T '"ISGiflfflBMMMMM ION" IV orroi:it a7, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOE SEVEN, Tl IPW National Auto Accessory Company 210 MAIN STREET Next to Postoffice Phone 47 f 17 lCi V A. ?:hHBHBSt i i "hi a - .WI oana ev ILaz. nt "1 HI uoouricn tires ana leoes irj., wit n. 'J (f ID'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS TolTsAI i: Real Estate FOR RENT OR LEASE i ,() rn i room home lulu second I lot v' FOIt.BV, nu "' .. . .. .1 v iiviHliiuiii djjj';,, t Owner, 23-61 I' OU I.KA'-'I, To tcspnn ,l jmrtliM Mini Iiiivi. fiiiiiniriit ami cjhIi Iii I llniiiico i in in, ivi i ili Hlriil.lu jiihch. AijnpH M h H ll,.iii. iiiiiii. K.(f FOR 5AI.F Miscellancoua I MISCELLANEOUS I'om M ii rOK t n' ' nn) i"' (Oiaim- ",' nest JFOll ' una o ' : pound'- - cheap l' ' - lxt n ' i ron SAI I comiiiiu'i : phono ''' nur tmltoy now n i; Mm. riuaiiiu ... "27-lt i i Illicit. 1 liorao Mm Triio to woili i good iniirh cow Mubi-rtn, V mil" i ,d IIiiiibo, 27-21. gnnd llllleh rows ir.ijltl horso Iftiiu ir(ikp4jimi! gontlu, l OlIU IlltlO (I.IRt or sa-at i i iU-ii rar In first elans u i Ins Hold ill OMLU, Ullfit IvOK SAM l . hIioiiIh , 7 brood tows, 1 l'' '"' f'l'l"'1 ,,(lilr "I,(1 '" tllCl All "I K"U n"imu wnlior J IMi.r, HhlppliiKton, tolo phono S2U aw mil n.ti.il Or will trmio for Indian '"" . .1... 1 I.. ...... 1. XI,. -.,1.. ..MM Lnnil on ii'o iiii" '""n"i "" , nnunnciir h x cylinder imiriiiK car ollnilcrt Imvo boon ground mill oew pIstoiiH, now top. also 2 now cord Urcs unci ono extra tiro, iiox A. D. C Herald Rtf Suxon "Six" nn (I for Hiilu. IIoiinliuul 8-tf USED Al'TOS Ilalck 'Tour" t McCollum FOIt SAII A Cbovrolot, n Ford, Maxwell mill nn Oakland. Inqulro A.C. llcnllno. 327 Miiln C-tr SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED A plnco for u boy of 9 In country. Mother employed. Ad dress Box V, Herald. 24-31 IP YOU WANT STUDENT HEM cnll the Klnmath I'ountv lllg School plionu 860. GlrlH for typlnr copylnc ntul Ming, also gunorn housework, caring for children otr nor for clerking, messenger Bcrvlco chores, etc Special nttontlon Ih gl en to this ncrvlco liy mo bciioo authorities ntul nn effort Is to In made to miiko olllclont, convenlon' and nrofltnhlo both to tho student and to tliouo requiring tbolr services 2tf W'ANTi:i) (llrl for gcnornl house ork ami cooking Mrs. O. (5. I.nh tree, Illy, Oregon. 1-tf HELP WANTED AAWS f iWANTHI) S'lumlll llroiiuin, phono Lamm I.iiiiiIilt Co., Modoc I'olnt ur-it UnKSS .MAKINfS Work Kiinrnntccd i ioi .x. ruuriu ni., I'lionu iht -Gt 'WANTKI) .Mlildlo iiroiI womnn iik lounekeuiur In hiiiiiII family for ;Uo or tliri'o inontliH. Work llKlit Wdbot rooiI Ilcrnld ollloo fi-tf Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Frldny night of each week at 1 0. 0. P. hall, Gth and Main strootn P. J.Gorgea , N. 0.; Frod Dromer Secretary; P. L. Fountain TroaBuror Ewauna Encampment No. 40, I. O P., meets Tuosday night of each week at I. o. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor 1, C. p.; Nato Ottorboln, Scrlbo; ft Ii. Fountain Treasurer. Visitor (o Samoa nro much puz 'eil at lliHt by tho fact that iimny oys bear famliilno niiines, whllo tho Elrls as froiiuontly Imvo masculine names. Thfa cciifusliiR ubo of names l not duo to Ignoranco, hut In real ity Is tho result of n highly pootlc natlvo custom. Thus, If u girl Is wn booh after tho death of a brother, tho lntter's nnmo Is given "er, In tho bollof that his spirit and a" his good qualltlos htvo boon transferrod to hor. On tho otbor "a"iu, if a boy Is born nftor tho "oath of a slstor, ho takes tho lnt w's nanio, nod, us tho Samoans bo- o, all hor lovablo traits bocomo Ills, WANTKI) Wi llld Illio In lu.iir rnim I ,801110 ono, profurably In tho Alor I rill pountrx or in-tir lClnmnth ir,8, J who hiiM a Komi nod yard und flrHt cIosh uf fit h.iy.io fpocl 400 or D00 2-yi'iir-old iO'vn Tor Fobruui'y or Mnrch, on piunnlofto Imeia .1. P McAulirro, K( .Klnnmth ll-tf fITY (SAUIIAIIIV-Wlihn yon want tinibuKo romovod phono 91. 1 ltf MADAM IOINA, Palmist Wot Id's (irciilCMi I'IiioiiiiIokIsi, rnnniM mill i-iitiin Hoads your eiitiro Hfc-i(ast. nrus .int mid future correctly, giving iiuiuos, iiiuou niui Mi:uriM in I 1 1 .-! 