' ' - K. WP8"' $?'"?? !77.'J,V5iP'-wgrr'' ? THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMAH TFALLs, OREGON JfrAfiK FOUll N'OVKMllUn MmmzMPmmmm TUIW,1 , I- ThcEvening Herald K. J. MURltAV Killtnr FHKl) SOUIjK City Kdltor (street pnwablo nud useable and would Klw n bottor foundation for tho paving that could thun bo laid early next spring. dtvo tbo property owners ovory service nnd conslderntlon for re member they nro paying tho bill. Published dnlly oxcopt Sunday by The Hernld Publishing Company of Casaath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. J i I Entered at tho postotflco nt Klnm th Falls, Ore, for transmission thru la mnlls as second-class matter. VVWWAAMMAAAA Subscription terms by mail to any ddress In the United States; One year $5.00 One month - .ou Member of tho Associated Tress tntltlod to the use for republication I At the Theatres VWWii'S One of tho chief arguments used by opponents of the movement foi the Inclusion of women upon Juries l.i based upon tho objection to woui- j en being compelled. In the oent of the Jurors being locked up for tin night, to remain secluded with the The Associated I'rcs Is exclusively t u, j,lror!l. Advocates of women lln.l tr tn tiQn fnr rnmi nllrntlnn I . ..I .11...1.1,.. ,.,.i, r, it jury service, ihimoiit, rami' mm tun or not otherwise credited in this pa- with plans and suggestions that per. nnd nlso local news published would olniato this difficulty. reln. Already In six States of the l'n- AH rights of republication of spo- 1U ,,olm,n aro actually eligible for cial dispatches herein nro nlso reserv- v!co o:, ,,, Jurv. K()r Now York I 'State, where at present no such eli gibility exists, a bill hni lein drawn. TUKSIMY. XOVlOmRR 25, 1010, for , ,et.ls,ut,ve body at Al I bsny, and 'bo activity of the 11 ook- KlfiUTII ST15KET ' '"" Woman's Har Association it-j support of this legislation bids fair! s The muddle on Eighth street seems as far from solution as ever, "with the usual result the property owners holding tho sack. Thero -should never have been an exten sion of the contract, even by impli cation. Xow. however, that a prac tical extension has been Riven, thero 1s no apparent outlet for tho prop erty owners but to bow to the un fortunate condition that has arisen by hasty and ill-considered legisla tion. The fact that part of tho con tract has been undertaken, oven after the council first forbid it and later extended tho time of com-! mencing operations to April first, Taises a legal question as to lia bility for damages that makes it a the the Inclusion of women Jurs io secure shortly New York among States. I Dealing as It does In Its stor with ' n lone woman Juror, impaneled with' eleven male Jurots In a criminal tourt trial, tho latest super-picture The Woman I'nder Oath, in which t riorencu Reed plays the star role' dramatically embodies tho case in I point This Flitted Picture Theatres. Inc., offering, howeur, deals with the woman Juror subject wholly from tho angle of dramatic enter tainment and strength of story. It favors neither tho advocates nor the opponents of woman's legislation and aims only to present a vivid and ervice You men who want "scr vicc" when you buy shoes will appreciate our prompt business-like way of fittini; feet. We know the importance of Riving you what you want nnd having it right. The season's new styles are ready the kind you prefer; we can fit almost any foot wide; narrow, long or short. Buying shoes licre Is pleasure try us. K. SUGARMAN We lend, others follow IUS1XKSS HOFK.S :: .. M. to 11:00 l. M. s.vrutD.ws ::$ . M. to 0:00 P. M. I eTO Intense drama that shall stand out too hazardous undertaking for tho as, one of the strongest examples : gtore closed 111! (lay Thlll'S- propcrty owners to enjoin further screen an. mi i prosecution of the work. , Tll Woman Tudor Oath comes to day, ThailKSglVing Day, But they should not be mado to tho I-Iberty theiter on Wednesday suffer for the neglect. Tho paving company should now be compelled A curious custom among tho no- to prosecute the work to a point bility of the ancient Athens was to where relief from the mud of past wear a small bell in the ear, of winters may be assured. j which a pearl former the clapper. The city should insist upon the It is estimated that one of the grading and rolling of the street