va. - i ; rv THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iUON HI.V WIRELESS TELEPHONE---"POCKET EDITION" SxiatsarL i ILL WEED BUT MERRILL JOINS FARM BUREAU i it DIE T CLEVELAND. tthlo, Oct. 27. Direct notion to cut tho cost of homo building hereby cliinlnntltis what Is known as tho "second moit gago broker" has been tnkon by the Cleveland Building Tnidea Council. Already nil workmen have been withdrawn from four homes In tho' courso of conslrurtlrn, Chas. Smith, business agent of tho council nu ll unccd, and be added that tho Jobs would bo tied up until tho owners and contractors lemovcd tho mort Bi ge oporators j Smith estimated that the second m.?rtga(ro broker adds from $500 to, $G00 to the cost of nu $S,000 homo. "Tho second mortgage broker Is a by-iiroduct of the war and 25,000 building operatives have determined j that for the good of the community ' 1 i must be eliminated. He is a' man wh arranges the loan to thu ii an who is building, starts them oC an dthen gets a "rakeofT" from tho contractor and the people who supply tho materials," Smith de clared. James O. Devllt, treasurer of a large title and trust company, said the action of the trades council was "revolutionary," but admitted tho second mortsago business unques tionably added to building costs. He places tho blame on the people, who', he says, borrow money to build tho homes before they are prepared. -1 " " -'" ' " . fMi tM VmNwh aiio,,to.r,pls Arw. rrza riWws Jos,. "WANT TO l.KAUX BAlvERSFIELD, Cal Oct. 27. Announcement by tho Kern county bupvsrior judges that they would ac copt a diploma from the local night schools as sufficient evidence of tho holder's qualification for citizenship ha3 resulted in crowding the night s.-horls at Bakersficld and Taft high schools. Classes in Americanization are "filled and, all told, nearly 500 aro attending- tho night classes." TRAVELED ALL BUT TAXIiAC HKM'KB HIM AIOKK THAN TREATMENTS HERE, IX KUHOI'K, AXI) IX SOUTH AMKB-IOA. good breakfast and a full days work. I usually put in an hour or two in tho mornings working in my gnrdon boforo going to tho Btoro, wlijtch would havo boon Impossible for mo boforo taking Tnnlnc. My nppolito Is flno now, I rollsh everything I oat, and am enjoying bettor health than I havo In years. Tanlnc has certnlnly bcon a llfo saver to mu and it's real pleasure for mo to rccommond It." Tnnlnc is sold In Klamath FnlU by tho Star Drug .Co., and in Lorolln' by tho James More, Co. Adv. At n mooting "ultl l Merrill Fri day ovonlng, tho Merrill, (ialo, Pine and AVhlto l.ako district nI Kptod tho program of work ns fuJIowH Hay production uud innrlwtluif, M. (llaromlul, Chairman ; Mvo-slouk miinnKomout) Krod Mo Koudroe, Chairman; l.lvo-stock marketing, Charles I.owIh. Chairman; Squirrel Control Project, W. H. forum, I'lmlrman: llabhlt Control Project, Annual Amlrltui, Chairman; ljnnn lluroau Exchnngo Project, Will Wood, Chairman; I Hold DoiiiciUMtrutloiiH, C. N. lias- I kins, Chairman; (Jntiw Hopper Control, J (on. Chairman; Tho coinmlttuo solm'tod C, N. IIuh- klus for Community Chnlrman. J I). M l.owo of AHhland, T. N. Case, ! chairman of tho organization com mittee, and 1). I . JamlHon uttuuilcd this meting with County Agent Thomas. Mr. l.owo gavo u very In teresting talk concerning tho work which had boon accomplished by tho Jackson County farm bureau for tho last year. T. Cot- SURVIVES GERMAN . BULLETS; SUCCUMBS TO CUPID'S DARTS On all the great lakes of China are found floating islands, which arc enormous rafts of bamboo overlaid v.ith earth and hearing on the sur . face of the water pretty houses and gardens. " They aro, in fact, aquat ic 'farms, bearing crops of rico and vegetables. Surety bonds while yon wait. Chit cote & Smith- 5-tf v'ww: ! Does Advertising Pay? Ves! If it's truthful and you have U'p goods. Wo havo sold several hundred dollars worth ef good used Phoao graphs since advertising our Bar gains -several days ago. Some good orns LEFT. