VAOK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, '".NOVU, ir i i The Evening Herald H Hffv f Mi'Vi i ifiT 7T1 fj'i't i 'i'lVfTrf TI Tr'"IZlU'T n"TTT rrnTTrTn'TTTTTTTTTlTrT ! M !j fl iv- 5 ? K. .T. MUBUAi' Editor PUB1) HOUIilS . City Editor Published daily except Sunday by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Fnlls, at 11G Fourth Street. Entered nt tho poatofflco nt Klnm th Fnlla, Ore., for transmission thru the mails as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: One year $5.00 Ono month , v GO Member of tho Aoclntctl Press Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication of nil news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe-l del dispatches herein are also reserved. AVKDXKSDAY, XOVISIIIKK .", li)l!)i GEIiSFEl ! GOiPETITl 111 AUTO THE BERLIN, Sept. 30, (By Tho As sociated lress.) The Germans art fearful that thousands of the Amer ican automobiles sold by the Amer ican Expeditionary Farces to the French 'Kill bo smuggled across the German border, constituting an un desirable Invasion of the German automobile industry. It is said here that 80,000 American cars were sola to tho French. Germany is reported to be very short of tires and tubes for auto mobiles 'and bicycles. Experts say that Americans havo stored ifp quantities of tires in the occupied territory "which can be sent over in to unoccupied Germany and sold on the market at prices which the Ger man manufacturer cannot meet. There is no question in the minds pf the Germans that there is an adequate supply of rubber in the world and the financial papers say that rubber production was more than doubled from 1913 to 131S. They say that lack of transportation prevented some of tho rubber crop from being transported from South America to the industrial centers where it is manufactured into tires and predict that this difficulty soon will be overcome. LESS DIKED Tl MM SUPPOSED The Persians are renowned lov ers of jewels, aiid Teheran, "the City" of Jewels," gives Jewel names to its streets. I Never Lost Skid Chains made to or- der with patent safety features. The best to be had. At 0. K. SHOP D. A. KENYON Sixth and Plum EXPLOSIVE USED- IN FIRE CONTROL! MISSOULA. Mont., Nov. i. Trlnl trutoluol, known during the war as "TNT," ono of tho most powerful explosives used, has been adapted to forest fire fighting, according to re potts 6f experiments recently made under tho direction of officials of i District No. 1 of the forest service. I Ernest Shaw, supervisor of tho I Absaroka forest, conducted tho ex ' perimcntsVand In his report ho states that wido flro trenches, whore noth ing is left for the flames to burn, can bo speedily blasted out by tho use of the explosive. In tho expert ments mailing tubes 30 inches long were used, packed at one end with damp moss. v Tho utilization of water power in Franco increased by mora than GO per cent during the war, nnd by the end of 1921 tho uvnllublo wutor power, it in calculated,, will bo dou ble tho amount Installed nt, tho out break of tho war in 1914'. The beech is less struck by light ning than any other tree. Patrick Mnckinnns nt tlio K. K, K. Store, for men and bojn. :MIL jHMMMHMM .. a. a .A a. A 41 A .A. .. A A. MT0MiMMTMMMM rf T T Y Y Y T Y T Y f Y Y f Y T f Y t Y Y Y' f' Y Y T Y X T f Y Y Y I FAIR PLAY na . . i ? Tpszm. m Vf' S4T Solving Utility Problems V Illinois business men's organizations are taking a definite step forward in effecting a business-like settlement of the public service questions affecting their home cities. V They have been brought to the. realization of the fact that ' 'the business life of their communities would be crippled' without - ' efficient transportation, electric, gas, telephone and water service. ' ,f They admit that these services cannot be rendered at a loss ' . by public utility companies and that capital for a permanent in- vestment in the upbuilding of their cities will be driven away by unfair actions upon the part of irresponsibles. ' L , A number of Commercial Associations are making exhaust ' ip' ive investigations with a view of reaching agreements equitable sX to both the public, the companies, the employees and the invest , ,'ors. California-Oregon Power Company Y 'hXXhM1W v A. t Y t Y t 'I Y T t Y Y f Y T t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y T .'. Mint JeU Try 'Mint Jiffy-Jell with roast lamb or cold meats. It is vastly better than mint sauce. Try Jiffy. Jell desserts with their rcSl fruit flavors in essence form, in vials. Each is so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost no more than old-style gelatine desserts. ' mm 10 Flavors, at Your Grocer' 2 Pachas for 35 Ctnta JUL muwwsi- v .