail Celery. Heats Salted Almond Turkey fiTimbo Soup Filet of Sole, Tomato Sauce , (Pommes Parisiene) Special Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream Stuffed Klamath Turkey with Chestnut Dressing. Giblet Gravy (Cranberry Sauce) Candied Sweet Potatoes Sifted Peas I STANFOKO I'NIVKKSITY, Onl.. Nor. 25. "This Institution muni chose before Ions whether It will continue ItH present nystcm of ed ucation or devote itself to higher ed ucation only," Bald David Stnrr Jor dan, chancellor emeritus of Stan ford University, speaking of Stan ford before a meeting of the Cosmo politan Club here recently. Dr. Jordan said it is his wish to sec Stanford specialize in higher ed ucation, lly this plan, the first two years of preliminary work, may bo taken elsewhere, preferably at a junior college. Choice of Hot Mince Pie, Pumpkin Pie. Fruit Cake, English Plum Pudding, hard and a (iue sauce Cafe Noir $1.25 We will also serve our regular popular-priced dinner menu, so those who do not care for the spe cial dinner can find a spledid dinner to suit their taste and pocketbook. Very Much Convalnecnt. Helen 1 1 ml the whooping cough, and , ho was nut Invited to her little friend . .. .. . ... .i i. i... Miirgnrei h lummii? imiij. iiunimi "- r INt lin'liuleil nil the other children In I the neighborhood. On the morning of ! the ulTiilr the teleiluiiie clrl might have Li' uterlieiird the following conversatien: "Hello." "Hello, I thlN Murcaret llllllleld's house?" "Ye." "I tliN you Margaret?" "Yet. Who Is thlsr I "ThN Ih Helen Marten. Yon are I coin:; to hate a birthday party today, aren't you?" "Ye." I "Well. day. Margaret. I'm all over the whooping couch now." l il 1J -"-Vfc-.V &' .P""'IW' I 1 f -"' WOULD MERGE TWO HOLIDAYS Vu&X. Governor Calvin CooIldiJe of Masfui chasettN, Re-elected SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, Nor 25 A resolution urging the national day of Thanksgiving bo changed from the last Thursday in Novem ber to November 11, Armistice Day, wad adopted recently by the Utah Manufacturers' Association. The association in its resolution said it believed that no greater occasion has arisen since the sign Jing of the Declaration of Indepen dence for the giving of thanks nor i that there could be a greater reason jfor the giving of thanks than the signing af the declaration of Jttie peace of the world." I Other state industrial organi sations have been asked by the as sociation to approve their action. PAYS TO STAY IN SCHOOL ! 'The coming year will mark the 1 'semi-centennial of the founding of The Japanese cultivate chrysan- the foremost public art galleries In themums In 269 varieties of colors, merica the Metropolitan Museum Of these, 87 are white, 63 yellow, of Art in New York, the Museum of 32 purple, 31 pink, 30 red, 12 rus- Fine Arts in Boston and the Corco set and 14 of mixed hues. - 'ran Gallery of Art in Washington. mnmut JSDl a TT Mssmm$ imfci r. ek & a Vru 1 Td& itute sftaVe ? No matter at what speed you shave with a Gem Damaskeene Razor it leaves your fact oc4 and refreshed. That' became the Gem has .a soft, comfortable, velvet .like feel and does such smooth, clean-cut work. We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for $1. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene .Blades, shaving and stropping handle all in a band come leather case. Enjoy the comfort ofsvelveMmooth self-shaving. Ctmt in and get your Gem to-day I, BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. 'The Houie of Quality" Fact Shown in Dollars and Cents by Flflure Complied by Bureau of Education. The value of staying at sch'l M stated n dollars and cent In flKiires ret-ently compiled by the hurrau of education am! distributed to boys and girls throughout the country by the children's bureau. From a study of a large number of actual ense-t It has been found that at twenty-five years of age the boy who remained In school until he wan eighteen had received S'J.OOO more sal ary than the boy who left school at fourteen, and that the better-educated youth was then receiving more than $000 a year more In pay. 