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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1919)
jhutwtiay, novkmhtck i, mm BJLDKIMPIED COLUMNS: FOR SALE--Real Estate wulv'""""''"''1i"i" " n oinfiK BALK No. raonabl DtTcrrofuo'iJ. lot NoV7, block 29, ti. florlnM Addition'. Addros ESTbALE OR KXCHANOE-7-For. - 1 1 Bnommonto Co, lujirt, 40 ncroa ,M Lod , clioup or cusn, hhi .Ider oichango, What fan ve you? run or uumv.. ......... - .,... Klcan Hotol. SWf MR SALE 320 aero, ranch noor TU19 wtnvi .- - w Wator on pluoo, good location for S..D $10 por acre cobIi. J. A. POR SALE Miscellaneous , , . ,A..)vwYriVAi'vi'rfifM WmflALK About 11,000 ft. 24 lb, .tool T rnlla, one Wllllamotto log. IIDC 10"ko'' BlZ0 9X10' 1G0 "' f l in cable, 3000.vft..of 6-8 In. bnck line and othor mill "machlnory. K. K. Hackott, Qrnnta Pass, Oro. Cb- FOR SALE BawmlH chonp nnd good bunch of timber. For pnr dfiilani Inqulro Flrat National Hank ,c 4G-12t pOB"'BALB-i-OTorland-ln good con dlttocrr Boat buy; Chonp. . 1345 (tenant Avo. 4-3t FOR BALE A Chovrolot. a Ford, Maxwell and an Oakland. Inqulro A C.Honllno, 327 Main fl-tf FOfl SALE CO hood of cowa, 2C calvoa. A. C Olongor, Chlloquln, OrifonJ -' ' ' ' - 4-Cf FOR RENT: OR LEASE FOR RENT Offlco room in First Btate & Haylngr flank building. Call SOS S, 5th St. 1-tf FOR RENT Oood warohousa COX SO foot, near S. I', Dopot. In quire Horald oinco. 1-tf FOR LEASE -To rosponajblo parties that havo equipment and cash to flnanco thomeolvcB, a doslrnblo ranch. idre,M, K. 9, Horald ofllco. 8-tf SITUATIONS WANTED VMKMMAAMAftMMMMMWlVVVM IF' YOU1 WANT BTUDENT HELP, (all tho Klamath.' County High Befool phono 300; ' Glrla for typing copying and , filing; also gonornl houiewprk, .caring for children otc. Boy for clerking, moaaonger aorvico, chorea, etc. Spoclal attention la glv. en. to this aorvico by tho school authorities and an effort, Is to bo made to mnko .offlclont,' convenient and prod table both to the student and to thoso requiring their sorvlcos. 2tf HELP WANTED ' WANTED 6lrl, for jcenoral houao- ifork and cooking Mrs. O. O. Lab- aree, Bly. Oregon. - 1-tf Mabel Normahd Pesters Everybody in 'The Pest' "EQUAL TO MICKIK" Aa Puckers, tho torment and do lliht of all who' know her, Mnbol Kormnnd comes to tho Star Thontro beginning tonight in hor now Oold yn Picture, appropriately namod 'Tno Tpeaf ." Shov i by turn! rolllck lp and wistful and displays "a lereo of pathotlc appeal which promlies to surprise hor admirers. n4 . , BRADLEY'S The First Shoe Store in Klamath Falls to Display This Label IsBraBVHBblgWcrMuia naliHNMHSinMW '"' We Were Always Right With y Urffamzed AND THEY KNOW IT! GOOD SHOES FINE REPAIRING FAIR PRICES UNION ?LBEL SHORE 727 MAIN !sTREET PHONE 267 m,WM, , 1 r . '! P IP YOO itAVE flooo cuah will build you a houuu on choice lot close In. Cull or uddross Room 120 V,hlto l'ollcan Hotol. 3i-tf WANTJCD Ran'ch hand for tho wlntor, lnqtllro City Milk Depot ur i-iionu i4 3-4t MKPFI I AMcrkttc wv'w'viwvwv.,..,.vvvv. waui-ul a koou nocond hand piano for, cash, Horuld, C-tf WANTED An t Ice box, larco or k medium slzu, Addrcaa Uox 1, "urum omeo! i'liono 480. 4-3t WANTED -Touma to haul lumbor. Cull on or uddreaa, Ooo. Christy, Box 377, 30-12t qiTY OARrJAQE Wbon you want Qarbago romovod phono 91, 11-tf WANTED About 4 tone of oata. Will exchange atock hoga. Phono HF11. 3-ct WANTED Comploto bow mill out lit, catmcltv admit or, nnn , Will exchange GO horso powor Mar ion miction ongino with 2 Bets Em oraon dlac plowa. Vnluo WG00. Addroaa I. O. Ilox 003, Klamath Falla. 