iiryLKOVKMIlKK in, .,) THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN National Waist Week November 10-11-12-13-14-15 nrnAirvp osAooirirn oniimiMC wb pbh br l m it K -n -& W" fllLIWLUO ULHJOIMLUUULUmnJ I f FOR SALE Real Estate FOR HALL Murium B room bun?.i-i low, filco lawn, lot 05X120, (IciHel In i'rlco $8800, terms $1800 caitli, h.ilnnco terms. Houno cannot Ikji built for tliln price today. l!o .1 .1 . MtiiIiI. 8-Cl i HELP WANTED WANTED- Woman to do day's hoitRe dunning, and some laundry v.ork. Call 42'J Oak Ave, after 15 p. m. ll-2t -f if iSlM Jffk- Mr w ii K'RN Koinj,' to make the lust days Friday and Saturday the most important of the entire week in Klamath Falls. A very large shipment of Crepe de Chine, Georgette and fancy Silk Waists of every known description in up-to-the-minute styles just received. Every conceiv . able new coloring is here for your inspection. More than three hundred silk waists from which to make your ."election, and at every known price, here or elsewhere, with values far hotter. There will be dozens and dozens of the prettiest and new est styles of waists at this stoie next wetk and the week after, but those who make their selections Friday and Saturday will have the advantage of a bewildering display, such as Klamath Falls women have not seen in their own city in a lifetime. Rest as yuied the pier ; at which thee wUs are oileied are right. THE PRICES HERE ARE ALWAYS KKJHT, and fully 25 per cent under city stores' prices, whether in Chi cago, New York or on the Vaciiic Coast, we care not where. FOIl HAM:- Big mom to be made on real estate ihN coming ytnr I New inlllh and box fattorlcM to be 'built at Pelican City. I buv.) 10 ' lotft 1HX110 Mnr thrrc that 1 will ihcII all for $0.1'.) on easy t-rms. Box i .K. Herald. 8-fit 'OH HAM-: OH EXCHANGE- Ir tllo Sacramento Co. land, 10 acres near Lodl, cheap for cash Will rornldi'r phan' Wbat havp voii' Call or address Room 120 Wliiti IMban Hotel. 31-lf WANThU Itfliablc woman to tako charge of hoiw for family nf two, flood wages. Phone 301. 10-tf x WANTED Girl for general hoiiBo- work and cooking Mrs. O. G. Lali- ircc, lily, Oregon. t-t FOR SALE 320 acre ranch near. Tu'o I.alte, and open range ' Wnler on place, good lotntion fori "beep, $10 per ni cai-h. .(. A Herald OIJlco. 2S-12t I w National Blouse Nov. ek to 15 .(&m idk ffe v.? - yp --"-v. iwf. .r V J National kl Blouse Week a$& Nov. 10 to 15 T ! The (Jolden Rule Associated Stoies buy ooc nVlit, buy in quantities and sell J in quantities, buy right as near right as is is possible to buy under present condi t tions ami sell nearer right than mot stores are able to sell in these trying times. We have strained a point to make "National Waist Week" a history-making week for Klamath's greatest store. You'll not be disappointed when making our women's ready-to-wear department a business call Friday and Saturday. Bring your father, husband, sweetheart, or brother, and let us show him how ridiculous a "man's shirt" is in comparison with real women's wear. This store sells about everything for men, women and children to wear nothing too good if the value is then TPF W" l "A tf I&i &L 4 H F S3 m MS id m Vn fw V: vr&fe W1! T K? ManetHl i32, bsdr J&zm&t KLAMATH'S GREATEST ! 407, 411, 415 Main and 115 Fourth St. ill HM'X";r K J . .t. . A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A V V V V V V V V V V V V V '' V V V V " V V V V V . A A A A A A A V O . O 4 JsLXJLu Kiamatli Falls, Oregon J . A A A .. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V ' " V V V V V V V V V V V V V FOR SALE Miscellaneous ! W Si,IJ Heater fl.d 14X21 body 1!iisipIh rug. Piactlrally' new C .11 3X8 So. Klveislrip. , I2-lt . POIt HAI.''