rMIAV, NOVIiMHKU lt 11.10. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pacie tiire BUSINESS CARDS , Commission & Auction Room vn " l'y iKMinnlmlil fr i.nriV iinil mnrcliim.llHO. Ill,;1i Sr'n.l. prlro paid. Co DICK 100H Main Ht. KLAMATH FALLS Marble & Granite Works 10 to MAIN HT. I HOU S T O N'Q: I 1 rvr Arfi-r 1 Melropollimi Aimiihciiici.Im "r li DR. CARTER riiono :i ki-.i Hill! Miiln HI. 0. K. Lunch AND OONMCOTIO.NKire Formerly nt Main St. llome-Mndo Pie and Cake Cold Moat & Mincli Goods. ii Cream and Fruit. HARLEY-DAVIDSON C.niiKu Station w handle tho Hurloy-navldson Motorcycles nnd lllcycloH Exclus ifrir. Alno lmy. soil and oxchango .11 otnor muftut., """"', end DIOtllOMU iirUB UI1U luran. O. K. BISMARK IIS fl. Otb Ht. Klamath Falls RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W DR. CARTER DENTIST Will 110 ItUIMHNG PHONE UH5 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST I,ooniin IIMg., Klamath Pali WVVVVV DK. O. A. ItAMIIO Dentist I. O. O. F. Iliilldlng phone en PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Coach Mr. Rosa McDanlcla, 301 High St Phone 455 OMIco I'hono 177W Hob 17711 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pliynlrluii nml Surgeon White ISulldlng t Klamath 1'nlln Orogon WWV,'WVW'W' DR. F. R. GODDARD Ontoopnthlc PhyMrlnn A StirgeOB Suite all, 1. 0. O. F. Tviii,il (over K. K. K. Rtoro) I'lioiie 81 .f" (The pnly Osteopathic Physi cian and 'Surgeon lu KUnifctk rails.) HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING r.VKHV WKDNEHDAV AXI) HATUKDAV STAR THEATER TODAY WII.MA.M ft. IIAKT I vtaiAM C Hast I In "THE MO.NEV COKItAI," AIM) A IHIIIo Wiwt Coincly "iii-:ic rntsT kai.sk hake" TEMPLE THEATER TODAY MAHGl'EIUTE OIjARK I Mnoutans Chsz. I I (yWwtf I Let your Glass TrouhlcH bo My Troubloii. IlcRlazliiK dnim In any part of tho city K. C. BTUCKY. Carpontor & Cabinetmaker Phono 477W 1021 Main. DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Modirlno and Surgery OIllco ovur 1'nderv.oodn I'hono 2S0W 7th and Main "MISS GKOIUiE WASHINGTON A Thrilling Tun llool Western Dr.mm Slnriiiis Pete Morrison MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATUItDAYB Ucrrlll, Orogoa Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only market in the city operating its own sold storage sys tem for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. FECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY AH meats sold at this shop are guaranteed to be the best of quality. W':--"H yv J. O. CliKOIIOIlN Citll Engineer "ml .Surveyor Oftlco C17 Main St. I'liono. Office, 1110. He. 1D2M. CITY AND COUNTY AHSTRAOT COMPANY RI7Mnln ARTHUR R. WILSON i Manager KATHERINE SCIILEEF Phjslrlun nml Surgeon X Office, Wlillo IllclK. XJ :::: WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 20 C I. O. O. F. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY BucccNHor to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. I Bldg Onire phono Hli.I Uch 1'lione HUM 0. K. FEED & SALE STABLES Under now manage ment Best care taken of all stock placed in our barn. Horses, harness and wagons bought, sold and exchanged. 8 Phono lfilJ Hoiiro 1G1M Ilcslilonro DR. A. A. SOULE Onico, 420 Main IlOBldonco, 190!) Main Oi rjlnal Personality. . Tin' appKiiii'h to Hi'' compn'hcnilon of rii.v original pci-'-omillly In art or in philosophy N slow but full of fascina tion. Ono tlfst Impulse. I huvp usual ly foiiml. Is one of tedious Indifference followed by rejection, probably accom panied with lep.isnanLV. In tblb spliero the door which opens at a touch may only lead Into a hovel. The portal to a clorlous temple may be through a dark and dreary narthex, to bo tra versed painfully. It may be on one's knees, u passage onlj Illuminated In Its last stages by exhilarating bursts of light us tho door ahead momentarily hwlugs open Ilavplock Kills. SAYS HOT WATER w WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Phono 4G0 Ico Cream 72!) Main St. Cimdlea PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Olgars, Tobacco, Soft Urlnk,l Peel und Dllllards Darbor Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Conrteey and Borrlce" HAW Mllilj KXOINKRUINO & CONSTItlHTION CO. Designers and builders of mod em Haw Mills, PlauliiK Mills, Ilox Plants. Coinpleto phtnls contract ed. Appraisals anil icports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a biilldine; and Install tuaclilner of any Kind. DruftiiiR of any kind done. Illiio PrintH made. PHONK 1 ll)J Olllcu In It. D. ltulldlnu KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repair log Now Ones Mado to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthing AXIi WORK GUARANTEED Phone B50-Y 617 Klamath Ave. DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Streets 'WWWMMMAAMrtMM KSsjSH ESTRAY v?.wo.b,ack "Hies, coming throo mrs old. No brand. Ono is honvy ' other medium. build. Addreea .vL!nf?rmat,on a to tholr whero g n"'B tn o n. nJ.'