' mMBBIWWI ..v. NOVKMHKH 7, IP1 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MOEFIVfi "i'-fj.il Personal Mention , Attorney V. hint tUono returned night whnro lio Letters From The People Slain by Mexicans After Starving Nineteen Days' AMERICAN .lOltH AMKIlltUVS Editor Herald-, Noting In your Ihhuo of tho r.th Inst, that tlio clly .council Iiiih ruled Unit only Americans kIhiII r. mm in I i..l1nnf( Ln tor novnrnl days attornllng M "' . .i. rial, ntlil fin inn mcotlni? "'" - .... . niriiiiliiAn( nltnp. Portland, member of tlio firm .winter nnil Mngulro, who linn I ... ,.tf.ifmnt tn In ' . . t ,-i horo m """" lon urn city nayrollH and nil ullmiH ..iv wnrrnnt claim Miu.iuon, re-.,,,, t ,nvo been illHclitirci.il. Amur W"' .. ....... .!.... I. . " w urncd to roruiinu i.. j.;, I' Lnwroiico, wlfo of tho brcabyturlan pastor, who rucuimy odorwont Horloim operation, Ih mprovltiK ruppwiy in:i .. i...., i, ilnl fur lull liniiin IIiIh cavo iiiw """ hftcrnooii. v 3RAVE OF "SOAPY" SMITH IS GONE IcanlHin I to he the llrm tent hurc- nftur, tho aldermen nnnoutico, of (linens to servo tho city. If tills waH followed throughout tho county and followed by the county oIllclalH, then pnmivl un to tho statu oIllclalH and hy thorn adopted, them advnnrod to llm trov eminent, wo would begin to look llko wo woro gutting to hollovo In tlio old Puritan doctrine of "Amo'. I ich ror AinnricauH," and irlicps " , . ,..!"ll,nl,m,' a,,",lt "liuity por cent of 8KAHWAV. Alaska. Oct. 1... (Hy1() (ll,ttlrm,1C(,H , l0 w (jf nor ,1,11,)- "Soapy Hllimi Krav... ,..r Htjl(.H ... ....Ii.l.i.t mil tn Mtnir- i car ft !" ' - '" ' Our Into experience In tlio W, VlKIKirH, ..!. .... .., , wopM'h Wlir ,,. (lllliril ,,... ,.., Recent lilfili waters. hIimwii iim tho necoHHlty of (IiIh ac goapj," Smith, known a .no (M or8t f ,l,o had ..ion or tlio days oru tra,1HIlllu,;(, t() orilIllIlv ,,v the AlllKKii i;" niiimiiiiiii', iii- ...l t ! ... irl..l. .I... amo iioiiinwim in. ".ih uw.it i. id orih whim ho and IiIh hhhocIiiIch ncociMi .mi. " I-"- ,, ,,,.,, ,,.,.. ,. ..,, ..,.,,,. ..... Lil .... t ...In ........ tnroiiK" h' "" "" "" ' pinci'H ifroin tho interior uiggiiiw io uictr ilomc. Smith was Idllol iIiii'Iiik : i allnn plen who woro In tho employ ( of our Kovernuient Hlinply Iiocuiiho of their olllclency or oducatlon hav- nnil our triiii hlood Aniorl-; ! caiiH who voro etiially well uall-( . Hod odiicatloually woro mint to tho 'front lltin tronnheH to utaud tho1 hrunt of tho ducoptlon that lieH' .... ATE" TC C AQQIPV1 iiiw'ihuu iniiinra; woro UHinK, TOULAlt IULLA33iri,(11 , , , , ..,,, ..,.. i . mum unit wa roi'dliiK thorn ' ' I.oI'h inovo America llrflt- Thon ! America for Americans. I A Ilomlor Note OwIiik to tlm date line hnv- Ini? heon deleted hy nn error In printing, tho curroHpondent arrived tho natural hut mistaken con-1 llattli) with oIIIchm. iFOH HKNT KuriilHlit'il I S. Fourth St. room, 'i'Hi 7-3t .VANTKD- (tood Hlzcd lint top ilctk ' and six otllco chalrH. Apply to J,. Jacobs, C22 Main. 7-0t- ; Tako homo a fow hot TamaloH or Mexican Chill. Tho Crntor Luioli Koom, 7th St. r..fitKOI)'it ' 1 elusion that tho action iil'mImkI ' How about Home Needles, Tama-i ,. i,,i ,un ,. ,,... ij-i 1 Icj or Mexican Chill for homo? You' ' " ' " , , . . n wt thom nt Tho Crntnr I.imrli I 't-1 council Instead of tho -Itoom, 7th St. fi-CtKOI) nlilonncn of an oiiHtorn city. How- over, hlH letter shown such an In-1 J'!f!L,:At appreciation of tho fund-' poim-i K. SUGARMAN I AINT MAD AT NOBODY The Home of Overcoats BELTERS, WAISTLINE, BALAMACAN AND RAGLANS Special Sample Line of O'coats STYLE, SERVICE, AND PRICES LESS THAN MARKET VALUE TODAY We were fortunate enough to have a sample shipment from Strauss Bros. and Balor's come in together. Take advantage of this opportunity and buy a good coat cheap while they last.. On Sale Saturday Only i. j Meut. tVcll II. Connolly Meut. I'ri'ilerlck II. Wntcrhouso LOT No. 1 LOT No. 2 LOT No. 3 LOT No. 4 LOT No. 5 vOyM ,JALC $25.85 $29.85 $30.85 $32.35 $3 6.6 5 -u FOR HKNT Heated Walnut, cor. 9th. rooms, 840 7-tf PEHSONAl-Mr. KondillnR Impor tant, bco Stein at Central CaniRO. 