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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1919)
WEg FIlll)AY, OOTOIMW m, 1010 ffUD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK SEVEN FOR SALE Rcnl Estnto ranch near -..i in in. nun i'uii iiiui,u ulu ..l roiul lllfMltlllll fill" iin iiitiwt .,.... .- .... rt .w.f IUTI1 CflHll. J. A ifccP. .," ", 28-12 Ilcraw '" roil SAI-IJ-320 nero n FtIo Mil'0' n'"' V'V" Wfttor ITbAI.U t'IIi:AI Two IdIm bo tweon UlRl't '"! Ninth HtrootH In i mili FallH. Adiiroiw mrs. uoy ivalkor, CVS Houluvard, Oregon. Ashland, 27-0t FOR SALE Miscellaneous -jjV'W-VVV"trV"M"irViiiiir"i""iTii""r sJiHiauj-h. '' cnr' ("10 Hwit tsno Just ovurhnulod. Now ,J, Cull ovonlngn. 11 HO i;h pups win ram: Sovon Alrdulo two of tlio bcHt HtrnlnH of hunting Alrdalw In California. l'or hiiIo at ih Henley rnncli. Phono, Tlio mothor amy bo tried at tlio ranch. Hcglatratloii pnpotu boob with ouch pup. 29-3t SITUATIONS WANTED IK' VOU WANT STUDENT IIKI.I' call tho Klamath County High Hchnol phono 3 no. cilrln for typing copying and filing, also general housework, curing for children otc. iioyn for elorklng, mosBongor Horvfto, chorea, otc Special attontlon Ih giv en to this hiiivIco hy tho achool ntithorltlcH anil an offort Ih to ho Hindu to mako olllclont, convenient and nnilltiihlfi both to tho student and to thoHo requiring tholr services 2tf WANTED Olrl for general houso work mill cnoklnu m n. n i r.i.. anio, Illy, Oregon, i.if MISCELLANEOUS LOST Wudnewduy night, a wallott Clllllalllllli: $1205. Ii'ltiilur nl..,.o.. rotnrn to Ilurald olllco. Mi.r..i VOCHATZER BROS. drilling Men III, Oregon roward. 31-31 FOR 8AI.13 1917 Ford tourlni; car, now top, now tires, now paint liSO cnah. James Domulth, Shlp plneton. phono HgM. 30-2t FOR SAIH- 2 cows, 4 holforH, 4 early spring calves. Cowh and heifers fresh In April, $400. Phono nu. :,0-3t FOR SAM 1021 Mnln. -HoiiHohold furniture, ao-:it FOR 8AM' - Dining room Hot, nln Plo bed and mattroHB, hall rnclt vltb lino mirror, nil In good condi tion. Apply 12CC Main. 29-lt FOR SAI.13 1 JorHoy cow fresh Nov. 25th, 1 ronn uhortliom hull It months old, 3 roan Hhorthorn hull calvca. Soon Springs Ranch, Poo Valley. 28-Gt FOR SAM' 1-1 Poland China stoeii hogs. B. W. HohortB, Poo Valloy 28-0t FOR 8AM Ono 8-tC Tractor, ono 3'bottom disc plow, ono 10-dlsc Kentucky drill, ono 4-soctlon lovor harrow All nlmoBt now. A Hiintll building, also housoliold furniture, etc. Must ho sold nt orco as ownor Is leaving J. II. Enrlght, 318 N 10th St 27tf WANTKD Toniim to haul lumber t all on or addrosB, (leo ciirlsty, ;iu-i2t' I J ox 377 WANTED HonioH to wlator. Phono 18K13 or iii-o Many Tolford, !) mllcB out on Merrill Itond 27-Gt WANTi:i) -Would llko to hoar from boiuo oaf, preferably la th0 Mor rl II country or near KlamaUi Falls, who lifiH a kooiI food yard and first chum nlfnlfn hay to food 400 or r00 2-year-old utcorfl for February or March, on porrcnliiKo Iiiibib. J. P McAullffo, Ft .Klamath ll-tf C1TV OAUllAaiC Whon you (5urh:ii;o romovod phono 01. want ll-tf F0H SAM: A Chovrolot, n Ford. Maxwell mid nu Oakland. lno.ulro A. C HonlltiP, 327 Mnln 0-tr FOR RENT OR LEASE IIAVU I VTl UK to aitoinniodatc 250 lioud of ciiUlo for next" fiO days. PcIUnn Hay 1 unibor Co. 20-3t MADAM IOINA, Palmist World's (Jroalcst I'lircnoloKlNt, PalmlHt anil Mvillum Itondi your ontlro life past, pros ant and future correctly, Blvlni; niiinuH, dates and llRures In biislneim, lovo, Inw. niarrlueo and domoBtlc troubles ToIIh you what you arc boBt adapted for and what to do to bettor your conditions In llfo. This lady rcnilH your hand as you would an open hook. A roadlns by hor will moot your highest uxiectat!nn. and you will ho wlsor and happlor aftor conaultlnB her, hIio IiuvIiir tho Klft of removing all ovll Inlluoncca and plncliiK you In an environment of happy thoUKht and contentmont UondliiRH' Sunday and dally, 0 a nt to !l 30 p m Uoom 1, Swanson HldR , over Kim btoro. Main St he twoun (ith n n (i 7th, onp Westorn I'lilon, Klamath Falls, O.ckoii M-7-2C FOR A ASI3 To rosiionslblo parties that hnvo oiiulpment and taiili to finance tlieaisnhea, a dcslrahlo ranch. Adrcss