-Ort j our ni-e tat' Tl ur' RiinK tnrkpy from Roy' and 'Jr. utt Nclaon, llenu. Oi. , n-?t i MISCELLANEOUS WANf h:d a good business counter not more tban two feet wldo, not bsH than 10 Indies bigh and 10 or 12 fft Ion?. Inquiro It., Herald office . 12tf WANTIU) Dy man nnd wife no children a furnished lious-3 for the winter or houseKeopliu; rooms prpfpr house cloao In. Ad dr.s C -U. I), Herald offlcp. lltf IF Vor HAVB $1000 cash ivtll , build you n house on choice tot cloe in. Call or address Iloom 12C Whf.o Pelican Hotel. 31-tf WAXTKD flood sized flat top desk and s'x ollfe chaiTg. Apply to I. Jacobs, 0 22 Main. 7-6t- V,'.VNTKD A good second hand pjnno for ca-h. Herald. C-tf FOR FLr-l.o3 Angeles trailor ciipacity ir,no dbs , niPlal lined body, .'olid tircR. good bj new at big reduction. White iVKmn n.'.ragp 8-0t CITY GARBAGE When ,you want Garbage refnoved phono 91. 11-tf F0H PAIjK ."." gal. gonolino tank with fju'et. Inquire Herald office. i,-lt FOR SALK- Apj.'c3, Spltzenbergn, Oregon Reds, Bennett Seedlings, Win' ' an. Newton-ns. Fine stock. Write fcr'rireg. T J. Gardner, Box 20, R F. D. 2, Medford, Ore. S-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST 'J hrvd of Holsteln cattle 8 of tVn bryided with inverted !: i.nd F on right hip, crop in left oar. Other branded R. D., crop on right ear sl.t on left ear. Notify W. C. Ezelle. ll-3t FOR SALT! Sawmill cheap and good bunch of timber. For par ticulars inquire First National Bank 5-12t FOR SALK A Chevrolet, a Ford. Maxwell and an Oakland. Inquire . C. llenlinp, 327 Main C-tf LOST In Liberty Theatre Saturday" i ii m..n lilll honk containing SIH. i v --.- --u , . ' r.l...,i. lilnntltidnHntl nr,l if returned to 343 Ninth. Reward ll-3t PHONE PEYTON for Wood. 112R. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT Heated Walnut, cor. 9th. rooms, P10, 7-tf Standard Phonograph Bargains A number from $35 up for cash or terms. See our window. ' a"l ' , Shepherd Co . 507 Main St ' SITUATIONS WANTED FOR RENT Good warehouse 50X 50 feet, near S. P. Depot. In-, (fulro Herald offlce l-tf FOR RENT Two three room houses, one four room house., Ready December 1st. J. H. M., Care of Herald. 12-2t t FOR LEASE To responsible parties' that have equipment and cash to' finance then. selves, a desiiable ranch. dress M K. !. Herald ofPre S-tf I IF YOU VKT STUDEMT HELP, call the Kl.unatli Cuunty II ?'i School phone 350. Girls for typing copUng and filing; also general housework, caring for children etc. Hoys for clerking, messenger service, chores, etc. Special attention is giv en to this service by the school authorities and an effort Is to be made to make efficient, convenient and profitable both to th"e student and to those requiring their services. 2tf to pre-war proportions. Racing is! in.od on a!l t!o ycur round and i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY scarcely does a d y piss wit! out a ' ..-. L nuetmg of s:mo kind being held in i WANTED To rent a 2 room fur sonie part of the country. 1C Is di-l nished apartment Phone 33G-W vlded into two categories fint r.n., between ;30 and . p. in. 13-lt 'ng, which commences in March and HflSBU : IT POKE 1EIBE, i I SOFIA, I!uli;nrl.i. Sent. 20 (By Courier to Paris, O t !).) -Tho tonus t'Pcaco pre !i Hied bv tb Alllns to1 Bulgaria, a Humiiimy of which ban narhed Sofia by ti'iegiuph. pioducud Kolound (iihaiqmlniniont and de treasion tlirougliout tliu county. Tho teoplo, iiriHM and gi veinmont wore inanimoua a londomnliu; theiii as 'wsh and humiliating. oung KlnB "wis was much grlovud when ho '"'J tho announcement of tho tonus. "'had not bolloved Bulgaria, would w stripped of Thrnco, lis entire coabt Ilne on tho Aegean und a part of Its "stern frontlor, Minister