7-3t FOR IU1NT Itooms rcnHonnhlo steady Are. roomerH, 415j Klamath 7-3t nmnnlnl nnmlu i9 .Inmnntln " , ' i"" "''.":' , ,; Aftcr wek8 of search the fate of cal readjustment thnt it la printed ,, iTi.,i 0,. , . x. . . ,. . .. ., ... two united States aviators who were n hope , that It may stlmulato others patrollnB ,ho Mexlcan border wa8 to think along these lines. ,earned LIeutonant Cec H Con. nolly, of San Diego, Cnl., and Frcd- W make a p-cinlty of llro, life nrlrk n. Wninrhnnoo nf WoI.k. I nml accident Insuri'iro. I'lione ((! ancl ,,.i,. ,, ,ui ' ... u. ' uo'll do tho rent. Chllcoto & Sm'l!i I(,nh0 lo8t thelr way on a ,lleht from to ctf umu Arizona, to San Diego, and landed in Lower California. For ESTRAY Small Jersoy cow, tjo horns, branded (J on hip. IMenso notify 0. I'eyton , Klamath Falls. 7-tf Although Liberia was founded 19 days they had only the water in und colonized by Amoricans, tho use. tho radlatsr of their airplane to of Drltlsh money weights and moas- drink and little or no food. Then ureB has always provallcd In tho ne-'they woro killed by Mexican flsher gro republic. men. Their bodies were recovered. SUGARMAN Hours of Business 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday, 8:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Why Buy x . V w Just For Daughter ? Qulbranien Trado Mark In purchasing a straight piano you probably expect your daugh ter to be about the only one to use it, but did you ever stop to think that if yours was aGulbransen player piano that father, mother and all the family friends would reap daily pleasure? The Gulbransen player puts pep into your home life, cultivates a love of good music and plays accompaniments for your singing. The Gulbransen is the only Standard Player in America that is Nationally Advertised and Nationally Priced. (No freights added). if-.' . Prices $495 to $675 Earl Shepherd Co. The Store That's Different" Klamath Falls, Oregon TVf L. H i fe-t; CAN CLERGY 8TIUKE? Ninety per cent of the world's! ' supply of cloves comes' froni ' the LONDON, Nov. 5. Commenting' Zanzibar archipelago, but it is said on the proposed British union of that a laree Proportion is lost on clergymen, one curate writes to a account of the inefficient means em London newspaper: "I suppose weP,0'ed ,n Picking the crop. parsons are among the worst paid of ; all classes. But what would be the I good of our striking? Who would care? The idea of a strike is clean contrary to our profession as Chris tfan ministers." As early as the beginning of the seventeenth century the Spaniards used rubber to waterproof their cloaks, but it was not until the eighteenth century that the rubber industry began. WKKCK DELAYS LOCAL Derailment of a logging train north of Weed obstructed the track for the local Southern Pacific assen ger last night andit was nearly 3 o'clock this morning when the train reached this city. t Eight hundred roses are required to make a tablespoonful of nerfume. iVWWWIfWWWWVVWlWWWWWWWW. HOUSTON'? Metropolitan Amusements iMVWMMVMVMVW HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATER TODAY MAIIKL NOUMAND In THE I'EST A Cyclone of Thrills A Downpour of Laughs Also A Keystone Comedy In Two Parts THE JUDGE TEMPLE THEATER TODAY . Trinnglo Presents MARGUERITE- MARSH . And JACK CONAWAY In ' THE ROYAL DEMOCRAT Also ; A ' Lyons & Mornii 'Comedy And Universal Current Events MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUREb ' TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ,, , ': Merrill, Oragaa f mf- pililfcr' Boys' Army Shoes Just Like the Regular Armjr Shoe COMPLETE LINE OF RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Union Store You can say that, if you wear "Ameri can Boy" Shoes, built on the same last and in the same way as regular army Bhoes. There's the true army look and true army sturdiness in these shoes built es pecially for you future "Yanks." "American Boy" Shoes are built for boys from rugged leather in a stylo that marks the manly boy. The same "honest-to-goodness" stock that stands up under the long hike and soggy trench goes into them, under tho samo high stnndards of workmanship -required for the real army shoes. Not ovtsry hoy will be .able to wear a pair of these regular "he" shoes. We can't .get enough of them for that. But .you can wear them if you'll ask Dad to get them for you right away. And they'll save him money, .too, because they'll i.ihi so mucn longer. Bradley s Shoe Store &JttM;'4J 727 Mam Street V .-I u I . - Ml'tt ' , - ' if .