M. K. '). Ilornld olllco 8-tf Wo mako it specialty of fire, life nod accident Insurance Phono (1(1 and we'll do t'o rest. Clillcoto & Smith. C-tt PII0NB PEYTON for Wood. 112R. Standard PhonoRrnph Harj;atnH A number from ?35 up for cash o terms. Reo our window. Karl' Shepherd Co., G07 Main St. 17tf Livery, Feed and Sales Stable A Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Ixuik Trlpn Our Specialty ItcaNonnhlo IlatoH Phono !!) Hli'l ICInmatli Ave FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 ? (C-J) Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Moots Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gcrges , N. Q.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L,. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rol, C. P.; Nato Otterbeln, Scribe; P. h. Fountain Treasurer. GARICH'S GROCERY NEW VOI.UMK I. KliAMATlI FAMaS, OltXGON, 1'RIDAY OOTOIIIlIt 3,1, 10IO NURTHKIt S MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE 'AAMMAMAMMAVWVMAi Volcano That Emits Lava. The follow lug r reported by an ot rver In Hawaii: Tremendous changes nro In proRreis nt Kllaiiea. nd there Is no Indication whatsoever of any cessation of the monuiaentnl rising of the entire vast lava column. 0cr the southwest brink p wldo Mreara of cllBtcnltiR lava Is sUntRlshly lowing In the direction of the Knlu toert, not with tho spectacular cas wllng torrents of the southeastern toof last March, hut with n steady. tealtliy gliding, which pnlns ground lonly nt Its base, hut which piles up into tremendous mnmes from Its onrcc forward. FIH BT BEGPN T! Flush your kldnejs ocratdonly If j-on cut meat regularly LEGAL NOTICES KCIIOOli DIHTKICT IiUDGKT To tho Clerk of School District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregen: Following is a statement of tho es timated amount of money needed hy tho dlBtrlct during tho llscal year be ginning Juno 30, 1920, and ending Juno 30, 1021 This budget is made In compliance with section 217 of tho School Laws of 1017, and in titules the estimated amounts to bo reiolM'd from the county school fund, statu kdiool fund, special dis trict ta and all other monuys of the district IliidK'-t IMInmtcd Kpeii(II(uies Tearhcis salaries . .SJ7.000 00 Kurn It in o Apparatus and supplies, Mich as maps, chalk, oiarars fatoves, cur tains, OtC y. FI iga . Repairs of s.hool hornet), outbu'ldlngs or fencos.. Improving grounds Playground equipment .lanituis' w.igo3 . ... . .. Janitors' supplies .. .." .. Fuel . Light and w iter Clerk's salary Postage and stationery .. For tho payment of bond ed debt and Interest thereon, issued under sections 117, 144 to US, and 422 of the School Laws of Orogon, 1917 Magazines .. 500 00 1,000 00 100.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3, COO. 00 400.00 2,400.00 800.00 500.00 100.00 EDITORIAL Commencing tomorrow, Saturday, No vember 1st, we will own and operate our own delivery system. We are making this change for the reason we want to give our customers better service in this respect. We feel that our customers should have a chance to get their grocer ies at least on the same day the order is placed, and we are going to see you do get them. That beginning tomorrow, Saturday, November 1st, Garich's Grocery will de liver groceries twice each day. That means that if you do not get your order in in time for the first delivery, or if there is something you have forgotten to order, or some particular article you want to get in a hurry, you will not have to come to the store for it just telephone and it will go out to you that same day not the next. These are the hours at which the delivery will leave our stere: In the morning at 9 a. m. 