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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, PAGE FOUK wi; II U '-i hi M HEfefl hi w --j TfVrtytryt text -Jf ti H Good Drugs have good value All drugs have remedial value. The better the quality the greater the purity; the more pronounced the strength, the better their curative value. Bring your prescriptions . ... i :ii a. i .. 1 ... U t J.- :.. U 10 us ana yuu win gci uiwaya uic vcijr uc uiugs 111 uic kinds and qualities the doctor expects and with every care and knowledge exercised to put them together as science commands. So much more reason for bringing prescript A few of these reasons we have told you. The Personal Mention tions to us. others are E, "1P Jgr-J Safety and Satisfaction in all Medicines 11 J. K. Howie, local gnrugo unti, left this morning for Portland on muttora of business. 1'. 0. Purkott, who linn a enmp nt Ilecrottlon, in down from tlint placo on mutters ot business. Hoy Aiulorson of Merrill Is visit Ing local merchants nt tho county sent today. Mrs. O. L. Cnrtor 11 ml Mrs. I.lvor- moro loft for Oakland this morning for n brief visit with frlpnds. Mies Viola Uomutli loft thin morn ing for Modesto, California, for n fow weeks' visit with relatives mid friends. Among tho recent arrivals nro J. L. Shaw and H. II, Hogor, both of Portland, who nro registered nt tho White rollout hotel. F. C. Iirantwoll and Al. Mnrotnonu nro members ot n party from Grants 1'uss who nro hero for a week's hunting. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilnrry Endors, nc- compnnlcd by their Ron, John, loft this morning for Ashland, nfter 11 brief visit with rolativon and friends In tho Falls. r. M. McLortoro, nttor spending considerable tlmo In Klntnntii coun ty 011 matters In connection with his oxtonslve stock Interests, loft on tho train this morning for his homo In Sun Francisco. Mrs. II. W. Huutphroy loft this morning for Spoknno, Washington, whoro ho will join Mr. Humphrey, who tins boon thcro for tho past month. Mr. Huutphroy Is employed by tho Federal Land bank In that J city, ho having formerly been with tho United States reclamation serv Ico In Klamath Falls. In his work thcro ho will bo assoclnted with C. E. Wlddoes, who nlBO was formorly with the reclamation sorvlco hore. 1; 111 i til is STANDING H IN COAL STRIKE 1 WASHINGTON, I). 0 Nov. 6. Tim Kovornmont cannot accept tho nrnmuitl of organised labor to end the coal strike by vacating tho In junction order against tho olUolalH of tho United Mlno Workers, It wait niinouiicvd today by Assistant Attor ney (k'tiortil Ames, acting In tho ab sence of Attorney General Palmer. It watt pointed out that tho govern ment could not abandon Its position, as It holds the strike Is n violation of tho law. Three Dandy Christinas Buys JMMM n n Now Improved 9110 Vlctroht New tfUOO Vlrtroln WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. R. Thoro' will bo no chungu nt prosont In tho maximum prices ot coal fixed by Dr. 11. A. Oarllold, fuel adminis trator, was tho reply of Dr. aarfiold today to operators, who claimed tint the operation ot tho maximum prlco list was pinching thorn. UMcrwootf Pharmacy wv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Wwr I V J WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE - W I puri-tV I BUY THEIR DRUGS IaccuracvI T N RETURN NT New a 1 no Vlrtmlft IVtoplo now buy early for Chrlntinns l.ofoS',0"Cy f n",h""! nn,,,ml '" 'r"",lc '"MhodJJ Theso vlctrolns aro probably hotter tlmn nnV ..T'l ovor heard before, ns tho now reproducer imi, S 'tula to get goosivneck tone arm and motor nm 1. i.l., '""arged llv nnttlnir iiff IhivIiu- ..rl "'"''"pill. ... .::..... r.'.:.i ...... ..'::.".' :..'