t - , VSf hmpAy, 6oromm o, 1010 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PlflK SMVEN tug -JS, UFRAI D'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SPEND MDKEY FOR SALE Real Eotnte .. nil I' l-.!ll IICllJ lllliril IIUIII .......i. .....i.. J'0" . ..I,,., mill open nuiKu J, d'ro.. I.l. K' f,iP " ni ii. .r aire I'liiui, .f. i hroPi JlcraW ,l,e" UH-liit ;.nn HAM2 ""A'' Tw" lotH ,,. F. Li I IKIH " Nlnlh HtruotH In .."-.ih I'iiIIii Address Mrs. Itoy SJE? ,,,"",,v,,r" cT"11' Oregon FOR SALE Miscellaneous wn qAi.i: Sovkii Alrdulo pups fiuii of tho best Blrnlim of liiiiitlnt; .1 nlnliw In California Kor salo ut A, llcnlV.y ranch Phono. Tho 1 ntl.cr may bo trloil nt tho rancli. iSirallm" '" oc WcU pup ' roil SAMS 17 Vatil tarl"B Vnr iibw top, now tiros, now pnlnt .ir.n'ciuh JamoH Jo Hh, Hhip- Son. 1"""'" y8MW :!!lll Toil BAM: 2 cows, I liiilfoni, i M,y spring ',lv,,-s CoWH "",l Lfrimii in Ai.ni. $ioo. :io-:u Ul'lli-IM .. foii hai.i: 1021 Main lloiwoliold furnlttiro. 30-3t FOII 8AI-I2 Dining room Hot, sln ie bcil iiml mattress, hull nick lih lino mirror, nil In good cnndl Son. Apply laufi Main. 20-lf FOR SAM 1 JorKoy cow freHh Nov vr.ih 1 ronn Hliorthorn bull 1 I months obi. 3 ronn Hliorthorn lmll rnhes So on Spring Hunch, Poo calics Valley 28-Ct FOH 8AI.U 14 Poland Clilnn hIock hoES. V. W. ItobortB, Poo Vnlloy 28-Ct FOR SAI.U Ono 8-1 f. Tractor, ono 3.1)0tlom iIIhc plow, ono lG-dlsc Kentucky drill, ono 4-Hoctlon lovor harrow All nlinuHt now. A mnall bulldlnB, also hoiiHohold fnrnlturo, etc. Must bo Bold at onco iih owner Is losing J. H. Knrlght, 34 8 N 10th St 27tf FOHSAI.i:- Or will trndo for Indian Land on tlio Kliunntli MarHh; ono flic pn.flciiKor. six cyllndor touring car, cylinders linvo boon ground anil new plstoim, new top, iiIho 2 now cord tlrci and ono oxtrn tiro "ox A. I). C. Herald 8tf USUI) Al'TOS Saxon "Six" and Ilnlck "Kour", for sale. iloiitMitnd I McCollum 8-tf FOH SAM A Chovrolot. n Kurd. Mmwell and nn Oakland. Iwiulro A. C. llenllno, 327 Mnln C-tt FOR RENT OR LEASE HAVi: I'ASTPIM: to iiccoinmodaio 250 head of cattle for noxt 00 ib) s. lii(iilro Pollcan Day I.iimbor Co. 29-3t FOH LKASi: To rcsponfllhlo parties that lmo (Miulpmcnt and cash to finance themselves, a ilcslralilo ranch. Adrc-88 M K. 9, Herald olllco. 8-tf We make a upoclnlty of flro, life and accident Insiirnnco. Phono 00 and we'll do io rest. Chllcoto & Hmltli. lit g JMgKr W ,-f,W i Xi y SITUATIONS WANTED IK VOU WANT KTUDKNT HUM', cull Mm Kliunntli Count) High Hchool phono .'!:(). (HrlH for typhus copying mid filing, u1k i;onoral lionmiworK, mrlng for (hlldren otc lloyii for clerking, miMHotignr service, chori'H, otc Hperlul iitioiitlon Ih glv on to tli Im hoi vlrn by tho school authorities and mi offort Ih to ho Hindu to iiinl(i) (illlclont, convenient nnd piolltablii both to tho Htiidont and to tliOBo ruitilrhu; tholr MorvhoH 2tt WANTKI) (!lrl for general houso- work and rookingMrs. O. (1. l.nli- aroo, Illy, Oregon. 1-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTICI)- IIoi-huh to wlntor. Phono 1HK13 or sco Harry Tolford, 0 mllcii out on Merrill Koad. 27-Ct WANTKI) -Would llko to hoar from Home ono, prufornhly In tho Mer rill country or near Klaniath Kalis, who Iiiih a i;ood food yard and Unit cIiihh alfalfa hay to food 400 or 500 2-yunr-old ulcers for February or March, on percentage IxihIh J I'. McAnllffo, Vi Klmnath 11-tf CITY (SAUUAOi: When yon wnnt Onrhngo romoved phono 91. 11-tf MADAM IOINA, Palmist WiiiM'h (iicati'st I'lncnologlst, Palmist and Medium Honda jour cntlro llfo- past, pres ent and fiituro- correctly, giving naino.'i, dates and figures In business, lovu, law, in n 2 rid j;o and domestic troubles. Tolls you what you arc best adapted for and what to do to bettor your conditions hi lito. TIiIh lady roads your hand iib you would an opon book. A rending hy hor will moot your highest expectations, nnd you will ho wiser and happier nftor coiiRiilthu; her, alio having tho i;lft of romovlng all ovll Influences mid placing you In an environment of hnppy thought and contentment Hcmllugii: Sunday nnd dally, 9 a. in. to 9.3U p. m. Room r, SwaiiHon Hide , over Ktin Btoro, Main St. bo tweou fith nnd 7th, opp. Western Union, Klamath Fulls, Oregon. 