ovi:mii:u t, mio MIn)AV THEJVENiNG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T 5 o c i e t y i,..r fir unuminiiy A"10"" "... ..ffnlrn t tl lit WDUk, IWO Pt tml "' "",rl0, ' .n till' Allium;"" kui.iwi. mW" :ipl.rnlloii f ArmlMtlco C0 i,.v IllKllt. ""'I '" ,,ll,,co ?; 'Tor'l'o IM.U...U of the " ", I. .11.1 ul t" wh,lu ,u"- ...hlCH tlH'HH HOIIll-IlllllllO t,B,1 hi-ro won. ninny Pleasant C: i horlimH. ""lt ll ",,,y, " " ... iii week wiui (if more than "V J llc.mci. in Hoolal circle,.. ,ul . ,. beginning ' wlml CI"1"15 ... .... mwlllllV MUCVUHNtUl , "" rloter , hundnd ciil-loa enjoyed tho T ..... In.t IllKllt t HlO Wllltd ."". .... ,., which MrH. Oiiroy r,llT, m ' " w,tlm,Wi MrM 5 ' . '"' MrH:, ,,urry Cia f vluw tho (luncQ ",,B,P. n-reHH. Tl.0 prOCICdB . ... HI Plllll'H ITlllltl JSeroolho iMilWlnn fund f.r lh. :?". " ,i ,h ,,o,,mi '" build next your . ,. nnrfed condition (mil tin. ..r-mont of tho lumtolry Himrod SSTi .rr.nI..C -ory dotal. IBccc. HI""'"1"" '"""' '"" ", ' f..ii(iirn)t (if llin l the iuen'ii - Tim Woman'M Library Cluli hold a vury InluroiitliiK inuctliii; yimtorday aftonioon. Tho iiiiiiiiIhii-h woro ad (IriWHod hy l)r Claim Htnwitil, who Kiivo an liiHlriirljIvn talk on her work among llin niimlllon plimtH during tho war purlod uhd tho r-on-illlloiiH n h hIiii round thorn., which wiim greatly enjoyed hy thu ludleii priMimt At tho next meotlnjs Hat urday November 22, MIhh KiiiiiiIm Virgil, who linn charge of tho duiti iwtlc Htlnnco dopiirtinoiit of tho pub lln hcIiooIm, will give a prpor and (loinoiiHtriitloii on ".Mllli and lu f lod valiioM." Thin will lm given untlor tin. auspices of llm Home KcomoiiiHh dopiirliuiml of tho cluli, which will utility child wolfaro UiIh year P"""""1"" Klamath Falls Music House Al 507 R,"ln ,:"rl Hliophord HiiyH, "lluy miiHlc MiIh riirlHtniUH " tf Personal Mention druw unlvorHiil crowd wan tho dteiilon. A number linn ...i.niA rrn ii '" iinelng of tho HlKhland IIIiik ""'I other fancy i1"ch uy ..n.u "-" fjoan Thompson The danco kItoh by tho Amorlcnn Lcjlon at tho Moon.. Mall Tuomiay ibt was uniiouuicuiy uhu v,i .. BMt succesuful of tho fioason. T ho 'iinn had nH iholr buwIb ox-Hor- ,lce men and tholr women rolatlvoH ud friends, and tho miiiiiborit of tho Tobw,i Kellcf fori. Thoro woro .,di from Merrill, uniioqiiin, . i. I.. ..... t ti 'iMti Boninn ami n "' " ' retries orcherttra funilHhod oxcol Itat music for Iho dancorn and ibose ho did not cam to danco llijed cards Jin Mnrjorlo (iallachor or n- loii, Calliorniii iiohkiuuu "- Loeiis llli a vocal nolo. J 11. Carnahan, pri-Bldoni m KliBth Post No. 8. of tho Anicrl In Legion, dcllvorcd an addrcsH of elcome. Mr. farnahnn told of tho iirposon of tho Legion mi! oxt.-nd- led an Invitation to oil ov-sorvico ten, not already moiiibytf. to Join. Ui the charter of tho l'OHt Ih clonnd. Is likely that tho Inlvltntion fro III he rained Many in on took nl- f utije of tho lnftivtlon in jo n .01. Mrs. Verio Ilrulmkor ontortalnud be Kcdron flub at hor homo on ' fine street Thursduy ovonlnR Aftof he bujlncH.1 iiuH'tliiK thoro wan a! tleasant social hour. Kofroxhinuiiti. ere served hy tho lumtouu. I A mcetlnK of tho Womon'H For-, fljn Missionary Society of tho I elhodtst church wbb held WodncH- iij afternoon at tho homo of Mr Elliott In Hot BprliiKH Addl Thero woro llfteon Indies resent. Mtb. I). M. Smith wns tho sier of tho niootlnK.. tho Bubjoct hlch was India, hIio bolni; ns- ted by Miss Campbell. A hocI.U mr followed tho Btudy, and the Mess, assisted 'jy MUs Campbell 1 her dauchtor (Jrnco. Borvod ellclous rcfroshniontB. Mrs. Louis Ilrndfonl ontortnlnod 11 her homo on Lincoln strcot Snt- cvenliiB, in honor of hor band's llrthdav. Tho nvrnlne " Passed In nlnvlne enrds. tho 'W scores being wen by Mra. O. L. n and Mr. Sid Bvcins. and tho "olatlon prlzo fnlllnir to Mr. J. J." ,rer. RcfrcBhmentH woro sorvod '' the hostess. guests woro Mr nn.l Mm. .T. J. "ker, Mr. and Mra. Pnrev Kvann. ' and Mrs. O. L. Ilrown. Mr. and " N. W. ConfSnhnnm Mr nn.l Mn 'd Eans, Mr. and Mrs. John Hnm- 0D'Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Manning. 