, M- PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, 'J't I'pi'M ""'oi.,:U2 i tOli) National Auto Accessory Company 210 MAIN STREET Next to PoGtoffice Ph ono 471 Goodrich T1 1 In IhiOtfs 1 UpJo i ires i u i' w Ml VI 11 I '.i. I j ' nr I M ' The Evening Herald 12. J. MUKItAV Killtor PltRl) SOULK City Kdltor Published dally except Sunday b Trunk lino of tlio Hill systoni, bIvi Knutcr Oregon means t grantor lug both of thsp 8)ste:ns n through l'ortlanJ. route from Portland to Klamath, Oregon has begun to rot nc Mr. Strauss, ouulnted with Itsolf. through liny movement ,ho has In- dollah uot'H SACItAMRNTO, Cnl., Oct. 28.- Predictions of a dollar pur pound. prlco for Sacramento Valley hops bo j Falls, giving that city an outlet to tlio north as well as to tho south ! and giving Portland an ontranco to : a market from which it has long : been excluded. Thero aro several good reasons, that movement to full fruition, tho bonds I men of money and tho men of on tor .'ortland in- priso lrero in Portland must got into Trv w llornld Want Ads. -.. . Entered at tho nostotfico at Klam-h"vstnrs. They aro a safo, sound,; too procession and keep. stop. Mr.,sr-- - rrrz .!. -ll ,"- . ,--- a I..I ..-..l.. (.......-.,.... -......1 Ct,rt.tDn 1...n ....!..!.. I ,1.- 1 1 I.I.. bvu jtuuh, ure., ior transmission iuru liuviusi-iiujiiiK iiivimiuiiii, svuiuni """ " iinuisiiuvi iuu n'uui'rauiiii v wvwwvvvywvvwwwwv Tho Herald Publishing Company ofiwhy the Strahorn railroad Klamath Falls, at 11G Fourth Street. shouU1 flm, favor wlh rorai .I, i auRurated, serves at tho llrst sub-jforo tho cfoso of tho year will proV stantlal introduction. Lot w not abb ho fulfilled Tho prlco is now forget, however1, that to dovelop 77 U, cents hnvlnc Increased from GO conu within tho past fow weoks. the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mail to any address In tho United States: Ono year $5.00 Ono month 50 by a railroad which dovelops u coun- In tho initiative, onorgy and public try rich in livestock, grain, liny, spirit must do the rest. fruit, dairy produce and timber a country of which tho productive area is constantly enlarged by Irrigation.' By aiding construction of tho" rail-1 road every citizen of Portland will promote the prospority of his own! Member of tho Associated Pros The Associated Press Is exclusively! city, fcr ho will enlargo tho market i?tlei 1 th? U-OT roIl"bl'ctIo,n ' for Its manufactures and will ad-j v. nil UtJWB UISIJUIUIIUS tiXHiueu LU it 1 nnnrnninain ht . iiUiltlifiJI 1U 00 10 H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amusement I wvwwvwwwvwwvwvwvwv or no otherwise credited in this pa per, ana also local nows published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein aro also reserv- TUESDAY, OCTOBEH U8, IOU) HEIiP BUILD STKAHOHX KOA1) (Tho Oregonian) vanco tho dovelopmont of tho whole stato, which will redound to Port land's good. Thero need bo no hesitation about offering theso bonds to tho pooplo In general, for they have been edu cated In bond-buying by Its several liberty loan campaigns. Tho effect of that education is seen In tho nura- 1 ber of bond-brokers who havo opened ground-floor ofllccs and who display bonds for sale Just as any other merchant might display hats or shoes. They offer tho best anti dote to the dealer in wildcat stock. It is eminently fit that the tour of Southern Oregon by a party of members of tho Portland Chamber for theirs aro sound securities which of Commerce shoould result in help have stood every legal test. . Any by Portland In raising capital for man who has an opportunity to in- construction of the Strahorn railroad from Bend to Klamath Falls. Such excursions havo too often produced nothing beyond a few. banquets and speeches expressive of mutual good will between tho visitors and the cities which entertain them a tenu ous link of sentiment which is soon broken. They should produce more substantial and enduring bonds of common interest, lest they be re garded as mere junkets. There is a peculiar opportunity to form such a bond between Port land and Klamath Falls. Owing to the caprice of railroad development, Klamath Falls is in, but not of Ore gon. Although, as an airplane flies, it is much nearer to Portland than to San Francisco, as the railroad runs it is much nearer the California metropolis. For that reason it has been commercially .annexed to Cali fornia. The most friendly relations have existed between 'the people of Portland and Klamath Falls, and the latter city hps ofen expressed a de sire to do business here, but high rates by tho roundabout , railroad route forbid. Klamath Falls remains isolated from the rest of Oregon. The Strahorn railroad