'This U equivalent to an Investment of $18,000 at 5 per cent." the state ment snld. "Can a boy Increase his capital as fast in any other way? "From this time on the salary of the better-educated boy will rise still more rapidly, while the earnings of the boy who left school at fourteen will Increase but little." Origin of "Tendirloln." The naive "tenderloin" was origi nally applied In New York city to the nineteenth poller precinct. The credit of naming It Is attributed to Capt. Alexander-Williams, who was placed In command or the precinct September .TO. 1H7H. When ho took charge he mis asked lww he liked the change. "Cireat." whs the response. "I've come from a rump district (an east side district) to the tenderloin." and tenderloin It ban remained ever since. The newspapers of other cities soon followed the example of the New York journals In so deslgimtlug similar dis tricts of their own cities. Rlllln Rlltll rirnn D.l f " n and I. Learning It Fronuho Boltom Ud ri:lt to l,rnt l. run records ,, ,r.w do ' 7 "Ittire salary durlnir ih. I "lH ,lm" ' "' A r-.7"" II"- hank acr.,, r?M W In for rluar ."...''.. n" ,,.; u"tlltlll Is . V, l "omy know hi Imt his moni.v i. .. ' Halm Ih . . "m .im . ft :r ""'" Try 'cm. Horaia Want Ada. I tWWPEir . .r " " nil til ,-v 'Clfc. ,' k ?hf!m;.imwm i 'feJnHKCdVv;j&R ; lloNtnn 01 IIIBfBiiik. ? f nbout w bt .kizi IIIIHLM rlr. i S MMMIIIrilill TH,lli lliwv. The Green Sawyer. fJen. Marlborough Churchill was talking In Washington nbout the work of the intelligence department, of which he Is the head. "It Is delicate work." flen. Marl borough Churchill said. "work, that re quires experience. The Inexperienced Intelligence officer and we had a lot of him during the war Is apt to be ulxut as useful as the young college man In the lumber camp. "This college man was set to work j on a cross-saw with an old-stngcr. He sawed pretty well for nn hour or so. j and then his strength gave out. Still , he kept on. or tried to keep on, but all of n siulilen the old-stager stopped. , "'Son.' he said, 'I don t mind yer rldln' on the saw, but If It's Jest the same to you. I'll ast ye to keep your feet off the ground.' " Unfounded Report. The following advertisement ap peared in the Birmingham press In April, 1S00: Thirty guineas rewnnl. Whereas n malicious and unfounded report having been Industrially propa gated (tending to Injure the charades s of .Tames, John and Thomas Colllngs), stating thnt each have nt times ap peared in disguised Habit (represent ing the devil) with an Intent to extort money from the fearful, whoever cr.n discover the author of this report shall receive the above named by applying to James Colllngs, Cottage lane, near the sand pita, Birmingham, April 14, 1800, Marvelous Memories. It Is claimed for Mr. Tlmmlns, the Shakespearean scholar who haa Just died, thnt at the age of twenty-one he recited the whole of "Hamlet" from memory. Among the professional re citers such a feat would not be re garded as very, remarkable. The late Samuel Brandrara knew T)y heart practically the whole of Shakespeare, and Shakespeare was only one of,'hls.many,fav6rltes. In, his "Nights .With the Poets and HfinorJaU". Brandram .drew from all sources, read nothing and was never known to forget a line. London Chrea-Icle. An Endless Chain. ("We,re very unsettled In our flat,' a(il the worried-looking man at the club. ' "What's the trouble?" asked bis friend. "Well, our children keep the next door neighbors awake, so they pass the time by playing the piano; that makes the pet dog next doer to them bark, and thakeepa the children nxt door, awaken and there's sq mtch noise through the, building, th'at'iher no chance. nt ail of our children going to aleep." ' Our Profit from all Sources The American Public does not believe all it reads. It insists on being shown. When Swift & Company says its profits are only a fraction of a cent per pound, many believe we are not telling the whole story that there are hidden profits. Here Are The Facts: Our net profit on our entire business for the year 1918 amounted to only 1.76 cents per dollar of sales, or less than one-half cent per pound, and 1. Included profits from hides and all other by-prcducts. 2. Included profits from all sundry side-lines. 3. Included profits on all subsidiary corporations. . 4. To cum up it included the entire profit from every source of revenue in which Swift & Company has any interest There are no other profits. Furthermore our accounts have been checked and certified annually by leading public accounting firms. Swift & Company is sincerely trying to get the facts before the public. If you have any questions re garding our business write us and we will do our best to answer them. In discussing' the packing business be sure you have the facts and that you are not unintentionally spreading misinformation. If you get the facts we have no doubt as to the verdict. j mjiSSjrfff Use Red Cross Christmas Seals Swift & Company, U. S. A. gm-r w-,0 i i" mm i i"r"TMBMf"TYgMlfIMBKTffl''''"Tll'--',-;J !'- r-''?".ii 'i--V Beat, yet. Herald Want A. 'M