The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 25, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    IBBMraRssSSsKsSHflrTroPr'' "ffl?
tf 1 ,,
?AT, K0VKMtw
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin nnd a body
full of youth and health may bo
yours if you will keep your system
In order by regularly taking
Today's Anniversaries
Tb vctM's unJard remedy for Hdnoy,
livct. Mod5t and uric acid trouble. h.
bia.u4 uf H!o r.nd tods. In uso tine
1656. AH druggists, thne sls.
LxJl fe CUM Cold Mntal m
jul cvp4 do Irait&lioo
Operators and Prospector Driven
From Their Work by Threats and
Depredations of Yaqule.
Jinny of the lost mines of Mexico
were the result of depredations of the
Taqul Indian. They killed or ttrove
prospectors from the country and ob
literated murks of the workings. Thus
many mines, with great, possibilities.
were lost.
One of the mines of the Estrella
del Norte Mining company was lost
for many years. The only clue to Its
location was found on an old Jesuit
map, which said It could be seen by
looking from a church door. The
church was found and the land dug
up us far as could be seen from the
'door, but no trace -of the mine was
found. Uiter, after the. search was
discontinued, a wall that had bem
built at a date later than the map,
fell down and exposed another door,
lien with Held glasses, looking from
)this door, discovered the old mine.
' Mnny of the churches of Mexico
that cause the world to wonder, be
cause of their architecture and price
less ornaments, owe their existence to
mines. The Baroyeca church, built In
1792, was built from the wealth de--rlved
from the Minn Grande mine. In
IJaroyeca mountain. I'rior to ISTiO the
walls were Hard with sheets of pure
fdlver from the mine. The candela
bra, the altar rails and other parts of
the sanctuary were of silver, and the
altar vessels were of pure gold.
1768 John Armstrong author of
tho famorni "Nowbutg letters," and
afterward Secretary of War. born at
Carlisle, Pa. Dlod at Rod Hook,
N. T., April 1, 1843.
1S20 John Wlllln Kills, governor
of North Carolina at tho commence-
meat of the civil war, born. Died
at Raleigh In 1S61.
1835 Andrew Carnegie, capital
ist nnd philanthropist, boru at Dun
fermline, Scotland. Died at Lenox,
Mas., Aug, 11, 1919.
184 4 Marriage of tho Due
d'Anrualo, son of tho King of tho
French, nnd the Princess of 8nlorno.
1869 O'Donovnn Kcom; Fenian
loader, was elected to tho British
1S94 Tho Nicaragua Canal Com
pany was incorpotted under tho
laws of Vermont.
1914 British battleship Bulwark
sunk by Gorman submarine off
1915 Itnllans stormed and cap
tured strong Austrian Intronch-
menta on Monte San Mlchelo. j
1916 Austro-G-ormnns drove
Roumanians down the Alt valley I
and burned flanks ol new ponltlon
1917 American War Mission l:i
franco placed a width on the grau
of Lafayette.
mmlmHNMMH " r- .
. mLiX:.'
mmrr vma
i Wfwlc mi
7L4..inm.mntMntm,Him . i ,
Ono Year Ago Today
in the War
Marshal I'otaln and tho French
army tnndo solemn entry Into
Stnvasburg, Italian troops occuplml
Innsbruck, capital of tho AuHlrlim
Tyrol, In nccordnnco with tho toruw
of tho Austrian armistice.
FOR SALE Real Estate
Albert C. Ritchie, flmrnifWlect
of Maryland
iiuntio wnTcnc i
i But After Receiving Letter From Ag
ricultural Department "City 8uck
tr" Did Not Invest ' .
A city imiu got a very glowing circu
lar from a Chicago "development com
pany" offering him leu acres of Inud In
Florida for the surprisingly small sum
of !.ftOO n "peanut unit" the circular
called It. lie could gnlw, the circular
said, n thousand bushel of peanut on
his ten acres and could sell the pea
nutsallowing for low prices at X2 a
bushel. The city man was Impreved:
but he tent the circular to the depart
ment of agriculture with a query n to
whether or not the Investment was
good one.