offers the way out of this isolation, for it can be made the link which binds Klam ath Falls to tho rest of tho state and which opens direct connection with Portland. With characteristic energy and perseverance 3Ir. Stra horn has been -working for years on tho Oregon, California & -Eastern railroad, which is to form the con necting link of the several roads that have been vainly reaching out to ward each other in Central and Southeastern Oregon. With liberal vest in a railroad traversing a sec tion of Oregon which has developed In spite of isolation will not hesitate bptween it nnd a wildcat proposi tion. Having formed tho bond-buying habit, Portland should easily ab sorb the Strahorn railroad issue. IT HKGIXS TO LOOK LIKE DOLLARS aid from the people of Klamath county, be has built the road to Dairy and has arranged to finance the extension northward to Silver! Lake. He now asks Portland and Bend to take bonds to the amount (Tho Portland Telegram) We went, we saw and we promise to help. That "we" in this case is not tho editorial, but the community we. The occasion, the need that invokes aid and tho promise to give h concern Klamath Falls and Bend on tho ono hand and Portland on tho other. The seed that was sown has taken root and promises to bear fruit. It begins to look as if the fruit would be exactly that which Is desired aid in railroad building and consequent development of that section of the state between Klamath Falls and Bend. The Portland attitude toward that development enterprise has be come the dollar attitude. Nathan Strauss, as chairman of the Oregon trade excursion, which went and saw, proposes to tho Cham ber of Commerce that the rest of it shall be done. The Chamber of Com merce accepts the proposition as one of wise policy. Not alono that, but the Chamber of Commerce mars out a tentative plan of procedure and appoints a committee to net, to get busy on the dollar basis. It Is splen did work and rich In promise. Mr. Strauss has started a move ment that is pregnant with great re sults for Oregon development. The beauty of it is, It is started on the substantial dollar basis; or, at any rate, it begins to look like dollars. Dollars will build that road from Klamath Falls to Bend. The build- Ono or tho most thriving settle ments in tho county is that in tho vicinity of Mnlln, which Was settled by tho Bohemian colony just tun years ago. This lommunity has proven not only thrifty nnd frugal, but enterprising as well, nnd visit ors aro surprised at tho develop ments which havo taken placo with in the past few years. Tho Mnlin flouring mill is turning out white flour inferior to none mado elsowhere, tho general storo has outgrown its quarters and a new building Is being ercctod by the proprietor, A. Kallnn, in connection with which aro quarters for tho now Malln State bank recently organ ized, with living apartments, over head for tho bank cashior. On Saturday night last thoro was a ilanco at Mnlin, in colobrntion of tlio fact that it is Just ten years sinco that neighborhood was sottled by the Bohemians. Thoro was a large attendance, many cars attend ing from tho Falls, and a good time, with feeds, was enjoyed by all. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE JIAMMNO Wednesday t Saturday Mlits. Popular Jnus Orchestra STAR THEATER . TODAY CIIAItl.KS- HAY In KTltlXt; lHUX') And , A Laughable Ccfinedy FEMPLE THEATER ' TODAY i:Nll HKNNT.TT In HAPPY THOUGH MAHHIK1) Also Two Heels of Good Comedy The first woman In tho rural mall service in Nebraska and ono of the first In tho United States is Miss Itu(h Kenyon, who for seventeen years has regularly covered a S8 mllo routo out of Monroe, Nebraska. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOHOX l'lCTUItlte TUESDAYS ASH SATURDAYS Merrill. OrruoA iiiren AVi'l olmlna ft Holland an.' her mother, .Queen, Eran-. are both tctal abstainers. Passengers and Baggage AXYWHRHE IX THE CITY QUICK SERVICE KEASOXAIJLE KATIIS PHOXE 187 WestemXransferCo. of $1,250,000 that he may build tho ing of that road will develop wealth 75 miles to Bend. There his road and community enterprise in the sec would join the Deschutes line of the) tion it is to traverse. It will all Union Pacific system and tho Oregon j make, for a greater Oregon and a I 9? "Here's aFrfendly ' cays the Good Judge Men who know tobacco, chew the best without it3 costing them any more. They take a little chew and it's amazing how the good, taste stays in a rich, high grade, chewing tobacco. For lasting tobacco satis faction, there's nothing like a small chew of that rich-tasting tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put tip in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco mmmmmmmmmMi WHEW RHEUMATIC . PAIRS HIT HARD N Errj Slosn's Liniment ready for those sudden rheumatic - twinges lON'T let that rheumatic pain yruwic unu you uitriuut Sloan s Liniment airain. Kprn if V.