The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .MlHinAV, NOVIOMUKH I,' 1011.
Personal Mention
w j; Limy In down from his
homo nt "0,," ,olnl "" ,"IHll,UMHl
0 b. Hunt of BlirtMlii Vlow w.ih In
ba 'city ymturdny. Klrkpntrlok. nuinngor of
.1, Merrill Mercantile coinpuny, was
C10 i..imf mi IiiihIiiiihh.
lo the city y"" '
Wm WoIIh of rorllnml mid F. I).
Jnn'of Han Francisco nro mining
mn I., nl llm Whlto Poll.
tho now - -
can hotel
Mrs M. 13 Crudy, mothor of MrH.
v v Monidy, left Hi'" morning for
'. Vnmn In Hncrnmonto, uftor a
,bort visit wltli MrH Mornily.
u O H'fl w,l) 1,,lH ,mon vlHlt"
..., i. iiriu fni it Hlinrt lltnn.
InK tno oiniui
-ft this morning for llorkuloy, Call
Icrnli. wlmro ho will ontor Hohool.
mm W. w iioiiouock, nuni oi
jlr Jomo" WntklnH Jr.. loft for her
homo in unu"' - o. --.
cf a visit with Mrs. Wntklna.
mm OoofBo Wlllt' uccompanlnd
by her daughter nnd son. Oornldino
and Ilollln. Ift on n IiiihIiiosh trip
forSsn Francisco thlfl mornlnR. Thoy
expect to return in a tow uays.
Mrs. Anna Wan, who him boon
; itcnogrnplicr for tho Pollcan Hay
Lumber company, loll mm morning
(or Krcsno. California, whoro sho
eipocts to visit friends and relatives.
Mrs. Harold Wlmor of Fort Klam
ath left this morning for Roodloy,
California, whoro Hho expects to
make hor homo for tho wlntor.
Mrs. A. Honllno and hor Bister,
Mrs Moon, loft on a ploasuro trip
this mornlnR for Oakland, Callfor
i nia. They will return In two wooKh.
Wilford Hrookflold nnd Kdwnrd
Dickey left for California thin morn
i lag on a two wcokH' pleasuro trip,
i They expect to visit In San Fran
! Cisco, anil arlous points In North
: ern California.
Mr anil Mrs M. L. Poland havo
returneil to their homo In this city,
alter a two montlm' vlult with rolu
I tlws anil friends In CIiIoiro, and In
Worcester, Mass., and many other
I points of Interest In tho oast.
Horlmrt llnldwln and wlfo, nccom
uanloil hy Mr. Baldwin's mothor, Mrs.
Allco llnldwln, will loavo Monday
for floldfluld, Nevada, whoro thoy
will npcnil tho winter
JndBo I). V. ICuykonilall of tho
circuit court ami Claude Daggett of
th Kwauna llox company havo'ro
tumed from a wmik'H huntliiR trip.
Thoy miido tholr hoadiiuartilrs at
CroHcent ami fared well, though
thoy found tho bucks wary and hard
to ROt.
Hohh Flnlcy, well known xloek
ninn, who has hecn Rcrlounty ill with
pneumonia at tho homo of his pnr
ontH, Mr and Mra. William Flnloy,
on Cojigur avoiiuo, hIiowh no Im
provement, nccordliiR (o roiiort to
day. Carl Adams of Mnnlool, Califor
nia, Ih vIhIIIdr Wilford Henry for u
fow days Carl roporlH that his hIh- ' chiiraitcrlstlc of Mrs. JJumwnlt, who
tor, Norma, who recently suffered a I n"H "'ways cheerfully responded to
nervous hreakdowu and had to loavo ia" demands niailo upon hor, Irrcs-
It seems llko pld times again In
tho musical circles of tho city when
ono rends that Mrs. Zumwnlt's pup
ils nro to glvo a recital. It used to
ho that this was n regular thing In
tho musical circle of this city, hut
carried away hy hor enthuslam, this
gifted mush Inn oyr-Uxod hor
strength and was obliged to tnko n
long rest In the Southland to ro
ciiporate Now sho Is hack again,
and tho glad news comes that hor
pupils will glvo n recital at tho
Houston Opera Houso next Thurs
day evening, November C. There
will bo an udmUslon fee of twenty
live (onts, whlCh will bo contribut
ed to the Red Cross. This Is
high school horo, Is getting nlong
very nicely. Whether or not bIio
will bo able to resume hor studies
this Benson Is still undetermined.
Dr. and Mrs. P. F. O'Oara, who
havo been spondlng a couple of
months on their housohont. tho "Ad
miral," on tho Upper Klamnth lake
on n pleasure ami hunting trip, left
thin morning for their homo In Salt
Lnko City. Dr. and Mrs. O'Gnra aro
rogular visitors each season. Edson
Marshall, who has been spondlng
considerable tlmo with them on their
trips, also returned with thorn from
tho laku tnd loft for his homo In
Mod ford.