'In the afternoon at 2 p. m. We believe these hours are convenient enough to meet the demands of our trade and enable the housewife to get her gro ceries on the same day on which they are ordered. Please remember the hours at which the deliveries leave our store and that it is the desire of Garich's Groceiy to give better service all the time. WE DELIVER THE GOODS. JUST ARRIVED NEW PRUNES V PEACHES RAISINS CURRANTS APRICOTS FIGS DATES CRANBERRIES COMB HONEY MINCE MEAT APPLE BUTTER PURE COUNTRY SORGHUM NEXT WEEK SPECIAL, SATURDAY ONLY PEANUT BUTTER in Bulk, 15c lb. SPITZENBERG APPLES $2.75 FAIRY SOAP 4 Bars, 25c , - 1ST COIK TO MEET H. E, L OLIJ OLSON AN OLD FltlENI) o mm mil I 9 A Total estimated amount of of money to ho expend ed for all purposes dur ing the year $48,000.00 KstimntcU Receipts From county school fund during the coming school year $23,000.00 From stato school fund during tho coming school year 2,000.00 Dry Lead for Batteries. , A dry hnttery utilizing red lend, hv lead of the usual mnnpanese com Pound, linn hero patented by II. Czauyl. la claimed that the red lend battery Ms longer thnn the type now In wuc. muy be kept Inactive for months without any deterioration nnd may be KWiarged at least ten times, with ch recharge as efficient as uuy wren ,ert battery. tae? iZZC2 3 n ... rr"'j - big frolic at nrouto to tho Moso hall tonight. No man or woman who eats meat can mako a Total estimated receipts, not including the mon- oyy to bo received from tho tax which It is pro posed to vote $25,000.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year $48,000.00 Total estimated receipts, not including tho tax to be voted 25,000 There are few people who hav reached thfc age of twenty who do not remember with pleasure that great Swedish Comedy Drama "Ole Olson" In which play the well known character actor, Ben Hend ncks gained renown as "Ole the Swede." It 's no exaggeration to say tbat hundred actors endeavorp.l I to imitate Mr. Hendricks, some w it'll j more or less success, but none with as great a aegreo oi success as inr Dave Williams, the proof of which Is borne out hy tho Tact liiat when Mr. Hendricks retired rrom tne Members of the Plttsfield, Mass police department voted against joining the American Federation of Labor. 9 i ur. ,-overal Y.'ash!ng:on, D. C. The United States CounclUof National Defense oompoSe 1 of the secretar'es of war, the navy, tho interior, agriculture. commerco and labor reiterated today ! fctago he presented Mr.Williams with a warning to the people of the United States of tho necessity for increased economy and saving on tho part of ovory citizen. After outlining tho causes of the high cost of living the statement of the council said: 100.00 1 ine entire nation producer, ais- triuutor and consumer alike should return to tho unity that won the war. Group interest and undue personal gain must give way to the good of the whole nation if the situation Is to be squarely met. "Our common duty now, fully as j much as in the war, Is to work and to save. In the words of the President in his address to the country on Au gust 25, 1919, only 'by Increasing production, and by rigid economy and savings on the part of the people, can we hope for large decreases In the burdensome cost of living which t now weighs us down.' " The Federal Reserve Board, In Its bulletin outlining the financial condi tion of the country just Issued, sas; "That the high price levels which have been attained In the United States present a grave situation U clear from the attention which cur- Balance, amount to be raised by district tax....$23,000.00 1 rent discussion e: tne causes of in- directing to the So far as or strain only part of tho waste and poisons from tho blood, then yon got sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches , liver trouble, norvous noss, constipation, dizziness, sleep lessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kldnoys. Tho moment you feel a dull acho In tho kidneys or your back hurts, or If tho urine Is cloudy, offonsivo, full of sediment, Irrogulor of pass ago or nttondod by a sonsntlon of scalding, get about four ounces oi Jad Salts from any rellablo phar macy and tnko a tablospoonful In a glass of wator boforo breakfast for a fow dnyB nnd your kldnoys will then act flno. This famous salts Is mado from' tho acid of grapes and lomon Julco, combined with llthla nnd has been used for generations to flush clogged kldnoys nnd stlmu Into them to activity, also to neu tralize tho acids In urine so It no longer Cannes Irritation, thus end ing hlnddor dlsordors. Jad Salts Is Inoxponslvo nnd can not Injure: makes a delightful offor voscont llthln-wntor drink which nil mculnr meat eators should tako now nnd then to keop tho kldnoys clean I nnd tlm blond nuro, taorouy avoid ing sorlous kldnoy complications. , amount by special levy for the fol lowing reasens: Increased cost of all supplies and salaries. Dated this 28th day of October, 1919. P. L. FOUNTAIN, C. C. HOQUE, C. H. UNDERWOOD, MRS. NELLIE WATTENBURG, Board of Directors School District No. 3. IDA B. MOMVER, Clerk. