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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1919)
'-.,. T(ft" 'isW" ln,.,- THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH. FALLS. OREGON l'AOK KIOHT i'J'MHMBT. i. & HfiiSWraBWffTBE&lR- Si,,-?"1 25?,J 3v fc. ? -, t.f . .WJK ! BLOUSE WEEK NOV. 10th to 15th SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION BLOUSE WEEK NOV. 10th to 15th J To Demonstrate the Style Supremacy of American Made Waists TO IMPRESS ON YOU THAT THE BEST MADE WAISTS IN THE WORLD ARE MADE IN THE UNITED STATES National "Blouse Week November 10th to 15th A movement in which thousands of manufacturers and retail merchants throughout the United States have joined, in the effort to show that American manufacturers are pre-eminent in the creation of styles and fabrics for waists as well as their manufacture. An event offering opportunities in which millions of women from Maine to California will participate The" Woman's Store has made special efforts to insure the success of the undertaking. Principal Makers Cooperate With Us in Our Endeavor to Offer For the Event an Exceptionally Choice Collection of Blouses Many of these models were ordered especially for this occasion others, just received, offer the saving advantages of extensive purchases made months ago, before the present increased prices. In some cases, price concessions on the part of the makers enable us to pass the good fortune on to you in the way of de- cided savings. Blouses Exquisite at $10 Embroidered, Beaded, Braided and Lace Trimmed In Delightful Variety And at this time when individuality is usually to be found only in waists at a higher figure, we are showing beautiful Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses in scores of styles AND but one of a model. High-necked blouses, low-necked blouses, V-Necked and collarless . Blouses of every description that are in popular demand now. The colors are white, flesh, maize, bisque, grey, tea rose and navy blouses of wonderful quality $10.00. -"And There Will Be Scores of Other Beautiful Models at $12.50 These also of Georgette and Crepe de Chine of the better kind. Many show new neck lines, a good-looking cuff, or present a color or color combination that is quite out of the ordinary, yet exceedingly beautiful. :--At $15, $16.50, $20 and $25 Particular Attention Is Directed Our Showing of Blouses at $6.00 to Really good blouses to sell at this figure are almost unobtainable yet here you will find simple though nicely styled blouses of A Display of Blouses Unexcelled in Beauty and Value To the woman of artistic taste the woman who demands the ulti mate of perfection our showing of finer blouses will prove an in spiration. Gloriously rich models of Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine, effective in. their absolute beauty and originality. Waist-line models, over-blouses and peplum effects all are shown in a Hinnlnv in an unusual assortment of smart, of surpassing loveliness. new models. Colore to please every Beautiful Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine taste. "If you are shopping-wise you will supply your needs in advance for many months, as these blouses are of a class of material and style that will soon be found only in mod els at considerably higher prices. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS During NATIONAL "BLOUSE WEEK" N I W'U'I,1M011 Plaid Silk Blouses, Special at $5.00 Of fine quality messaline silk in an assortment small, though offering nice selection. Collars V-necked and convertible. Also a few black Crepe de Chine Waists at this price $5.00. REMEMBER THE DATE NOVEMBER 10th to 15th Just Ito!lvod More of Those Very Popular All -Wool Flannel Middy Blouses You have been waiting for them asking for them bo wo hasten to tell you they are here, and how altogether pleasing they are and no snugly comfortable. In fine quality all-wool nary blue flannel, nattily trimmed with white braid and an addi tional touch of attractiveness In their flowing ties of red. Sizes 12 to 44. Women's Sizes $6.50 Girls' Sizes $5.00 Sounding a Now Stylo Note Itich, Colorful ' (Marian Smocks We hesitate at description for words must surely fall to give you any conception