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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1919)
ifJBfe "AflK TWO i bfV ! 1 i, ,i - j " " THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON BAWHMmv; NOV,, Thrift and Little A hiii! Who are the men and women that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. ;?".. Vjafn X3iwa Domestic Science )cpariment Cenifitctecf 4' TT"5 r irst UK M.Ak fc., avini k ank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . rm FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER PERMIT ME TO SUGGEST ... Cg- v Mrs.ficlleDc (?f Jhmcsfic JYvYvcc Ah-cctor Sperrj' Vimi Ce. , , UrSfUSKSaursmaWWSiaKStwe lAlft HEMS CIMIEB jjij? A (tooJ turhc" will bo rocof;nUed ' by Itu smooth black Uk and thn wtiiUneiw of Its Ho8h. The brent nhoultl bo broud itnd plump and the InciHt bono tender Howtiro of a bird with Iouk htilr aiul violet lined Bosh. A moderate sited turkoy will nlwnyu bu found tho mimt sntlR . factory To roant a younj? bird allow tlf- . toen minutes for ouch pound ' '" additional llftoon mlnutea added to nllow for tho tieceseiary titan to Moat tho bird before It starts to cook. I An old turkey will require a lonR- lor period, from twenty to twenty- live mlnutea to tho pound. If tl.o turkoy in to bo teudor and Juicy It must hao frequent banting and slow cooklni;. In planning thu Thunksr.MnK dinner, do not forget that the tur ke Is the piece do resistance and do not have too many course to precede tho main one or the appe tite will be satisfied before the tur key appears In the following suB&ented mo- mboddod FOR SALE Real Eatnto -W trVViTiii f firirrr1CWM-M-wV-yjvji KOll HAUJ 'Oil KXU1IAN0M Fur tllo Hiimiiinonto Co. land, 10 ticruii uoar l.cdl, ehtvip for eiwli. Will coiwldur oxehniiKO. Whnt hiivo you 7 Call or mldrouH ltooin ISO White Pelican Hotel. 31-tf -Ai. W.V- Jl Th be h.ire would prow satisfactory. .Merwi Xo. 1 Fruit Cocktail I Klpe Olives Stuffed Celery Cre uued SwtelbrcndH In lluineklun ' Itoast Turkoy. Chestnut Dresslm; --M-:-- Olblot Sauce, Cranberry Jolly T Cunvnel Sweet Itlntt 1 ' J j Stuffed Onions Molded Spinach X Pumpkin l'lo with Whlpned Cream Knia'ns Nuts .Mints Coffee he whole when cold and In Jelly. (Vnimc) Hwoet I'otntoo lloll mwooI potatocn. cool and ro inovo nklns. Cut In hIIcoh. llutter n bakltiR dlnh, put In a layer of potatoes, sprinkle with brown HURur, a little alt, 1 tablenpoon of butter; cut In bltH, 1 tablespoon of Hour, add another layer of potntocrt, Reason iih directed above and con tlnuo until potato hnto all b lined. Cover with milk and buko In a moderate oven until brown. Care must be taken not to lot tho HURiir burn. NtufTotl Onion I'eel 6 onions and parboil until tender, but not broken; teniovo con tent and chop line; add 1 cup tuift bread erumbH, Mi cup of chopped walnuts, ij teaspoonful of Halt. t-S toiiHPoou white pepper. Mi cup of j melted butter. Kill onions with ( mlvture, pla'-o Jn u buttered link-1 IriK d'.-li. Burround with milk, cov er and bake until tender. Itomovel . . . ... ..... , i enver. HprlliKIe Willi nuiicrou iireuu FOR SALE Miscellaneous KOH HALC Milk Ked Clilckmui and Turkeyn. City Milk Dopot, I'hono 2'JU-J. ai-ct KOU HALI Or will trade for Indian luiul, a Reed Maxwell car. Dr. A. A. Boulo. 