i PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, munuav, mivnna. ? (in A f 1' 1 I CWBE&j ' K. K. K. STORE'S . XkT gx TVlSirilr I nil K-STOREri I -sg-g J y . HARVEST SALES f f C 111C111IV WML HARVEST SALES ! I I ''OSSm - ' - J I . &r cmSS We wish to thank the Klamath Public for their loyal patron ago at our Saturday Harvest Sale. Wopropured for and expected I I 7 l.. - v - Lflf2HriW?2sHWsl Int'iro ImcJimoo lmf li'rl nf nvnnnf fn hn "cttMimniul T Will nil VVOll In Wiltch QUI' "Hlll'VCSt SUlCS. IOr WO Will milWn ..:i U $'. -Xjtl W$E&nWiWMk6 . ''Good Clothing and Footwear'' that will tickle your pocketbook prices that will beat the present "High Cost of Dressing" t JX ' ' ' -Z- ifliy TJmf'i lWmXmt over the sfl """ JijKjirtKCEJBBLitQ y-jBlVxM3BLfi ffM bSSH - following Harvest Specials Men's Fine Tnn Calf, army last Shoes. Regular $8.00. Harvest Price ; $4.45 Men's Heavy'Cotton Lewis Union Suits. Harvest Price $1.85 Men's Natural Grey Wool Shirts and Drawers. Regular x i," . $4.50 the suit. Harvest Price $2.85 'h J Boys' $10.00 Mackinaws, "Dubbelbilt and Patrick Makes. r fi Harvest Price $7.25 ' ) a Men's Whale-Back, Patrick and Shed Rain, Logger Shirts i. ,' Tan, grey plaids and mixed colors. Values up to $15. "" . t Harvest Price. ... $9.85 Tan and Black Fibre Suit Cases, good size, strapped. Reg ular $3.50. Harvest Price $2.00 We are advertising nothing but merchandise at prices b.elow the present wholesale cost and this is your opportunity to save. So watch and take advantage of these big Harvest Sales' prices at ' K K K STORE, Leading Clothiers and Hatters fl T BELGRADE, Oct 1", (By Mail) Serbia Is on it's feet again. The peo ple have recovered from the immed iate effects of the war. The crops this year are exceptionally good There- Js now plenty of food in the country. There" is, however, a shortage of clothing, shoes and fab rics of all kinds. Fanning imple ments and machinery of every var iety also are much needed. doctors and certain essential medi cines, hut this need gradually Is be ing met by tho American Red Cross physicians, who have established free dispensaries and clinics at many points. f Reports frequently go out from Serbia that tho country still is in dire need. The writer, who has trav ersed tho whole country and in vestigated conditions among the population. Is in a position to say these statements are groundless. Thero is poverty in tho country, to be sure, but it is a poverty that Is chronic to Serbia, as It Is to most other Balkan countries. There will always be a small percentage of peo ple who, either because of disability or Indifference, do not work nnd who become charges on tho public. Tho flour sent In by Uie United Thn nhvslpjil cnnHIMnn nt tho non. pie Is excellent. In some of thestates Food Administration, the remoter districts there Is lack of,looa. cioming and medicines given by tho American Red Cross, tho gen erous contributions of tho Surbian Relief Fund, nnd the unending aid of the British relief societies, has put tho people in n condition of health and comfort scarcely known before. It is probable Serbia will bo able this year to export a part of its flno cereal crops. Tho rich Bannt region which was wrested from Austria hn3 produced ono of tho greatest crops ot corn and wheat In its history TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE nt n bargain the follow ' Ing second hand cars: 2 1IU Ilea's in good condition, $850. each; 1 191G Ford touring car J3G0.; 2 Studobakers, It pussungor SSfil)., nnd JlOfro. C. U McWilllnms, 115? Main. Phono 169. 17tf LOST 2 Lincoln rams, registration car tag, also VX doz. ewes, brand ed double ' bar or garden rako. Liberal reward, Tom Now ton, Klim- sm f ..,, -,... ii.i ...in i.J nth Falls. 17-Jt ww.ttw u. iuu cuuiiiiuua jiuiu nil. uu sent to other countries In trade for coal, oil and other needed articles Personal Mention BIRTHDAY DINNER JsVts. ilA.,. ii. A Ir A money-maker and hard work saver for land riMrm nt w .,, contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut Staple and reliable: I Hundreds in atBHtmrthnll.!L m.nnntlnn,.fn.n.j.4.i .C- . XTiZ Arr"": mn milli niu. feX" " . TT' -' wik. las u. r. motor will ...