1 1 1 j h h Iiivc. law, iiinrrltiKO .mil ilnniostti tioublcH. Tolls ytni what you are lii'Mt ndiitittil Tor und what in do to bettor your comlltloim In life This lady leads your band mi ou would nn open book. A reading by hor will meet oiir hlghcHt expectations, und you vl)l bo wIhit mid hnpplor after cotiiiultlng hor. sho haini; tln Klft of roinovlng nil civil Influences and placing ou In an environment of happy thought and contentment. Iteadlngii: Sunday nnd dally, 9 n. m to !::i0 p m Itoom r., Swanson llldg , over gun store, Main St be tween fitb and .7tb, opp. Western I'nlon, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 10-7-2C PHONO PEYTON for Wood. 112R. MVNCK I nm now prepared to furnish -thnsta Sand from tho Hooy, Cam. iiind and gravel pit, In any quantity hat may bo doslrod by contractor mil bulldors AL F. (1RAHAM PUBLIC SALE At 1 o'Clock, Monday, October 27 nt tho Clublno plnco, at- Mer rill, of household goods. Ev erything to furnish n homo complete!) Terms Cash. .MH4. II. riAMIHX!:, Owner II. ('. MOOKK, AiKtlonoor. ItK'rril.N.S APTKK till viMiis WAxnnmxo Aftor a lapse of 2.'1 yours AV. F.-Il Chiusc, who loft Klamath county In US!i(i, Is, back to stay, ho says, nni will ustablluh n law olllcuat Bonanza, handling realty and Insuianco In con nection. When he llmt left hero Mr. C'hasi wont eaHt, but tuturncd later to the 1'nclllc Coast, illng for a whllo In California and moro recently In Med ford. KXTKUM I N ATIX IMCST SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 27. California ladybirds aro doing very offoctlvo work against tho citrus whlto lly post In Florida ornngo groves, Prof. J. R. Watson of tho Florida oxperlmont station has nd- visod Supt. Harry Smith of tho Stnto Insoctary In S!V:ramonto, 'from whouco the ladybirds woro sent. Tho Shah of Porsja possesses por haps the moat valuahlo pipe In tho world. It is tho Porslan olllcial pipe, nnd Is smolcod only on state occa sion.. It is sot with rublos nnd diamonds, and Is valued at 500,000. U Is not generally known that tonography as a profession was fol wed as long ago as the days of . e Homan omplro. Poets who nro sometimes ridiculed nowadays fqr paving privato Btonographors. had '"em In the fourth century f our era. Best yet. Horald Want Ads. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty . Reasonable Rates Phono 130 822 Klninatli Ave A CDLD WSm " . Mil HFTY YEARS Tr. I:-c'5 New Discovery !.3 i t'Jtc.'isful r.cord of Lalf a century TMMi: ' 'lir.W for inoic tl.an fifty 1 j'"" " "' d today nt flu- wiltlt " of nn ioMilmlty I When joit (lilnk of llmt, jim nn. bound to bo conWiind Hill Dr. Klnic'R i-.v DIh ( om r )Jo i ictlv h luii It 1 1 meant to iJo----ioc,,Ik' (ou'i-rnw iliiotits, (illlgilloll ilMI"ll 1 (lKMt ,, loo I'llH plil" ii ' , nnd li'-onlin lli ino"t iibsii.'ni c (old und frliipe nltick. r". J'n- Is K.iic lor voiir cold, fot voiir i, .of 'H cold, for tin,' kill-on- (c I I, oilicll, f,roii) l.i ich no ii-t:i( i ' nffi r .'ifeiis, i . and '',iji(1(ii.w ut joir di'i: , ,lnt s. a- .fit. 'Sr-vf ,,;:; - : pOMoh Act Sluggish? Irrc.uMr bn i is often ic-oilt In, M-rloij t-l('nif mi'l ol (nl m of 1 i lie llvi- n il Mum nil M ik" them net n tin Hlmujil Willi I'r King'n SVVI JJftf Plll. Keep the llicr uc tlvA lin m era froo fiom waste. iou, u boitlo. LEGAL NOTICES netui: ok rixAi, Kii'iTLi:Mi:.vr Notico Is hereby given tbnt the un dersigned has llled In tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Klainiith County, tho Final Account of her administration of tho Estato of Henry (1. Ilusscy, dcccnscd, and said Court Iiiih llxed Novomber 29, 1919 nt 2:30 o'clock P. M. as tho time imd tho court room of said court in tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, as tho place for tho hearing of said Final Account nnd tho settle ment thereof. Dayton II. Russey, Administratrix of tho Estato of Honry (J. Busscy, deceased. Dated: October 27, 1919. 27-3-10-17-24. NOTICE Aloha Chapter O. E. S. will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday Oct. 28. This Is a social evening for all Past Matrons nnd Patrons, Members and Visitors of tho Chapter Invited to be present. Nelllo Van Riper, 27- Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. fMmmmmwmsm ' .. T f C7 at . I.r. JU. r m P I-.. K - ' I m n - '-wit 3ti .. &"&m - mm Ma - ' . ,. ""''iW WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world if youw . f , have something to sell that belongs among little ads thatVoii find' ? ""l : ihThe.Herald. , , U li iSl;, '$ 'if f '!?' 