of the real smartness, the newness, of these distinctly original articles of femlnino apparel. Of fine quality Oriental Crepe, richly embroidered with colorful yarns in unique designs. Round and square necks, slip-over style, with girdles of either self ma terial or yarn. In Old Hose, pink, green, lavender, yellow, blue and white. Specially Priced at $12.50 to $16.50 Superior in Style Humble in Price Joining the Movement With the Fine Spirit of Supreme Value Giving, NEW WIRTHMOR Blouses Savingly Priced $1.50 It matters not how nfany more costly blouses you pos sess; Its sheer economy to havo In your wardrobo n fow of these good-looklng WlItTHMORS for general utility wiltTHMOIt WAISTS are Sorvlcoablo, Styloful nnd the WiRTHMnn ,N othof Waists at the price can bo like the WIRTHMOR, for no others at tho prlco aro mado In tho Say?nOmy'0'feCtlng mannor' Mal,y now "loduls now on Welworth Blouses at $2.50 ,,yUJ'a r "S"1 WELWORTH you aro doubtless nri. ..'.' "founsuiy, ii noi, wo urge tbnt you mnko wpi nnlrii saving habit to buy , Only One Representative In Knch City Can Soil These Mouses. In This City They Can lie Sold ICeroOnly tho b Hi kttKHiH.' k R'BmPj COUNT1T TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice Is horeby given that there are funds In the county treasury for the redemption of Klamath County general fund warrants protested (presented for payment but not paid for the want of funds) Sept, 2, 1913 and No, 30,700 protested Sept. 3, 1913. Interest on same will cease from date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 6th day -St Novtmbr.r. A . 1919. O. R. VAN IU,J5R, 7-5t Caunty Traatirtr. GRIZZLY DKAIl IS STAIN IN UTAH SALT LAKE CITY, Utuh, Nov 7. The first grizzly boar to bo killed In Utah in many years was recently lain in ' the northern art of tho state, after he had for months nrov- ed upon livestock In the vicinity of the head waters of the Weber River. The carcass velckad about loo AGREEMENT REACHED ON WARRANT TANGLE (C utliiiiml from I'iiru 4) W0MEN REs5j BY RED WAUHAW, 8,.w 'Mcvuiiru of lilml Ml l I can lli. I'oIIhIi prot bin two ,11 whs uur vitiw (lint not loss tluui $10(1.000 should Im levied for thin purpose, mill (Hut wo wnt (i wIIHiik ((, contribute our slmro for tho taxeii J for u lnvy of this iiiiiniiiit, tii)vii-tlu- loHN, WO IdlOW UI1H II lIIIIHll(lll of I business JiiiIriiiohi mill that tlio i woiv tho representatives of the pee. nlo of tlii cutintv mul wore In Hnmmi tiMHii wiiii inn noons or um county.' by (lnnit i I wn nuiini mini" "J any iiocisinu wiiii u iiiej iiuhiii iiiiihii in im) lllllt- Inr. , This llrst lnvy of KiO.OOli practi cally ilutnriiiltivil tho proKiiiiu. for tint piiHriiiKo of tho coiiHtlltitlniinl iiiiiKiiilniciit In 1010, priivuiitltiK tlm IncriMiHii of any IiivIch morn than it par cunt par milium, piavautvd dm lnvyliiK or itK much iih ItOtl.OUO Hail tint orlclnal plan biuin nilhcrinl to, nil tho InilahtciliicHH of Klamath county would now ho piild. I triixt thai t It Im tottor will mtrvit iih tluui clnilvr in an uiifortunatn porloil In tho lilHtory of Klainath county Our part hi working out tho dual Holutlon of thn illlllculty Iiiih not bean ilounuHt( but wo fool thin tho rcMiiltH obtuliioil have JiihIIIIoiI our offortH. It Hloulil bo rumotuhiiroil nbo t tint whatever wuh urcompllHliiKt wiih to tho oqunl bonotlt of every taxpayer of tho county, both largo anil kiiiuII, nml that wo have not protltod Indi vidually In any renNict morn than any other taxpayer of the county lleforo tho suit was tiled, wn care fully marked out our courtio iiIoiik tho linos Indicated In thin letter, anil now, that tho end hitn hcwi reached, wo are glad to tin nblo to suy that wo have never deviated from tbnt courtio. From time to time, wo have boon nuked to take a hand in local poll tics. To all such offers wo havo giv en u Hat refusal. There wan nothing new and novel about this conclusion, as far as we worn concerned, bucaiiKu long yonm of oxtHirlcnco hnvo shown uh tho wh- ilom of keeping hniuls off and letting tho voters hnvo n froo linnd In se lecting all county oltlcers. Wo Invested heavily In Klamath county with full confidence In the common soiiho and ability of tho county to chooso their odlcors, Hub snqunnt events have shown