3.Ct - -,,vvxruvvvJl LOST AND FOUND - lll--BArunnnnnjXA .LOST Elks chdrm, No. 1247, Initials J. T. H. Ploaao return to Horald omco. Howard G-3t LOST Dlack loathor handbag, ol'th r on niKnin or wain atroet, con tnlnlng about $25.00 and pnpora glv Ing namo of owner. Howard. Ite turn to Herald oOlco. c-tf LOST Monday night, gold mesh bag. Vuluo only as keop sake. Llboral reward. Hoturn to Central Qarago. i-ct PHONB PEYTON for Wood. 112R. MADAM JOINA, Palmist WorM'n Orciitcst I'lircnologlt, l'ulmiat and Medium Iloads your ontlro llfo pnat, pres ent and future correctly, giving names, dates and figures In business, love, law, marriage and domestic troubles. Tolls you what you are best adaptod for and what to do to bettor your conditions In llfo. This lady reads your hand as you would an opon book. A reading by hor will moot your highest oxpectatlons, and you will be wiser and happier aftor consulting her, sho having the gift of romoving nil evil Influences and placing you In an environment of happy thought nndcontontmont. Readings: Sunday and dally, 9 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Room C, Swnnson Illdg., over gun store, Main St. bo tweon Cth and 7th, opp. Western Union, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 10-7-26 WILL HONOR PRINCE S, JOHNS, Nowroundland, Oct. 6. (Dy Mall). Officials intend is suing a spoclal poBtago stamp bear ing tho llkoness of tho Prlnco of Wales to commemorate his recent visit to Newfoundland. Tho prince's llkoness ,hns appeared on two pos tage stamps of tho colony as Prlnco Edward of York on tho -cont stamp of 1897 and as a naval cadet on the 3-cont stamp of the Royal Portrait botIob of 1911. JLabor H-'l MEAT SCRAPS, EGG MASH THE EVENING TREE TEA If You Like a Fine Flavored CEYLON BLACK TEA TRY Tree Tea Ceylon on our Recommendation AMP A6pr TTUll Full Weight Half Pound 8oz. Full Weight 25c IV You Prefer GREEN TEA Ask for Tree Tea JAPAN Klamath Cash Grocery "QUALITY STORE" WE-SELL FOR LESS Phone 420 717 Main St Standard Phonograph Bargains A number from $35 up for cash or terms. Soo our window. Earl Shopherd Co., C07 Main St." 17tf ROOFING Now Is tho time to fix that Roof now before tho rain and snow como and make It nl most impossible to do the work. You sa vo money by doing It now, nnd savo your proporty, too. Lot mo do your work and it will be done right. W..D. MILLER Contractor l Phono 203 232 Oth St. Dassengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 ' WesteraTransferCo. WAIT! AND LET US SHOW YOU OUIt NEW TIRE Hoagland & McColIum Next Door to Postofflce. Complete, stock of rubber foot wear in tho celebrated Ball Brand, Top Notch nnd Gold Scnl makes, at tho K. K. K. Store. il-Ot A. F.Graham General Concrete Construction Shasta Sand Used Exclusively ,. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, tMAAAMSWWWWW HOUSTON'' Metropolitan AmtuicmeaU ' i1 HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATER . TODAY MAI1EL NORMAND In TIIK I'EST A Cyclone of Thrills A Downpour of LaUKhs Also A Keystone Comedy In Two Parts THE JUDGE rEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Presents MARGUERITE MARSH And JACK CON'AWAY In THE ROYAL DEMOCRAT Also A Lyons & Moron Comedy v And Universal Current Events MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUE8DAY8 AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oregoa RESPECT PASSED Onco a month open meeting of tho Woman's Relief Corps will be held hereafter, according to a decision reached Monday night at the meet ing in tho west hall of the I. O. O. F. building. The public will be wel come to (he monthly meeting. Tho regular meetings will be held as us ual each Monday night. B. L. Elliott