THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fl& pagis six OVM.,,n 3b H I aHif ' ssWPWttMMsweBBsMsmBsMHWshBsMB ' Just Received by Express Late Shipment of ' I RUSSIA NEEDS a I i it nun 48 Overcoats The very latest novelties in style, up to the minute. We nrc go ing to give the public and our trade a real bargain in an overcoat. Therefore, we put these garments on sale beginning Friday and Saturday at a sale price. Better come early and make your selection. $40 Overcoats, sale price $35 $30 $25 a a it it u tt u tt $29.85 $27.35 $21.85 19.85 Central Outfitting Co "THE STORE OF SERVICE" Ninth and Main Streets MUCH WILDERNESS IN MONTANA YE' HELENA, Mont, Nov 11 -T" great reaches of wilderness remain ing in Montana arc made plain when it is stated that the point at which Captain William R. Strong of Hel ena recently met death in a huutin accident, wa3 100 miles from a rail road. It required three days to tike the body to Ovando liy packhorso. There are stretches in the state. It is said, which can he reached only by ten days of tough packing. - 'IS GRANDEST III MRUr HE SAYS AFTKit ;twi:ntv k.ks suf pkiunc ownxs tuouii. I.K ISY TAKING TANIUC. Try 'em Kerala Want Ads. "ONLY ONE THING BREAKS MY GOLD! "That's Dr. King's New Dis covery for fifty years cold-breaker" NOTHING bat auatalnefl quality and unfailing qffec'UreneM can ' arouse such enthusiasm. Noth ing but sure relief from, stubborn old colds and onruslilOf newooea. ' grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's New Discovery the nationally popu Iar'and standard remedy It 1s today. Fifty years old and always reli able. Good for the whole family. A bottle In the medicine cabinet means a short-lived cold or cough. GOc and $1.20. All , druggists. Regular Bowels Is Health Rowels that' move spasmodically free ono day and stubborn tho next should dq healthfully regu lated by Dr. King's New Life Pills. In this way you, keep the Impurities of waste, mattM; from circulating through the 'system by cleansing tho bowels thoroughly and promot ing the proper flow of bile. ls Mild, comfortable, yet always re liable, Dr. King's Now Life Pills work with precision without the, constipation results of violent pur pntlvps. 25c. ns usual at all drug "I suffered for twenty years and could, iind nothing that would stop i my troubles until Tanlac came my i way," said John Owens, a well , known longshoreman, living at 1282 ' E?bt Tenth St., Portland, Ore., a few days ago. "About twenty years ago my troubles began," he continued, "when I started suffering from catarrh of tho nose, head and throat and as time passed on my condition got worse My suffering at times was something awful and I took cold so easy and this made my nose, bead and throat that much worse, and when I had a headache my eyes would hurt me terribly. About four years ago my , stomach, 'Miver and kidneys wore effected by the catarrh and this onjy.added'to njy mjsery,, and my, whole, body, seemed poison"-' ed. If I ever got' a little hot and sat down to rest and cool off, the Joints In my arms, hips and legs would get so stiff., and sore that I could hardly move' and at times my I muscles would draw up llko I had I rheumatism. I had pains In my right side and in tho small of my I back, and at night I would liavo to get up four or five times. I was , badly constipated and nearly always had to bo taking a laxative. ''I searched for twenty years for a medicine that would help mo and I would have still been suffering if I hadn't read about Tanlac in the paper nnd commenced taking it. I hadn't finished tho first bottle he fore I saw that at last I had found tho right thing for mo because I be gan to pick up right away, my ap petite got better, my stomach quit troubling mo and I was fooling stronger than I had in joars. 