Hint whenever the vntors had thn facts before them they ultimately cleared up every illlllculty. Again, t!ro havo boon rumors that wo were taking n hnnd In tho court houso controversy. Wo un qualifiedly state that such rumors wor false. Wo havo not taken part In any Klamath county difficulty ex cept only as sot forth in this letter. In fact, our suit did not cover any warrants Issued after January 1, 1910. Wu wish tho foroRoIng statement to be taken ns a clear and distinct announcement of our policy. However, after the oincers aro duly elected, wo, as larKo taxpnyors, are Interested to the extont that wu wish to havo the laws and tho con stitution of Oregon obeyed and lived up to. Ueyond that, wo can express no legnl objection. As KrowInK business concern, wo are likewise concerned with careful and prudent mnntiKomont of tho af fairs of tho county, becauso than wo are encouraged to ro ahead with plans for turthor development In Klamath county. This will not only ",-llv 30- 'WI,U .1 -.iri or 0 A,r "'j !';" 1,,,1,H" hK i, , "Is miKsii ....'. m,lll faltn :':: mZ: ""l- In April t. """Till.' l:'fl In Hcpt,,,,,!,.. .. M'ir, ji,Mlni 0"7' r,i ""vlsts efrornl to LH American n(IUr eMt' " '"' that Sj Zik iiuw :r,' o rcQUMi ,r r:r. vo,,,mi'"r to i.0,, Initial CniUnln Mm " ." trip. "-"-wBUcft, Awnnipanlwl only by tt i.Iw 'tT. Cntitaln MNim . ." " ! r 01 ramnm .. . "" ry train lcavlnr WlMw"A J W. brlbrr, and the J tho American uniform, h ir,,,)J! Hcutl. throuKl, the Uknln, 2 llumanla to (JalaU, and thclt u O.les.n. (icncral Donlklne, thewj. Ilulnhi-vlk comnmndr of the C snek. army had cnplurod the city Vt foro Captain McOuoro arrived. Thu Cnptnln found the UH women IIvIiir In conditions tnoch somhllnK those of a town la oank ern I'ranco after an attack prw' ed by heavy artillery prepimla. The HobhoWitt had dtitrortj v hole blocks of houiei, first rtffltj them with nraailng thoronjim Terrorist CommUalonj had eienui 0,000 persona during the Iw moiitlm of occupation. ErestnUf thu American wns able to get bii clmrci'H out of tho city anil titk throuRh Humanla and the I'kntat Cnptnln Mcdulro corots frooTil-' su, Oklahoma. A volunteer la tbi French nrmy, ho enlisted la the American army In France and tu decorated with th Dlitlnrtli&ti Borvlco Cross. Ho la twealj-tu onrs of tiKO. mean matorlal growth to tho city Itself, but will offer n market for thu products of tho wholo county. Kxporlence shows that one of the clotorrnlnliiK factors In locutlnR In dustries is the mannor In which the local public affairs aro conducted. In conclusion, wo wish to express our confldoncu In tho present county court. yo bellovo that you aro ad ministering tho affairs of tho county with much ability and wo havo no criticism to make. Many of the problems which hnvo confronted you wore created prior to tho time when you took olllco, and wo hope that by this lottor wo have ollmlnntod one of them. With best wishes, wo nro Ilespectfully yours, J. T. a. Lyuo. Attorney for Wuynrhausor Land NO HOUSES FOR GERMAN NEWLYWEDS IIEHLIN, Oct. 10, (Dy Mail J Ilurlln'a Dwelling Hunan bit noti fied nowiy-marrlcd pefoni M tbero are no hoiuca or apartmenti available for thorn and hai idrW thorn to llvo with their parents or other relatives until the prewt dearth of dwelling! haa been oim como. The bureau also hat adtM lovolorn couplea to postpone tkelr marriage until condition! Impme. Tho now consular offlcUU nl ICntonte Comialaslom are OMlltf with dimcultlos In flndlnc IUW quarters. Tho Hamburg seruls in nnnrnnrlntml 2.500.000 BUN! U Improvo tho situation In thitW with resect to tho shortage iip KiiBraviiiR on wood wu known In China, but began ln,n roiw with tho manufacture of W IriR cards nhout 1490. Company. Western P"'"' U Timber Company, Oshkosh u & Tlmlier Company. When Buying Your Fall '-;rS".'- Shoe training stylish, Ion? you than ahoo . . ..,.t.llttlnl You win wo -;, e?j0, snoo. uiiu -- i, cooioa- I.. unrn hd . .- Our stock wearlnc, B;"-aiooW able as oll 8 gU,rtte nnp Htock o( shoes gu '"""".&. rf assures WrM """.'."" .rnrt fit. W - Bna" Toot Trouble' , he will give you Instant n with Adjustable AD-leather Foot Applia H immsaos' sm pouads. ,-j-r, . .. .. . ..I. "7T W' TaSr kaMUMM T ? aJTiSS mtti SfV A' " W.sasss . b'.,. Cj.