- -wh, .irt.i,utH. vuuiii, Cld Mrs. Estello Carrier celebrated her birthday, by inviting a number of specially selected friends to Join her In a chicken dinner at the White Pelican hotel on Tuesday, Armistice Day. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. McReynoIds, Miss Maria McMillan, R. E. Smith. A and Mr., and Mrs LOST OR STOLEN My Choaso peuko dog, 8 months old, very large for ago. Answers to namo of "Dane". Rides running bonrd ot car. W. A. Dolzell. 17-3t , ROOM TO RENT 237 Street. North Fifth 17-3f "UjWmittiahamUtmtifialcaihaSattt mtcri.T. J.'Willw. Cm, Ore. IhnmaoithTttthfat f-HtZduiUtimtAtrtt, umjHiiwunu.- H.r.HHTUlMcmtCtil Anerica most bom nnm t wood for fuel. Ona Vade- i wui uo in neai worK at one-iemn iao con. v nta lonrcetsoot, uowuza kcsi cms 3 cores a aar." mil ce. lain ana sDeo lupnce. Quick dtltctrU fnn ever 100 point throuohout I Unlttd Statu. r9j m ii. a. l rrrj c .'UBI HIB?-lTlirK - . -v Wi.ixV' vS?"!- - jagK:Srin'. .. 4SS3se KaA &&m&7ISZZ!irr I "fc..rJS" TySsiXMfX IGilmEBSr J T "v s. ffrfS ISSlSS e Jf rwvWv iL y liirtmv w r? x r i v x v -O-WV&BBP' VT ..ill" ' nmttmmA . U JtZ?Zy$2m& ' tutHciW ,' IL7.7 J -1 ! T..i fJtFtrJ tm'MimrV '"icf -. i'm.uii.u . m jn fiW Ti m ii ' ' w tB .BkIFi GMMfBSunf Ft " ,V Howie Vr$, L Igr Uarage C 2 ' WAR DEPARTMENT HALTS DELIVERY OF HAND BOMBS Now is the time when the WISE ONES Are Storing Their Potatoes Apples and Onions to await the rise in prices that is sure to come. The wisest of these wise ones are taking advantage of the ex cellent facilities and low prices offered at the Klam ath Valley Warehouse and Forwarding Co. There is still some room left. Get in while the getting is good. Klamath Valley Warehouse ;t and Forwarding Co. Delivery of 15,000,000 hand grenades to the Treasury Department to be con verted Into savings banks for the stim ulation of thrift and sales of War Sav ings Stamps has been held up by the War Department and contract's which the. War Department had with the Treasury Department for supplying the grenades 'were cancelled, accord ing to a telegram received from Wash ington by C. A. Farnsworth, associate director of the War' Loan Organization Jn the -Twelfth Federal Reserve Dis trict ' No reason was given for can cellation of contract beyond the fact that the War Department has "deter mined that JJje distribution of "band grenades xas souvenirs should be" dis continued."" '. The grenades In question, known as Mills bombs No. 11, were ready for shipment to the American forces In France when the armistice was signed. At the request of the Treasury Depart ment the -War Department agreed to turn these banks over to the Treasury Department for conversion Into savings banks, and immediately upon an nouncement that they would be dis tributed to the purchasers of War Sav ings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates, millions of orders flooded In. In the Twelfth Federal Reserve District alone hanks and trust com panies through which the grenades were to be awarded bad ordered nearly 100,000 of the souvenirs. These and all other orders throughout the nation will have to be cancollod. In its telegram to Farnsworth the Treasury Department stated that Cer tificates of" Achievement signed by Secretary Glass will be awarded In stead of the grenades to all school children who worked during the vaca tion to obtain a bank and who bought enough War Savings Stamps to entitle them to grenades. Among actors thero Is u general superstition thai whistling on tho stage during rehearsals is suro to mean a "frost" on tho first night of a production. In operatic circles the presence of a yellow clarinet In the orchestra Is enough to glvo tho leading vocalists fits, for Its failure is certain. According to