10-7-2.C IMIONI0 PEYTON for Wood. 112U. Standard Phonograph Unrgulns A number from $3r up for cusli or tonus See our window. Knrl Shepherd Co.. f,07 Mnln St. 17tf Lively, Feed and Sales ' Stable Auto ervice i Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Look Trlw Our Specialty ltcilhONtllllo Hut OH IMionn i:il) K22 Kliunntli Ave fVXUiUljV t " Your razor is no better than its blade H - - - - -i - " The strong, keen-cutting convex edges of Gem Dama jkeene Blades removes the toughest stubble and tenderest growth with velvet-like smoothness. The life of each blade is remark ably long. To know the luxury of velvet-like, smooth self-shaving, you must-shave with Gem Damaskecne Blades. They leave your face with that smooth, comfortable feeling. We sell a sef of seven Gem Damaskecne Blades for 50 cents. Our store is shavers' headquarters. BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. The House of Quality" TO BEAT TAXES JIUIUN, Od K (l(y The As iiiitltitod Picks ) A brand M w way bus been found to hi.it the nr v. I'rz hcrgcr luxes, nnd n (icriiuin noble iiinii, who ii'MVcd throughout the war us n divnlry iiiptaln, Is tho ono who has nindu the discovery. It Is very simple vou dimply spend all our money hcfoio the taxes fall (inc. The Huron of nnciont family, whom the correspondent has known for yenn, tolling of his plan, scorn ed not to (are who beard him, for ho spoke In a loud voice. Ho was Immaculately clad hi a new suit that probably (ost 2,000 mark.i, nnd wore a now pair of shoes that Her lln's most famous boot maker would make for (iOO marks "That suit Is just about tho flncst thing that can bo bought or made in (icrmany," said tho Il.iron "And what Is more, I have sovornl of thorn All brandy-flpanily new. I have Hulls to keop mo for the noxt llvo years. "Seo thosn shoos' Well. I hnd them nindu and nlno morn pairs. I never hnd so many shoes In my llfo, but I'vo got enough now to last Bomo tlmo And everything elso hi accordance New HhlrtH, socks, un derwear, the best monoy can buy. I haven't spared a murk.becauso I am going to get rid of all I possess bo foro tho first of January, when 1 have to mako my tax declaration." LEGAL NOTICES VKVWVWWV HCIIOOIi DISTHKT Ill'DOnT To tho Clerk of School District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregen: Following Is a statement of the es timated amount of money needed by tho district during the fibcal year be ginning June 30, 1920, mid ending Juno 30, 1921 ThlB budget Is mado In compliance with section 217 of tho School Imwh of 1917, mid In cludes the estimated amounts to bo received fiom tho county bchool fund, statu school fund, special (lis ttict tax and all other moneys of thu district: lludiji't INtiniateil IXpcmlKui cs Teachers h.ilauts $37,000 00 Kuinlturo 500. 0U Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, cur tains, etc. . . Flags Hepnlrs of school hoiihes, outbuildings or fences Impioving grounds Playground equipment Janitors' wages Janitors' supplies I'liul , . Light and water Clerk's salary Postage nnd stationery . . For tlio payment of bond ed debt and Interest thereon, issued under sections 117, 114 to 148, and 422 of tho School Laws of Oregon, 1917 . Magazines 1,000 00 100.00 fiOO.OO 500.00 r.oo oo 3.C00.O0 400.00 2,400.00 800:00 500.00 100.00 100.00 Total estimated amount of of monoy to bo expend ed for nil purposes dur ing tho year ?4S,000.00 Kst hunted Itecclpts' From county school fund during tho coining school yonr ,.J23,000.00 From stato school fund during tho coming school year 2,000.00 1 Total estimated receipts, not including tho mon eyy to bo received from tho tax which It Is pro posed to voto $25,000.00 Recapitulation Totnl estimated expenses for tho yoar $48,000.00 Total estimated receipts, not Including tho tax to bo voted 25,000 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax....$23,000.00 Tho amount of money to be raised by this special tax Is more than tho amount raised by special school dis trict tax In tho year Immediately pre ceding this, plus six per cent. It Is necessary to ralso this additional amount by spoclal lovy for the fol lowing reasens: Increased cost of all supplies and salaries. . Dated this 28th day of October, 1919. P. L. FOUNTAIN, C. C. HOQUE, C. II. UNDERWOOD, nina MRT.T.IR WATTENBUFIG. Board of Directors School District No. 3. IDA B. MOMYEIt, Clerk. aiwrTAf, SCHOOL, MEETING Notice Is hereby given to tho legal voters of School District No. 1 of Klamath County, State of Oregon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEET ING of said District will be held at Central School on tho 7th day of November, 1919, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, for tho following ebjects: Discussion of tho budgetlor tho coming schosl year. Datod this 28th day of Octobor, 1919. P. L. FOUNTAIN, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: IDA B. MOMYEn, Clork. KSME? It is the best have something to in The Herald. H JUST TRY IT ONCE If you have something in your attic, your basement, your spare roorn, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, try The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. mmmAmwmmywm mWMHkmMnmifiWKM IMiM.lfl iBWtot1"lwm W MM WifJWiiSH IVrting i- to be fiuglit to tho oung women studentsioi Mio Univ. r- bit i uesota. Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Phone 460 I co Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Mnnrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnection oun MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep yoor vital organs healthy with GOLD MEDAL fi.miin Th world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and -,urlc add troubles sine 1696i corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three dee. Uok for ll bum Cold Mdl on nrr boa ad accept bo iniutloa FIRE , rflLK'IU? iFkt !." aj mmmm H si i i-1 m k, -'v lanvggLgitngEnBEgEsaTr rMftwawuasMar'w? wyt&BZBza& WHAT IS IT? paying class of advertising in the world if you sell that belongs among little ads that you find Mmm'mMm BIG TIME SLATED AT MOOSE- HALL TOMORROW NIGHT "The sheeted (load did squeak nnd gibber in the streets of Rome." Merely n quotation or perhaps a mlaqnotntion called to mind by the fact tret tomorrow night is the big night of the sheet and pil low case Hallowe'en dance nt Moobo hall. Not thnt the quotation is at all apropos for there will be no dead ones at tho Moose hall party. Only the llvest live wires in town from Bobb y Itytyn downward' will be eligible to take part in the proceed ings. Tho only qualification needed JIIIIWH IMW'JWillliriluniWwffll IHMIHm Wmq.ttVMH'itlilnlU ."'li'i I I I WW llllllln MIPIInll'il etter Let Us Patch 'Em Up This is the time to look over your tires with the idea of making them last through the winter. Of course, if you must have new tires, Diamonds are the only ones to buy at this time of the year or at any other time, so far as that goes but the idea we wish to convey is that we can make the old ones last through the bad weather, and save you money on your tire bill by repairing the worn ones. Brinsf them in, and if they are worth repairing we will tell you what it will cost if they are not worth repair ing, we Will tell you that, just as readily. We can't make a new tire out of one that is worn out, but we can take a damaged tire and repair it so you will get many more miles out of it before it goes to the junk pile. Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing C MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St Phone'167 a 7 SIT VPOl v WFEiWSmMMK in order to gain admission Is a de s.vo to participate in a real old fash icnsd good time. The makings of the good thno are all provided a good floor, good music and tiptop management. Tho whole Hallowe'en tribe of i;bobts, goblins an.d fairies have can celled all lesser engagements in or der to attend. Decoration!, -w.. It till you seo 'em. You can . take part in the prize waltz unless attir ed in sheet anil piliQW case. Speaking ' or lalrles the 11 bo long on fairies. The fairest of alt lair fairies of Klamath Falls -H is noted as the abode ol the st of all fair fairies of the w'or'd will le there to trip ilp light fantastic. Sur, 'twill be a great occasion, tomorrow night at Moose hall. VALM. fl a :H P, w !i m ' H ' IS m M ifrl (!",. I m tni k'f ( National 'Auto Accessory Company 210 MAIN STREET' Next to Po.qc - tu4wn pie 471i Goodrich Tires and Tubes i