.' '" " '"nu iiiw iiiuiiui iiiiu wiiu )i urn int. Lot uh dumuuHtrntu to you. EARL SHEPHERD CO. A Klamath Institution 507 Main St. BUTTE BUILDING AERIAL LANDING TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Take home a few hot Tamales or Mexican Chili. The Crater Lunch Room, 7th St. 5-5tEOD ,How about some Needles, Tama les or Mexican Chill for home? You can get them at The Crater Lunch Room, 7th St. 5-5tEOD FOR SALE: Light pink crepe chiff on evening gown, trimmed black fur and Valencia lace. Very reason able. Room "315 White Pelican Hotel. 6-lt FOR SALE About 11,000 ft. 24 lb. Bteel T rails, one WiUIamette log ging donkey, sizo 9X10, 1500 ft. ot 1 in. cable, 3000 ft. of 5-8 in. back line and other mill machinery. R. K. Hackett, Grants Pass, Ore, '5-6- FOR SALE: Sawmill cheap and good bunch of timber. For par ticulars inquire First National Bank ,5-12t BUTTE, Mont., Nor. 5. A flold south of thlg city has been tenta tively selected for aviation purposes and Byron Coonoy, county commis sioner, Is behind a project to erect a suitable hangar. It is believed there Is no doubt Butte will bo on aviation routes now developing, as It is tho largest, city botwoon tho Twin Cities and Spo kane. t) Tho flat south of Butto o flora ex cellent landing places and land enn wmwMMMiwMwtmNiMMMMWMMA bo had comparatl voly cheap thcro. FOR SALE Range, heateA refri gerator, library table, sanitary cot, dining set. Mrs. C. P. Cbastain, 237 Jefferson St.. 5-2t ,LOST Elks chdrm, Ne: , 12i7, Initials J. T, H. Please return to Herald office. Reward 5-3t LOST Black leather handbag, eith er on Eighth or Main street, con taining about $ 25.00 and papers giv ing name of owner. Reward. Re turn to Herald office. 5-tf &k . i' SPECIAL SALE OF HATS ji.: 1 -. I '- The Parisian ' V ....On Wednesday,! Thursday, Friday and Saturday all hats in our store will be sold at a big reduction. This sale will include all pattern hats. Also a large assortment of children's hats priced from $2.00 to $4.00 K. Sugarman 'I ain't mad at nobody' Buy Florsheim shoes now! Ten cases by ex press which should have been here six months ago. We can sell them today at less than pres ent cost. Dress, driving and work gloves. "Hansen's" fur, lamb's wool and jersey knitted linings a glove for every man. An ideal Xmas gift. Shop Early! New Business Hours. 8:30 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., excepting Saturday, 8:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Kindly arrange your flop ping hours to this time. Do Your Feet Ache? Is it your shoes? Perhaps you can't wear tho narrow English lasts. It may be that thoy crowd your toes and pinch until it stops tho blood flow and then the aches cotno. You can get real foot comfort In a pair of our Crossetl Shoes. BRADLEY SHOE STORE "Loading Shoo Store" 727 Main St., Klamath Falls LONDON, Oct. 9. (Uy corren pondenco Tho Associated Press). Politeness is returning to London. Shopkeepers nro learning again to bo civil. This applies oven to gro cers who, slnco tho Introduction ot rationing, havo boon tho greatest tyrants, barring tuxlcab drivers, that tho war produced. Tho cynical-minded account for grocer's unaccustomed civility on tho ground that his customers will bo given tho prlvllego of taking their ration' InolcB to some othor store but thoro can bo no doubt of tho new spirit In tho nlr. "Wo say 'Thank you,' now," an nounces ti sign In a cigar stora which was recently takon ovor by domobll fV.cil soldiers. Theso soldiers havo brought good mannors back from tho front. No reports havo boon rocolved of any "thank yous" from taxlcab drlvors, for tho cabs nro still scarce, but it's not uncommon nowadays to hoar n 'bus conductor express his thanks for tho ponny whon ho punches tho ticket. Tho butcher also Is falling Into lino. lib