AV, NOVIli:lt ao. P THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JV1G13 F1VK fiiin-f" l ', (-jvvvvvvviifayiy,vtJvrirvvv,r HEAR MRS. MATUORIE GALLAGHER IN VOCAL CONCERT Houston Opera House, Friday, November 21, 8:00 P. M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PIPE ORGAN FUND r BENEFIT ASSISTED BY Mrs. Bcauchnmp in humorous readings. Miss Betty Gndclis on the piano. Miss Esther Haines in Japanese costume. Miss Harriet Sugarman in Chinese costume. (These two by request) Mr. Borrel with violin oblignto. Mr. Fletcher with flute obligate Mrs. Gallagher has a very sweet, melodious voice. You will be delighted. The concert is given under the direction of Mrs. Don Zmnwalt, who will act as accompanist. Ticket: Adults, 50c; school children, 20c: Thanksgiving Cutlery hero aplenty. From tho nxo to Imhmul tliu iloomud lilrd to ihu knlMiH mid forkM for carv'i (; mill online liim. All klrnlH of rooking utfiiHllH alio. Tilling Dm t will m. -i I: o Thanksgiving cooking cunli r ami jiilfiji TIiIiikh licit no kitchen iliouM In) without. t'oino and loo.t tin in over. ROBERTS & HANKS liil! .Main Street An Advocate of Preparedness " v v Tim. i Uid Another King Is About To Lose His Grown, The Hoard of Lubrication Engineers Our Board of Lubrica tion Engineers study the lubrication needs of each make of Automobile. These experts have de termined the correct con sistency of Zerolene for your make of automobile, ineir recomiherldatlona are available fort, you In the Zerolene Correct Lu brication Chai Is. t Tierek o chart for each dike of car. Zerolene Is correctly re fined from selected Cali fornia crude oil. It keep U lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds com pression, elves perfect protection to the moving rts and deposits least carbon. It is the product the combined resour ces, experience and equli of the Siandarjf Oil r?.7i" Cirrest Lubtlc.lkit .."''" your car. At ycr d.l- or our nearest ititlou. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalUcrtli) I vf5ik Amj. ft ara si l9CBnHBnRe9BBB9BBBpns1 dFTlIFWEll TEXAN WOULD BALK RAIL TIE-UP P4 9sOP iVbbbbbbbbb1sbbbbbbb1 "V yjF v'? J PTfsBissssssI SBBBBsK PWbKMC SBBBBBBBBBBsH 1 hanksgivmg Utter rv. tji rii - . r A . V I fv is L v -:. ;aiiis? . nr i -nuryf. "- L-.'t SBk SBSl laTWaTHiaTs "J .alaTVaaTaTaTaTH.aaTaTMjLa4.aTW SBBBvf I iVsVB. tjSsPlSBBBBBBBBBBBBflsVI r TsT'sTMBilEi . fcT ' One Dessert Free A Real-Fruit Dessert For Six People 4 ConBrcssraan EuRono Dlack of Tcxns proposoB drastic pui.lah mont for nny two or moro porsonn riW0UW l' Up th0 nUon' rail tanh flno and six months In prison Pnnl',hn,c".t- Th,s uro mKiioV r8U,tof ,Vo con' 8,r,k0 COLLAR OF SEA! .TO ' HEM OF GREAT tOAl yf (jMMTC SBBBBsESlflsBH ' t vt'X si -T- Pineapple Juice Comes conderued In a bottl la PiaeappI Jlffy-JelL W me the juice ol half Pineepple to flavor a pint dessert ' .Z This is an offer to buy you this week a Jiffy-Jell de: ert for six people. Many housewives don't know what Jiffy-Tell means to them. They know the old-style quick desserts, but not! jthe new. -. Jiffy-Jell brings you real-fruit flavors not the artificiaLJ Each package contains a bottle of fruit juice condensed.; we crusn tne real (nut, ana much of it, to flavor a Jiffy Jell dessert. A Jiffy-Jell dainty seems filled with fruit. Here you get fresh-fruit delights. And you get its health ful acids, needed every day. Try One Fruit Free Present the coupon to tout Grocer this week. Bur two rack. - a . Mi . .. ' - aces ot any tiavor ana ne win give you a tuu-size packa Jiny e cf Pineapple flavor free. We will pay bis will give you three packages for :e package We will i f Loganberry Juice -A5BSW., " ell in Loganberry or or the free nackaKe. This me price ot two. J iffy-Jell comes in many fruit flavors, but the choicest air Loganberry and Pineapple. You will find in each package bottle of the fruit-juice flavor in liquid form, condensed. The Jiffy-Jell mixture is ready-sweetened, acidulated and in proper color. Simply add a pint of water as directed on the. package, then the flavor from the vial and let coot See what yon get a real-fruit dessert for six people. It wilt have a wealth of fruit. It will change your whole conception of j quick gelatine desserts. I Note that this offer is made on two flavors on Lomnberrv i and Pineapple only. Your grocer has no right to offer another. We want you to know Jiffy-Jell at its best. Then always remember that this real-fruit dainty is ever at your command. It will bring you the joys of real fruit. And it will cost you, when you buy it, only a few cents per dinner. Is' will cost you less than the fruit alone which we use to ma the flavor. This offer U for this week only. Cot out the coupon now. If yw '. grocer lacks the flavor mentioned, go to another tore. Comas condensed In a vial in Logs nlmiif Jiffy-JelL You get the juice of snany beniee in a pint dessert Kr ivxK. 'Si$&s yi$i HsSSaH!9sHBslsHj9ujCM' . BSar andGtt Thi Package Makes a Pint Desaert Like This Pnrhnps it is tho richness of the tun pom-pom cloth In this great coat ! which shows best the richness and luster of that big seal collar and deep cuffs. Tho fenturo though is of course tho lines of that huge col lar which extends to the hem of the garment. 