HATimnAY, NOVKMUKll I, tPIO Domestic 1MJ- HOW TO MAKE TOOTHSOME GRIDDLE CAKES, MUFFINS AND WAFFLES Mufflim. wnfJIOH nnd i;rlddIo cakes ,r0 Komotliimn cuuoii quicK iiroiiun, bccoiiBD limy nro rniulo and bakod t onri). Thin mlxtiiro In cnlluil u taller, nml l tllvlilotl Into two clansofl, thin or thick, according to (bo uho fr which It Ih to ho put. Thin ImltorH iiro unoil In making walllM, Bflilillo cukoB, and ono class of fritters; miillliiH, gotim nnd corn broads ro'iulro n Mimowhnt thlckor battor. Kiiunl nmnuntH of lliiuld and Umir mako u thin or pour hau ler. Ono-hulf nH much llijuld mi flour rIvi-h tho thick or drop bailor. In milking doiiKhii or linttorn It should ho roniomhorod that tho nlr which Ih foldnd or bonton Into thotn, it of ercat iiHHliitanco In milking thu Article llBht. Too much Imkln.; powilor makes thorn dry. Tlio moHt Hlmpln mid olllclont wuy of pultlMB ' hattor together Ih to mix nml tdft tho dry Ingredients flritt, tliua to mix tho lliiuld and tho wcll-lit'iiliin yolkn of oi;i;h, and thuti comblno mixtures. If iihIiik shorl cnlnR add inoltod, and at tho hint fold In tho Htlflly lioatou whites or fgB. Y.V.V. Hi'" 1 1'" Separately lo Altnlli Uglltni'ss Kbk hUoiiIiI alwayH ho licatou sejmrntoly whon lightness Ih de sired, but If tlmo Ih llmltod tho ro suit will ho iiatlHfactory If eggs arn beaten together. Kor wnflli'H tho Iron hIi on 1 it bo well lirnti'd, and brushed on both sides with moltud shortening, l'o grlddlo call on tho grldtlln should ho heated, and If not HoapRtono or alu minum, groaned. Drop bailor by spoonfuls and whon puffed and full of billililfiH and cuokod on tho edges should bo lurni'd nnd browned on Iho otlior sldo. Novor turn griddle takes but onco, othorwiHo they will BREAKFAST BREADS MADE WITHOUT YEAST Nole: All meuHliromeuiH aro lovol and (lour in sifted onco bgforn meas uring. A half-pint iiieu.surlng nip l.i used. Muffins Two cups lldur, fqur teaspoons baking powdor, ono teasiioon milt, two InblcHiioons sugar, ono egg well beaten, oim cup milk, two tablo- spoons molted shortening. Sift dry Ingredients, boat ogg won, add dry I materials and milk, gradually boal lag lo a smooth battor, adding molt ed shortoning Inst. Ilako In heated, well groused mullln pans, in a hot oven. For graham, whole wheat, ryo or rolled oats mulllns uso above for- inula allowing ono cup whlto flour to ono cup of nny of iho above men-luro Tit Who are the men and women that become masters over great things?. They are those who first of all bec.ome masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in eveiy direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. JrfftiftM i fe-i First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Science Department! Contlucictf Ay Mrs.BclIeDc Gntf Domestic Science Dh'ccior Snerry Flour Co. bo boavy. Mavo muflln p.um hot and gnmiiod woll. Hoavy patiH will Klvo iiiiirIi Imttor n-nultii tlian tin. Kill tlio pjiih only two-thirds full, nnd If any nro loft unflllod thoy iihould bo nilod wlih wntor to pro vont InirnliiK. MuIIIiih and corn lirumlii nni'd a modornloly ijulck ovi-n and iihould bnk- about twonty- II vn mlllUtllH. Oun Tlii-inionirlri- Will He Found Convenient, I' or tho Inoxporloucod boiiHowlfo who doi-M not pohhohh a tliorniom. tor thorn In an old-fanhlonod moth oil which gives HiitlHfactory ronultH I'lncu a ploco of whlto papnr in tlio hoatod ovon and cIoho tho door. If In thruo minutes tho papor turns n golden brown tlio ovon Ih iiiodorntoly hot. DIi'iM-tloiiH (ilvi'ii for Mil filpuliillng Mold Tlmbalo niHOB aro a thin bailor; plain and llulod Iroim of dlfforont shapes moilnted on a long handlo aro iiHod for HhnpInK tho cil-ios Thoy aro friod liko doui;hniitH. To mio tho Iron, plnco In tho hot fill and allow to boat about live nilnuiiH, then drain and dip Into tho batlor lo half an Inch of tho top of tlio iron, rolurn to tho fat ami (Iro until crisp and a golden brown; romovo from (ho fat, tako tlmbalo niHo from tlio Iron and tn";i upside down on a papor to drain. If, on dipping tho iron into Iho bai ter, tho mixture does not cling to It, the Iron Ih not hot enough. If tho fat hlzzlott, and the case spreads andj drom from tho Iron, tlio mold Ih too hot. Have the batter In a cup, an it will bo mui'li uiislor to covor tho mold ThoHo caHOH aio (Hied with any troamed mixture. Thoy can bo made in advance and rohonted in the ovon. tloned prodiictH substituting quar ter, cup of brown sugar or Now Orleans innlnAsos Instead of sugar Dako In a moderate oven. Ili-.ln .Mulllins Ono cup hi an, half cup white Hour, half teaspoon salt, half tea spoon sodn, ono teaspoon baking powdor, ono woll boaton egg, half cup milk, swoot or sour, throo In- blespoons molasses, ono tablospoon nu'lted shortoning. .Mix ujnd sift Hour, salt, soda and baking powdor and add tho brnn. Heat egg woll, ndd milk and molasses; comblno mixtures, beat woll, add shortening. Drop In hot woll-groascd mullln pnns and bako In a modorato oven 20 to HO minutes. Thoso mulllns best whon allowed to cool, then Thrift and Little" Things THE EVENING HERALD, spilt open, toasted, huttorod and put together nnd aorvoil nt onco, I'opoTcro ( Ono cup milk, ono cup flour, hnlf toiiHpoon Halt, two eggs, ono