2021 KOU UAMO at a ImrKuIti thu follow liiK uecoud bund cuth. 2-1910 Koo'tf lu cood condition, $800. ouch; 1- 1'JIO Kurd tuurliiK car $360.; 2 Htudobakoni, 6 ptimioiii-or $850., and $1000. C. U MoWllllntiiH. 1157 Main, I'hono 101). 17tt FOR RENT OR LEASE KOU HKNT- tlood warelioiiBu 50X GO feet, near 9. 1'. Depot. In quire Hnrald olllco. l-tf KOU I.KAHK To renpoiwlblu purtlen that have equipment and cnnli to tliiaiico thoiiirielveri, a deHlrablu much AilreaM .M K. '.I. Ilurald olllcu. 8-tf HELP WANTED at vus turse) or cnicKen nave .... ...;....'. , WANTIOI) Wultie.-w i the preference, liowover. roast , criiimi!. .i... .,.....- IfoUHii. 337 Main. roast I'ork or fried Uelnlaii UANTKii inn ror Konurai Mamhatl l'J-U ESg$E8ESBSSR&Sr&& YOU have never been here, we want you to get acquainted with our service, delicious cuisine and cozy accommodations. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Menu V. 2 Tomato & I'liuento Soup Croutons . Salted Almond j Stuffed OIIes I Ronnt Chicken Celorv OressInK dlblet Sauce Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes Caullflowor au Crailn Fruit Salad Chocolate I'uddlnr ilalbins Nuts Coffee .Menu -Vi. It Crape Fruit Cocktail Giecn Olives Salted Almonds ' Chicken Pie en Caitserole Currant Jelly Mashed Potatoes Onions In Cream Baked' Cream Squtish Stuffed Tomato Salad ThanksglvlnR PuddliiK Mints Coffee ItalHiliK Phone 185 G10 Main St. fl .-. Imllk . ' WZZXSM& mmm--w---k----:--k---::--:----m-i---m"-!--5--m--'J- ROOFING Now is the time to fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and make it al most impossible to do the work. You sa ve money liv doing it now, and save your property, too. Let me Uu jour work ai d it will be done right W. D. MILLER Contractor Phono 20.'J 2!52 (Ith St. Oassengers r and Baggage A.VVU'HKltK IX TUB CITY OUCh SKItVICI-: HI.SOAJ$U'. liATKS I'HOXK 1H7 WesternTransfer Co. StufTed Celery Take cream cheese, molston with or c renin and mix until smootlT; season with salt and pap rika. Stuff the inner wh'fe stalks jof celery with this mixture. Chestnut Ihvin.: Cook a cups of chestnuts In salted water; removo the shells and mash with 1 'S cups dry bread crumb-, 1 cup tlnely ciioppel oeleiy: seuso". with salt and pepper: inolKt en v ith melted butter or substitute, e.sirK about 3- of cupful. ('retimed Ku eetlireids Two cups of blanched swe-.'t- j breads cut In dice. One small can button mubhrooms; make a sauce with 4 tablespoons of molted butter, 5 tablespoons Hour, mix well and ! cook until foamy; add 2 cups rich milk or thin ctm ai 1 Mir well .until thick and creamy; season with 'i teaspoon salt, a dash of cayenne Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. popper and ground nutmeg. Addi sweetbreads and mushrooms. Servo I" ri it" V'.::-,. To blanch sweetbreads soak one hour in cold water, drain, cover cold water, drain ; 1 table spoon of lemon Juice or vinegar, 2 or 3 cloves, dash of pepper and a t.ny of bay leaf; simmer about 1." minutes; dra'n, rove 'vlt1' cold vat.u, drcin and icmovo floors. fllblet Sauce I'our off liquid in p-ui in which turkj o chlcksn wht roasted. Fon t! '-i lb) ild skim 5 tahlo i oon of fat; tetrrn fat to roastniK 1 en aTd udd 1 tablespooi. of Hour, sthrlng until smooth and brown; g o dually add ?, cups of stock In whi"h giblets were cooked. Stir un til t If k, season and add tho giblets llnelj chopped. Cranberry