'S3 Mlnnln Tlnrnil... r.nln.lnln.,,1 'wo tables of cards last Saturday ' Thoso prosont wore: Mr. 11 "" J. R. Ilratton, Mr. and Mrs. v' 'lOgUC Mls.1 Pnvn Unirim nnil r ai"l Mrs. faroy M. Unmsby. "l"' Chapter of l. 10. O. ' met at tho homo of Mrs. "rubakor last Saturday ovon- fhrco now mombors, Mrs. Hort '"onias. Mi-U n ft . " "iiu uruiu uiirn I. Ml8s '''rnneea noatty woro Ml1 'itO tho Snntn.,, Tk Musical study Club hold lta hart. !?etl"B ,lt Ul' "omo of Mrs. Boon. ""imuin mis nuor- I). Ilowman of Chlloiiuln Ih In tho city today. Solum Mclliiynoldn of Midland Ih In Klamath Falln today. Mr. and MrH. Charley IMckutt of Merrill are In Klamath KhIIh today I K. Kllgoro of Lorella Ih In tho county Heat on matters of IhihIiichh 1). K. Veuni: of Nuhh Lake left thin niornlni; for Portland on u hiiHi-!! iiohh trip. I Mr. and MrH. Karl Johnson are In Klamath Falhi from tholr home at .Mount Hebron. It S. AdauiH came up from Murrlll today and Ih looking aflur personal matters. J. II. HohhIb of Korl Klamath Is In Klamath Fulls today looking aft or uintterH of buHlnuHB. i Jas. W. Sullivan, rancher, whose farm Ih near town, was In tho city yoBtordny on matters of lmnlncKH. II I). KIIIh Young, who operates a ranch on tho Merrill road, was trans acting business at tho county sent yesterday. Neva Whltlatch, who has boon omployed by tho Shasta, Is confined to hor room with a severe cold ami other complications. Among tho now nrrlvalB at tho White Pelican hotel aro L. Jones of Portland und It. K. Woodson of Onintii Pass. J. S Kvans, Han Fruncibco attor ney, who formerly had a practice here, is in town for a few days In connection with legal business. W. Llndsey and lai.t evening from Home of the New Edison which solves the Mystery of Music Edison waves his wand and the secrets of nature and science reveal themselves. Think of his inventions! Electric Light! Motion Pictures! Phonograph! Each is founded on his discovery of some mysterious secret of nature, some strange law of science. People ask: "How is it possible for music to be literally RE-CREATED?" Yet Edison found out., THE New Edison 'The Phonograph with a Soul" is in a class by itself, because, as Sigmund Spaeth, the distinguished New York music critic, says: "Edison alone has mastered the secret of tone-color. This makes his record an artistic RE CEATION instead of an imitation of something whose reality must be left largely to the imagina tion of the hearer." Agents for the Aldrich Piano THE WORLD FAMOUS Steinway The Kurtzman and Emerson Pianos, and the Famous Aeolian Player i ' si if . Which claims countless thousands of music lovers in America today Make a list of the Sheet Music you want, is not in stock we will order it for you. If it KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE GEO. A. WIRTZ 725 MAIN STREET Mr and .Mrs. J. A. Mnntcr will loavo tomorrow for their homo In Is. ....... .