toa Hpoon moltod butter. Add Hour nnd unit to milk nnd bout woll with nn DISK hoator. Thon add ono egg at n tlmo unhonton, boating woll, nnd ndd moltod shortening. Havo Iron muflln pntm or cunturd cups vry hot, groaso woll, pour In popovor hattor and bako In n mndlum hot ovon nbout forty minutes. This n mounl makes twolvo popovorn. Cnro nniHl bo tnken not to tnko from tho ovon too Hoon or tho pop ovorn will mil. Pancakes Ono cup Hour, two teaspoons baking powilor, half teaspoon salt, ono egg, throo-quaTtors cup milk, Follow genoral method of prepara tion. WiifricH t'no pancake foundation, using ono cup of milk nnd ono tablespoon of molted shortening. Follow gen eral method of preparntlon nnd hnko ns dlrectod. Wnfflo batter Is n llttlo thinner than that for pancakes. Fruit Fritter Uho pancako foundation. HnVo fat hot enough to turn n pleco of broad n golden brown whllo you count forty. This fritter batlor is to bo used for bananas, cooked plno npplo, or any rooked or quickly rooked fruit. The sliced fruit Ih given a coating of tho battor, then fried In (loop fat ns directed. Drain on papor and Hprinklo with powdor od sugar. IB)MOT MOT WAT IE! W TOO DESHffi A ! COMIPLE1HOM 8ays we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. 3 To look ono'u best and feel ono's best Is to enjoy an insldo bath each morn' Ing to flush from tho system tho previ ous day's waste, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before it is ab tot bed Into the blood. Just ns coal, wlien It burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incombustible material In the form of ashes, so food and drink taken each day loaves in tho alimen tary organs a certain amount of Indi gestible material, which if not eliminat ed, form toxins and poisons which aro then sucked into tho blood through tho very ducts which aie Intended to suck In only nourishment to sustain the body. x If you want to see tho glow or healthy bloom in your checks, to seo your skin get cleaier and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of llmestono phosphate in it, which Is a haimless means of washing tho waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentnry tract, before putting moro food into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, liver spots, pimples or palld complex Ion, also thoso who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste nasty breath, J others who aro bothered with head aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos- pbated hot water drinking, and aro as- j t0 (no eilnpte,.s t0 finance 'their ac sured of very pronounced results In i Mvltlex. Evnendltnres In the twenty one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very liltlo at tho ding sioie but is sufficient, to demonstrate thai jii'-t as soap and hot wnter cleanres, purifies and freshens tho akin on tbe outside, so hot water and llmestono phosphuto act on tho inside organs. Wo must always consider that internal sanitation is vastly moro important than outside cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, wbilo tho bowels pores do. Adv. Moro than four thousand cars of apples wero shipped this fall from two counties of Arkansas. NOTICE I am now propared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hoey, Cam., Band and gravel pit, In any quantity that may be doslred by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. Surety bonds while yon wait. Chll- coto & Smith. 5-tf Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink,! Peel and Milliards Barber Shop In oCnnoctlon OUR MOTTO 'Courtesy and Service" KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FIGURES SHOW HOW RED CROSS t JMrfer 'i FUND WA NT Washington. (Speclnl.) Through a complete report of tho work of the American lied Cross In the wnr by ('linlrmnn Henry l Davison, on be half of the war council, the organiza tion on the cvo of Its annual enroll ment of members during tho Thin! Itcd Cross Itoll Cnll, November 2 to 11, has rendered an accounting of the many millions given it by the Ameri can people to help our fighting men and our allies. The statement is, In part, as follews: "Tlio war council of the American Itcd Cross Is now prepared to make a complete accounting to the American people of money contributed and ex pended, ns well as the work done by the American Itcd Cross during tlio period In which the war council was in control of Its affairs. The war council was appointed May 10, 1010, nnd went out of existence February 28, 1010. "It was the practlco of tho war council to glv complete publicity to Its policies nnd finances, but It Is only now that a picture of the war period ns a whole can bo presented. It Is the feeling of tho war council that a report In this summarized form should bo made directly to the nubile which provided the money and gave the ef- j fort which made the American Red Cross a .success. "A statement of the American Ited Cross effort and finances since the war council relinquished its control will be made to tbe public through the executive committee, and It Is im portant, therefore, that the fact that (Ids report covers the period only until March 1, should be cnrefully noted." Following are certain round figures covering American Ited Cross particl- patlon In the war, as revealed by the war council's repert: Some Outstanding Figures. Contributions recehed (material and money). $400,000,000 Ited Cross members: Aduli.".. 