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 1 of Klamath County, State of Oregon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL ELKU the original manuscript and au'h orized him to portray tho charac ter in his stead, and after compli mented him on the portrayal, at one time going so far as to say that Mr Williams made a better 'Ole' than ho did himself. Mr. Williams will appear as "Ole Olson" in tho play when It comes to the Houston Opera House for one night only, Sunday Nov. 2nd. Remember this Is not a moving picturo, but a play by real actors end actresses and there will be vaudeville specialties between acts.. Reserved seats now on sale. Grade Ladie & Men' More than 75,000 babies in the United States die yearly before they are a month old. domes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTKEU Prices nrc very reasonable Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR H Main St. .Anln.lH jimm vnnlvi-t i Ibtnbn itw flimhlnr- thn klrinovn occaslonly savs The amount of money to be raised dustrlal unrest is dire Hushing the i kidneys occaslonly. says M mQTe thfm the nroblem. forms uric acid which clogs' tho kid- "'""""A ! " vL?PtClv nro"lpfltear,nB Practlc a responsible ney pores so they sluggishly filter; trie 1 1 In th ye ' Wy P toV Ic tlon ,ome conald. niv nnrt nr thn wnnm nun . '"o ., .-- - --- -----. -- --,orn.i0 m Hffatinn nf ia aab . un necessary to raise this additional (7 " " ." "i " " iu Biiunuuii uiay uu vxyemeu ana ill deed Is already in sight. "The problem of reducing the high cost fif llvtnir. hnnAVAr la mnfnlv thnt -, -r --. -i - - - 1 of restoring the purchasing power of the dollar. The dollar has lost Its purchasing power because expansion, of credit proceeded at a rate more rapid than the production and saving of goods. The' way In must be the way out. As the way In was expan sion of credit at a rate more rapid than the expansion of production and saving, the way out must be an in- I I1 H i Hi -l i crease In production and saving. The effect of increased saving will he a reduction in the volume of purchasing TN aof d Dwo heUrat.Xat,onn rprs t"- Central School on tho 7th day otre?"c.t'n pJ'"sa B0' . JIL v Novomber, 1919, at 2 o'clock In the nftornoon, for the following ebjects: Voting of tho budget for tho coming school year. Dated this 28th day of October, 1919. P. L. FOUNTAIN, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: IDA B. MOMYER, Clork. That the expansion of credit has been a considerable factor In our financial and price situation Is clear; that It is still a factor and one that calls for correction by the process of increasing production and savings and by tho vestment oi tho proceeds of savings in tho absorption of govern ment bonds Is equally clear." STALE" CHECKS THESE are checks which have been held a long time after dates of Ikkuo. Sometimes circumstances do not permit a hank accepting them without first conferring with those who crew tne checks. It is a good plan to present your checks to the bank aa soon after receipt as possible. If it is inconvenient to call, it is 'well to remember that the First National Bank accepts deposits and makes re mittances by MAIL. 12. R. Renines, rresloVnt. L. F. Willets, Vice-President. Leslie Rogers, Cashier. A. M. Collier, Awl. Catililer. John M. Moore, Att. CulJer. ! ate First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON .iriirip-i National Airtp Accessory Company . , - . m V i I -i?f 1 sfe . m '7 s. "'.ft " V , f H "1 ti & i -i 1 ViM i t 'M i X4 fcrt- -mi . " 9? - 'iS m m u 'sm teS fi y$ 2yi -r: "V ?X t1! ' V: ? ,. A wi ' 1 til t& . j Goodrich Tires and Tu 210 MAIN STREET Next to Postoffice Phone 471 "v 11 t-M A" HtttJrW . JJ Fa W