a P?g lEttgnmg Msttdh OFKlClAIi PAl'KB OB- OFFIOIAIi PAPKB OQ P KLAMAT1I VMM KLAMATH COUNT Fourteenth Year No. 3773, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919 Price, Five Cent FINAL REPORT ore gross ME RESULTS (luilrnmn WhIChh Pn'imre Hlulc- dnclH With Tiitol f SOIS i:iu CunKruttitiiUul on KIiomIiik Mrolo George Walton, chiilriuun of tlio third Hed t,roBH r0" cu" ''""U'lilKii In thin county, linn prupnrod n ro port showing rcKtiltH of tlio cam palgn, which, except for n fow Btrng fling BubBcriptloiiH that nro oxpoct ed, Is hw cIoboiI. Tho report fol fel fol eow: "In innklng thlH report I wish to Mprcis my sincere uppreclutlon of the henrty renponiw occonlod to thlu dttio by the corps of workers who pot this over. Tho statement holow bIiowh tho re turns li' preclnctH nnd 11 compuriHon vltb last yeiir. This Btatemont doeii tot Includo tho rotuniH received aft er the drive cloHod In ulthur year. MmnherB Precincts - ThlB Yr. Unfit Yr. ,Algoma Bonania BIT Cblloquln Crescent Fort (Klamath Henley Hladobrnnd Keno and Worden.... Kirk Klimath Agency Klsmath FnllB Precinct 1 PreclnctH 2, 3 and 4 Precinct 5 Precinct G Precincts 7 and 9.. Precinct 8 Precinct 10 Business District .... Street Ungcll Valley Lorella Malln 152 42 29 72 11 70 19 20 57 80 100 237 81 98 129 13 40 C38 164 24 10 16 93 79 28 126 15 57 29 86 86 236 98 63 14G 64 34 483 571 25 17 113 Merrill 167 Midland .... 254 27 22 89 44 30 76 30 4 26 7 G9 80 84 132 192 27 Miller Hill Mt. Lakl Odessa Poe Vnlloy Pine Orovo Swan Lake Topsy Ttlnax Industries Dig Ilasln Lbr. Co. Big Lakes Ilox Co... 17 42 30 43 16 1 16 49 Chelsea Lumber & Box Co 48 Ewauna Ilox Co 10 Klamath Mfg. Co... 91 Pelican liny Lbr. Co 100 Southern Pacific Co. 7 Totals 2612 3631 "Red Cross Mngazlno subscrip tions 3. "Donations. $17.15. This item In cludes sovoral HUbscrlptlonH of les than $1 and nlso amountH paid by members In excess of $1, inombor hlp dues bolng only $1, "I havo on hand Bovoral largo win dow posters, "Tho Spirit of Amori ' and "Join," which I would bo Pleased to glvo while thoy last to merabors who would llko to havo lem, Thoso pictures nro workB ol 't and It la a pity to havo thorn 'brown away. "Hespoctfully Bubmlttod, "OKO. J. WALTON, Chrm." "r Wallntl hna rnnnlvA lnn. . ...... vv-WI UU i lUtlUI m Alfred Powers, director of pnb- cy for tho northwest division, wmmendlng tho Idea, originated " 0I sending out poBt ras to por80na Jnnccosslblo to por- canvass, and congratulating Maraath Palls on tho rosulta of tho cmpalgn. ThQ ioUor Bays: "' ,havo your lottor to Mr. Kll- "kk and also blch you havo ono of tho cards sent out in your raptor, This Is such a good Idii that I QTO SOrrV uta urn,.. nit n thah ? n0USh t0 huV0 haA tn" ,n Da. "-Binning of tho roll call to have I hit: " Ut t0 an of th" chaptora. h .iw,.?0 doubt thot lt w, re(ut ,n additional membora. . "' am glad to take this oppor- PORTLAND I. W. W.' ARE INDICTED PORTLAND Nov. 20. Tim rounly uraiiil jury today Indict ed 22' alleged Industrial Work orn of tlio World' on n chargi" of crltiilnnl nyiullcnllRin. Tho innii. wlio wore urriftod'im tho night of tlio Onlnilla tiiurdurH, am finld to ho thn IIthI' t;aliiHt whom charged of criminal nyndlcnllHtn were returned In which mumli.ir whip In thn I. W. W. wn tlio IiiihIh for action. COAL SUPPLY IS CHICAGO, ' Npv. 20. Upg'nn.il (llructnrn 'of tho 'railroads today had a frerf hand In thj'tlunllng with tlio curtailment 01 nni-ossuntm maiiK inoB nnn unnecnHsnry passenger trafllc In an oxtrnordlnary effort to conserve tho nntlon'H nteadlly dim Inlshlng coal B,upply. Except In West Vlrglnln Holds thnrn wan little hopo of Ihrreaxcd production. I)KS MOINKS, la., Nov. 20. Gov- ernor Harding' prepared a messago today to tho governors of other coal producing Blntos, BUggoHtlng 'a con furuuee at which the quota Ion of concerted nctlon toward the ro Btimptlon of mining under atnto con trol hn discussed. DENVER. Nov. 20. The Indus trial commission of Colorado today movod to atop the new strike, of