and Peruvian rain trees will on the av--a strip cf crushed rock spread in erage yield from nino to ten gallons the center. This would make the of water each day. Iho, &mm&wuw ran ii-!u,.!tujii.i!n.j.u SEVEN AGES OF MAN "Then the O-l 1 D 3CIKH1 llUHIIIIItlllMtl Boy" MORE and more is the Brunswick Phonograph becoming recognized as a capable assistant in teaching school children. Studies, other wise dry and uninteresting, are given zest and color by the aid of good music. History becomes present day realism. Biog raphy is revitalized. Calisthenics is given a real stimulus. And for giving the native tongue of a foreign language there is no better teacher. Method of Reproduction For all of these uses and for its exquisite tone is The Brunswick favored everywhere. The es sential reason; for its success are embodied in the Brunswick Method of Reproduction, comprising the Ultona and the Tone Amplifier. ", Ulicna mm The Ultera a scientific creation is instantly adapted to any rr.ake rc ord. It presents the cor rect weight, orccise diaphrag-n and proper needle. Tho Tcne Amplifier The Tone Amplifier is an acoustical accomplish ment. Free from mete! and built entheiy of moulded Hollywood, it iv;s a resiliency, beauty and richness to tor.i tn;ic is unualed. Coire in todav. Ask to hear your favorite record demoi.3tratcd. One recital vill convince you of the superiority of me Bruns wick Phonograph, VMt-l-fM:Sr.iZ.niiyb??t'!Z - Pwi55SiSi"'iHi,.ia i H. J. WINTERS Jeweler and Optician 706 Main St. Phone 149W ill I mm 8HMMBSftTOHK immv.mmmmmmif if W V K?VM m-TLV-VM VV K ,f I-Vil 'JA 1 i We will remain open Wed nesday evening until S:00 o'clock. RED TAPE FINALLY UNWOUND For Time It Had Sergt Hnyet Tied Up, Dut He Came Out a Lieutenant. Once upim n time then wax a man lu "llrcd" his liiplii.Vi'CH Hull he iiiluhl hiivo the plcamire of hlrhiK llirui over iiKalu. 'l'hul would hhmii to be nonio what the ny with the nmrlni' enrp It "Hick" lit men Hint tho khmmiiiiuiiI iiiny do ilii'in xpi'clal hoiiur. Sergt. Kdctir llu.wn, a red bliioded pntrlut of the marine corpx. OMTliennl Mil HH't-Hllltl UMIII Hie iiulfnriii of lll tcrWee. Scrceaui IIiii'h promptl lilt the iiieiiUer In the none. The murine corp xnt upon lili ciino In koIimiiii (ourtimirtlal. nnd nfter inucli ilellber at Inn dNinlxHed Sercenul lln,' from the Mrlro. Hiiih ci-iMiHtii: civil iIiniiIiII Hies. The chm Inler wiih reviewed h Hie piesident. who patdoiied lln.ie and -colored him to eUUeiihlp llue Iiiih now been retlored to Hie vrU nud created trt lleiileiinii! nu net of eoncreiM liitvlng etuiowereil Hie pren Ideal to innKe the iiioliiiiiienl It I ii roiiiiilulxuil wnv of iln'mi n mini honor And II tliow MninHiliui wiong with the n.Mt,out. We wmid'T wluit Hie dlcnllled ueiilleinen of I he court martini uoiild hne done If It hml lieen proved 1 1 in t Serseiliil I line now l.liMllellitll! lln.MW. ImvlllU ovellieiinl :iu impel -pill upon hN liolmrtible "iTV Ice. had condoned It by Imu'lluii. -t'lu-eliimitl Tlliiex Star. i Lumber Cut of 1010. i The lUlllbel i-llt of till' I'lilti'd S'ilf" III l!IS wilt J,..:i'rMI,OIHHl feel ill te poiiiMl to Hie fore I erlee up to .lime 15 bj I l."."t inlllx, The com plele tnlnl fill Is "11 SJMl.r.llKM feet, , tinted mi the assumed operations of '.".'Ml! mills. The computed cut In UHS t I) per cent Manlier than Hie ; eompuied production lii 11)17. , eoinpnrlson of the compu'eil nil of evernl of the Inrcer general pn iluis Inu' regions In UHS with the IlKtiren for the preettlllii; ,enr shows ti titmll i er outptll by iipproxluiutcli '.11 per cent In the jellnw.plne unuip of stntet. n ileerense of IP per eetit In the North Curollnn pine Kronp iiml if It per eetit In the I .ii fee Mute. An IncreuKiil eut ' of '' per rent It noted for (Jrecon iiml Uiishlncton. VAN RIPER'S TEAM MAKES HIGH SCORE Van Itlper's team took two out of three games from Swanson's bowling fiquad In tho ElkB' tournament sc ries last night, scoring a total of 921 pins in tho second game, which is seven pins above the previous high mark. Tonight tho contest is between Houston's and Noel's teams. Last night's sceres: Swanson's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Ackley 151 127 209 487 Noel 158 146 124 428 W. S. Smith.. 