.w-H rn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald s. j. MunRAr , t Editor f FRED HOULK City Kdltor tw"! X," Published dally except Sundar by So Herald Publishing Company of ith Falli, at 116 Fourth Street. A. Xatored at tho postotflce at Klam Wk Falls, Ore., tor transmission thru Ik malls aa second-class matter. Bubacrlptlon terms by mall to any Mtress In the United States: Sm year . Dm month ..5.00 .50 Member of the Associated Prosa The Associated Press Is exclusively Entitled to the use for republication M all news dispatches credited to it ot not otherwise credited In this pa 9W, and also local news published Inreta. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also reserv- MOXD.VY, NOVEmER 24, 1010 STOr, UK)K, 1.1STKX. LISTEN s.K "We are not referring to the dang er signal of the railroad crossing, hut to the danger that confronts the Yeople now In Klamath Falls. This danger is simply their failing to lis ten to the "Knock of Opportunity." In this issue of The Herald wo are printing a story about the remark able growth of one of the banks of the city. This growth is indicative of j the rapid expansion of the city in I every direction. It tells you that' "tforTt throw your old shoes .out in the wood shed.. Bring them to us; we'll make them look like new. It won't cost you much, either. We caji dye any old shoes to a fine nobby brown or black color. comparison. What Is truo of Main street Is truo of every section of tho city. Within flvo years Klamath Falls will havo a population of over twenty thouaaud people. That will mean n Rival Incronso In olues throughout tho en tiro city and property that today la a Joko, as was Main street property twelve years ago, will bo making fortunes for tho persons wise enough to invest. Don't bo nfrold of tho price you will havo to pay Klamath Fulls 'nronerty. us well aa. property thru- out tho county, Is on tho market to day below Ha actual valuo. Tho man who Is waiting for It to got cheaper will bo like tho man who was here years ago ho will be tolling how ho could havo bought It for tho price r.sked today and how h'o intaod making n fortune because he did not have the nerve to Invest. J "Z Si?',, "We Lead and Others Follow" Bradley Shoe Store Union Store 727 Main St ' There are manv eltlences of better ing conditions In Holgrnde, Serbia. Hot grade unlerlty opened a short time ago. The American Hod Cross Is now erecting barrncks to house the students . during the summer. In the spirit of the people there is ! a marked change for tho hotter In the In.t few mouths. Social gatherings aro I more frequent, and a few moving pic- ture theaters nro In operation. Shops In the city are gradually re- . (llllng with stocks, l'rlcos nro high Reports from the Interior Indicate a largo grain Inmost with a ixisxlhlo surplus for emrt In South Sorbin Thee reports hae had encouraging of feet on life In the capital. K. S ugarman Klamath Falls is rapidly outgrowing the habiliments of the small town and that we are today on (he tres kold of a city. Are you going to stop long enough to look the situa tion over and listen to ihe advice of wlso busziness men who are telling jou to invest in Klaninth Falls prop erty? Twelve years ago a man could hatVbought property on Main street f'om Fifth to Tenth for from six to twenty dollars a foot. The price to day is no higher not as high In China to Make Cement. I The cement requirement, of North , China will probably oon be supplied by domestic production. One large con corn Is snld to control this Industry In North China, and Its plant Is loaned I at TiitiK-linti, a small town about 100 j miles northeast of llentsln. on the IV-klng-Mukdon railway. It Is equipped I with modem machinery, and secures I Its supply of limestone on the site of the works. "I ain't mad at nobody" To the Buying Public: Some of our customers believe NOW when we say a certain time we mean it. When we advertise an article you can buy it as advertised. When we say a two day sale we mean it and four o'clock means four not three. We use our own original ideas and you are benefitted by it. It's up to the new " papers to tell you what we did on overalls and all through the different lines in the store. We, in the future will maintain the sanje policy, one price to all. Better service is our aim, and if quality is what you want we'll have it for you. i This Post -War Maxwell is a Rare Study in Automobile Development toiijjiM rvat!?