Colorado coal minors scheduled for tomorrow, whon It Invited rep resentatives of tho operators and miners to a confor'onco hero. Hath sldeH accepted. JAPANESE IKE LARGE PURCHASE OF TULE L Approximately 1200 acres of tulo land In the Midland district owned by L. Jacobs la Involved in a salo to three Japanese recordod yester day. Tho buyers nro O. Kawanyo, who purchnsod 209.85 acres; Y. Morlye, Tbo takes 391.70 acres, and A. Ynmaguchl, who bought 758.83 acres. Ths makes tho second lot of Innd disposed of by .Jacobs to Jnpamvio nnd places them In control of tho Midland Innd. Another big salo waB mado to a Chlnoao corporntlonn about two months ngo, in which three or four thousand acres woro transferred. Tho Japanese nro making prop nratlons to go to farming with vigor in tho spring, it Is 'said. .YamnguchI already owns a houso In tho south Midland nddltlon to tho townslto nnd has bought an adjoin ing lot from C. U. Do Lap with somo old buildings on it. PARKNT-THACIIKKS WILL HOLD SKSSIO.V TOMORROW Tho Prcnt-Teachors association will hold an important mooting to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock nt tho high nchool. On account of tho Importance of tho buslnoss to bo transacted a full attendance Is do flircd. WEATHER REPORT OREGON Tonight cloudy in west, fair In u east portion. Friday rain west, fair oast portion, 111911 orato aouth east winds. tunlty to congratulate you on tho excellent nhowing that Klamath Falls has mado In this roll call. You uio going to divide tho honors for ap proaching tho membership of last year In Oregon with tno Astoria chapter, with' tho advantage, I bo llovo, a llttlo bit in your favor." DWINDLING FAST ' N SENITEffTS WITH TREATY WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 20.- Tho Sonnto adjourned last'nlght with out ratifying tho peace treaty. PARIS. Nov. 20. Adjournment of tho United States Sonato without rat lllcatlon of tho peaco treaty created much HurprlBO In tho peaco confor enco clrclOH here, ns WaBhlngton dis patches had HuggeBted that soma com promlBo wiih posHlhlo. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20. Tho fate of tho poaco treaty with Ooruiany and tho Leagup of Nations, an far as tho United Stntcs Sonato Is coucorned, ts. today again In tho hands of President Wilson. Tho failure yostorday and last night of all efforts to havo the treaty ratlrlcd In jttnno form by the S(inntn brought tho situation back to tho point whoii It' was six months ngowhcri the pact Was first aubmlt-ted'-'to tho Senato annd technically ponce Ja no nearer than it waa on tho day when , tho armLstico wus flfgnod moro Uian n yoar ago. Although not technically chang ing existing relations between Unit ed Stntcs and Oermqny, tho Senate's falluro to ratify tho peaco treaty is expected by administration officials and diplomats to havo Indirect re sult of somo Importance on the stops now being takon .to restore tho world o a peaco basis. Ono of tho first consenuoncos, ac cording to tho vlow taken hero la llkoly to bo hastonlng of negotia tions at Paris to rcstoro full com mercial and diplomatic relations bo tween Germany and tho powers that havo ratified tho treaty. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov.. 20. President Wilson will havo no statement to make on tho failure of the Senate to ratify tho peaco troaty, it was said at the White- House today. DAUGIITKR IS BORN TO MR. AND MRS. ED.WARDS Friends here will bo delighted to learn of tho arrival of a little daugh ter In tho homo of Mr. and Mra E. J. Edwards of Corvallia, Oregon. Hh'j has been namod Eunice Jessie. Mrs. Edwards was formerly Miss Jessie Telford and spent most of her life In this city, graduating from itu o- cal high school. UNRATIFIED CORN-FED wmw WWW ' ' imjrwePjti?mm m VWWW W ,iKjnr saMSftav- x-h- -- r : ,. 