1 t JUST TRY IT ONCE If you have something in your attic, your basement, your spare room, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, try The Herald classified' ads and you will find a buyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING Advertise for it, tiying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The Herald find, it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. ' Classified ads cost ypu 5 cents a line a day five words to the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received oyer the telephone that is why they are so cheap. 2?. i nappy, urigru, aieri vigorous anu ImicIous a good clear skin; a natural osy completion and freedom from 111 icss are asbuied only by clean, health) olood. If only every woman and like vise c-eiy man could realize tho won leis of tho morning inside bath, what i giatlfying change would tako place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, inaemlc- looking men, women and Bills Nlth pasty or muddy complexions; In Jtead of tho multitudes of "norve viecks," tundowns," brain fags" and pessimists wo should see a vlrllo, opti mistic tluong of rosy cheeked peoplp gerywheie. An insldo bath Is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, n glass of reaj hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphato In it to wash from tho stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels tho previous day's In digestible wasto, sour formentations mil poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening tho entire alimen tary canal befoio putting more food into the stornnch. Those subject to sick hcadacho, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who no constipated vory often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphato at tho drug store which will cost but a triflo but Is sufflclent to dem onstrate tho quick and .remarkable change In both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal imitation. We must remember that Inaido cleanliness Is moro Important than outside, becauso tho skin does not absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, whllo the pores In the thirty foot of bowels do Adv. Standard Phonograph Dargalns A number from ?35 up for cash or terms. Seo our window. Earl Shopherd Co., 507 Main St. 17tf . . , Norway has taken tho load jn ap pointing a woman. Fran Dotzy Kjois- borg, to sit in tho assombly of the Loague of Nations, A curiosity of Nicaragua is a soapy lake. This sheet of water, tho Lake of Nopja, contains a strong solution of bicarbonate of potash, blcarbonato of soda, and sulphate of magnesia. The water, when rubbed against any greasy object, at onco forms a good lather. It Is used as a hair wash and enjoys a local reii pututlon as a cure for external and Internal complaints. ,, WHITE MAP WILL MEAN WOMAN'S FREEDOM Wo make a specialty of fire, life and accident Insurance. Phono OO and we'll do Cvj rest. Cfillcoto & Smith. 6-tf High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes . MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR R1H Main St. X SULPHUR First Car Has Arrived I n w www ninifwimw iimihiiiii ii m imiw ,., s vw )'ifcr a Hi b 'i-j-aaeT "Darkness" Is lifting for the American woman. At least on this ' "Wffi&iM map, uhere every white state means that that commonwealth has ' .f5JsPys ratified national federal suffrage. Up to tho present time sixteen I $s states have ratified the national amendment. Thirty-six states aro- - ''' jSil "recaiy in making tho measure a law. , mSEK f , Col was first mined in the Unit- "iiffe 13 ! i ' ed States at Mauch Chunk, Pa., in "" '. vSIrr iaKJ - . i&1mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm73 y i l v urAhAmm !l General I I Concrete f I 'I Construction I MJ MJ J HJ 1MJ MJ jH Shasta Sand Used I 'H Exclusively H MJ MJ j H"j lT IMMMMMMMjMjMjMjMMMmS - !5MMMMMMjMjMjMjMMMMMMJB ft . lAftfituvziia iniiiiljT-.iiiliiinii.-'liiiiiu linii'-iniHitliiif-'-MMiiiii IllllO , lllllllllllll , Ullllll iiiiiii A AiiiiiiiniH h limn tlllii ,11 Jlllllllllllll ill Iiiiiu yL Tis better to do than to promise IMPERIALES MOUTHPIECE CIGARETTES represent years of experience in the purchasing and bleml ingof tobacco.They're beyond the "promise" stage a ciga rette for the wise ones who know a good thing. Buy and sec for yourself. 10 for 13c The John Bollman Co. Branch Manufacliirrr Murphey's Feed & Seed Store Phone 8? 126 South Sixth St