20.000.000: Children, 11,000,000 ... lied Cross workers ltellef articles produced by oluntoer workers.. Families of soldiers aided by Home Service In U.S. Ilcfresbments served bv canteen workers In LT.s Nurses enrolled for serv ice with army, navy or Ited Cross Kinds of comfort articles distributed to soldiers and sailors In U. S.... Knitted articles given to 31,000,000 8,100,000. 371,577,000 500,000 10,000,000 on goo 2,700 soldiers anu sailors in U. S 10,000,000 iiini in ruuei supplies shipped overseas Foreign countries In which Red Cross oper ated i Patient days In Hod Cross 101,000 25 1,155,000 3,780 204,000 hospital in France. French hospitals given material aid Splints supplied for Amer ican soldiers Gallons of nitrous oxide and oxygen furnished French hospitals Men served by Red Cross canteens In France.... Refugees aided In France American convalescent soldiers attending Red Cross movies In Franco Soldiers carried by Red Cross ambulances In Italy Children cared for by 4,340,000 15,370,000 1,720,000 3,110,000 148,000 Red Cross In Italy 155,000 Of the $400,000,000 in money and supplies, contributed to the American Red Cross during the twenty months the war council was In existence, K2ft1,000,000 was alloted to national lii'iiilnn.irtprK wlillo $17 0(10 000 wont months totnlled $273,000,000, divided ns follews: Uy national headquarters In Franco, $57,000,000; elsewhere over seas, $01000,000; In the United States, RlS.000,000; by chapters In the United States, $43,000,000; cost of clmpter prnduced articles distributed in France, K25,000,000, elsewhere over seas. $8,000,000; In the United States, $23,000,000, making total expenditures in France, $82,000,000, elsewhere over seas, $72,000,000 ; In the United States, $110,000,000. join The American Red Cross All you need is a flA -and a- Chicory, used to mix with coffee, is the oldest known adulteration of food. Tho shortest people In the world are the Laplanders; the tallest are the Patagonlans. $1 HIT MTZ?rJr jHW Vll i HB tT TATRONS of this shop, IHOBflBk. fluA l-rcalizing that no detail mHBSKwKv JL of one's garb better cx- fSEfc$mBBl""23brv Presses breeding than correct- JBHEwHr ly chosen shoes, invariably , flEoHI And in so doing they assure flHeW themselves a distinction in ap- IbRw pcaranco and reliability in iflHSBj 6ervice well worth any differ- ' fBHv Let us fit you with Nettleton ''. jgEy Shoes the model shown f YBml above is typical of many ex- f mywmm n. , , i I oni n rv thf. T r $ K K K SflGETEATUflNS IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO ItUIXG HACK COLOR AND LUS TRE TO HAIR That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sago Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dred fold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old PROFESSIONAL CARDS tVVWWVWVWWM'MAAMM DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING PHONE 385 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Looniis Dldg., Klamath Falls DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDanlels, 301 High St Phone 455 VWWWVAA Office Phono 385 Res. 435 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon VWWMWWWWAAAMAAA DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Snrgeoa Suite 811, I. O. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . $Si (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon la Klaaatk Falli.) b f rf I P"! I Exclusive Agents I i !fc64fe)J f y I . pac nana MJJ. 1 r ;' i t .1. STORE recipe improved by tho addition otr other ingredients for 50 conts a large' bottle, all ready for use. It is called; Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.) This can always be depended upon tor bring back the natural color and lus-r tre of your hair. , Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage, and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly: that nobody can tell It has been ap-. ' plied. You simply dampen a sponge; or soft brush with it and draw thla through the hair, taking one small, strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after an-j other application it becomes bea, U-, fully dark and appears glossy and lus-v trous. The recent actors' strike In New York caused a loss to the theatres of over J2.000.000. DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7 th and Main x::x:;:":-::"Xx:-:x:: S KATHERINE SCHLEEF X Physician and Surgeon X, Office, White BIdg. ? X"X"X:-:"X'X',X"Xxx-xr. it. WARREN HUNT " MEDICINE! AND SUBGERT 206 I. O. O. P. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Truax Suit SOO, I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 80J Res Phone 80M Phone 151J House 151M Residence DR. A. A. SOULE Office, 420 Main Resldenco, 1909 Main DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE! 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Mala Streets tA . -iwiririrv-irrnnrrriri-riryrrinonrvwwv n ' - -'?wf .' ft .T 'i 1 r- 4 a 'T X . A hi i?, ' i ;& ;' fl'B Op ;m ' ' "KtIF "f HI ' i "Hi iiMjam:;" i "'ti"cca'7aMtMiyifmat,T!v7"-fvT'