1 f M I H IN DOST DHL CONFERENCE TQ MEET DEC. 1ST a WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 20 President Wilson todny appointed a new industrial conference and cal lod It Into session here December 1. Tho conferenco Is to be composed of seventeen men, Including gov ernment olllclals, business men, ter mor members of tho cabinet nnd tor mor governors of states. Tho now conferenco will under take to carry on tho work of tho fori mcr national Industrial conferenco, which foundered on tho rock of col lective bargaining before reaching any definite accomplishment. L A resolution deploring the mur der of ex-service men by alleged T. W. W. members recently at Centru lla, was unanimously adopted by the Klamath Falls Labor council at its last meeting, as follews: Bo It Resolved, That this Klam ath Falls Central Labor council, in regular session, denounces the outrage porpctrated at Centralia, Washington on Armistice Day, 1919; and be it further Resolved, That this council un qualifiedly condemns the activi ties of any organization having for Its purposo, whether avowed or concealed, tho overthrow or destruction of our government. We realize full well that these same Irresponslbles are doing tholr utmost to tear down and de stroy what it has takon many years of patient effort and &acridct to build up, by tho real organized tabor movement of the United States, viz: The American Feder ation of Labor; and bo it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the press and to such other agencies as will give tho most widespread publicity to our statement and our attitude. PRIK8T FUNERAIj TOMORROW The funeral of tho Iato Francis Marion Priest, who died as tho re sult of Injuries received in a run away accident, will bo held tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock from Whltlock'8 chapel. The burial will take place in tho local cemetery. IBM LABOR N 1 H - T.TW0MMo POLITE BANDIT SENDS THANKS CASPER, Wyo., Nov. 20. William Carlisle train bandit, ontcred tho Westorn Union of fice hero this morning and filed a message to tho Union Pacific thnnklng them for the haul mado from passengers in a holdup of ono ofho Union Pa- clflc'a trains Tuesday night. TO An entire redisricting of city pre cincts, made necessary by recent leg islative action, effective January 1 providing for thje holding of city and county elections at the same time and place thereafter In cities of more than 2000 and necessitating conformance of boundary- lines of precincts within the city limits, will bo begun at onco by the county court and city council. The change will operate to in crease the number of precincts in side the city from 10 to probably 14. Some of the present precincts are too heavily populated and will bo split up, and precincts on thy edges of the city, at present lapping over the city boundary, will have to bo rearranged so as to bring them Inside the limits. To take care of voters jur ou- sldo the city limits on the west, it is proposed to establish a new out side precinct, called Orlndalf, from territory In the direction of Keno, and on the south a new precinct, called Altamont, and In that dlrcc tion, will be made. Other changes, may be found nec essary when the maps are spread out and the re-districting committee cets down to the actual work of drav.or. boundary lines. VICE-PRESIDENT At tho regular meeting Monday night of the Klamath Falls Central Labor council, H. Inman, a member cf the painters' organization, was elected vice-president of th3 roun cil. The boxmakers' union reiterated its desire to submit wage differences to arbitration. The union has laid Its claims before the state concilia tion board. It alleges that under similar living conditions at Bend the conciliation board recently fixed the minimum wage at 4.80 for olght hours and is asking the same scale hero. Tho present minimum horrj. tho union asserts, is $3.50. Conditions woro reported satisfac tory by representatives of the car penters union. Laundry workers reported tho signing of a now am! satisfactory agreement with the Superior laun dry, which employs all white ho p and, according to the organization report, believes that Asiatic