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 507 Main St. Tho following statement, which was made a fow days ago by H. L. Finnlger , watch maker for tho Nathan Dohramann & Company, living at 36. Plato St., San Francisco, Cal., is both interesting and remark able. Mr. Finnlger said,: "I have been treated for indiges tion in Franco, Italy and Switzerland and lu North and South America, in fact, nil over tho' world, but Tanlac is tho only thing that I havo over found to do me much good. Always after eating I would have such awful cramping pains in my stomach that I could hardly stand It. I had fallen off in weight until I was scarcely more than a frame of skin and bones, J and'my nerves wero so shattered that the least little thing would irrltato and upset me. J could not sleep to do any good and would get up morn ings more tired than on going to bed. My strength and energy had about all left me and many a time I -felt like I would be compelled to give up entirely. "Besides taking everything in the way of treatments and medicines, I have tried all the different kinds of diet, also the rest euro, but never got more than a lltle passing' relief. But the way a fow bottles of Tanlac has brought mo out is more than I can understand. At the time I began taking this medlcino I only weighed nlnety-oight pounds, hut I now bal ance the scales at ono hundred and eighteen, making a gain of twenty pounds on five bottles of Tanlac. After finishing my first bottle and. about half of tho second I could see Seventy-five years ago It was net I was geting better and from that1, unusual for a formal English break- time on my improvement was very! fast to Inst for two hours, while a fast. I can eat Just anything now dinner might start at 8: .'0 and bo and never suffer a particle of dls- protracted till midnight. And tho tress afterwards. My nerves nr:- In courses wero as many and substun excellent condition so that I now f' ( Hal as tho moals woro lengthy. eight hours sound sleep every night j m I get up mornings now ready for a Tho Bible ihaptoro number 1 189, '" which 020 aro In tho Old Testa ment and 2G0 in tho Now. Lieutenant Hornco Shldlor, who served his country lu tho aviation service during tho great war, return, od from tho service Thursday ovim ing, accompanied by his bride. Fow men had more thrlllldg or arduous experiences In tho conlllct with Germany than Lieutenant' Shidler. In the St. MIehl drivo his' was ono of 70 bombing machines,.! sent froward to prepare for tho gon- cral advanco At an nltltui'u of 10,000 feet ho was engaged by suv oral German planes. His gunner Lloufonant Harold Sayro, was klllnd and tho plane fell, Lloutonuut Sliltl lor being wounded six times In th" descent. Ho had partial control of tho machlno ns It noarcd tho ground and mado a landing in a wood, I no forco of contnet wrocklng tho piano Then ho was takon prisoner by the Germans and spont two and a half months In n German prison, paining his releaso when tho nrtnlstlco was signed. During his stay In hospitals nftcr Ills relenso ho met his bride, who was engaged In nursing duty. The romnnco that dovelopcd culminated In a military wedding In New York City, in which many brother olilccrs took part. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CELEBRATED BLACK LEAF 40 SHEEP DIP FOR SCABIES, TICKS OR LICE ON SHEEP The Dip recommended and recognized by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry in Offi cial Dipping of both Sheep and Cattle for scabies. IN STOCK AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Secure Your Requirements of Us Merrill Mercantile Co. General Merchandise. t , MERRILL, OREGON , EASY TO DARKEN R YOU CAX IHtlNG BACK COLOR AND LUSTRE WITH SAGE TEA AXo'sULrHUIt When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done bo naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at homo Is mussy and trouble some. For 50 cents you can buy at any rdug store the ready-to-use prep aration, Improved by the addition of otherlngredients, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By q'.ornlng all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes, beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, Is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. . . WRIGLEYS ffaft Pineapple Desserts 2c The bottle in each package of Pineapple Jlffy-Jcll con tains all tho rich essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, anda package serves six people for 12)4 cents. You owe to yourself a trial of thi3 new-type gel atine dainty. 10 Flavor, at Your Grocer's 2 PackagtM for 25 Cent 5 c a package before the war 5 5 c a package during the war t . ''. c a patKaae m NOW 1 THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! dfeaW -nV Let Me Do Your Concrete Work H SHAST USING fa I Wit n EXCLUSIVELY When you have your work done with Shasta Sand you know you have the best therejg AL. F. GRAHAM ,Tff. KVir.HUS!e"?ttf, lnv t I.JW. iu v., nr, .f Aj..j..t.. 1 . . ,!..; m I 'I "N L....T -"-