Following are some sentences from
the letter he got In reply: "The lit.
era tu re Is of the kind designed to tie
celve cltv people In the North and
West who do not know au.xtlilnu about
fanning." "The uverugc return fnmi
ten acres of peanuts would not cveed
JJSIX) to S.Mh)." "You could Ion a t.xt
acre farm In almost any of the conn
l..u ,t n ...I.L.I l.-l. .l.l.. II... III. It. I, III..
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2G. . " " " . ' , " ' """"" .
.'(' 1111 lUM'lll H ll llll WIVIIMII !! Ill
Leading suffragists from aj parts of( )rUv . )((()lt, f(,r ( ,.,,..,..
the United States oro expected hero, ...nit lmIl, .,,. ,,,, w.iher
November for n conference of tho it s pecans, peaches, iig. rane. pen
Want on Voturs of America. I nuts, hogs, or what not. Is -Imply u
Plans to unite al women for bettor, means of selling land at thiee to'llve
0t times what It Is worth lo Ignorant or
' .. II I.. . !... ..... ll
uii'wii.i Pimm unriur. in iuj ?.
WH) for this ten acres of land would
Sir Rowland Hill Had to Fight Hard
to G:t Great Britain to Adopt
Scheme He Advocated.
.citizenship and consideration
The power of a postage si imp, In 'Americanization, child labor and
unjust taxation. In 1770, rent her 'legislation for womon will bo taken
American colonies from Great Britain, up.
YlSCOUIlt Hill. It tOttgll Old British j rnrrln nhnnmnn Hntt rlllllniinn
oldlrr. ancestor of Sir Borland lllll. I of th(J Natona, American Woman
the go..ut pb lunthroplst. and Inventor Association; Mrs. C. W. Me
11. mi Ills lighting qualities bins .Culloch of Chicago, chairman of tho nvtQatlon H s(l0Wn That skn of
terwl again In his descendant. Sir Bow- department of tho unification of Sea Moniter Has a Very Def-
land. In 1S35 his fearless originality , laws, League of Women Voters; Dr. j nt0 value.
intl largenes of Iew tlung Itself Into .Valeria Parker, chairman of tho do-J
the question. "How shall the poor send partment of social hygonlc; Miss Although the personal popularity of
letters at 1 shilling and 4 pence (tCI Julia Lnthrop nnd Mrs. E. P. Costl- sharks Is not likely noon to Increase.
cents) each? The government nos- RaQ of Washington, D. C, hnvo been. "I,,,r existence will be more compla
stamp iu as a 'sucker' of the ntiiUeM
clubs." ICxchange,
tile to him, he suffered Insults, yet
asked to speak.
The high cost of living and tho
cently accepted If the work already
done through the agency of the United
he steadily pressed his scheemt the
rwnnv Klnimi. Kverv obstacle was I ' Klnlni l'livuriiiiintil cnntliiiiiiu llu unit..
thrown In his path. Parliament foam- (Proposed organization of a league of! ..,,., t(milri, ,,n)VK Nharksklu a good
Value of Such Institutions In American
Eyes Is Shown by Their As
tounding Growth.
Figures in a recent official report to
the United States department of la
tw show the astounding growth of the
,'kospltal idea in this country during
Hbe' last balf-century. In 1873 less
-than SO years ago there were in the
XJalted States only 149 hospitals; to
day there are nearly 9,100 an In
crease of nearly C.000 per cent In the
-annber of Institutions. In 1S73 the
t4l capacity of the then-existing hos
'yltals was' 35,453; today the hospitals
'f the country have a total capacity
'J 'approximately 869,000' beds an In
crease of over 1.000 per cent The
mount of money at present Invested
to these Institutions Is roughly esti
mated at nearly $2,000,000,000; the an--sua!
expedlture for supplies, equip
ment, 'upkeep and new construction Is
jmia to be about '$750,000,000.
There is much that Is gratifying in
these enormous totals, says an editor!
i la the Modern .Hospital. Certain
'Jyl"" stronger testimony could be ad
'daced to sliow that the people of the
United States are thoroughly convert
ed to the hospital idea, and do not
mean to be deprived of the benefits of
hospital care.
Paper Has But One Subscriber.