compe tition should bo discouraged by all who have the intorost of the white raco at heart. The painters' union has slgnod a now agreement, carrying a wage in crease ,and satisfactory to both em ployers and employes. Tho eraployos agreed to protect the employers In all existing contracts by working ' '. tho old scale on all work uncom pleted at tho time tho agreement was reached. The rotall clerks' union reported that sovoral firms had signed tho union agreement and wero display ing tho union card. It was assortod that many union mon were transfer ring their accounts to these stores, under obligation to patronize tho un ion label. VIOLINIST FORBnDEN TO GIVE CONCERT LOUISVILLE, Nov. 20. Fritz Kroisler, Austrian Tlollnlst, was to day forbidden t by the mayor to glvo his proposed concert at on of the leading theatres here tonight and his contract was cancelled, NT N 1 UN ELECTS RtlLUTIONIS m -. CHECKED AFTER j j HARD FICHTING Government Forces Control Vladi vostok Rebel Jxvuler Wounded nnd Troops Dispersed Heavy Fir ing in Encounter , VLADIVSTOK, Nov. 20. Rev olutionary forces which for the last two days have been attempting to gain control of tho city were utterly defeated by government troops to day. General Galda, leader of the rev olutionary army, vas wounded ana taken prisoner, and his followers were driven from every point of vantage by tho concerted onslaught of the government soldiers. 1 Despite the firing of largei quantities of ammunition the cas ualties were comparatively light. There waa much fighting in all parts of the city, and especially- warm encounters in tho vicinity ot the railway station, where were more than 5000 rounds of ammuni tion were fired during the engagement- The American Red Cross is car ing for 58 soldiers who were wound ed during the conflict. It is reported here that a similar uprising has occured at Chita, in tho trans-Baikal region. NOEL'S TEAM WINS, SETS HIGH MARK Close scores marked the contest last night between Mason's and; Noel's bowlers on the Elks' alleys, in which the latter players tri umphod, two out of three. In tha. third game Noel's men scored, 9,13,. pins, one above the previous record set by darter's team Monday. There will be no contest toiight on ac count of lodge meeting. Tomorrow night Lavenik's and Houston's teami are 'contestants, Last nights score, were: Noel's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Jester 204 153 217 574 Ambrose 176 227 168 571 Noel 150 178 167 495 C. Moore 157 159 173 489 J. Moore 148 152 188 48S 835 869 913 Mason's 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Hayden 160 168 191 519 Ackley 168 195 137 500 Rogers 150 129 163 448 Barry 180 150 176 506 Mason 183 176 186 545-, 841 818 853 COURT DISMISSES SUITS Suit for annulment of the marri age of Lena M. Crowder, formerly Lena M. Vaughn, and John R. Crow der, on petition filed by tho former, was dismissed yesterday by Judge, Kuykendall, the court finding tint tho marriage was legal under the law prescribing the time attor di vorce when another marriage may bo entered Into. Suits of Maurice, Mike and Pat Qutnlan against Poter Murphy and. a counter-suit of Murphy against the. Qulnlans were dismissed on stipula tion of the opposing attorneys, Indi cating that the differences, which arose out of nlleged trespasses, have , been adjusted. RANK SUING TO RECOVER ON PROMISSORY NOTEH The First National bank has bo gun suit in the circuit court against George Wolss and J. H; Short to re cover $150 alleged to be due on one promissory note and $106.13 on an other, with Interest, attorney's feo and costs. Short endorsed the notes as security for their payment, it U alleged. The bank Is also suing Clay Howell and George W. Howell 10 col lect $133, Interest, fees, and cists. Nearly two centuries ago one ot tho greatest towns in Belgium had a woman for its chief magistrate. The experiment toek: place in Namur in 1736, where Madame Maloteau waa for over two years burgomaster. ill 3 I 4 u x. v.. i