Tho University of Pennsylvania Is
soon to havo a million-dollar audi
torium and dormitory for it woman
FOIt KENT 2 furnished rooms 415
Klamath Ae. ' l-3t
FOIt SAM: Ono folding camera
Zeiss TosBar G.3 Ions. Consider
trade for tamping goods. Address
391 Herald. l-3t
Mrs It. II Itadcllffo, Who has
! been visiting at tho homu of hor
I mother, Mrs. V C. Hall, In this city
looms and bath. AIho house four
rooms furnished, two blocks off
Main St Inqulro 1215 Crescent
Ave., Gio n. Chamberlain. 1-1 1
pectlvo of class or creed It was
this gracious, generous, cheerful
response that won for her tho high
esteem sho so richly merits.
The program for tho recital
Chorus "Tho Americans Como."
(A blinded French soldier speaks
to his llttlo son).
Piano, "Pilgrim's Chorus (Tann-
hausor) Wagner
Dorothn Elliott
(a) In tho Time of Hones Rclchardt
(b) Snowflakcs Cowcn
Elizabeth Grlgsby
Two Venetian Hoat Songs....?.
Ruth DcLap
Chinese Mothor Goose Rhymes
(Translated by I. T. Hcadleand;
music from Chtncso themes by
Halnbrldgo Crist).
Chinese Love Song, Pal-Tal-San
Harriet Sugarman (In costume)
(a) Valso .. - Gurlltt
(b) Lo Tremolo Rosollon
Lucille Harlan
(a) Hush, Llttlo Ono Bevlgnanl
(b) Tho Nightingale and tho Rose
Dortha Elliott
(a) Soronata Tost!
(b) A, Heart That's Free Robyn met last night at the home of Miss
Clara Schubort McPherren Fannie VIrglls. Sewing occupied a
' ' " ' PAOT WVB" ''"'WSIM
Three Principles
ot Success
1st Don't buy anything unless you really
need it .' m
2nd Put a fixed sum in the Bank regularly,
no matter how small the ambunt'
3rd Never try to make up for,years of ex
travagance by buying a risky investment.-
By following these three-tprinciples,
you have laid the foundationwfor a
successful business career."
Let us be your Bankers. "
Klamath State Bank
Corner Sixth and Main
masoxk attention
Special communication Klamnth
Lodge No. 77 A. F. & A. M. Monday
for some time, has returned to hor VL Nv; f l 7:ao- Work "' tl10
home at Klamnth Agency, accom- ' ' ' nf ,: r nlri,i,.
Gerrue, George Connors, Roland and
Lester Coffer, Anita Lawrence,
Mario Davenport, Veronica McAnd
Threo Japaneso Sketches (Translat-' portion of the evening. Refresh
cd from Lafcadlo Hearn; music ments were sered. Those presont rows, Nellie Elliott, Zeddle Barnes
by Fay Foster). iwere: The Misses Melby. Gertrude Dorothy and Don Dunham, Edna
Esther Haines (In costume) Parker, Faye Hoguo, Jennie andt Dunbar, Ralph Williams, Gordon
(a) From tho Land of tho Sky- I Anna May Johnson, Florence Por- Loomis, Chlorene Ryan, Waive
blue Water Cadnln ter, Maude Carleton, and Ada Ralph," Withrow and Jean McDonald
; panlcd by her sister, Miss Mnry Hall. i2t
(b) Tho Summer Wind Ulnchoff M"is. H. C. Thomas, Mrs. A. M. Col-
Jennio Fylllng Melby 'ller, Mrs. Verio Brubaker and Mrs.
(a) Who Is Sylvia? . Schubert. Rosslter.
(b) Summer Chamlnade
Marjorie MClure Gallagher j Mrs. G. II. Cozad entertained at
ber homo Wednesday evening at a
Mrs. James Watklns, Jr., of 4 J 0 1 small private card party. Those
Ninth Street, entertained at a ' r00", present were: Mrs. Bonebeck, Mrs.
party Wednesday afternoon in tion-j James Watklns, Sr Mrs. Watklns,
or of Mrs. WatklnB, Sr. and Mrs. Jr., Miss Verda Cozad, Jack Horton,
W. W. Honebcck, who havo been and la McLaughlin.
At the home of Mrs. F. H. Cofer
1017 High street last night, the en
tire Sixth grade class of the Central
school were entertained at a party
given by Ruth Cofer, a member ofj
the class
Tho. house was decorated with
Hallowe'en trimmings. A fortune
telling booth was one of the chief
features of amusement. Games ot
various sorts helped in enteilain
visiting with Mrs. WSitklns, Jr.