-u: iik v. .1. st K'ii&.'i ' PA1U8, Nov. C.After till, thu Uholma catliuilrnl hmi not mirrounl from Uennnii bomburdmontu and tiro .10 much uh wuh lit llf.Ht Hiippoo ml, Cardinal I.ucou him (old u rep resontiitlvu ot tho Carta "Intritn MlRoant." Tho Cardinal nnnoiim-ed that dlvluu xervlro would hu riismn od lu thu cathedral from Novumbor 1, but tho holy olllco will bo re stricted to tho ulttir of thu Vlrglt? and tho uinbulntnry around It. These will accomodate only about 1,500 poraoiiH. Tho tiiturvlewor dcKcrlbtm how lie met tho Cardinal nt IUiuIiiih In a simply furnished iipnrtmant or ttto nrchloplscupnl palace, with n hIioII holo in tho wull. Cardinal l.ucon, despite his 77 years, la Htltl halo nnd alert, nnd hu Is an optlmhtt. "Destroyed, my cnthudrnl? Why, no," ho said. 'Tlio damiiKo h much more easily rejuilrort" than U gen erally bellovod. A fow ancient imrtH, It Is true, ennuot bo replaced: but tho beauty of tho cnthudrnl lay. 'rt. In Its .stained glnst; Nocondly, In Its sculptures, and thirdly In Its statuary. "Of tho stulnod Klaus, nlno-tenths hna been saved and brought to Paris. Tho remaining tonth can bo restored by specialists, with thu aid or much pntlonco nnd n great mini bor of colored photographs wo have. As regards tho HCulptures, wo nhnll uso tho numerous moldings wo hnvo of thorn. Many hnvo hnd to bo re stored anyway in tho courao of centuries, such ns for instnncu, tho largo ploco representing tho As Biimptlon. That was rostorod lit ;mc As for tho statuary, wo hnvo ho many moldings thnt It will be ensy to roproduco tho damBgod' parts. Tho plllnrs, with their ornumentod capitals, havu hu Cored llttlo; only tho two side doorways havo been badly damaged by lire." whh moro not some talk of lenving tho cathedral ui It wub?" the roportor asked. "K tho ovi'leico of T-i'ilonlr bar-U-rity hnvo to li; preserved, let them bo kept In a. prlvato tiiuuitnt." ropllcd tho Cardinal gravely IT IS SERIOUS Soino .Klanmtli Falls People Full to Itenllzo the Serlousncs of ii Had Hack Tho constant aching of u bad back, Tho woarlnoss, tho tired fooling, Tho pains and aches of kidney ills May result seriously If nogloctcd. Danaorous urlnnry troubles often 1UIIUW. a Kiamath Falls cltlzon shows JUU WIIBl 10 IO. Mrs. Jeff Wilson, Oregon nnd Ful ton Sts.. says: "I imvn hn a,.i. Joct to backacho und kidney troublo for Hovoral yoars. At times. I got pnlnn across my kidneys, nnd could hardly go, I was In so much misery. My kldnoya novor acted right whon I had these spolla with my back and uiu miserauio an over, Slnco I havo been tnklng Doan's Kldnoy Pills, I nm bothorod but very llttlo with backacho or kidney troublo." Price, 60s, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy romody get Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that Mrs. Wilson had. Fostor-MII-burn Co.. Mfrs., Duffalo, N. V. Sr ilWI XMtfyTKui-iK r,1 w- . i I Ilct'oCutucs fi the Grocery Man u nh bmxv Tinun B Thousands of ehlldr-n , , " lak HI hncau ii ihnv n.,1 I,,..,. .. , . ' r "nil ln.-J.hi -. 9. m.n.l 'I i.,.,...; t.. ... WI'l'lMII... ...!. ...uu mi-inn. jm i . "" crlup, nntUryltu;, miliy .,,, , ', Un, tiiojo linn them. ,u,,r crocor lun-t A.k tov Cwrt,.y Bao ii; -.... ti. " -""' ''""" " RP&.. f It I I . U OT( "ifW y wjfawtssm a, g. m Thrift and ittie things "Who are the mm and women that become masters over great things) They are those who first of all become masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun- datipn for many a comfortable income through the following slegan: "DO,NT WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. Firs tS itate & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MMIfrM"M--:"K"W--?3-HWWtl""" insbf Little drains tanaruTT mean ood-by to nair ir Dandruff literally nmotheri the life out of the liair roots and i eventually Brings Daiuncss. i'ltV w,i'd''001 ' Euarantecd to clean . vl ujjuuuuiuii una remove itvDU( it ( loosens the scalp and stimulate &t inn nair to normal, healthy growth. For sale here under a ' money-bach guarantee STAR DRUG CO. Wild root 81iJimoo 8oan, wlien used In itonnectlon with Wild root, will ha ten tho treatment, -v v 0 THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC MM Mn.". jShtwrfh m - r ' axi iiiiilt -i ii.yjniw Keep Your Eyes High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OP WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable - Your Inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOB BJH Main St V, IF JjL we ' have never been here want you to get acquainted with our cervice, delicious cuisine and cozy accommo dations. . THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. i! Phone 185 610 Main St MMWnilScSSSB laAAAAAAa. ..... ....... AAA .TiOOVV'f r " - fWttntVtl'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'r JMCTTUM" Goodrich Tires and Tubes Compan National Auto Accessory 210 MAIN STREET Next to Postoffxce