mWlTW'mm' JW wpupi V ' ' ' rAGB TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALI.S, OREGON Z'",""',;lILy,t la If your feet give you pain it is because they have de veloped some defect. The cause of the trouble can quickly be lo cated by our foot expert win wiil give you a demon stration nnd ndricc free. He knows feetlhorou<. (y. fiaving teen trained in the famous Dr. Scholl Method of Foot Corrcctiou. TJienisa M Scholl No matter where or how your feet ache, hurt or bum. or if they feel tender and sore, there is n ' scientific corrective to give you f sv r ft- TflXPROaLEM I FACES GERMANY i (run Prevent bunions Straighten that crooked to -with this soft, springy rubber device. Effect ive and com. ioi table. Dr. SchoU'i To-Fle-t COc immediate relief Our expert will demonstrsto this on your own foot and show you that abso. luta , foot comfort is possible with out wearing odd ly shaped or over-sired shoes. See him. We arc in position at all times to fit you properly with any of Dr. Scholl's appliances. Bradley Shoe Store 727 Main Street niCUI.IN. Oct. t:. (lorrosp.m donoo of The Associated I'rvs's. Tho moot question of emigration forms n pushing problem in tier many, all tho more so because of the lingo taxation that Is planned The omplro Is divided into two unequal camps those who favor the emlRrntlon of between Kten ami .twenty million nermann be cBiwe thoy feel that (Senntuiy ran ouly reeupornte If It hn n omnller itopulitlou to nourish ami support. tul the vastly larjre irroitp thru froN emlKratton must not be allowed be muse the ferces nre needed here to take part in rebuilding and in paj ing Uixos. Financial pxporl estliTi;;te tint .i rnnti represents to Uennavv a capi tal of 20 time. hli mum .1 tv.inr'c As the nvernjre (Vrinnn we h- ''. now eurus CO' 0 marks. U.-.. .i .i' would U 4t',Uu0 mrks. If - l. '" emigrate each year as Ilia bo. n -u;:-getcd. then tiie Futlierl ml is ei,;tif millions poorer each year, . the exports, and tliot niucii lmr.ti.-ii' cap ital is permanently lost. A.s the workman is tho hii,!',... t I'fouoml'' property Germany still poss;- enugiulioii is a life and deal1 question for Germany. Judge llnnilMrger of Asehc.VIe bea, .one of tho many who have been discussing tho cm ic rat ion problem recently, declares that tho new em igration bureau of tho goernm-nt must restrain each wo tld-be em igiant at least sis mouths, not only so that his ease may bo investigated, but that he may have a chance to change his mind. my .? TAKE THIS Is WV L m I an mi H &w& fi See my ad in tomorrow's paper. I am vq. ing io offer the people of Klamath Valley OF rwo XY KIXG AlilJICHT AND KETIXl'12 1IOMR AGAIN BRUSSELS, Nov. 13. King Al bert and Queen Elizabeth of Bel gium, weary from two months' t ravelling are back from a tour of the United States. They were wel comed by a large concourse of loyal subjects. NOTICE, am now prepared to furnish ishasta Sand from tho Hoey, Cam. ..jBand- and .gravel pit, In any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. , AL F OKAHA M I MADAM IOINA, Palmist World's Gre.uest l'lireimliiKt, Palmist and Medium Reads your entire life past, pt't?ent nntl .future correctly, giv ing names, dates and figures in bus iness, love, law, marriage and dom estic troubles. Tells you what you are best adapted for and what to do to better your conditions in life. This lady reads your hand as you would an open book. A rending by her will meet your highest expecta tions, and you will be wiser and happier, after consulting her, she having tho gift of removing all ovll influences and placing you in an en vironment of happy thought and contentment. Readings: Sunday and dally, 0 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Room i, Swinson Hldg., over gun store. Main St.. between 6th and 7th. opp. Wcst orn Lnlon, Klamath Falls. Oregon. 12-13-10 . v .,! . . .:-JHLfcv V.. -T . ,-.