It has been the Inflexible custom In
the imperial family of Japan, hays a
writer In Cast and West News, to
withhold all newspapers and mnga
zlnes from Its members, until they at
tain their eighteenth year, but the
rule was waived In the case of Ulro
lilto, the present crown prince. Four
months before his Imperial highness
entered upon his eighteenth year he
was allowed to begin reading a spe
cially prepared Journal.
This curious newspaper was edited
by an officlnl of tha Imperlnl house
hold and printed In the Imperlnl print
ing ofllce. It was set .In special type
and printed on thick Japanese paper.
The reading of It did not require n
great deal of time, fnr ',t was of small
size and on .single sheet.
womon voters In California will bo -uiistltuto fr leather. The effort was
discussed. . begun In 11)1(1. and It has been shown
Mrs. Robert J. Burdetto and Mrs. thnt the skin of u shark can be tunned
Robert Armstrong Dean chairman of by newly discovered processes with a
olllce Inquiry to describe his Inven-ltjje California suffrago ratification ! result much like n superior grade of
Hon the penny stamp "an adhesive lcommltteo of tho American Women! Il'n,,lcr- Commercial tanneries are be-
postage stamp a on P"-" Suffrage Association aro assisting n . Pntm.g to turn ou tne prouuet. M.oes
IU1C t'ilUUll ll llfill li IUIJP..II. v. i nuiuC Ul II UIV III'IIIR Mlrili Ullll,
e at the mouth, and declared he would
ruin the country, nnd upset the throne.
The official world guffawed when he
appeared before a commission of post
her Majesty's bust, and covered at the
back with a glutinous wash."
But the diplomatic ability, and the
dare and push of his old ancestor In
his veins, curried him through to tri
umph Yor the people. On Janunry 10,
1840. penny postage was established.
The gross revenue rose from l,O(V).000
pounds to 4.000.000 pounds. The busi
ness of the money order office multi
plied fifty-two fold. He was buried In
Westminster nbbey. London the high
est honor a grateful nation could ac
cord him. Kansas City Journal.
Surety bond wtiUe yoa wait. Chfl
coto A Smltn. 6-tf
Malin Hall
Thursday Evening
Nov. 27, 1919
Everybody invited.
Music by Malin Orches-
arranging for the conference.
Stockings first came into general
uso in the 11th century. Boforo that
time cloth bandages were worn ln': wl,h "nnrk leather to determine Its
the pig, of which everything Is utilized
but the squeal, the shark has been
found generous In by-products. The
)urenu bf standards Is now experiment'
about the (eet.
Wash the poisons and toxins from
system before putting more
food Into stomach.
8ays Inslde-bathlng makes any
one took and feel clean,
swset and refreshed.
ilnriihlhf v. fptiKllf. strHiiefh- nml Wfur.
I Ing anil water-resisting qualities; but
enough has been done to Indicate that
many persons In the future will go shod
In shark leather, and thnt only those
who are told will know the difference.
A If W
V0.ZJ: Y mTtZSgV y
E3i ' mm ?
-ffl.e' i ! irfM
't7M i I 5&2U W
'J':, VJZwz'ittEZiV'
: V. rv s, -y t.t j
I ..fcir. fi?S'-.''7-ZQJ,J - -
"i r ' -iik ii
II' "f'. u
-". (1 :
".-rc, LaSau &VL-
u.i - ?! -''
Have an Oil Heater
to tako off tho chill when it is
too .warm to havo tho furnaco
going. Wo havo thorn that aro,
as pretty aaT a picture, tako
.ory little oil and aro guaran
teed to ho free from smoko or
smell. Don't wait till all tho
family havo colds. Get ono to
13 Main Street
Wasn yourself on the Inside before
breakfast like you. do on the outside,
'This is vastly more important because
! the skin pores do not absorb impurl-
tics nto the blood, causing illnesa,
while the bowels poVes do.