no longer expects to bo bribed for attontlvoncss and ho has abandoned tho wnr-tlmo practlco ot throwing a chop nt n customer and expecting him id find' tho paper In which to wrap It up. Americans who enmo ovor for tho first tlmo during tho war aro at last beginning to understand why pro tourists praised llfo In England. GERTRUDE & CO. fi The veiy latest that Paris sends us is portrayed in our last ship ment of late Winter Models. flThoy are veiy beautiful and the material and workmanship are of the very highest order. Squirrel and mole turbans, large picture hats for dressy oc casions, trimmed with feathers and monkey fur. GERTRUDE & CO. No. 527 Main St ItKI.IKK I'OU CliKltOV ALASKA NATIVES TO HOLD MEETING VIENNA. Nov, C. Tho govern ment has votod throo million crowns tor tho relief of needy clergymen, both Catholic and Evangelical. Wo make a upcclalty of lire, life nnd accident lnur inrn. Phone Mud v.o'11 do tho rent. Chllcote A Sn'lb, ctr "Hux-lhik" hunting clothe t K. K. K Store. (-t-4H44l HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Amusements t j: K. SUGARMAN r BJ9 flfl AA Si1 f I "AMAMMWWVMWVWVMM The Parisian Uf n w 519 Main St I W II II ll I ' Iff Vr Vr 1 ;: ' Present indications are 4 trial- till L-inl C ..ahJI fc.k Ml JW1AU9 Ul WUUU , Will lu tenrra anrl kSnl.- er in price in the near future. '' "MINION-MADE buyanowmy adVie and wWHK O.PEYTON ' 4 I j ; "Wood to Burn" ' " j - . T " j Phono 187 702 Main St. ' :' WMMWrtWMWWWWWVWWWVWw SITKA, Alaska, Oct. 20. (By Mall). Alaska's Natlvo Brother hood is planning to hold Its sixth annual convention at Sitka, Alaska's oldest capital, during tho first wook in Novombor. Dologates aro oxpoctod from tho native settlements at Hydaborg, Ju neau, Douglas, Wrapgoll, Ketchikan, Kassan, Motalakan and othor points of Southeastern Alaska. During tho convention tho dolo gates will toll how their trlbos have progressed in education, business and other lines during tho past year. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATER TODAY BRYANT WASHBURN in His West Comedy rOOR BOOB Also A Montgomery Flags Comedy EIXOME LITTLE STRAXOEB GRAND JUROR ILL; SESSION TOSTPONED rEMPLE THEATER TODAY ETHEL CLAYTON in The Groat Saturday Post Story PETTIGREW'S GIRL Also Tivo Reels of Good Comedy Owing to ,tho lllnosa 'of Jeff Wll son, membor of tho grand jury, cer tain Indictments which were confi dently oxpoctod to bo rondorod today havo not been roturnod by tho Jury, as tho mombors woro unablo to hold thoir regular session this afternoon. Tho city council has ruled that only Americans shall fcemaln upon tho city payrolls and all aliens on it have boon discharged. American ism hi to bo tho first tout horeaftor, the adormon announce of fitness to sorvo the city. Surety bonds while yon wait COUI coto & Smith. 5-tf MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE) TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregoa PHONE PEYTON tor Wood. 112R. T When you buy a suit of clothes that doesn't fit you can You can't have your shoes altered have It ' When you buy a suit of clothes that doesn't lit you ""," thore is ter'od. Dut whon you buy a pair of shoes that do noi " "j? or nothing that you can do but loso tho money you Pm Ior ,1 by our Foot Export!. 0U understand foot, and to 2 wear them and havo foot troubles, shoos frtlod by our Foot ExpoKi. i tninmi in understand foot, onn . shoes. If you havo foot troubles thoy will give you Instant roi Economlzo by having your salosmon havo boon ospoclally tralnod nAv tb wmu ?t Adjustable, All Leather Foot Appliance NOTICE Tho Ladles' Aid of the Methodist church will give a silver tea at the homo of Mrs. Dwyer, 728 Ninth street, Thursday afternoon. Come and bring a frlond. Ik w f . m .J.4..4..J....:.....'J"5