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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1919)
- -n.. ' -vtw w. HPjT1 " " " a n m MMa mmmtmtmammm xmtmmw 8 $&&&& -1 r A J3 sgr "" 3p -Llli jmWl Jtf ' 1 i-"CjM P Sfcu ' '- I'M! tiff Jff Ik 6) Ji ' - i irf" i i n i i f p pk w ( rv j f?Si CCRRCCT LU5RICATIOM fY5?3 j J L j S 8 jj J L L j ! Lj j mmimkM ncu unuoo blnL IfflP - : ysfR R1 f! ft P Y ?,ri Correct lubrication f J uflMLd 111! U N L 1 - -- . 53 a f ijscUJ.c svr.s i Jubri- H I . , P . I 5 t JjA Lri". ?on E"r ce- has do- fc x It lJs I j :.: .v.. .. II " ftAil tT " oJ ZefvItfPC for VOU. B . STZArZ Vuli nr' s II . . fcl Of - -.I'a., trA n..M I Vf " ' ivu hi j ai ti.i k jai uu li u.i u ti ija: i E e "ta. tcmtrjA w . . : I 14 . .. .?9-'1 I X y" 51 s. &. r'wi w . lgau! J Mn?K rv .r I THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Tiinwuu. Mi;, Just Received by Late Shipment of The very latest novelties in style, up to the minute. We nre go ing to give the public and our trade a real bargain in an overcoat. Therefore, .we put these garments on sale beginning Thursday, Friday and Saturday at a sale price. Better come early and make your selection. $29.85 $21.85 19.85 tin i, ... Z 1"" lifIRK 'IRKM Express a I mfW j ' ltHU.LHl t' i it m '"" " 'mi.1,,1 ,., " "wuiKI. , ,,,,, , ii( "' Th urn ' '"'" "'' l i i i ' '"'ll m 'H'll M.M , ,,,! " ' " "111 IS " '' ,!l ni " i i ,,, '" ' ,"11 Kl ftW """ i'i. i, '" '' ' ISJ R-J i " ' i .nm-i.. .m m t t.n i I t u i . 'a '(."J1 "(M SOT "' i 1 i HI I Ml I' II , "wuiKli , HI tn'i U,i v. iiiui it mi ' l i!i i n lUIIII ii '.Ml' I l I1 III 1 I i ui In I ! '"" I" mi nl M "I I. il I, lull II" I HI! 1111 l 1 ollilloll mill uu), ,n li miminilU ,il, ,t ,, flll'llillll In l.l m. t, , li HI llllH lli iillin a ,,, h , i mil i r I lnil unrL ...,ii U.? " tr I I li '' "U ot 111 ""in M. I' III lllll ll from ih '' IJI'M'IIIIIKIll Hull , ,, rl ( in' ii il in in r or ... ,, i I - i -'iii. inn in S,n...n .i..,ir ,, , H,rl)l $;i.,.ni in,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tU nf Uu Ill lid Milt W mi i,, H, tlw iiri lii-mR i into mill nn (i ill. v. II illlllli' pilni'il i (it ' " H "'"'-. Hi" IK liy night i Illlllli I lllll x up .mil ,,ku, un- I 11(10 It Inuinu "Ul ll) 111. " '" ' ''M (111 h. 111 ., .(u $40 Overcoats, saie price 4 pj?D I lii Htn-piM inn) iipi ui i ' n .M'liiilt. cm r i ii . up ii in . Kluii il iiiii M ii iH.iii. , inrmniK i . i ' Ka ll m: u Imynnc i , i , , ' i ii ii . in n nil ii i ti p i mil . i nl lili-iiiiii i 1 "Im t ii i ml, ll 1,1 ! li ii ii i. ' ' 11" lit ii ' arf '- Oi tie I 1 1 iiiii li untl iifl-i0 ff "THE STORE OF SERVICE" Ninth and Main Streets wWimmmmmmMmmmmwi. ...' . Uio uniforniH ot C uucKh .il'ipi'il oiu of a. wooil, lirlm: nl the r . ' n Forty Hliots wt-rc oxrliunrn! , ,. ii"ib rfilfru :iiul jiusscngiT . nn. i.ik'i offi-ct Tlio rlilors nttount '1 to ovcrl?ikn tho locomothii, which' , win Hlowly mnkliif; l'Klo. l"il woro Btopjifd liy n clcuji ptilly Dtr-l 1 1 hi; tin- oticnimtor MIhs Stuart (Mil 1 not look out of tho cur Slio sat on tho million milieu ' A-' &i ! cf autouiv! ilc. Tlieii: :..rkiat'ou- are avai!