Jelly One quart of cranberries, '2 cups of hot water. Put in a kottlo, cover and cook 10 minutes, iter.iovo! coyer, udd 2 cups sugar and coolc 10 minutes longer, r.'ach berry should' Chicken Pie en Cns-envlo , Cut chicken Into pUxes at the' Joints, wash. dry. roll In Hour and fry (saute) In salt pork fit until a golden brown. Put lu a casnerole. cover -with boiling water and ueiwon , to tn.sle. Cover and cook until ten der, the length of time depending on the nge of the chicken Uemove cover. Make a llaky paste, place j over top of chicken and h.iko In aj hot oven. Pumpkin Plo Two cuns cookud pumpkin or Hnuiish. 3-4 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon ground ginger. '6 teaspoon ground cinnamon. M- teaspoon salt. 2 egci, 2 cuVn of milk or 1 cup cteam and 1 cup of milk. Heat egg9, add milk and other In gredients. I.lne a uoep pie plate with pastry, pour In P.lUm; and bake until set. Tomato nntl Pimento Soup One uunrt tomatoes, 'j onion sliced, 2 sprigs parsley. Cook for tlftecn minutes and press through a coarse sieve; re turn to thu kettle, add two cups of beef stock, season with salt nnd pepper. Cut pimento In third strips and pour hot soup over them Celery Drririni; Two cups dry broad crumb, salt nnd pepper to tnste; Vi teaspoon ground sago; 1 teaspoon onion Juice; 1 cup chopped cdory; 3-5 cup melted butter or substitute Mix In order named. Cmillliovier uu (.'rutin " Sepnrnto flowerets of cooked cauliflower and put in a buttored baking dish. Make it white nance with four tablespoons butter or substitute, melted; four tablespoons Hour, mix well, cook until foamy; add two cups cold milk, and stir un til thick. Season with ono teaspoon salt and half-teaspoon pepper. Pour over cauliflower, (')ver with buttered crumbs and buku until brown. I'rult Sitliid To serve four, use ono large orrngo, four halves of canned peers, ono large bunch of tokay grape?, peeled, cut in half and Miod ed; one cup chopped celorv, while , .-Halks only; crisp lottucj hearts Pour over all of dronoinr inndo of Hvo tablespoons of oil, K teanpoon each of salt and paprika, tho Juice of half a lemon. Garnish with mar achlno chorrles. Chocolate I'liddliiK Cook ono and one-half cups of ground chocolate with ono-thlid cup of milk In a double bollor until thick; pour over the woll-beaton yolks of two eggs, add ono teaspoon of vanilla, then fold In tho wolU beaten whites of two eggs, Lino a molt) with wax paper and arrango lady fingers on the bottom and side of mold; add a layer of chocolate and lady, fingers ultoirrftoly until mold is filled. Set asldo overnight to cool and become firm. Turn on to a serving dish and sorvo plain or with whipped cream. Thanksgiving Pudding Jlcat tho yolks of three eggs; add 2 cups soft breud crumbs; 1 cup sugar, grated rind and Juico of Iom- work mid cooklng- iiree, Illy, Oregon. houno" Mrs. O. O. I.iib- 1-tf MISCELLANEOUS WorhlV. JietMl I',r..oIoBUt, I'uliiiM ami Medium Ite.nbi our cntlro life-nut piu-iit mm fuit,r correctly, V.' iik iiaiu.v.. dates utul llRiirc In bin. liieHM, hue. Inv. imirrliiKO nnd dom- """c tr" " Tells ou what yoa are bent a.hipteil for mid hat to do lo better our riimlltionii In life IIiIb laity rendu jour linnd a jou would nn npcii book A readlnf br I'er will meet your IiIkIkvi cipecu. tloiiH, ami yon will ho ,cr and