( For every ounce of food and drink
; taken into the stomach, noarly an
jounce of waste material must bo car
, ried out of the body. If this waste ma
terial Is not eliminated day by day It
quickly ferments nnd generates pois
ons, gases and toxlna which nro ab
sorbed or sucked Into tho blood stream
, through tho lymph duct3 which should
jsuck only nourishment to sustain the
I A splendid health measure is to
drink, before breakfast eacli dny, n
(glass of real hot water with a toa-
spoonful of limustono phosphate in it,
which ib n harmless way to wash these
polhons, gases and toxins ttorn the
stomach, liver,- kldnevs and bowels;
important to keep clean nnd pure on
'bus rlf-anMng, Hv.cctanlng and fresh
eniiig the entire alimentary canal bo
foie putting moie. food into tho stoui,
A quarter pntrndiof HmeMono phns
, pbale costs but wiiv Httlo at tho drug
' How, but is auui'ii nt v mnku anyone
un entlnixlust on In-Lie liuthlng. Men
iwako up with a dull, aching head or
Ihayo funed tongue, bad tnsts, naHty
breath, sallow complexion; others who
llinvo bilious attacks, ntid stoinuch or
'constipation are assured of pronounced
Improvement in both health and np
poarance shoitly, Adv.
How Bridges Breathe.
T.Ike us mortals, big steel bridges
feel the changes In the weather, and
must be built to withstand them, or
In the heat of summer a bridge Is
appreciably longer than It Is In winter,
nnd nt various times of the year It
tnny be longer on one side than on the
other, as when a hot sun plays on oun
flank, and a cold wind on the other.
The "breathing apparatus" of a
bridge consists of rollers under the
feet at one end so thnt the end ran
move to and fro freely according to
the expansion and contraction of the
huge girders.
Provision Is made lnthe cuce of the
Forth bridge for as much as two feet
of "breathing" of the Immense cantilevers.
Hlnh Temperature May Mislead.
High temperature does nut always
mean fever, for the body heal may be
Increased by exercise or eating, and
n rise of as much as l.ft degrees Fah
renheit has been traced (omental work.
Dr. F. li, Wjttn oMipllnnapolls reports
that drafted men before, examination
showed an average rise of 0..'t degrees
from the anxiety anil suspense, with a
roiTOHpomlliii; depression below nor
mal after examination. In -10 nurses
the fall after examination ucrngiMl
0.0 decrees. The psychic lise plus the
dally olewitlnn may lead to false con
clusions If the physician Is not careful.
His Mistake.
FlnthtiHli You know my wife ntid
lier sister look very nuifli alike, ,
BeiiKoiilmrst-'Oli, Is that so?
"Yes. Why. tho other day I got a
scat In a crowded trolley ear, nnd
when I got -off -my sister-in-law was
also getting off the witne ear and shh
gave mo Hall Columbia for not gctJ
ting up and offering her my sent."
"Well, why didn't you offer her yourt
seat? Hldn't you know her?"
"No, I didn't. I really thought It
was my wifol" Yonkers Statesman.
With tho exception of tho dia
mond, carborundum Is the hardest
of all' known substances.
Foil hai.1- or will trndo for
rviaiuntu Fniw city properly, 40
nere. 8 mile from Klumnth FiiIIm.
nbout 20 ncre cultivated, tho Tory
boat of soil, llalanco timber land.
Tltnbor haa boon logged off lately.
About 100 cords limb wood still on
ground. Two room cabin, itood
chicken house, well at water no
pump lu well. Addresii Albert
Barrett, Itonnral Dollvory. 2-3t
tllti Sacramento Co. land, 40 acres
near IOdl, chwip for cash, will
consider oxchango. What hnvo you?
Call or address Room 120 White
1'ellcau Hotel. 31-tr
f "i iiia
Mficii, "
FOR SALE Miscellaneous,
At tho
H. A.
FOR HA Mi A few choice Turkey
for Thanksgiving. II. Tolford,
Phono IS Flit, Merrill Road. Ti-'if
Ftflt HAI.I5 -Milk Fod Chickens
and Turkeys. City Milk I)pot,
I'honu 2UC-J. 'Jt-Ct
..?. HAVK i7r
Win Vl,rnehoc,T!, l'llc'"Ylo",J.r,,,CjS
7 nAiuiAnu-u,..
ynKo ,emo?8d -n to, ,,
cll lit" K lamnKT llEip,
Hol.ot.1 .h.nTBohoto,.,W
IVliiR and tiling; nLnor"pl-
'"' Proiltabio Zh unT
We mill,,. mm.,.1,,1,, ... .. "
ami lu'cldciit hitiri.ii.. in ' "'
FOR RENT- Uood warohouso 60X
60 foot, near 8. V. Depot. In
quire Iloruttl oitlce. 1-tf
FORRAI.M nt n bargain the follow
ing second hand cars- 2- Intel
Reus lu good condition. $.H6u. uach;
I-13H' Ford touring car 1360
2 btuilobnkcrit, 5 tmssetiKor I8BD. IMAnAM i-v.m . .