&s&M&& , - 3 l tl&mmmtM saawwa ifllPiiK - M5I&9 WHILE the great plants of the Maxwell were busy in war production the engineering laboratories were working night and day pn a Post-War Maxwell. Today this car is in our salesrooms. It expresses in a decisive way the progress of automobile making in this country. Unquestionably it leads the way amonij cars selling under $1200. There's a new type radiator, larger, more efficient, more handsome; a new Elliott type front axle, which makes steering now a tireless pleasure; a new rear axle, heavier, with an indestructible four pinion differential; an improved electric system; anew idea in an instrument board; a larger and more convenient gear shifting leer; full crown fenders with wire edge reinforcing, (the front fender aprons are crowned to eliminate all vibration and rattle;; a new way of anchoring the running board; a larger gas tank, and hung in the rear; a new tire carrier; a new emergency brake, located at the transmission, and not on the rear wheels; a heavier service brake, and equipped with equalizer to ' prevent any tendency to skid. Also equipped with Hot Spot and Ram's-horn. These are but a few; end yet it is the same fundamental chassis on which 300,000 Maxwells have been built. To miss seeing this Post-War Maxwell is to miss the motorcar treat of the year. m S ugarman The workingmans friend and a foe to H. C. of L VX2$ J ViinfrfB ! I Mitt tutttt ca lti$ H U W GARAGE V ,' r i ' At the Theatres wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Those, who hare had the oppor tunity of seeing ."A Man's Fight" declare It to be Dustln Farnum's best production to date. In this United Picture Theatres prediction Dustln Farnum has opportunity to gratify the desire he has for some time expressed to lax aside tem porarily bis accustomed cowboy roles, and, In fact, he Is seen In tho flrst part of the plcturo In evening dress. The earlier scenes are laid In the East with Mr. Farnum in tho role of a young and somewhat profligate only son of a wealthy and arlstrocratlc Now York family Laboring under a misconception of a tragic event which occurred in the aristocratic household, Dustln Far num sacrifices himself for the sake of his adored and adorable Bister. His resolve to shield hor at all haz ards from a charge of crlmo In vokes his being sent to Sing Sing. Tho locale then changes to the vlrllo West where the young rrlstro crat having served hla sentence, is essajing to begin lifo iinnw At tho very moment of his unsurcd micc'isd he Is confronted with tho rtcord of IiIh earlier career. Tlio denounce ment of tho 'crashing criHla Is aalil to form one of tho nioso thrilling bconen of this great plcturo. At tho Liberty tonight. Just Received a New Shipment of Pathe Records The melodies that have set all Broadway to whis tling are included in the splendid assortment of dance, vocal and instrumental records that we are just unpacking. Come hear them whilethewidest choice is yours. aiiksgiviiig Dance at Malin Hall Thursday Evening Nov. 27, 1919 Everybody invited. Musicby-Malin Orches tra. ' ;''; r a VpfOEttlv. HAVL1NA, JOHN'.BROTHANEJK, . J. F.'KAMAnAD 22196- 22198-22200-22201-22202-22203- 22201 22205-22208-221C9-22192-22191-22197-22199- DOUBLE DISC EACH 85 Cu. iWhllo Others Aro Uulldlng Caxtlus In the Air , Campbell & Burr Somollruw It Will Ho Lovetlme Henry Burr Freckles Hilly Murray In Miami Arthur Fields Your Kyes Have Told Mo So -Saw A,h Weeping Willow Lane I.owIh Junius and Klllot Shaw I've Oo My Captain Working for Mo Now Eddie Cantor When' They're Old Knough to Know lletter Kildlo Cantor Karuvnn, Vat Trot. . . . Josuph Samuel's Orchestra La Ouupa Muchachu, Ono Step Joseph Samuel's Orchestra Wild and Woolly, Ono Stup Master Saxophone. Swtel That Shanghai Melody, Kox Trot Master H.txoiu"o o.v. Coo Coo, Fox Trot Tuxedo .syncopaiir Moonlight on thu No, Mud uy Fox l rot .. Tuxedo Hyncopaters I'uiaco i no I'alaco Trio Hello Baker Hello Baker You'll Uo Horry Medloy Kox Trot Just for Today, Onu Stop I'oor Little lluttorlly i i ,.. fi. Tears Tell .. .' Harry MtUludKoy and l''vJ,'c".,SInKn0"r Olrl of Mlnu . Lewi James Dreamy Alabama"" ll'otul lllltinoru Hawaiian O"'1'" Huwnlllan Lullaby. . Hotel Hlllinori. ll.iwallnn "nciir My Sugar Coutod Chociiliito Hoy v"""B z 't Hilly Murra oArthurJIcM; Mil leUM.triei -Llttlo Olrl -I Used to' Call Hor Haby -If you Don't Hton Maklni; Dyes at Mo -Ojion Up tho Ooldoji (late to Dlxlolund Aciiifi l1';,,i,''".Jh -ifiuiiiitiif, a iiuuu The I'at he Kapplilic Idill This wonderful sphere is no larger than the end o a pin; but it holds within its polished frfafnlo sqcret of the sweetest music ever played on a r nograph. It does away with, needles and necu wear. The Pathe plays all makes ogcW . .XT ' Cl . Xa 1 1 IMAr . t V i I I ' il i I " i J . tmfSm Select Your Records Now. H. G. Winters Klamath Falls, Oregon lOlnr 1 liiilili Li -., ,'4 '-cdflrnritieer1 , t. i.Mw- .. , ft " f V -AWTW-fWT aU i4 , .'" i .'M ii i -. t4 m