RuT J4, .;. six TH EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I!!Jim:u 21) & ABOUT IT? V- AMe pLJ sVMI,, , .. y r, . na - r$ NNV-ki MMJ I I,' .T 1W " 7 k. J Li J fTN I .. I A "" ' ' Hi.- ; v " 7- -- ... . rr-r: ...,. ; S i ,'' E' " ' .IDDr I !Ss?I I UNr FELLA'. V00 AvJ ) AW 1 UuMf LlM- I O 1 i iome N W I :,y r"lwAY fwJs lv ysoMeu 1 witpt .iss&ssy 1 m wi " iwfffii - w .JWk' . .. ; '; ww c a 2to?sfl , .J lmvcl. JU iViiVr L EM -':UV KB3 -J1H TOTiYfcji fc-s vS A , : W ilsun l.t-'ll-Z-Z NjLI 7V f h-nvs ' . Pl KBH K. fTP "-VTl f' n nrf uj i 3 .u ; lism ' ' l jlpdv ---j-i w -. fcran .:'' k:E"?un ! ' I J .. ? J T05- l tra v A V.I -4 Y- n : '!i 4 rtp jw J!n a b 1 r itq ,. jiiiM m . j j Mow is the time when the WISE ONES Are Storing Their Potatoes Apples and Onions to await the rise in prices that is sure to come. The wisest of these wise ones are taking advantage of the ex cellent facilities and low prices offered at the Klam ath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Co. There is still some room left. Get in while the getting is good. Klamath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Co. 7 . .. - . w May on the Job nj Willi? ZL if21U TOWER'S 1 vxi KXJAism J REFLEX SLICKER Is the beslwot woathor JiULCkiluil jtiVKl, ' IUUUlf tmM'd j f 1 Is the beslwot woathor 'll rr nTAiAMinn . u - . i 1 IVJ uiuic 11 -i 'Jff LooK jA' r.A'AJTWaCflrf. ! & EDGE WMl BMalr A :wu 11 Twnmj i'liSil ii3 IJ -: i I KKAL KSTATK, IXSUIIA.VCi:, j liOA.VS ' I have money to loan on business i and residential proportles. ! If you have a house (or sale, list ' it itli me. I have a number of prospective buyers. If you have business property. 1m- proved or unimproved, that you do- sire to sell, see me If the price la right I have the buyer. . JAMKS 51. WATKINS, Jit. I'hottt -SKI, Sullo 1, Swanson 151(1:;. NOTICU All members of tho Degree team ar requested to bo present Thurs day niuht for Initiation. Then will iltan a 4 linnnilfll 9A-1t m XOTICK Surety bonds wni! you wait. Clill corn & Smitli. B-tf Whereas my wife. ilargaret Fl ickuj has left my bed and board, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by her from and after this date 13-3t Theodore W. Flackus. gflrrtDCETTOOiU ron OA3 V COAl- X OH f Your Thanksgiving Turkey Tastes Better Cooked On A COAL OR WOOD RANGE Fuel Savers Wlililwll WTlilw8 Perfect Bakers Quality in a stove is the measure of usefulness and service it yields. iThat quality is economy is evinced by theWedgewood. EVANS & BALIN Vwwp mwwit 910,MainSt , ' 'HH "mXHM.. ttn GROCERY NEWS Ilouois caiuc thick and to I nililo llhodos. tho pliiuunt plcturu 'star, durlm: Klivt Woek In 1 .01 Auk- oles. llesldes tho pleusuro slio de- i rlvod from IiuvIuk her tlrat W W 'llodkluson roIeiLso. "Tho llluo Joi- net," solocto as tho fenturo attrac tion at tho spacious Kluonm Tlioalro I for tho blK celebration period. Miss Rhodes was prevailed upon by her horde of ndmtrors iiiuuiik Admiral Hodman's sailors to accept tho in vitation of n government aviator to accompany him on n trip nmons tho I clouds 11a n special Fleet Wook at traction. Arrlvlnn t tho limiRar for hor Ilrst tlyliiR trip, tho star of "Tho Hluo Uonnot" was greeted by a largo crowd, anil showed no sna of nervousness w hen IJ.wld 1' Thompson tho pilot tucked hor Into tho machine. As iho a'sp'auo ttart- ed .Miss Rhodes r'cnttd perfectly at caso as though Hying held no more terrors for her than posliu; before tho camera. Tho airplane soared all over the city and thrilled throtigs oven more than It did Miss Khodtn. who. on leaving tho machine, ap peared to be somewhat disappointed because she had not been a party to a loop-the-loop or a tall spin. 'Oh. it was wonderful' " exclaimed tho star. "Hut 1 had hoped my presence in the machine would not prevent Mr. Thompson from doing Home stunts. Ho was horribly care ful. At the Liberty Theatre tonght. Marguerite Clark, the exqu'V'itO little Paramount star who is rec ognized as one of tho foremost photoplay stars on the screen. Is presented u,t the Temple Theatre tonight in the mviii(lngly funny farce, "Miss Oeorgo Washington," directed by J. Sea'rle Dawloy, In which the little star plays tho part of u girl who cannot tell the truth, but who Is roputcd nove'r to have told a Ho In hor life. It Is ono of the cleverest roles in which she hns ap peared. In tho supporting cast uro such players as Frank Losce, Nile Welch. Florence Marten, Joseph Clcason. Herbert Prior and others Years ago the rodeo was tho big gest thing in tho West It was the occasion when nil the wild riders.' broncho busters and sure shots of tho West assembled to display tholr prowess. Such a sceno Is revived In ( "Tho Money Corral," a now Artcraft, picture starring William S. Hnrt which will bo shown at tho Star Theatre tonight. It was written bv Mr. Hart and Lumbort Hlllyer and they also collaborated In Its direc tion. Jano Novak is the leading woman, heading an excellent, hup porting cast. Tho rodeo sceno of this picture was expensive and took lots of timo, but It Justltled the ef fort for it gives a touch. of realism that could not otherwise have been secured. Many punchers, Indians, Mexicans, eowglrls and others camo to Hollywood to inako the rodeo scenes and over a thousand persons appeared therein. "Tho Money Corral" Is said to bo tho most ox citing film that has been produced In months. vei.umi: 1. KI.AMATII KAI.I.H, OIIIK.OX, 11111111 Mi;.MIUU S!l, Itmi MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS Mj'iu:u.K) TUBE ROSE PRODUCTS The brand of goods thrtt stand for QUALITY the WORLD OVER. We guarantee every can or package of Tube Rose Merchandise, the best that money will buy. Exclusive Agents for Tube Rose EDITORIAL BETTER SERVlcS NOT SPECIAL PRICES uu 1 REGULAR Prices. cranberries I New ,'WaInuts Remember, we have two deliveries a (lay; leave 9:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. ... . . . , ii. 'Dates, new We are giving tho public in ' A , SERVICK, QUALI T Y,rancy app1c5 MERCHANDISE and LOW!Lo8acrry Juice . m)irM?C! 'nivmi,;. P. A.i I 1VIVJUU. "J !" uu; rtppie Remember the hour the L ..C,iderm. m, 25c delivery leaves. Get your (Libby, McNeil & Libby', phone orders in in time and) Mince Meat, qt jar..75c we will deliver the goods. (Libby's Plum Pudding, "sov 20c 45c .40c ..$2.95 ...,50c Queer Neit, nl wiituiv Homi to tin Mwrc !... ttnil. .ij mill iii it n I ItuMii. HilVM Dr i:. V. HlueloH In Hoys' Ufe. "Thin Invention Is a strnnco fiift. They begin In the Miulhi-ru part of our countr In April. ,m,: may be fiuiiiil further north In j tho Mimuior preparing a circular nost p In tho siuid l reuniting nil tho twlgx. plants mid debris from a Minny npot about as larso ns one's head. Then by .sa.lng hor body tho foumle ro- liiiixes tho muioI and grnol to a depth . ., . .. i..... iv i. oi iroui iiirrr hi iuii lurm".. i.m.j . NEW PROCESS IN SCULPTURE of Italian OelentUt Will Hcvolutlonlie Work of Matters of the Chisel. Tho Waklmo InngiiiiKO Is so p0r. H)ntliotlc Hint ono wurd Is ablo lo oxprmiH a whole si'iitonco v, n I liiHtrutluti- tint word "I'otlvoi" whit h moaiiH "riin hnlry sltlc of the I I kin Is getting loom." A procesM for producing htiH-relloM ( by photogniphy I" tho fruit of tho l Invention of mi Italian M'lontlit. The basis