-.r,,i,. in the medicine cabinet for immediate action when needed. If you are out of it now, get another bottle today, eo you won t Suffer anv Innc-pr tfi.nn n-- essary when a pain or ache attacks you. "W'y t wiumii Tiwumg lor it Penetrates (jiving prompt relief cf sciata. luml -,,, ntiraVj, lament, soreness. prair.s, Etriins, bruitcs. Le prcp-ircl la 'p t randy. All druggets 35c, 70c, $1 40. LIGHT READING. '. FOR WINTER DAYS Whllo lounging around theso 'days y.ou will probably want a collection of bookii. Our book department af fords the best possible choice You'll And all tho v lito Action in addition to tho old reliable standards. We can also supply all of the popular maga.zines and other periodicals. If you aro going on a vaca tion tako a supply of good read Ing matter. .' ' "' f. n niiitT-if'- r'".n '. ' - ir .11 .TvOVifM-fl MHKfo, Pl fS& . (.JSSKI Bsm 2) 1 imves me an ' the 'Hsfiam 'have j SBI3 momm& s. V A good oil licatc; filled vith Pcr.rl 'Oil gives instar.t licat vhen and wheru needed. No smoke, no odor. Easy to1 carry about. Oil is consumed only when the heat is needed no waste. Pearl Oil is refined and rc rcfincd by our special process which makes it clean burn ing. For sale in bulk by deal ers everywhere, the same high-quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. Wc recommend Perfection Oil Heaters STANDARD OIL COMPANY .(California) . . 'S J?JOTc m tt (KbROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT fU?'MA?La ffK3 - n ijiMvttumuaaaammmnnimatmumrirMmn wwiwiiii mMtvntitrnymninwa.nt I'OREST PATHOL flUXESE LEASE LAXD ! 1 ' 1 . 1 1 a:a SACRAMENTO, Cal , Oct. 28. Forests of tlio entlro Northwest will bo brought under tho guard of aviators, says U. M. Homans, stato forester, who is co-operating In tho plan for a centralized forest lire patrol. Shoes covered with diamonds wore vomau nt n bail Oj$rwofc mmx r.rs. "y w ! " KL VtTH FALLS OPEOOH 7. tf W I m A .f9.r.ii a Mr W OJT TL( 6"".- WiirftiiiJ Best yet. Herald "Want Ads. WSmm BKR D t wnvA H !wS il a A Jl-rA Life ia a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomea despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine tako COLD MEDAL - U f2 'ji An important item these clays is' rOHML'K ItlCSIDIIXT JI.MtltlKI) IX XOnTH I SACRAMENTO. Cal., Oft. 28. -I Tlio Western Canning company, n! Announcement has bocn receiT. Clilnoso cqrporntlon, lias purchi'.flodi hero of tin- marriage at National 100 acroH of pear nnd nBimragUB! Wasliliigton, of Itobcrt K. Wanltf land near IbIoIoii, Sacramento coun-.linm. a forim-r rcnidcnt of himu ty, from Hart V, Smith. cIiaHo prlco wan $223,300. Tho pur- KnllH. on (Mulur 24 Mr WliuunRliam was emplojed hy tho Klamath Hardware company, Tli. nut trees of tho world. It Ih nmoiig others, during tho tw ' rllplllfltPil. rnill.l nrnvliln fnnil till Mm thrrn Vna.H llO ilVCd llCrC. H "" vear nrnund for thn nnSiiilnMnn of l.stcd LUd . - overseas for ill , tho clobo. Ilrnzll nutn i'rnw In nunlillllOntllS. bolng IHUStCrcd OUt t"j profusion that tlioitsnnda of toim of inontlm ago. Ho served wltl W tliom aro wnntcd ovory year. Ulst dlvlulon. LUr r LL Tho national xomedy of Holland for over 200 years; it la an enemy of all pains ro cultlng from kidney, liver and uric acid irnnlSfpB. Alt f-trnnrrvfnta ttirnn cItav j Look for tho name Gold Mecfol on mvtry bos and ifrrnt no JmiUtion We have said to you before, why do you in sist on buying tin cans? We have a coffee in a sealed air-tight .package that we guarantee to please you. It's WELL MAN'S, and only costs you 50c per pound. We also have a grade of WELLMAN'S bulk coffee that, we sell at 45c which is unexcelled for cup ping qualities. Whole or steel cut. Try it. ME SUNSET GROCERY I tejKz p (3 I Si I ti ' o.Mi m r E9u IB H 1 It "Helpful Hints OTHER RECEIPTS NOT NECESSARY IT is becoming a ciiBtom In tho llusineHs World apt to roturn rccolptH whou chcclta aro rocel.Ml in v e of accounts. TIiIh is becnuso (JIiccUh m i homso ivm u now rncogiilzed n HocoljitB. Tho payee is H'l- be ondorso a cliock boforo tlio bunk will honor n. chock is thou utumpod I'AIU find In tlmu Ih icturneu tlio mukor. Lot us Inltjato you Into tlio advantage) f a Checking Account. ut tho First National Hank. i-J. It. Itenmes, Picsiacnf. h. V, Wlllots, Vl(vl'csldcnt. Leslie Horois, CnMilcr. A. aCColllov, Ahst. CaHliK-r. John M. Sloorc, Asst. Cashier. First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON. SULPHUR Murphey's Feed c Seed Store Arrived phone W 126 South Sixth St First Car Has