tradition, the whole bed of tho sea betweon Cuba and Porto Rice is strown with ships la den with gold, silver and gems. Kvor since tho 18th century, in fact, a whole Spanish flee, with cargoes of sliver has been embedded thero. Thanks to tho efforts of tho vari ous lilblo societies, thero is scarcely a nation or tribe an the earth today whichcannot read the Scriptures In a language known to it. y Canada, is equal In size to tho United States and Mexico, hut has a population less than that in tho three cities' of Now York, Chicago and Philadelphia.. Tickets for Madame Zarad concert on salo at the Uonbonloro. "it MMWMAMMAAMAAMMMAWMMW. HOUSTON'S Metropolitan' Amusement MMVWMWWWVWM HOUSTON'S OPERA-HOUSE da'xcixg fcVKBV WKDXKSDAY AND SATURDAY tVt Among the people of the south isle of Aran, off the coast of Ire land, there is an odd belief that ill luck Is sure to "follow If a mother sews the first garments for her off spring. The garments for tne little j one must come from a distance, and are the coarsest makeshift possible, The oldest rags are considered to be the safest as a preventative against any sort of evil. . m Tickets for Madame ZaraH concert on sale at the Bonboniero. It STAR THEATER TODAY A. F. FlUpatrlck, of Modoc Point, Is In tho city on mattor.s of bURlnoxs. 11. L. Uolgnto, district counsuf of the United Status UoclimuUlim iior vlcu, left this morning for Medford. Reginald Vohm, of Merrill, left this morning for Sacramonto, whom hi) expects to npoiul the wlr.ter. Mrs. O- P. WootlH. of-i Odessa, on tho Upper Klamath l.ako. Ih visiting In town today. Fnutk Hoover, of Chlloquln, Is purchasing supplies In tho FnlU to day. II. I.i. Andarson of Illy, as nLio O. (. Olvnn of tho xumti community Is transacting business at the county Hoat today. . II. V. Rodlsch, who Is interested In tho Chlloquln lumber mill, Is nt tho county scat on matters of business. Oeorgo Trnmol, who Is operating his father's ranch In tho Valley was transacting business at tho co inty scat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin of this city left this morning for various points in California to spend tho winter. George A. Haydon left this morn ing for Gllroy, California , being culled there by tho Illness of his father. Mrs. Townsend, formerly owner of tho Townsend Flats of this city, loft for Texas this morning, whoro sho will visit relatives and friends Harrison Drown, prominent resi dent of tho Klamath Indian Reser vation, was attending to Important business, nt tho county seat Satur day. II. R. Solomon and W. K. Drown of San Francisco, and Rny Miller of Portland, nro among tho recent nrrivnls registered nt tho White. Pelican Hotel Mr. and Mrs. W. G Hugolstoln, formerly ot Algoma, who have boon spending the wcok end In Klamath Falls, loft this morning to roturn to their homo in Dorris. C. F, Swander, who has been hero for some tlmo In tho Interest of tho local church budget and mission work In general, loft for Coos Val ley this morning, whoro ho will con- tinuo his work. 1 IXh B lwv . A Srwm WP Are You "Down and Out?" Did you know that'whon It comes to flgurlm? out tot Tight Christmas present for onrh member of the fmllr most muu mopD around In n dnrk'hrown study and thon finish In disgust by buying tho wrong thing? Well! This Ih generally tho caso. but thero are pres ents Hint are equally as good for all tho members from baby up to grundmothur. Tnko a good Vlctrola or Plnyer-plnno for Instance why. tlioy bring plonmiro mid educate In music st the sumo time. Whim In doubt ronlomber, buy music for Chrlitmn. Convenient terms If necessary. Earl Shepherd Co. Strictly One Business Music New Store, 507 Main St ONE DISMISSED, TWO HELD FOR ASSAULT Tickets for Madamo Zarad concert on salo at tho Bonbdnloro. It IHG DOUBLE KILL ETHYLK CLAYTON In "MAGGIB 'PKPPER" t And CONSTANCi: TALMADGK In . "MRS LKKFINGWKLIfJ. IJOOTB" fEMPLE THEATER SUNDAY.. AND MONDAY ALICE JOVCE In "THE' THIRD DEGREE" Also Two Reels of Good Comedy CAR6 