- .1 .1. !... - f. family returned -nll:o '" xi'e" wn- nmr. .i. ;" Fresno. Calif or- ,or hus ,)('c orMB u carpenter nla. whore tho havo been for a short 1,uru " Hummer. Ho plans to close while on business and pleasure. !out ,,lK Vrovony In California and ruturn hero next spring for a per manent residence. A CORRECTION' It. K. Uradbury was in from IiIh ranch in tho vulloy yusterdny trans acting business in connection with tho Klamath irrigation district. Mrs. A. L. Marshall and. her two chlldron of Olene loft this morning for Indiana, whero they will visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. O. W. Dally and Mrs. E. U Poland went to Dorrls this morning Mrs. Dally has been living In Dorrls but expects to return hooii to Klam ath Falls. Mrs. IS. J. Mears, mother of Miss Mabel Mears, left this morning i r Medford, whoro sho expects to re main an Indefinite timo. Mrs. J. W. Hnnta left this morn ing for Sacramento, San Francisco and othor California contort) to spend tho winter wllh relatives and friends. Misses Ethel and Kitty Puckott loft this morning for Portland, whero thoy will spend a fow days. William Crawford, a promlnont stock man of tho Klamath rosorva- tlon, was In town yostorday attend ing to matters In connection with Indian affairs. Ed. Sutton, rancher of tho Miller Hill section, was In town yestordny on matters of business. Mr. Sutton is president of tho Klamath Falls Nationnl Farm Loan association, In whoso bohnlt tho fodoral appraiser, It. A .Sanford, is now touring tho county to oxamlno tho securities of- forod for fedoral farm loans doslrod by various fnrmors. Miss Opal Cardwoll and Miss Cutharlno Caldwoll wont to Merrill yesterday afornoon, Miss Cardwoll to spond tho wook ond at tho Qln conlnni ranch and Miss Caldwoll to visit nt home. Loo Sullivan, doorgo Chapman, Vanco Hutchlns and Pollco Chief II. L. Wilson wont hunting cottontails in tho vicinity of l'ino Grove yester day. Tho casualties among tho rab bits woro numerous. Each of tho huntors roturned lust night with tho iimu. i dipt. J. W. Slomons and Ed. und George llloomlngcamp will loavo to morrow morning for I'ortlnnd to nt- tend tho Pacific Intornatlonul Live stock show, at which tho entire country west of tho Rockies will bo roDrosontod. and to attond to busi J A. Nownhnm, whoso ranch en tho uost sldo has produced ninny llm- specimens of fruit in times past, loft this mornlni; for Santa Cruz, California, whore ho will muke his permanent homo Mrs Newnhnm loft two weeks ago for Santa Cruz. In the advertisement of K. Sugar man In yesterday's Herald an error was made In stating that the closing hour tor all days except Saturday 'would be 9 o'clock. Tho closing I hour for Mr. Sugarman's store 1b 6 o'clock, except on Saturday, when it Is 9 o'clock. Orange blossoms were adopted for bridal wreathB because tho orange branch boars fruit and flower nt tho samo time a sign of plenty. NOTICE OP DOXD SALIC j shoulder, one small white mare, 'branded S on both Jaws. $10.00 a Sealed proposals will be received head reward. Phone O. K. Livery by the Common Council for thu pur- Stable or write W. L. Sims, Klam chaso of five issues of City of Klam- ath Falls, . 14-5t ath Falls Improvement Bonds aggre- gating J97.031.22, authorized by or-j dinances of said city, numbered 480, . .,-,, -..w ,, Aceicxr 481, 483, 484 and 485, for the im- TOO LATE TO CLAbMr Y provement of Lincoln Street from Ninth Street easterly to Eleventh Street, including intersections, $6,-' (111 0 fn fn tmnrnvuman. nf . ' v" Tenth Street from Main Street north erly to Lincoln Street and High Street, easterly from Ninth Street to SALE Two plete bed, also 447-M. large rugs, com counter. Phone 15-3t 9nS3 iHhi7?N'ikSNE3$ "IW HMM HMBM MMMBppllllBB ' IH ill YOUR CHRISTMAS VI VIC i KOLA NOW I Ss Es Owing to tho great shortago In cor- ;2 $ gpzS tain standard mako models and tho jy '' h- reasonable terms that