Tho decorations were appropriate! A typical Hallowe'en dance, with , nient of the joung folk. Cake and
n il. n Tin 11nn,n'r.n it n n n 1 1'fllV nil nmrvfni-k n rtnnm nnmtlnrr (nnta 1. i i .. J iL .
iu inu uuiiuwuuu uiiii., iu '; an ujfjn ui taio ui.i,uinniijiiJb ommo puncu were serveu uuriiiK i"e een
Sunday, November 2d
27th Successful Season
Extra Added Attraction
Vaudeville Specialties Between the Acts
Children .... SO Cents
Adults 13Z11""17."'.'.".7. "...75 Cents
Reserved Seats $1.00
oxtremoly artistic,
wore served. Mrs. G
first honors.
Among those present were Mrs.
C. F. Stomwell, Mrs. Will Hum,
Mrs. J. Perry, Mrs. G. B. Cozad,
Mrs. Fred Gnrlch, Mrs. C. Avery,
Mrs. Belding, Mrs. Frank Andrews,
Mrs. Harden Carter, Mrs. A. E.
Epperson, Miss Verda Cozad, Miss
Ruth Avery", Mrs. Iva .McLaughlin,
Mrs. B. Brown, Mrs. James Foster,
and Mrs. Vale of Eugene, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Merritt enter
tained the! Epworth League of the
Mothddfst Church at fh'elr.'home last
ovenlnc' Tat 'a "Halldwe'en narty.
about thirty ' ypijng "jjeople, ( belngj
present, ueqorationa were approp
riate to the season, and all partici
pated In the games and stums usuo!
to such celebrations. Everybody
present reported a One time.
The quests were: Rev. and Mrs.
Chaney, and daughters, Hqlefa arid
Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Chas jRqbprla,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawence Ptyelp?, Mr.
and Mrs. John Yaden, Mr; and Mrs.
Gary Satterlee, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Roy King,
Miss Pearl Leavltt, Frank Robinson,
and Vaughn Merritt.
Refreshments! was given last evening at the Moose
B. Cozad won
Miss Nellie McAndrews, Sixth
grade teacher, Mrs. S. O. Bearing
anil Miss Gertrude Coter assisted
Cofer In caring for the
Hall. There was a prize waltz, the
winning couple being Miss Viola
Santamau and Claude Taylor, who
received a hugh box of candy; Miss jjrs. F, H
Ruby Kenyon and Miss Norma Mann 'guests.
were a close second but failed to 4
get the prize. Mrs. Harry Peltz entertained her
NAH present enjoyed a glorius time) Sunday school class Thursday even
ing with a Hallowe en party at Jier
home on Walnut street. The party
and dancing was continued "until a
late hour.
was given In honor of Miss Velma
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Gaddis, now Meredith and her brothers, Clyde
residing in the Falls,, tor toe "whiter, x and Claude Meredith, who are soon
but whose siimmer.jhqjne Is ( at
Qaple Ridge, op theDepejKlanathi win study roualc
Lake, gave a duck dinner, Thursday
evening to a small party .of friends.
including Aj F. Helde. Rf McCainy,1
ana A. 'B. Collins. Dr. Gaddis -states"
that' ducks- are Very plentiful on the
Lake now. , ,
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur E. .WhitrganJ
to ieavp for Portland where they
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McPherran
entertained a few friends at a goose
dinner Tuesday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hardenbrook
who wore married recently In this
city. Mr. Manny of San Francisco
was an out of town guest.
A dollghtful social evening wns
provided Tuesday when officers of
Aloha chapter, O. E. S entortaine:
past officers in tho lodge room of tho
chanter. Tho rooms woro suitably
docprated for tho occasion. Besides! tno lnE trip
-Captain t Marlon Nine, Well known
ttiill operator of Klamath and Sisk
Jyqju. unties, was married W Mac
doeli California, to Miss Susan Elle'q
Gleason October 27, according to
announcement received by their
friends. Before entering th Brvice
entertained at a delightful little dln-) ca'ptain Nine operated a mill at Fort
ner Wednesday evening when they!, aiao other properties in
,had as tueir guests Mr. G. A. Trana ' tn, county. He also operated, a mlH
pt; PortlandA Mr. Clarence Burke neJr Weedi California. He served
ana Mr. anu airs. u. u. -rayior oi
this city.
, Mr. and Mrs.C. F. Winnek were so
lonely for a sight of their little
granddaughter, Laura Lakin, who
resides with her parents in Prine
ville, that they sent out nn S. O. S.
call for the bigges t turkpy they
could And in Klamath and with nil
tho trimmings that go with a big
turlcoy and all the candy and nuts
that they thought Miss ,Laura could
eat, thoy set ' out in their much
Ino for tho 150 mile journey and
arrived Sunday, deBpite the snow
storms that overtook them enroute.