and $1060. ('. I.. McWIlllams. ""4U UIHA, falm i(-
.AMk. ... ... .- --
1 1 : .Main, t'liouo int.. ITtf
World's CireatcM I'lmnologl
I'i.Iii.Im nml Mcdluni
Heads your entlro llfcMlt
pr.ent and future rorretltoaW
iK imiiiM. .Jsie. ,j tmu
Ini'ss. I.ij Uw. marriage nnd doa
imllc troablcH Tells you what m
are IickI adapted for and what to d
to bolter )Uur condition, n nte
Ihls lady ren.tH your lmnj u '
would nn open book A reading br
'r will incut your lilKhcut eipttu'
tlons and yon will 1,0 wMr md
happier, after consulting her, the
having the gift of removing all till
Inilui.iires and placing )u in an
vlronmunt of hnppy thought and
conteiiimuiit. Headings- Sunday and
dally, J a in. to 9 30 u, m, Hoora 6
Swunsou llldg, over gun store, Main
Ht between Cth and 7th, opp.Weit.
urn I'nlon, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
FOR I.HASIC To responsible parties
that havo equipment ami cash to
flnuuco themselves, a denlrtthlu ranch.
Adrcss M. K. '.I, lloruld olllco. 8-tf
WANTKD (Jlrl for general house
work and cooking Mm, O. U. I.ab
uroo, Illy, Oregon. 1-tf
-40 sacks No. 1 seed potatoes, dry
land spuds variety. Karly Hlx Weeks
proforrod. Netted (loins or Illuo
Centennials. Address Albert llar
rott, (Jennral Delivery. 2d-Ct
Tho Ladles of tho Catholic Church
will hold their annual Fair Dee. 11,
12, 13. 21-tt
Kongolnnd breeds a native ineep
which Is without' wool.
fie hi
You can turn gray, faded hair beau
tlfully dark and lustrous almost over
night If you'll get a 60-tent bottle of
"Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" at any drug i.tore. MUIIobs
of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea
Recipe, Improved by the addition of
other Ingredients, are sold annually,
savs a woll known druggist here, be
cauoo it darkens tho hair so natur
ully and evenly that no ono can toll Is
has been applied.
Those whose hair Is turning gray
or becoming faded havo a surprise
twaltlng then., because after one or
tjvo applications the gray hair van
ishes and your locks become luiarl
aiitly dark nnd beautiful.
This Is the ago of youth. Gray
haired, unattractive folks aren't nnt
od around, so get busy with Wytti'i
Huge and Sulphur Componnd ton!bt
and you'll be delighted with your
dark, handsome hair and your youth
ful appearance wltbln a few dajm
Strayed from Podd Hollow one
hay saddlo horse branded llgare I
on loft shoulder; one gray how,
weight about 1700 pounds branded
HX on loft shoulder; one bro
horse, weight about 1150 poMM.
branded upright flatlron on left HIP
Notify Chan. PaulBon care of F.
Hodrleks. Merrill, Ore., nJ
December 11, 12t 13
niiiiSfi'' I
A New Tire
Hero Is a tiro that Is a tlro-TUB aHN'Mi: COnrj. Ill b
guaruntoed Tor 10,000 miles, but you don t h,", ?, 'ou buy
that, for It will nlwnya boat that mark. Tho nox time ou
tiro, buy a OonornI It's tho tiro you'vo been lookinj, iur.
Wo hnvo a full lino of accessories hero Dm" 1" nn
them ovor.
ivrr5vhBK wi . r ia
W.fJ IsLTn. it w r.Kr.
MimmM I m
r.PIT RHWIT MsTATSfBAPe l?r.r.MAQH FOR .Mmpheyjs Feed & Seed Store
Ullll; UJ IMjy lfllJXll UvlliTl Uy LlVIVl lTlllUll CHICKENS 128 South Sixth St