.!o, 1040 Mnln ' 10-31 VOCHATZER BROS. DRILIJNO Klamath Fulls, Oregon I am now prepared to furnish Bhusta Sand from tho Hoey, eaui., and and gravel pit, in any auantlty that may bo dosired by contractor nrt bullrtora. . . ALi F. UKAHAM Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. Ti feel us flno as tho proverbial fiddle, wo must keep tho liver washed (loan, and almost every morning to prevent Its sponge-llko pores from dogging with indigestible mnterlal, sour lillo and poibouous toxins, says a noted physician. ! If you got hondnchs, It's your liver. If you catch cold easily, It's your llvor. ir you wauo up witn a uaa tasio, iur rod tongue, nnsty breath or stomach becomes rancid. It's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy comploxlon, wntery eyee, all denote liver uncloanllncss. Your liver Is tho most important, nlso tho most abused nnd neglected organ of tho body. Fqv know Its function or how to roleaso tho dammod-up body waste, bilo and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous, salivating chomical which can only bo used occasionally because it accumulates in tho tissues, also at tacks the bones. Evory man and woman, sick or woll, should drink eaoh morning bo foro broakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate in it, to wash from tho llvor and bowels the previous day's indigestible mntorlal, the poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, swootenlng and froshening tho entire alimentary canal before putting more food into tho stomach. Llmostono phosphate does not re strict the dlot like calomol, bocauso it can not salivate, for it is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It Is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and any pharmacist will sell you a quarter pound, which 1b sufficient for a demonstration of how hot water and limestone phoephato cleans, stimulate and freshens the llvor, keeping you f nllnir fit day In and day out. Adv. I Nice Juicy Cuts from Klamath County Beef PRIME RIB ROAST Rolled 30c FANCY SHOULDER ROASTS 18c to 23c NICE, JUICY FORE ROUND STEAKS 24c NICE, JUICY CUTS FOR BOILING 14c to 18c YEARLING MUTTON Fancy Loin and Rib Chops :..30c Choice Shoulder Chops. .22c Nice, Juicy Shoulder Roasts 20c Mutton Stew 14c I BIG SPECIAL ON FANCY VEAL CHOICE LEG ROASTS 28c CHOICE SHOULDER ROASTS 18c to 20c Shoulder Veal Cutlets....20c FANCY RUMP ROASTS 25c BREAST OF VEAL AND VEAL STEW 15c EASTERN AND OLYMPIA OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND CHICKENS For your Sunday Dinner Hens, per lb 30c Springers, per tb 35c i We slice FIDELITY HAMS, strictly an Eastern Product, U. S. Inspection No. 141. Klamath Packing Co. 524 MAIN ST. PHONE 68 7 .j We're prondo Y oo? Oregon Beautiful Musical In struments and Art Goods. Serviceable Overalls & Gingham Dresses. Warm, beautifully woven Robes and Blankets. Delicious Food Products THESE thlngt and minjr more were en display In Portland' I (tore windowi dunng Rom Featm! Week. Thtjr are all manufac tured in Oregon. (JTManjr of them are nationally advertised and told throughout the world. lT.lt ii not only your duty to bay Oregon Made Product It Is a privilege. IjjJjmjS' Associated Industries of Oregon IMS IDE! FELT t, .'V'1 . V Best yet. TTernlrt Want Arts. BETTER II LIFE "TANLAO PUT ME HACK ON MY FEET" SAYS POItTIiANl) SLAA. "Eighteen months ago I had chronic indigestion so bad I thought I was about down nnd out, but Tan lac put me bock on my foot and no man In Oregon feels bettor than 1 do today," said George Throck morton, who lives at 81 McClollan St., Portland, Ore., the other day. "My trouble started about four years ago," ho continued, "when I bogan having attacks of acute in digestion which got worse and worse until I would just faint away. I had no appetite and aqmetlmos tho mero thought of eating would turn mo deathly sick. I didn't hardly daro look at fruits and acids or any thing friod, much less eat thorn. Even milk would curdle on my stomach and meats, especially pork, were Just llko poison to my systom. I was so badly constipated I had to tako a laxative nearly ovory day and I folt so weak and tired all tho time I had to drag myself to work. I tried all sorts of medicines but nothing seemed to help mo and the attacks kopt getting closor and closer together. When thoy camo on I would have tho awfullest cramps s lnH my1' 'stomach anybody evor had and would be completely floored for Ave or six days. I was so nervous I could not sleep halt as much as I ought to and for days at a time I couldn't eat a mouthful of anything. I would faint so often T was afraid to he by myself at night. "I was In Aberdeen, Wash , when I read about Tanlac doing other peo ple so much good and decided that is might help me, too. I took three bottles in all, that was in April. 191S, and I haven't had a singlo attack of indigestion since. I eat anything I want oven beet pickles without any bad effects after wards. I havo gained ton or fifteen pounds and nevor folt better in my life than I do right now. Tanlac did mo a world of good and I have told lols of people about it." Tanlac Is sold in Klamath Falle by the Star Drug Co., and In Lorella. by tho James Merc, Co. Adv. t SPRING LAKE NEWS -O Ray Reece, who has been home on a visit, left Sunday for Ashla&d. to continue school. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dolan -wore city visitors Tuesday. A parent-teachers' meeting was held at tho school house Friday and new officers were elected. It is recorded that tho first pur chase of metal for the United States Mint, following its establishment in 1791, consisted of six pounds of old copper. The nightingale, it is said, tuw sixteen dlff orent t beginnings Al closes,- with ' many'"" intermediator notes, while other bird havo but four or five changes In all.