Thoy returned to this city Monday
fooling greatly repaid for making
Verda Cozad. The consolation
prize, a witch and black kettle, fell
to Mrs. Will Baldwin. Dainty; re
freshments were served during tho
The younger girls were royally
entertained last night from 7:00
till 10:00 o'clock by the Misses
Katherine and Beatrice Walton at
their home on Conger. Avenue. The
girls all came masked and in suit
able1 costume to find the house dec
orated with more than the usual
number of witches and spooks every
where .The usual Hallowe'en games
were played and dainty refreshments
served after which the girls went
borne, but probably not to sleep.
Those present were: Margaret
Hargus, Catherine Ulrich, Eliza
beth Manning, Frances McLean,
Dorothy and Marian Wortley, Mary
McKendrie, Mary Whltellne, Ger
trude Smith, Elizabeth Graham,
Rebecca Humphrey, Dorothy Del- .
zell, Margaret Johnson, Helen Cald
well, and Nellie Elliott.
talks from past nnd present officers,
thoro wns a reading by Mrs. II. II
Edmunds. Llttlo Miss Jean Thomp
son gave a fnncy dancing exhibition
that cnptlvatod everyone.
Tho decorations woro in Hnllow
o'en taste. Refreshments woro ser
ved after, tho nrog'ram. ,, (
Tho Kedron club, tho girls Bible
class of tho Presbyterian Church,
18 months in France and was in
charge of American milling opera;
Moos there. The bride is the dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glea
son. Captain Nine has a brother,
Preston Nine, at Chiloquin. His
parents live at Macdoel.
The home of Mrs. Charles Moore,
30-1 West Canal street, was - the
scene of a lovoly Hallowe'en party
yesterday. Mrs. John MooreY'was
joint hostess of the 32 guests who
took part in tho affair. ( v
The window curtains were over
hung with yellow, nnd the rooms
wore decorated with baby chrysan
thomums. Tho lights woro shaded In
yellow, whllo black cnt3, owls, and
I witches scattered appropriately a
. bout formed appropriate decorations
Ramsby, , for tho party.
Irene Wllllnms and Wilma Grob cn- Mrs. R. II. Dunbar am hor cous
tertalned their friends at a Hnllowo' , In, Mrs. Rogers assisted tho Mes
on party Thursday evening at tho dames Moore In the reception ot tho
homo of Miss Elizabeth Ramsby on guests.
Fifth street. The ovoning wag i "Fivo hundred was the chief on
spent" In games and music. Tho! tortainment feature of the afternoon
guests wore Adaline Bordeaux, I The first prize, a choice piece of Bo
Florence and Clarice Elliott, Louie hemlan cut glass, 3s won by Miss
' , He Saw Very Well.
I hod employed u pin no tuner for
several years who was blind, writes a
correspondent. One day he brought
another man when he came to tune the
piano, asking my pennimioA to teach
him t some things about plano tuning.
1 1 left th'erri In the parlor by them
selves, and when .they, bo ftpLshed, I
Wa','dresslDg to go out
5nowlnj5they were ,bllnd and rather ,
nn jeeij'jhemt waiting, I' xieni In to.,
iai(tna tnnav In Mfhon in4- nftlaiA
remqrkgd to the stranger, "It Is nice
oi7 yP.B. .bllpd' people .that .there la
6Z:sS&.iMLtfTJcaJnJiaJl - .
Possibly, no other Swedish Comi
edy .has achieved such marked sue
ceWas 'Ole 01s.on' it being the ver
JUcIe in which Ben Hendricks was
starred and in which he made art
international reputation as a Swed
ish pomedian. -
Dave Williams who plays the part
of 'Ole' in the company coming to
the Opera House tomorrow night is
equally as clever as Mr. Hendricks
and has that quiet droll way of
presenting his comedy that goes "to
proe that comedians -are born and
not made. Mr. Williams has suc
ceeded itf following the advice of
Chas. Frohnm to the play: "Please
the , Jadies for without them the
theatres would have to close." Mr.
Williams Is supported by a clever
cast of artists among whom are Miss
Blanche Walsh, Art C. Walsh, Miss
L'i-ther Barry, Robert B. Hamilton,
and America's foremost child actor,
Mi.ster Tbos. J. Walsh, who plays
"Little Jim" or as Ole calls him
"Llttlo Ylm."
OIo Olson Is not a moving picture
but is a threo act comedy drama
filled with funny situations which
keep the audience In the height of
laughter from the rise to tho fall of
tbp curtain. Remember the time
nnd the plnce. There will be special
vaudeville features between acts.
1 '