delivered an address Monday night on "Tho ,Bolshevi'l and Soviet Problem," which prove! most interesting to the hearers, Speakers will bo arranged for to de liver addresses on the general topics of better Americanism at each of tho open meetings hereafter. Before adjourning, the meeting passed resolutions of respect and condolence on tho death of the late Mrs. Eliza J. Fleet, an actlve"mem ber of tho organization in her life time. Tho resolutions follew: "Whereas, It hath pleased the Al mighty to remove from our midst to the Paradlso nbove our beloved sis ter, Eliza Fleet, a beloved memb-ar of this corps, who was at all times loving mother, a devoted member and sympathetic friend; therefore, be it "Resolved, That we emulate her example of fraternity.i charity and loyalty, and extend to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy; bo It further "Resolvod, That our charter bo draped in mourning for thirty days, that a copy of these resolutions bo sent to "the bereaved family, a copy to the local newspapers, and that a copy pe spread on tho minutes of the W. R. C. "jennie' hurn. "emma faith qrigsby. "ella McMillan." Napaton Shoes are tho best shoes made for boys... They aro as near waterproof as leather can bo made. Exclusively at tno Ji. 11. i. oiore. 3-Ot WOOD Present indications are that all kinds of wood will be scarce and high er in price in the near future. Take my advice and buy now. 6. PEYTON "Wood to Burn" . Phono 187 702 Main St. jiyTiju'MriAnprirw-ir'i r-urr ri"""" i T N s hun mmm ILL TREATED BERLIN, Sopt. 30, (By The As sociated Pro.M.) Tho prisoners of war, -returned from .England ' are well fed and clothed, writes C; M. Schmidt from the collection camp at Mcschedo, whero tho men con centrated and then are sent to their homos. They aro naturally ovorjoyod to bo ut homo, their relatives aorao times frantic with Joy at having them. Tho pleasant plcturo Is dull ud only by ono blot the Indepen dents, Spartaclsts and Communists oro already at work trying to win the prisoners to their bide, and have even placed agents whero they can most easily get in touch with the men and preach their unrest und chaos and dlsordo;. The forces behind tho move havo put a great number of Communistic and Spartaclst women Into the game, on the theory that the prison ers after years without their wives and sweethearts will succumb moro easily. Herr Schmidt reports to his own obvious (satisfaction that the women are having little success, and the prisoners in huge majority announce their intention of stand ing by the Empire There is however, a minor ele ment among the prisoners 'them selves that promises possible trouble that element which was the last drawn- Into the army, and went to the front, unwillingly and determin ed to desert at the .first moment. Those men are the malcontents and trouble-makers, but Herr Schmidt says that even they are not very ef fective In breeding trouble and dis order among the great mass It is easy comparatively to take uro of the regular transports of rrlsoners, lar-je aa they' ore. says Schmidt, but far greater troublo and danger comes from the foot loose individual escaped from a camp who drifts over the line. As ho appears in Germany, begging food and clothing and 'other gifts, he Is in at least 50 per cent, of all cases a swindler who is' exploiting the situation. . FRENCH PRESIDENT'S HOME DESTROYED SAMPIQNY, Franco, Oct. l'. (By The Associated Press). The Presi dent and Mrs. Polncalre, after the laying of the cornerstone of the Franco-American monument com memorating the American victory at Saint Mihlel, came on to