- pru ,r you in Vic 7.tTotv.. -i. r -'. Lubricit'on Charts. 'iV.-r,s is a cliart for each rnsfce of car. ero1:ne is corrcc'ly re fined f. o"i eclectrd Califor- u nia en: e oil. It Is the produrt .W of th ; combined rt joarces, '" V experience and equipment of the El. lard 02 Company. Get r Correct Lubrication Chtrt f' r your car. At your dealer's cr our nearest sta tion. STAITD OIL CCVPAHY (CiWirnij) ALKXAM)It01'OI., Armenia. Sopt 22, via Paris, Oct. 8. MIsh liuth Stuait. formerly of the C'hll- ' drons' HoHiiltal, Haston, and tho Slooa-ie Hospital now a member 1 Cross, has arri after travelling three days and nights In a box tar, with a hug con taining 1,000,000 rubles for tho uso of the American Hospital and Orphanage In this city. In the TranacauGsiis,- which Is without police, money IS usually tai, Now voj-ij, it iiprn rn of the American ilcd ! I L L LIB ved horo from Tirila,JJLu I IJ IFLIE SPRUCES m FIRE H' ' 1 ' l I r K I Hi ictilly llu p I i in j Ui i i'iI I In M' i. ii i l.i' ulitt tat., i iii nrc 'iillril wii" ii i m'i i I i ni.niy ili at. r i i i i i' cy hinl , lu I ' liultidi Hint In .i i ii i . fluin tin. I u ti ll.i i u i KnIIiiiiiim '1 im cent '. i ' i nil ; i , i i, t u i i. i i H I" I ' H "I l ' ' UU I an III ll i I I . Ill ll . lit H ', ( t I ) c 11 1 1 . It I I ll II I I I 1 t.i ii Ik laun. l 1111 ' to Mil, in '1 i Ul.tltWaU UlO -1 (u II 1 " 11 I 111 OlIP of lb IllOHl till' i in '- i .r' i cif IS. rlln sir., i llu h r niv of Minitldcd i- lil i! -uft i irg I I inn tirolion or n l-ili i' il .inn nlmll nhmK nr ..In, I '""'li hoik h" nit forlnri I) on ilii i In ,i-i il iri'i'l nnil in i-i'iiuLil. 0 UOlin 1 1 . i ,. u .ii li.iiul- mil t. i in I .11 nn;i.i' . -ii i i.i that in ui bin. ili'-i'' ri-hr-of th' w.r bi'i: from nioniiiic until lung .iftr tnlilnlrht Tli n ' a ' " ,il'i i; i 1 in rowing A '..m-li'UUi'il im 11 Hi "'" fi'a J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 of fruiilnal. IH'v '" iw '' Ul jri'i with a roiiKh unKoinpt lioird, pwinn to have no illlllculty ' ll nllri as Im lionni up u" """ ... . ..... . Infill! LTuiur don I.liuluii. luwnm-'J "" IHK pniwowby. e8i.uni.lly w men Ha fuMiiiiH on tlimii. oftpn t.oW jb by tho arliin. nti'l denial"'. not b'R'' nluin CoitutlcHs i.nli.oincit pa "P and down, but "" '"i"1 lH al,U' thuio. I'ltlNCB ItUPKUT. H. (Hyv Mail). Sprnco were Intended, whon c Oct 12 ; logs which thoy wore fulled on tho Islands of tho Inside ' I'assago, for uso In war-tlmo airplane drought from Tiflls hy a corporal's construction, aro making their way Miachreach $pe ("engine T. J. MORTELL, Special Agent Klamath Falls, Oregon V UNION MADE Wjfh ' '- n ' Ti i 1 1 . 