1 haven't stopped taking Tanlac yet becauso I want to bo shro that all my old twenty years of misery is entirely gone before I quit taking it, but alroadyv I am' so greatly reliev ed that I feel almost like another man My appetite is fine and whatj I eat digests and don t troublo me at all, and tho pains in my back have almost entirely stopped and my kidneys don't bother mo at night llke they usod to. The catarrh that started all my troubles has Just about gone, and I am not constipated a bit and feel built up In every way. I am already so much improved ., that .1 Just, want Uo tell everybody, that, I beliove Tanlac is the finest medicine in tho world." Tanlac la-sold In Klamath JFalU by the Star Drug Co., and In Lorella by tho James Merc, Co. Adv. SS j'l liaV'SBHsMBrBBl' sal! ssvteHi CONF II ACTS Confirmatory proceedings in tho mattor of tho formation of tho Lan gol! Valley Irrigation district nnd the olection recently held by tho tax payers for tho creation of $900,000 bonded Indebtedness to duvulop the Irrigation project wore launched In tho circuit court yesterday with tho filing of a petition by Korguson & Klotchor, attorneys for tho directors pf tho district .asking for a docruo setting tho stamp of tho court's ap proval on tho regularity and legality of all tho Irrigation proceedings to date. This action Is taken by tho attor neys for tho district to offoctually closo any possibility of future dis pute over tho validity of tho bonds. It gives tho ontlro world a chanco to make a showing In opposition to the proceedings and If, after duo notice Is given, no objection is' mado and the .court confirms tho steps ,so far taken no future question can be raised. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 AMERICAN MARINE IS 'making RAPID GROWTH WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Six teen ships, totalling 92,075 tons, were delivered to the shipping board, by tho emergoncy fleet cor poration during the first ten days of November, it was announced today, Tho construction for October was 113 ships. At a cost of 1100,000 a cotton mills corporation of Danville, Va has erected a modern hotel, where several hundred of Its women em ployes may live at an expense of 77.50 a wcpIc. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Senricsj Day or Night Ifciasoiiiblo Jlafru Phna tflB r.' ) f" 'rj MKIsbAUi Are Klamath Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streeU. P. J.Gorges , N. O.J Fred Dremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer E wanna Encampment No, 48, 1. O O. F.. meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. balL Arlle Wor rel, O. P. Nate Otterbein, Scribe j P. L. Fountain Treaslrtf, f J&Jl IKCII MMNT "r "" r..i.r ;;'"; , Kuropo l., Am-runmn ' ,lon h '",au"" " umlnrlsk.; ."" Amurlciui Him! -,... . ... "' l !..'!"'"' ?... i,;.: ? " ! Ol III.. H,l I, -""" , Im r,MH ''1W' U-..Mlt.K fr A,,,lrnU",,enoW I "Tim H.mI (,,, i . . it ;mh' 1,,"r"r" ''" r.r. olMln,lk '-"-'"""'nr,,,..,,,,,, :,1",,, """' " win im. thim, , Hi" Am... In... lt,., fro., to L. , """ " HKk had, lii'iiltli au.t ImmHiifH And wo mut t-oiitliiii.. In U,u until UuBala ' for l, q-,mt. mm, will bo (Im lam nftor-war cam! imlKU "f llui Anmriran Ho.l cros, (a Ktiropn Wo an limn, tilromly At th, pr.-Hi-iit moim-iit. tho Hod Cross hM mills in tli.u mcilon bordering 09 lllii (illlf of I'ltllaml rnmlv In ..i " .mi:r l''tuii:rail In Sihvria thcru I? 1 I mill wlili Kolchak nrmy and on Hi Hit' I'minmus with tho nrmr cl (li'iu nil l)i.klu When u,o iow .'f tho Holshovlkl crumbles tho hanl I of ilu Keil l'ni mil bo tho fint tj In lp tln HtrugKl.riR Husslan natfra III II I fl'Ot ' i IM I U HVIMi I'ltUM UAITI.IM! IHMUSK I , fllllVAI.I.ia. Muni, Nov H. A MoxtiTlouN muliiily In killing dr 111 lllin ii'i-uuu 1 til' IUIIKB Ul 111Q tuiuu ili"r on thft old Marciw Dal; raiuii uuvr in iu iiuliuiiui'u ici ' iTliuirlaiiM Imvi' Hiudlcd tho dlseait lint are liaflftlMl .md ay nothlt? I Mho It Iii.h npiii'.irvd before Tka iitHnmls flikrii md di i' within a lev ' lllM, Wllllllllt lull! j. up 1 ' fHB ) MH XHfeflssiiiiVsv ' ; I KCVC PflllDT Tfl III 11 HJMUUUMI U I netici: I nm now prepared to furaub BliUHtu S:mt from tho Hooy, Cim, and ana ttravol pit, in any quanm; that may bo Uo'slrod by contractor and bulldiiri AL. K. GRAHAM r Your earningpower when it rains is made sure OWJL 1'fYBRrN REFLEX SLICKER look For tht Ktfltx Edit JLJTowmGi Batablllhatf Boston, Mass. . '3SAHI O'lSt-i iu3.b mm? s 'Pi &q 1 " wt J TJ HOUSTON'S Mctroi)olltiin AmusemenU lMotronolltii V HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXCIXO liVKHV WKHNRSDAV AXI) 8ATUIWAY STAR THEATER TODAY JOIW BAIlllVMOIlK "TUB T1JCTOP HpXOB" 1-AUo ; Burton) Holmwt V?! And Bray Plctograph TEMPLE THEATER vicron Moonuf In XHK CIX)WX" Also A Lyon and -A illl-i- Intornallonnl Current IW "&ff8g? mmASnTo- ' m-