OF TIfANKH I wish to express my heartfelt gratltudo to tho dear frlonds for tho sympathy' and kindness shown mo In my boreavemont, and for tho' many beautiful flowors. MRS, L. F. WILLBTS. After hearing of tho evidence In tho action of tho Pooplo against John Flodcn, Tom Mlllott and Alec Par- deau, charged with a statutory of fense against Mrs. Anna Worth, Jus tlco Chapman dismissed tho charge, against all defendants and ordered tholf ro-arrest on a charge of as sault und battery against tho com plaining witness. On motion of H. M. Mnnnlng, uttornoy for tho de fendants, tho uhsuuU churgo against Mlllott was then dismissed, frooing him entlroly, ' Hearing of Flodon nnd Pardoau on tho nssault charge bogan this aft ernoon at a o'clock. It wuh stipu lated that testimony tuken In tho ilrst hearing wduld bo admitted In tho assault case. This testimony in cluded a statement by Mrs. 'Worth that Pardoau struck her and that Flodon oncouragod tho attack. NOTICK Equity 1120 In tho Circuit Court of the 8UU of Orogon, for Klamath County. In tho Matter of the Petition of thi Uoard of Directors of the Lu goll Valloy Irrigation District cf Klamath County .Oregon, my Ing that All of the ProteedlMi In Connection with the Ontw cation of Said District, and th Proceedings of the Board of rectors, and of the Bald Dlitrlet Providing for and Authorlilw tho Issue and Bale' of Bonds of Sold District. May Be Kjimlned. Approved and Confirmed by Court. , ,, ,, To tho Lnngoll Vnlloy Irrigation Dis trict and to All Freeholders, i gal Voters and Assessment W ors within Said "Wrl'': ,.. tho obove ontltlod court hu KM tho hour of 2 o'clock p. ra., oi w 22nd day of Decomper, . ": and tho Cquuty Court Hon lirOKUU, T I TULK LAKE HOMESTEAD ENTERTAINS I-'IU ENDS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Orgo Roland Watt celebrated his birthday In Vfntting mannor on Armistice Day, by giving a dlnnor to a select company of frlonds In vited ' for that occasion. Those present wero Miss Alice McCourf,' Miss Twyla Head,' W, J. Moore, Goraldlne Watt, and Mr, and Mrs. R..' Watt, All had a delightful 'time. InUganda the average cost of a wlfo is four bulls, a box of cart ridges and six sowing needles. Mr. and Mrs. RHoy and son Charles, spent tho wook end with Mr. and Mrs, Crandal Tom Newton was section Ttiosday. " A fnrowoll party was Klvon Mr. and Mrs. Lostor Holbrook and family last Thursday ovonlng. -A pleasant ovonlng was spent at tbolr homo, Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook aro moving to Klamath Falls. E. K. Elliott has movod'(bls family to town for'the wlntor. 'Mr. Caton and family havo moved into tho Elliott house. ' ' A surprise party was given Miss Bhaffor and Miss Whipple, teachers of' the Shasta View school, Friday evening, Each one present brought some gift, with an appropriate poomi A Jolly ovenlng was spent with tho young ladles and qulto n donation was brought thorn. I Uamath County, ur.i, - --. Imo nnd place for the "? tho petition of the iioara v. - lors of tho Lnngoll VaWmjg tlon District of Klamath Conatr. Oregon, which petition ha. bg With the Clerk of tho ClrjnttOWJ of tho State of Oregon for KW County, and which " prays that the above entUled gj will oxamlno Into a.tBiPorisni Ings in connection with IW I zatlon of tho Langoll VW Wj. .it. ni. -lc nnd all tD0 .prS. ings providing f1j,SrWft tho Issuanco and sale of w of said district. . th9 w. lol. j Any porson inior- valley I'' a visitor I. biA!iS& ings for tho wttdt,lJepfwMS beads may, w"hlD h" lJr said1 1" by law demur to or iWjr beret4 tltlon and contest matters contained. kiuhod 'purM?1 This notice Is P"'fff "ifocri to an ordor niado bytt'TO, D. V. Kuykondnl. JudKeoftM cult Court of the State o j . for Klamath County, made wa red on tho 12th WA,. A. D. xuiw. .,irt Of "f Clerk of the Circuit Jwgj. State oi w- - . County. It-M-i-' .. .i uincerf Tickets 'for Madame fV8B ,t on salo at'tbo fQ" , , ' AtS07MMnar8hophd.r. 'Buy music this ChrUtmM."