1 1 A 1 1 1 . i guard, htjt as funds woro urgently I required and no guards woro avall- jahlc, tho bank decided to entrust tho monoy to tho goo d senso of tho American nurso. Sho loft without a soldier convoy and unarmed. As tho train left TlflLs tho nurso was handed a sack containing a hushel of trl-rcpuhllc notes (of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.) As soon as tho train was enrouto Miss Stuart emptied her porsonal ef fects from her sult-caso and repack ed it with tho money. Sho placed tho suit-case under tho blanket on her bed, and sat upon It, beginning her watch of sovonty-two hours. At Meganlo, thrco men ontored her car. Thoy made signs that thoy woro custom's inspectors and must search for contraband. Miss Stuart know that tho cars of foreign mis sions nro not subject to search by tho Georgian Government, but sho said nothing and did not loavo hor seat. Tho alleged Inspectors Boatchod thoroughly, soomod puz zled, and loft.!lJo Katakllls, thrco horsr into tho British Columbia pulp mills and finally into nows print pa-' per for eastern American publica tions, i Kccontty 1.1 carloads of nows print papor woro shipped from tho Ocean , Kalis plant noar hero to Now York for tho Now York Times, Tho na-i per was niiulo from sprnco logs cut on Queen Charlotto Islands for air plane purposes. Largo amounts of lumber loft ovor from tho alrplano stocks havo boon sold to tho Ocean Falls mills for tho making of nows print paper. Probably no publication In tho Western world haa anything ap proaching tho volumo of circulation enjoyed by a co'rtaln Chtnoso alman ac, printed in Pokin. Each edition of tho almanac consists oi more, than eight million copies, which nro sent into tho provlncos, and so groat la tho interost taken by tho Chinese in tho publication, so high tho con fidence roposod in tho information contalnpd. thnt not a slnglo copy is j dinned to tho pi Inlets, Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable lionc Trips Our Specialty lteasomiblo Itatcs Phono 1110 822 Klamath Avo w?Q Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets. P. J.Qerges , N. a.; Frod Bromer Bocrotary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Bncampmont No, 46, I. O O. F.. moots Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlio Wor rl, C. P.; Nnto Ottorhntn, Scriboj P. u. Fuuuulu Treasurer. 'I ho polho im Ht mnor put 1" . .,.. t..i. r.i- ..troei Kii"i"" one IMllliiiiiiB '" ' - . lor than Ihnp.isslontiro.ik8 out else- wllpri. Thus u.nuv. in ic some cheap cliUw. " round 1 widely used uh .i rue track tor .li tiny aiitomohllun. . Tho letter of a biwlnew m of ,.," tolling or l,h rioll trylne to got cr ,H hOIIRO lH H"'"'MI,,,V.,.lo Of ,ylcul ot .ho Hi-lrlt of J work that ,-rova.lH la aormuny since tho revolution Ho ttr": rc I' Intended to lmvo my 1'0 pmred and therefore bough t a ' man who before tho w J , little thhigfl fr mo 1 '"'' " ,ll3 7. tho man at his house Only 1 l.nfd year-old hoy ' " - ,' ., , n9kcd. n,r.ttC8 Oil th9 'Whom In yoi" """... ouiifistcr ro- " 'Uu Is soiling Potsdanior Plat?.,' Ilw ' plied. ,, "And your niotlior. An. " 'Sho IB Boiling boop nt w halter railroad station. clse ' 'Well, moreover, la no l,oro7' 1 1, hrothor hM ene .. -no; my bis .f'1 BUl)port for to collect tho worklotf SUPP fathor. , ., .xAAAMiAMvM .VVW'r'f' wv-- KATHEBINE SCHLEEF ri,y.lclan and Surgeon Office, White DM ?VV W. I I