lmpplor. lifter 1'oimultltiR her, iho haillg thu i;ft of reiniivlnr nil n WANTKD- Position a-s a bonne j lulliiencei and placing you In tin en keeper by n mlddlti-agnd widow; j vlronmeut of liniipy thought and would prefer work on u farm, for a contentment Ue.hIIiik: Sunday and bachelor or widower where 1 can 'dally. U a. m. to a .to p. m. lloom 5, have full charge. Aildres.i Mis tHvuimon Hhlg . uir riiii ttore, Main Anna Usher. Uox 377, or call nt -'l . betwein nth ntnl "th, opp Wen. Uoom 7, Ulvursldu Apitrt'iients. "i I'nloii, Khunntli Tnlls, Oreson 21-2f ' 1M3-19 (MAMWMIMSAV WANTKD Young Milk Depot. cnlvoa. City 2l-2t O'TV (1AU1IA(,.. aKQromovgil"nnyottW : ". u. IK Yon lid ('lot! II AV ,1 .... "Will ),, ", ,'1U cm Mil " iiiiiiyn .. ni i i',,ii ... : ." u'i cinic ,.: Whllo l-uiicnV. LI rc,,Wi - .: ;: i-n WANTKD-a ,ron,i ' "",n'"- U Horn7da4 ft LOST AND FOUND wmSZJj SITUATIONS WANTED iuu WANT HTIIIiPviwT call thn ki -.,TU l'u'T help School -Phono 35rairW,,,ll copying una llllnK! Ofor.l),pl8 houiuwork. ciirlng for ehiM.1"1"" Hoys for 'lorklK ,,,' lldrtl1 C chures. etc H i cl 2 it.",?, V 'VTlM '"'to this orvlco by ,hftnVlr: nuthorltlcs ami eUBrot " M "";l " itinko olllclont, ron n. b? "ml, both to th?.,""1 nd lu .l,M WrWiaS .. 211 ' Wh iniilut it himmIuIIi' ,if it T7 :V;I1"' ""'".u, ::s MADAM IOINA, PZ WrW,31 A S: lJr jL i - l l'Js-. hr - N A '"xmi w v mfxww tM I ' rh t ttk. .J 1 r' y ? r - I r I -rf m1m ' J f I rsrrrfrrr f wTM n ' U Vki I wgas.j &aViP,N V-v,(y B68 a.w J. tv A- 'imimAmmtim. y ',x r 'ii. v K VV J S5 A mim EZSBk etfL ' lri No matrcr at what speed you shave with a Gem Damaskcenc Razor it leaves your face tool and refreshed. That's because the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet like feel arul does such smooth, clean-cut work. Wc sell the complete Gem Damaskcenc Razor outfit for?!. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem maslJ"n.e Dladcs, ihaving and .troppinc handle -all tn a liana some leather cax. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth sclf-sliavinrj. Com in and jet your Gem to-day I BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The House of Quality" ,PS.W7n ?.u'iu.r;.iLu 4ii.i. imu nOIIBBJUlWITUVH a I A moaey-malicr and hard work icnmractoiz. uno man can move ' Ilapil-srtalii unasllnvrrlhntf. H. When lira ludJu, lecci iiilUs, feed cutters, pumpi, etc. "Mi Wall fm It m'foe tmJfirtcii Puv 3 it'U ri" ',. 7ilUtai, Kuril, Ort. "ihawirjKJthnmthfim fittitlt hulhtlmtlhtiau t inn fin a inliuHt, ' 'N, I'. Mji, , LtUn, Colli Antcr!;.i mutt turn nora . wood for fuel. One Vace ft win w ij menu wen; at onotcnin I'jo cesr. Vtriti) i tar ireo uoou, ' now Uiu 1(013 CUI3UCQIUI B lay," fence. uiuaujiii'jo im vWlZttZP r?7 . &&VD V25SKfes (Continued on I'aso Six) (G? mtnn J.nswi,iivr-,vr;.t"jw .,m im&- xBiitmszr i r zzzx?- xLxnzs&rfv&fsr i i'jOTH. 'IKt'iX attW .' 1M m mwi&?&2zv M M'JJ, . 1 shcsiJirmja-0 ...iucvy v ..-i r --iMfn vt'.vj j u .inninrtj j nxri.itu i t d&s&mzrfb mmi-u;.v.s. prwo. ffcaj?aiI's3&sJ5?5Gl,-"' aKShiaa.1 ahmiiumMa ff S? Garage IbLL fDIT DAME ME A T QCD A DC VCC M A CU FOR Murohev's Feed & Seed Store lllil ! . IJlflilj. lYlQjrt fl LiVilirll il. IjIHI III till I rLJiinvTo -,..., Miil " ' .i m pw - mr m -- -w uwwvmmb a .ll . v W . I II . .-. .. . .. . it.llTiEFrWMM.V. " " ismMi- 126 Soutk Sixtk St.