aro granted ; 1 ssj: gr5 by our firm, better select your Vic- :r: I 5?iSf trola now und let us set It aside for ts , S53 r"311!?? Christmas Evo delivery. xl; . fj!y tJliPi . Open Two Evenings gsfzs; jwflfi (f Wednesday-Saturday lfiiW?y EARL SHEPHERD llP COMPANY j I MtSSi&'fflRK-' "!U,V Mllslt" ",,s niilstmius" xNMXJaaWAgi. Vnt rally Located 507 Main St. 3 Plnvon.l, Stront S 1 5(18 47' fnr Ihn WANTED By ln.nrnvi.mnnl lt Mnrlrnt Strvsnt frnm ' keeper , Set Of the northerly line of Sixth Street noons F to the southerly line of Lot 10, in Block 17. and the southerly lino of A VACANCY at Lot 30, in Block 18, of Second Rail road Addition, for $2,921.60; for' competent book booka for after- 447-M 152t Whitlock ments, 524 High cor. 6th. Apart-15-lt the improvement of Esplanade Street J..OST Scotch irom mo nonneriy siue oi wan. Street to Intersection of Pacific Ter race: Pacific Terrace from Huron' collie dog, 4 or 5 months old. Dark gray white breast, white streak1 on nose, all Vi . ', .. . , -. .. ic . ituui icci vvtiiLC Ausnrjio i-u iiaiiia ai street nonneriy loi-oruuiiu ., , H Return to 42 Main St., iutiuniii., uu Au.i.fu,u ...wt .uuw An.i rprplvo rfiwnrn. erly to the city limits of the City 15-2t of Klamath Falls. Oregon l including F0R SALE Sweet cider In any , ntersections, for SG5.811.92; for quantities. Phono 253-X. 15-tf tho improvement of Grant Street from Eleventh Street northerly to Llnkvllle Cemetery, Including inter sections, for $976.00, respectively. Proposals to purchase such bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 24th day of November, 1919, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m. and opened at a meet ing of said Council immediately thereafter. Said bonds are to be dated when issued, due ten years after date of Issue, optional at any coupon data on and after one year, bearing interest nt 6 per cent, pay able semi-annually .principal and in terest payable at Oregon Fiscal Agency in New York City. Proposals to purchase must be un conditional and accompanied by cer tified checks for 5 per cent of amount of proposal. By order of tho Council. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge, City of Klamath Falls. 13-10 WANTED Work on ranch by man and -wife, middle aged. Would take charge of ranch for salary, 603 Jefferson St. 15-4t Just arrived Music House. Records. at Klamath Falls 300 Catchy New 15-lt FOR RENT Housekeeping' rooms nice for one or two men. 203' Main. 15-2t IT ESTRAY LOST between Klamath Falls and Ashland, three brown mare mulos one branded with V on right stifle, ono branded with H. J. on left stifle, ono branded with HEW on left FOR SALE First class milk cow, young, giving milk now. Phone 4 50-J or address 930 Ninth St. 15-5t WANTED Bids for moving my saw mill outfit, consisting of 2 boilers, engines, and mill machinery from present location near Olene to Sprague River near Yalnax. To be dono at once while weather is favor able. See H. H. Edmunds, 813 Lin coln or phono 251-R. 15-2t FOR SALE Ono set of 1916 Saxon-Six sent covers. New, $15. Phone 18F13. 15-2t LOST Boy's gray sweater. Please return to 436 Klamath. 15-lt A New Tire Hero Is a tiro that Is a tire THE GENERAL CORD. It is guaranteed for 10,000 miles, but you don't hnve to worry about that, for it will always boat that mark. Tho next tlmo you buy a tiro, buy a General It's tho tiro you've been looking for. ; Wo hnvo a full lino of accessories hero. Drop in and look them over. , HOAGLAND & McCOLLUM NEXT TO POSTOFFICE , '' m 's 4. ".' ' i ness In tho metropolis. MPWWVWWVWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAArAAAAAAApArArArAAAAArV