hi .yoVM"i:n 21, llMtt THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tkim iv flUPA' LAIKJKNV CHAHttK AGAINST WOMAN IN AUTO CASH Ornco Joiwon In under arrest on n larcony charge sworn to by John WteWmaxfeStott Mnkoy, a rnnchor nour Mnllu, who allow Mm. JoiNion Mold him J J t T J J t unovroiot nutomobllo, valued nt 4 ii 4 MGO, which wan owned by tho H. N. MOE, Proprietor NiannrK insurance company. The oar whh drlteu up from Ciillfornlu by tho woman. Hearing on the chargo will take placo next week. First Extraordinary Selling of Fashionable fall Suits (X)NCKKT TOMUIIT AT OPKRA housk Y )AAAAAAMAMMAVMAMWMAAAAMMAMWMMrMAMMMMM He Economy of two or hee Pairs of Shoes it win pay you ,0 bu? 2 or 2 ..in of HhocH nt onn t mo and Slternato thorn In wearing A ilDKlu Pn'r ot "hooH worn ,t(dlly lends o wear out much Sore quickly tht.n two pairs of .hoei nltcrnutod. The roniton for thin Ib that ,i,0Mhoull bo allowed to rest nd dry out nftor each duy'B t.ir The leather then koops la much butler condition. nut. of course, thn mnln prob lem In buying n fhoe Ib to bo inre you nro BolllnR ono that hn blKh-iunlliy louther, good workmnwihlp. nnd the namo of i rellablo company bnck of It. Such o hoo wo offer you In our Crowett models. The now Kail models nro now be Wo would lltfe to thnw item to you. When will you oil? BRADLEY SHOE STORE 727 Mnln Hlwt Union Store 'MAKES LIFE'S WALK EAST Mm. Marjorlo McCluro Gallagher, luvtlatod by a number of IocrI artists, will glvo n Concert tonight at HoUHton'H Opora House under thi direction of Mrs. Don J. Zumwuit The proceeds i.f thn affair nro for fho benefit of tho Prcnbytorlnn pipe organ fund. Tho concert begins nt S:00 o'clock. sui:s on notk Martin OroH , u rorporntlon, have begun null In tho circuit court against Frank L. Hums, admlnlstra tor of tbu estate of 8. II. (Jnrdnor, deceased, nnd holr'a of tho estate, to collect $985, alleged to bo duo on a note, with Intoront, nttornoy'tj fe-H nnd costs. Wm. Uunong Ih nttorney for thn plaintiff. I Tho first monumont over erected by the Federal (lovornmcnt to any man who renounced allegiance to tho Union In 1HC 1 wai the monu ment erected several yonr.i ago to Prosldoiit John Tyler, In Hollywood Comotury. Richmond, Vn. In Jit pun theatrical nudlencoH not Infrequently show tholr appreciation of tho nctorn by throwing portions of tholr clothing hats, coats, Hushes, utc. on to tho stugo. At tho close of tho play thoy redeem these articles at fixed prlcoB, the lirocecdN going to tho fortunate actor. duo of tho mast curlouH facts In numlHinatlcs Ib tho groat rarity of Home specimens of the coinage of tho United State. Thoro aro many ICngllsh coins of evoryi Hovc'sjslgn, from William tho Conqueror down wards, that uio more common thun cortuln United Stutcs Issues of tbu last century. "Helpful Hint." WHAT IS AN "OVERDRAFT"? THIS Is tho drawing of a chock for more monoy thnn one has on deposit In tho bank. It Is obvious why tho bank Is not permitted to honor such a check. Over drafts arlso nlna out of ton times through negloct or carelessness upon the part of tho depositor In kooplng track of his doposltu and withdrawals. Thoreforo, such an occurrence does not ndd to ono'R business prestige. When you bank at tho Flrflt National Hank, you enlist our Interest in your Interests. K. It. Kennies, President. Ii. V. WIIIUn, Vice-President. IjChIIc Rogers, Cashier. A. M. Collier, Asst. Ciutlilcr. John M. Moore, Asst. Cashier. me First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ? l T f T T t t ? t t I t T T T t r t t I T T T T T ; . Is r l a MlJm M V Is J ' 1 JmTm M X ' 9 I'll BK i ! (I I I n i 1 III n n lif J V w . Less 20 per cent SOME ARE VELVET TRIMMED. SOME ARE SELF TRIMMED. SOME ARE RECENT ARRIVALS IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT; BUT ALL ARE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES, AND INCLUDE THE CREAM OF THE SEASON'S MOST LIKED STYLES. YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IN SELECTING YOUR SUIT NOW, FOR THE SCARCITY OF GOOD WEAR IS BECOMING MORE ACUTE. OUR SHOW ING IS EXCEPTIONAL FOR THIS TIME OF THE YEAR AND AT THE MOST PRONOUNCED SAVINGS OF THE SEASON. VELOURS TRICOTINES SILVERTONES BROADCLOTHS Prices Range from $40 to $75 of Every Suit at a Discount 20 per cent of market price. Sale Begins Saturday Morning, Nov. 22nd TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I ff,ff,,M,,lfffftt.,.t, WANTED VounB Milk Depot. calves. City 21-2t FOR SALE Milk Fed Chickens and Turkeys. City Milk Depot, Phono 296-J. 21-5t WANTED Position as a houso keoper by a middle-aged widow; would prefer work on a farm, for a bachelor or wjdower where I can have full charge. Address Mrs. Anna Usher, Box 377, or call at Room 7, Riverside Apartments. 21-2t WHY HIS "SECOND'BEST BED"? LIBERTY THEATRE "TIIK PICK OF TIIK PICTUUKB" H .W. l'OOLK, Owner. VW 1IAUHY IIOIHSIj, MusleiU Director Tonight Dainty llilllo Rhodes tippcnra in her latest piny x 'THE BLUE BONNET" .. A noted Los Angoles critic characterizes this plcturo as "ono 'fat tugs at tho heartstrings, swells your throat with pathos and 'HKs eoul-deop tho doctrine ot tenderness." SUNDAY AND MONDAY VK WIIJi SHOW POPULAR DUSTIN FARNUM IN A RIOAL MAN'S PIjAY "A MAN'S FIGHT" Coming Soen: "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" TIIK PIjAV OF TIIK VKAR Writer Feels Called On to Criticize Shakespeare for Provision Made in His Will. We nro indebted to nn nngllsh pub lication for n copy of the Inst will nnd testament of the lute Wllllnm Shake speare. In the courso of this docu ment, e observe the following sen tence: "I gyve onto my wlef my second best bed with tho furniture." We have no desire to find fault with the successful poet and dramatist of Stratford for this apparent discrimina tion ngnlnst the.-Widow Shakespeare. Whnt disposition he mnde of his first liest hod Is a matter that Is not re vealed by the copy of tho will of the versatile nuthor whose last testament Is reported In the columns of our alert London contemporary. However, we don't think Mr. S. showed Just the right spirit In pyvelng onto his wlef his second best bed. O, why did he not gyve onto her his first bed, or his tee p'otte or his punche bolo with the gilt butterflyes, or bis favorytte wlgge. or Ills sufetie razure, or fountain penne, or bicycle anything, In fact, but his sec ond best bed? No doubt Mr.,Shukespenrc had gone to bed with his boots on mnny a Satur day night l that very second best bed, and yet, hallowed us (t was by such memories, one cannot but feel thnt the widow was treated unfairly. Perhaps .Will's folks influenced him. As a co writer wo have only the highest regard and esteem for him. Rut wo dou't think ho acted right about friend wlef. Thrift Magazine. Shop Early Let This Be Your Christmas Slogan While our stock ovf Christmas Goods is complete and made up largely of staple lines, you should not get an idea that purchases may be conveniently postponed until the eleventh hour. You resolved last year to do your shopping early this Christmas. Live up to this good intention and induce your friends and neigh bors to shop early, too. Shop now and you'll have the advantage of a greater assortment, more attention from clerks and avoid the woriy which you nat urally experience when shopping is delayed. Make a list of items in which you are interested and bring it to our store. With such a list and the suggestions which our stock affords you'll be able to complete your Christmas shopping in a very satisfac tory fashion and in the briefest time possible. . UMerwoods Phaimrv WL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON W7n7V 1 WHPRF PARTICULAR PEOPLE V IJ WHPRF PARTICULAR PEOPLE PiWf v i BUY THEIR DRUGS Iaccuovcvi f I J J J J T J T J T J T T 5 . y y y y y 7 7 T T T y y t t T f i 74 Doors onn at 1.30 and 7:00 P. M. Best yet. Herald Want Ads. MMHM HH ttM,,HHtHtMMnWntf ttltf