of War Madparoff, form T Dulgarlan mlnlstor to London, Wared to tho Associated ProBs that "u'sarla might for tho moment ho 'unillatod and 'crushed, but sho llllld rlBO un niraln with rnnnwod trength it might ho flvo years I rm now, it might bo ton, It might j e twenty but rlso sho would. Hor Jt military und torriorlal deslrosl hlrhi i . - J " uu repressed liv thn fnrco of' PMlor numhora, but toor spirit, llChwnD. ....w,. . . "" uiunini, couurnoi DO sup- "ed by any powqr on oart.h." b0 DulBarlans, ho continued, re a patlont, forbearing pooplo, J whom patrlot'lsin and nation .1 or woro a passion, . There could ao peacn In thn Una,,,,. iin,i,ir tteat'0 "unjU8U"totoirlttl rrang"'' lald A 8 lll poaco 'conference hud J?PrePW8 to resist tVo InvasTon of ' Ml hV Iio. ..!! .l.l.. ,u.. ' "ut uuaiiiu 1IVIKUUU1D, '" 00nr n-.l. M f'WUld not Hun hni. nnrmnl opn. I .. ..w. .) www iioiuic. pollt'c'il ir social 'kii1i un der the ' Imroh piovlsioiiK of tho treat). Shi- mlglit be compollod rut of hoII-p" u i viuion, if Hi' torim of tin' ticaty wi-ro not iiiodilU'd, to lo sort to drnslic expedients He wh" not prepared to say what they wire Ho derlatvd tho poaco terms to Bulgaria not only wero a morltrrv of l'l'eniilont Wllnou'rt principles of iiatioualltlen and tho territorial In tegrity of sinnll nailonu, but were a direct refutation of tho cause for which the allies prof-ssod to havo fought. "How could any Just and well-iu-fonuud gioup of HlateHinen," ho asked, "glvo (Vnrlbrod nnd othor Bulgarian tit lea In which thuro was not u single Sorb lo tho Serbians? How could thoy expect Uulgaila t" carry on its Industrial Hie with ev ery port on tho Au;oan closd to her?" Tho peace of tho alllis, ho doclarcd, was not a ponce it was a "travesty on Justlco," in lb -ii prrlfau ( nts. The N.ition.il m mlily lead-t ho liht vlth 3S, but tin- Prui-iun U,et follows closely with 21. Ill CHQSS ' 113 UK LONDON, Oct. 8. (By Mail). Groat Britain Is oxpectlng Czecho slovakia to furnish an important markot for British trado whon more htublo economic conditions havo been established in tho now ropubllo, Tho Board of Trado Journal points out that Czocho-Slovakla, which In cludes Bohemia, is rich in raw ma terials, and poBsoROS Bomo of the most, important'lndustriea in Europe. It Is oatlm'ated that about 80 per cent of the mlnos and Industrialbus Inossos of. the old Austria-Hungarian omplro ure now within tho boundaries of tho now republic. WOMKN KLKCTK11 BERLIN Oct. 6. (By Mall.) In rill 155"womori havo boon olectod to tho various legislative bodies of Ger many.cru of, a total of ,23 3 and only soven ctates aro without them Jl'ARE., Mexico, Nov. IT For tho 13 months between September l.'i, 101S, and October 15, 1919, ap proximately 25,000 border patsport3 have boon vised by Edward A Dow, United States consul at Juarez. Of this number about 2500 have been held by American citizens, uccord ing to Mr. Dow. Since last spring- tho number of dally round trips bus increased givatly between El Paso and Juaroz. This has been duo to tho post-war relaxation of passport restrictions, and has, in turn, resulted in a quickening of tlio amusement life of tho Mexican city. Ncnrly 5000 porsons miulo round trips botweon El Paso and Juaroz dally, Mr. Dow estimates. CARD OK THANKS Wo wlsliv to express our sincere thanks, fomtlio sympathy and klnd- nes'3 of friends during our recent 'be reavement. iij ."r'o. 