-.. TttiMtMikiEtf Mmmmmm& f w sPra vCSl'a W.?h" slew "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" SkPnsuflinfbl mmswwmfflmmm L sarcasm 8 w "smsmmm IN HONOR OF 4 1.1 Remember, there will be only two days of this great event, so row's paper. be sure to see my ad in tomor It's worth while waiting for. K. SUGARMAN v Manchester Last n Dari Tan er Biaik RtusU Calf :,', ''i,i;i:V" (l!l",,7 J1' A I IHlimMw x WSA ?- TATRONS of this shop. WbMl SSftU -rc-2j;ziniT that no detail WK:A&&& K I. of one' s enrb better ex- WmtM 'WO mi as wmm&mmm a - tmmmmm. . iOESOSOl 1ST ; EOBSEiED ! 1'SfflLI?: - I t;?w- SL of one s rtirb I presses breeding thrin correct ly chosen shoes, invariably ask for Nettlcton'a. Anrl in so loin?: they assure themselves a distinction in ap pearance and reliability in ccrvice well worth any differ ence in price. Let us fit you with Nettlcton Shoes the model shown above is typical of many ex clusive styles. jMMo n a'efiLQf Worm i' SOLD BY THE K K K STORE Exclusive Agents. I GitEELKY. Colo., Nov. 13. I'uh-J jliwition of tni rules ot the Colorado I Tach;ra' coilogo restricting "fuss-i fng" and other recreation of tho -100' I girl students, has causml a wall or j dismay to no up from the student j body. Tho rules wcjro recontly drawn ! J up by Dean Helen 0. Urown of tho ' women's department. ' Among other things, tho rulos pro-1 1 Vidp that in no itibtanro shall mn and women studontn he allowed to reside. In tho samo building. Tho' period between S and 10 p. m. must bo observed as study hour, and all student!- must Uo in thoir rooms by 10 o'clock at night, except Friday and Saturday nights. In order to, attend parties and functloim whl-h ' aro liltoly to .continue beyond 10 o' on Friday and Saturday nights, the girl ntudents must ob-i tain the consent of tho dean. Calls from young men will bo re stricted to Friday and Saturday nights. Automobile riding in the evening is fprbldden except by con sent of the dean, , . .;. All persons who . take,;. students Into their homes for board and TodB- k must report periodically as to ho "habits of study, sleep und rec reation If these aro in any way like ly to Injure tho health, reputation or charactor of tho student, to In terfere with her work or to bring discredit upon the State , Teachers' college," Lay a bet on (iXM!'' W-B jroilmj? era vitia S . . -XJrmm ' i RRlwlbE- ' A wm- mi bth r t.KW i ii . s tm rui m. .'t i ma " -..,. . 13 a6""r " IbULCUU. u s iU V".V I1AII it the national joy smoke ROLLING your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is just ; about as joy'us a sideline as you ever carried around in your grip I For, take it at any angle, you never got such quality, find toiw "l b'-d ;,n.on !'"-.- f...v. nractKM' Utt humid 'iil, .mill!" row"'"": tt j,t keen rnflf"', I R. J. ReynoWTobec Conronr VVInitonJl."'C' 1" ill Wo make a Specialty. o(. lire, life find ncrident intiiiiviuco, l?liono (ill and uo'll do' tho ri-st. Clillcote'rA Sm (h Mf "',&, jum II 1 1 Burcty bond wiiUe you wlt. OhU coto & Smith. . ''''". l flavor, fragrance and coolness in a makin's cigarette in your ,&mzT: i . ....... . rvr7w-& .. ..' lite as'cvery jf. J. .home-made" will' present you I , , Princo Albert puts nov smokenotiona under your bonnet I It's so delightful rolled into a cigarette and, so easy to roll ! And, you just take to' it IJke you been, doing it since away back I You see, P. A. Is crimp cut and a cinch to handle ! It stays put and you don't Joao a Jot when you ,y et&rt to'hu& tho paper around tho tobacco.1 1 i" I , You'll like Prince Alberr in a Jimmy pipe an mucn as you oo In u home rolled cigarette, tool Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process. You know P. "A. is the tobacco that has Jed three men to smoke ' 'pipes where one was smoked before. Yes sir, Prince Albert blazed the way. ' And, me-o-my, what , wad of amokesport will ripple your way 'Wery-tuToetyou.fill upl r iv.vrv ,"j ." '' TOPJWW'P. GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS. EGG MASH !R0 M' FMd & SeedS i ' ' Wlllll.lJllU IM B.iL Bt-iL JLtt Somth Sixth SU