of tho Invention Is Iho proportj poshossed by a tltin of chromi um golntlii of swelling In proportion to tho Intensity of tho light falling turn Is tbls diguing done? Is koiiio of , upon It. The swelling Is greater ulth n low Hum with a high Intensity, m that the light piiNxlng through a pho tographic negative produces upon chromium gelatin plate u positive In dlKtlnct relief. Tho transparency of an ordinary negative. howoor. Is not truly propor tional to tho relief of tho original model, but l an Ingenious automatic -vice Involving double exposure this dlllltuliy In immlcd anil a negative Tho Hoiuans are said to have been ' olitalnid ImMng Its light and the llrst to use feather bods. k1""Ii,s "'"" K'''''! I'rotlucn tho I effect of relief. the Mind and gruvel taUeu 111 the INIi's lllolltll ll Is IlltiTi-Hllllg to lliitr uhiit eozy plnoes tin so nrsts occupy. Such hpots are soiiietlmes like mlnliiture houses as tlie nipintle plnntw are so close together at the top that olio may well Imagine them to frin windows for sun parlors. When the joung lire hatched the suulMi like the bullhead, giiaids the nest against all Intruders." NEQLEGTiNG THAT . cold on COUGH? Why, when Dr. Kinjj' New Discovery so promptly checks St bo lor nl- Not when ONE E UuU pain, isorcncss and stiff. no6H right out with old "St. Jacobs Liniment" Kidneys causa backacho? No! Tboy have no nerves, therefore can not causo pain. Listen! Your backacho Is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and tho quickest relief Is soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment." Hub it right on the ache or tender spot, and instant ly tho pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of ''St. Jacobs Lmlment" from your druggist and limber up. A moment otter it is applied you'll wonder what becamo of tho backache, sciatica or lumbago pain. "St. Jacobs Liniment" stops any pain at once. It if harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. It's the only application to rub on a.wettk.Japio or,painful,back, or,(pr lioni,.,'";)." ,,'"n, ittiri',',1. 'rhpii i mutlbui, spialiia ur a strain. Thanksgiving Cutlery hero nptenty. From tho axo to behead the doomed Jilrd to tho knives and forks for c-jrvd-g and eating him. All kinds of cooldiig uteiiHllH also. Things tlwi t will inako ThaukHglviiig rooking easier and iiulclior. Thlilgo that no kitchen ilionld ho without. Comu and look them over ROBERTS & HANKS IIS'J Main Street IT'S natural 5011 don't wont to tiiroioss mill ii-i Unit old niM 1 uiuli (Ir on or Unit new link ili'M'loo mTlmi'-U Not Ml ou run Ki-t Mich a jhohmI nuat'M fill remedy us Dr. Kliig'11 New Dls- co ery. Cold, rough, grippe, croup does not resist this Htiuiilnril n-llcur ery long. Its quality lit in lil;!i today (IK t nlivajM Iiiih been and ltd been growing Hleaillly In popu larlt for tnoru than llfly Jrars. Hoc. and SI -) n bottle nt nil ilmz gUsu. (Jle It n trial. Tardy Dowels, Inert Liver MMMMAMAAAAMMAMA They Jmt won't let jouinit "pfP Into "o- or't or piny. hUkhraJ- 1n.11 miliums ii . t in.-.-, la tliotoJy. thing uia1- .3 -111! (I'll I ucln mall I-V. thw I regui irodu Hyutem .hoi "'' l bowels ni..oiid t" tlie it Mlniiur, beiillhj body, h'- Jit ill drugsbis. '1'ry tlitui iu.e sSV V THE PE Phone Eight-Three Phone Eight-Three FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER. Just a little better quality of Pot Roasts, Steaks, Lamb Roasts and Chops, Spring Chickens and Hens; none better. SWIFT'S BACON AND HAMS SWIFT'S PICNIC HAMS 28c SWIFT'S COTTAGE HAMS 38c Please phone your orders EARLY, then we can give you much better service. Phone 83. I PEOPLE'S MARKET