this little Meuse village the other day. They desired to visit their summer home but found the cottage in ruins, the garden littered with fragments of shells and containing many unex plcded "duds" buried deep in the soft clay. The president's villa was under constant Are fronWhe Germans from October 8, 1914, until September, 1918, and while it is completely wrecked the four walls remain standing: All the trees surround ing the house have been cut down by Bhots. It is estimated that the Germans spent one million franc's' worth of shells in their efforts to demolish the president's summer home. The proporty is worth thirty thou sand francs. BRUIN'S RIDE IN AUTO IS SHORT GREAT FALLS, Mont., Nov. 4. Constable H. V. Cagle is probably the only Montanan who has enjoyed the experience of driving an auto mobile with a bear in his lap. While on a trip to Helena, on a lark night, his headlight flushed a big, black bear. Bruin was flustered by the light and struck off for a cliff beside the road. The highway ran through a cut and tho bear, climbing up a few yards, tumbled back into the machine, whero he actually sat on tho driver. Cagle kept the road and his nerve, and ' elbowed the amazed and frightened beast out of the car, when It disappeared. Tho first important strike .among the coal minors in the United States occurred in tho Scranton district of Pennsylvania, in the early part of 1871, when there was a general valkout of the men in a protest against a reduction in wages. FOR CHICKENS vEslttBBBBHtESBSS)& ABSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSf I II II ssHHfilKi3nL " JjHHk! saqreiMBBBWesflMiBMBBiMHjaHeaMv h K I I nW I I GERTRUDE & CO. . ,11 The very latest that Paris sends us is portrayed" iii 'our last ship ment ofjafe Vyinter. Models. fl;They.are very beautiful; and the material- and workmanship are of the' veryy highest" order; Squirrel and mole turbans, large picture hats for dressy "oc casions, trimmed with, 'feathers and monkey fur. GERTRUDE & GO. "';' No. 527 Main St ; ' : i t r, BOLSHEVIK WOMAN POLTAVA, Russia, Oct. 2) (By, Mail). A young woman, about 22 years of age, known here simply as "Rosa," was the prosecutor at the Rod tribunal during a great part' of the Bolsheyik occupation of .Poltava, It is said' she, herself, Bhot with a revolver seven anti-Bolshevik and civilian, prisoners. u " BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF r,'-.i...B..i..trJ.. a JU5. jiutkiutni nimjyouw u.iywjr 1HCH man I choc! Worn at all times, in all climei. A ihoehuilt for u.nuul coaafort and extra tervice. ,,Get a pair today 1 v S v ,' BRADIiEX'SailTOaSTORK Mufctur.r, " BUCKINGHAM HECtfr s- Mprphey's 126 Soutk Sixth St ' . " u. ::Jn PATRONS of thk shop realizing that no detail of one's garb better ex preases breeding; than correct ly chosen shoe, invariably ask for Netdeton's. And in so doing; they assure chemselvcs a distinction in ap pearance and reliability in service weJl worth any differ ence k price. Let m fit you with Nettkton Shoes the model shown above is typical of many ex clusive styles. femten 'cajatV&fk SOLD'BY THE Hii iKr. Exclusive- Agents If ill 1i. !' BIO PRICE FOB BIRD . , -, . ' , LONDON, Nov;- 6. A imagniflcl ent specimen of the extinct' bird, the great auk, has been sold at auction here for 1,6,2 5t It was bought by a private collector'. ' " ' 1 Patrick, MackJnaws at the K. K. K. Store, for 'wea and boys.,' 8-tA AT ALL DEAI.EM J 1 ...... .TL-' Jf'i WmfaiQ-i Jj From toe' to hr1'yi. -.. .t bv men in all wallri of lift. '-: -- ... J-- --iw-Va iiiu.? . jKi- w,.-r- ,2i.-i fttl aX "'If.. -jyTV-mt. . CH I Us & HS i m n ss tf