137 143 142 422 Jlelssner 147 139 160 446 Swanson 145 141 130 415 tPjmniria3iLLjM"giina 738 696 765 Van Itlper's 1st 2nd 3rd Jester 153 171 220 Walters 131 174 157 Barry 167 193 120 iVan Illper .... 122 165 136 Van Bellen .. 156 218 153 729 921 786 Tot. 544 462 480 423 524 Huge Hailstones. There lire numerous well-tiutlieutl ruled iiise' of hailstones wet:linu half n pound i' lid ihore. but Hallux wblih S fur be.liuid this liieucer weight me uiiide. Stone of t m eight pounds lire sulci to lme fnllin In Nuiniir In 171H. nnd Hie missionary. I'litlier Hue u tin ought to be n rredlhle w'tnest, reeordt He full In Tnrtur.x In ISI.'I of a block of Ire iin hlg im u millstone whlrh look three days to melt. In May. lMrj, a MiitiKiirliili llhiKe report ed nn l.lOOpoiind blocK. r-Ulrlnu eight men ti Jiiove It. nnd In Tlppoo'w time one at big at nn elephant wiih Mild to have fallen tienr Sergupiiliiin. 11 esc are "m.uih" hiillKtotieN. For the home-gathering at Thanksgiving a Victrola e No more dcliyhlful way to i ntcrtain can be fount 1 titan willi th imisJr nf U .-w V 111IT 1 If 1 1 victrota. i ii n- is a Kmcl lo suit lliotsti of every mcr.ibrr of thu family, every Cucat, every mood, whim, or f.m.-" rom the mut-ioi pieces of (.nrr.i Inin,. f the world s rrcat.l aitUs to tnc prcted by stirun bands by iatnous lcutlt.-r the latest hits cf vaudeville. Make your lio:ue resound with music -thiu holiday season. Cotne i.i ftiiJ aclect your Victrola on conveni ent pimc!iti, if Jcii.-td. -i- - j'ti . .ev Earl Shepherd Co. Strictly One Business Music New Store, 507 Main St. wmi 'A&JLJS 'JJTffiJ ffiLwLuLLiu'iiij j? :ww?:&eL'6V1WMAffl.Wh a -tnri mmwm i& firriA m ii MiiLiw vsm BOX MAKERS' DANCE THANKSGIVING NIGHT AAtaASVWWWWW Tim Mlllmun and llnxmuker'H. local No, 17G4, announced another of j Ito popular dance.i ThankHKivinK ' ulKht, Novumhor 27, at tho Moohoi hall. I Tho arrnnccmontA conimlttee hlntH that thuro uro mivural mir-! prlrteH In storo. It Ih broadly Intlni ntod that lomu vlnllor will bo com pelled to tug homo a twenty-pound ' turkey. TIiuho with a "hwcoI tooth" i will lung hnvo occasion to rcmutnbur, tho ovent, It Ih predicted Advance naliM of tlckuta aro "go ing big", and ninny nro "rupoutn", that Ih many purnons who attundud I tho InHt danco of tho UoxmakorH i woro bo fuvorably lmprcHud thuy nro willing to try It again. I iliutu w gular union , A chimney 115 feet high will 8way mooting HiIh weok on nrcount of tho ten inches In u high wind without holiday. Dancing and other ontor danger. i tl,'n,"ont will ho tho uvonlng'H order. m I of hUHlneHH. A good tltno Ih Kuiirnn- ' terd to nil who attend. Tho houln , I have a hIoriui to live up to, which Ih, Tho Ilox-MakorB Know How." Helpfulness of Criticism. It It natural lo resent criilcltun. We i dIMIke anything that nlmket our nelf- , complucency or conipeli us to think. Here and there a miin bus learned Hie real service of crltlclBm nud UNually ' he Is a man who haw attained to more i than average miccess In life. We are ' II more or less like the proverbial on-, trlch. We like to convince ourselves , that our faults are really our virtue, i In Hint we are doing good work In the world when In truth we ore lagging ' fni behlnnd our actual capacity und I drifting along rather than really llv Ing. William E. Towne. Jl's a Poor Rule That Don't Work Both Ways T-ve GOT A LOT fe; XV JJeP-- m for this p&tejk :K- - : iMost spldors havo poIhodoiih fangH (hut few uro dangerous to human hu-IngB. Should Women Serve on Juries? See FLORENCE REED In the role of the first woman juror in New York 'THE WOMAN, UNDER OATH" The most gripping story of circumstantial evi dence ever portrayed on the screen. LIBERTY THEATRE Wednesday texm jf pis j Si ra5J I r ft "Helpful Hints" BANKING BY MAIL "lIBRK la n mifo nnd convonlcnt wny In which those liv ing nltnoKt uny dlBtanco uwny may banki horo ai Flrnt National Uanlc. Money may ho forwarded lor i posit In cash on by chock, draft and money older. J a - withdrnwnjB may bo-mndo accordltiB to whetlior tuo count Is for Chocking or Savings. , ,. . A lottor or poatcurd to us will gain you nil roauirou in formation. ', . K. JU Iteanii-H, I'u-Hldciit. Ii. !'. WIIIIIh, Vlco-I'iesldcnl. JiOHllo llogeiN, Ciisliler. A. M. Collier, AhnI. fiihhler. John M. Monro, Ahht. Cashier. PLAYS ALL RECORDS AT THEI5J BEST te First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ft, J-'tiSi l-w: , -. ' 4 J Wh-- u &!.