'C. APPLEGATB'i "FRANK ir, APPliEGATE. ANNIE E. APPLEGATE. ROY'G. APPLEGATE. RACHEL E. APPLEGATE. aWiAgANM.APPLEGATH naElVER C.vAPPLEGATE.r. COFFEE CROP FAILS; -OWNERS SELL CARS RIO DE JANERIO, Brazil, Oct. 15. (By Mail.) Results of coffee crop failures aro seen in tho large number of high g.'ado- automobiles nvailablo for public hiro in this city. Most of them woio originally pur chased for private use in times of piosporlty, but their owners wero compelled to sell thorn whon tho crop failed and financial distress en sued. Tho widespie.id uso made of thorn for business, pleasure or social pur poses, Is a striking fcaturo of life Jn tho Bruzilian capital. Thoy aro not of tho usual taxic.ib type, hut expen sive cars. Tho broad, smooth avenues and boulevards aro admirably adapted to tho uso of' automobiles, and as thpro is no speod law tho ono great object in life for 'tho native chnuffour ap parently Is to go at top speed wheth er in city or suburb. That thoro aro not numerous daily accidents is duo, perhaps, mainly to expert handling of tho cars. FOUND Came to my ranch a black ' yearling heifer, unmarked, un branued. Owner Identify property and pay for this ad. H. N. White- 13-4t lock Apartments, 524 High St., 13-.t HOUSTO "Metropolitan Ainiif.enicnt'- N'Q ENGLISH RACINE IS ON INCREASE LONDON, Oct, 10. (Correspond ence Associated Press), Horso rac ing, like every other kind of sport hore, has experienced a great boom since the wan and consequently tho gambling habit has increased. Promoters of race meetings ail over tho 'country announco that rec ord crowds havo attonded tho fix tures whilo the number of horses entered for the races are already up I nils in Novombcrt and steeplcchu- ug. which finishes out the year. At tho "classic" meetings hbhl at Epsom, Goodwood and Acot,.-prac-, une tically all the aristocrats of the -turf pbR SALEThree.(Iuarters gold congregate. Entertaining takes place finish bed, complete. 327 Main on a large scale and wemen vie with Street. 13tf. each other in displaying the lotast fashien-in dress. 'A VACANCY at Whitlock Apart- Tho highest amount paid for the xoEiiarSn"" winner of a raco is that for tho win-' - nor of tho Derby, amounting to! 532,000. There is more betting on horso racing than on any other sport The Engl'sh lav is peculiar on that po.nt Betting on tho raco com so is strictly legal, but tho passing of hotting slips en tho Btroato Is conslderfd 'a serious offense. Yet one may legally placo bot3 by calling up a Irookmtkei on any telephone, or by sonding tho name of tho horse fancied by tele gram or through tho post. This unci 'ily, therefoio, eccurs: A hotting slip with a horse's namo and an amount of money mentioned If handed to a bookmaker in the street is an offense punishable by Imprisonment. Yet a telegram to the same bookmaker and containing tho samo wording handed in at a postollico is a perfectly legal under taking, and, Incidentally, one which is largoly followed. In tho poorer districts whore there aro thousands of "backers" .who make hots varying from a dollar to 12 cents, the street bookmaker does a roaring trade, although he is liable to arrest and his business has per forco to bo conducted very secretly, as plain clothes police are always on tho lookout for him. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATE.R, ! Ton v Cooks, maids, nurso girls and oth er domestic servants have organized tho Household Workers' union in Ohloago, preparatory to domandlng a shorter workday, Increased wages and' tho privilege of entertaining their gentlemen friends elsewhere than in the kitchen. TOM MQOKK in' "ONE OF Till: FINEST" Also MACK SWAIN ' l "HIS AUTO RUINATION? ' A Side Splitting Comedy . ..,; TEMPLE THEATER TODAY MARCSAKKT IlhANCH ta I "A PLACE LV' THE SUN' Also v International Currcut ,'Kvents op'era house.... ,.. .:..' ...., .'.- DANCING " KVKKV WEDNESDAY A,M SATURDAY, fH MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION J PIOTURBb TUESDAYS AND SATCBDAvl Merrill, Orcgoa to j? f i ! M - ' '