'fgrade for each type of engine T J. MORTELL, Special Agent Klamath Falls, Oregon Dest yet. Herald Want Ads. B ?Twtrim js- nss Hi 498 Full Size Package Free Present Hum to Yoxxr Grocer Jiffy-Jell, Wsnlreina, Wisconsin I have bought today two packages of Jiffy i Jell of my grocer and he has given me, without charge, one package in Loganberry or Pine apple flavor. Writ r mmd uddrmB elmnriy li I S! Each package has a usUdglasa bottle of fruit juice, in condensed farm. TelheCrscan WewUlpar yoaiaeasbjroorrctnilpric- , far each of time coupons which ytm redeem. Seod them I.) , na at the end of the week, with ronr MIL , To tap Hootewif et Note that It would be frud on uMo J deUrer or accept any product bat JUty-JtU on this iuui. , when we pay tbetTocerfartt, , Wankaaaa Pan Foed Co.. Waolie.lia, VU " I ....... -------------..---------..- J A casket weighing TOO pnmvls and large enough to how hix average sized men was required for the recent burial of a COO touml woman of Albln, Iowa. Under the English law a girl of fourteen is, if of ordinary intelli gence, deemed to be of sufficient capacity to choose her own domicile and mode of life. The best marksmen are usually, thoso with gray or blue eyc3. GET KNOWLEDGE OF COUNTRY DICKENS' TWO LOVE AFFAIRS, Japanese School Children Go on Out ings as Part of Their System of Education. In Jiipnn, beyond nil other lands, the wholo world goes outing. Wherever the traveler wanders he meetR crowds of people nn tho highways, Frederick Starr writes. These people fall into three well marked classes. Kvcry where one sees sehool children on excursion. There may he half a dozen with one teacher or there may be hundreds with their teachers. They are out to view the landscape, to see places famous In the national history, to visit the scenes of old legends, to examine in detoll the various processes of art industries. It is considered as Important a part of the school curriculum that the children should see things und become acquaint ed with nature, with national history and with practical sources of wealth as It Is that they should know arith metic, grammar or history. They are out for an hour, a day, a week, or a vacation period. When I first visited MlyaJInia I met a group of 40 school boys with twu teachers, who had .! ready been two weeks on their ex cursion mid had seen many interesting things on their way to the exposition at Fukuoka, in the southern lslniuK The night before they had been trav eling until after midnight and now tdov iin.i hrnr them a .louniey which would keep them up until the early. hours of the morning; aitnouKii wey were so tired that they could hardly stand they were full of enthusiastic anticipation for tho experiences that lay ahead. The Japanese ure very wise In making these excursions an Important feature of their school system. Biographers Generally Have Over looked Interesting Passages In the Life of the Great Novelist. The many biographers of Charles Dickens have nuide little mention of his love affairs, though It Is cert u In that the great noellst had loved pas sionately In his time, says a writer in London Ideas, it is only In out-of-the-way little books that one comes across such revelations as this: "When only a boy of five yenrs Charles Dickens had a little playmate named Lucy, a beautiful fair-haired child, whom he loved to distraction. "It wub his first love, and only a baby affection at that, but the novelist never forgot It. It Is a fact that she Is the heroine of at least one Dickens novel." The original of Dora Spenlow In "David Copperfleld" was a later love of Dickens, and one which was un happy for him. The lady, early in the acquaintance, encourageu nis uuec tlons, but her parents objected on the score of the position he then held in life, and she Inclined to their view. .She went away to Paris to study art, and completely forgot the unhappy lovoc, Later, when Dickens had at tained fame us a novelist, she wrote to him,, and after a time there was u meeting. But the lady whom the novelist had known and loved had changed. Charles Dickens, at all times a senti mentalist, was prepared to nVid her grown old with hint, but he did not anticipate the change In her character, And thus the attempt at reconciliation failed of its purpose. . ATTENTION Millmen and Boxmakers Local 1764 IMPORTANT SPECIAL MEETING will be held Thursday, Nov. 20, 1919 Full attendance is necessary. Im portant messages for you. BRING YOUR DUES BOOKS. THIS IS A VITAL and MOST IMPORTANT MEETING, -BE THERE! t. U.S. rat. or. UCKMECH1 ARMY wue The Shoe that gives you "ex tra Service every step Comfort every minute." Sold in Black Gunmetal or Mahogany Calf or In dian Tax Calf. Fos practical, everyday wear for lasting comfort for the ort f i have's right to expect look tc the Buckiiecht Army Shoe. Jt will " new ense of t hoe-comfort a new undemanding of shoe-economy, Made on the famous Munson Last from top-grade matcrub by top-notch workmen. Wcrn by thousands of men in all walks of life. Grt a p.ut today! BRADLEY'S SHOE STORE Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San Francbco -Trr"Tnf ' " ur.-fTra-i- riTHiaiiaiaaamuBBe '& I il C.5 i i. si "V. VI 1 B