lv,V" ' PAGB rOUB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m"mv. orroiin ,T 1910 The Evening Herald mwwv ; !" s w i . E. J. MU1UIAY Ktlltor PItEl) HOUIiK City Kdttor roposed ROosKvurr "'SSSWSMw M "X ., ,v Published ilnlly except Sunday by Tho Horald Publishing Company of I1 juamiuu Fans, nt 115 Fourth Street "S -,. jfr' Entered nt the postofflco at Klam ath Falls, Oro., for transmission thru the malls as second-class mnttor. Kns5 t pf-4 1 ..-n &?&? . tiin-vjaaK!Tr ' J-'MB, - Iial ' '12i?ttPRB!BluStat! h. A U ft IU- ite Subscription terms by mall tonuy address Jn tho United States: One year . $5.00 Ono month ...... 50 Member of tho Associated L'ros Tho Associated Press Is exclusively atiuca to tno use for republication of all nows credited to It or not otherwiso credited in this pa per, nnd also local news published Herein. All rights ot republication ot spe cial dispatches herein are also reserv- V MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1010 tAL. HEALTH BOARD DISCOVERS DANGER Now comes the California State Board ot Health with a health hlq that will cause gloom among lovesick youths and maidens If the suggestion la heeded. The. "hint" places hug' ftf and Hlsslnp in, .the same .class frith tag towel pnd drinking Wit, which bays Jong been consider d health menace, i , - Here (he board's latest, health ouiieun; - .i ,! .i , When'one member ot a family con tracts a common 'cold -other members generally contract colds In "-due season. Affectionate- greetings the kissing and embraces, even hand shaking, between Infected ' and un- 4afected' members toave (considerable "to do with transmission of colds, a wall as the promiscuous "sneeilnp aat'cireleM hbie "blowings. MDrepUl 4 spray Infections also 'play their .start. These methods' of tfanflttrts sioa ari' important 'and 'probably; oast!tute the chief, factors in tne "tWead of common colds. r ' ? ' "X)fl the other hand, the use of the vesamon towel and drinking, cup, ther careless washing, of 'dlsheaespecially p. forks ancsjioons.iasweH as; careless disposal or soiled :npnaKer: ' .chiefs, may under some conditions 'Hw Ol BTea greater Importance. In the spread of common colds, at any rate, no household can afford to neg lect the prattle of common .approv ed methods of sanitation. Their ad option wlll" Undoubtedly have con siderable to do with the prevention of the spread of communicable dis eases other than common colds. No family should tolerate the common towel or the common drinking cup, and as for the efficient washing of dishes that Is the prldeof every housewife. THEODORE ROOSEVELT In the last half century this country made greater advance in all channel of human en deavor than em were made by any country in any half century of all time. The credit is due to the men and women who kept their shoulders to the jvheek of progress. And not the least of these was Thecdore-Roosevelt, soldier, legislator, author, .Vmror, ranchman, student, president. On tie twtnty-scventh of October it will be mty-cne years that Theodore Roosevelt came to add n strenuous life to the up-building of civ iluation. democracy and justice in America. On this anniversary of his birth the people of Roose velt j native land will lay the foundation of the Koosevelt memorial, and it will be a saemorial worthy of a Roosevelt, for this foundation will be laid in the hearts of the men and women to whom Theodore Roosevelt was one of the greatest of Americans. The peode of the United States will long re member and honor the Roosevelt, who a year Ud down the burdens of mortal life. Try 'em. Herald Want Ads. NOTED AUTHORITIES iv ruivb Avrsuusa lll STl .J T SIMMS.! fjVUt 0 i.l JU. --, -,-. i ... Some of the most noted live stock' authorities In the United States wJU serve as,Judgaa at pie California Inter-, nat'ional.Uv Stock Show in San Fran-. clico, jNovemtjer l to 8, according -tot : the ?aaaouBcineni ot. Prof. Gordon' Hi . True or we Animal nusoanary uivis' ion cf jneywversuy.pi uaiuornia, wua U managJnf k8b Francisco's ffrst.blg. , ,.,- . '-m h U ...Tnq-juisee and. the breeds they will. tlVtaeibboas.oo are as follews: Dean ajr.'Curtis&JAaie, la, draft horses and Xat'steera: R. D. Mousel, Cam bridge, NeK Hereford rattle; M. HT Pew' Rave'nria', Ohio, 8horihorn eatfle. i Poland-China, Yorkshire and Hamj shire swine, and with Prof. H. H. Kll dee of "Ames, la"." fat barrows Alex. McDonald, Davis, Cal.f Aberdeen-Angus be'ef cattle; C Wl IaJo Los Angeles, Hoisteln-Frieslan dalrj- cpttle', 'J. U. Fitch, Manhattan, Kas., Je,3eyond Guernsey dairy cattle; H. H. Klldee, Ames, la., Berkshire and Daroc 7cfaey swine; Frank Erowu, Carletcn. Ore., mutton sheep; Charles Cook, Hajward, Cal., Rae wool sheep; V. F. Dclcinl. Davis, Cal.. Chester White and Tarn worth swine; J. I. Thompson, DaLs, Cal., jjclor fee Jin? contest; E. Forrest Mitchell, Fresno, and Nat E. Ivjco, Los Angeles, poultry; Hale Prather. Bkiah.Cal., rabbits; J. H. relker, Oakland, Cal., dressed poultry and rab bits; E. C. Voorh.e?, He keley. Cal . milch goats; Ficdcrl'k Miller and E. D. Nlccdlls, San FrancUco, dreised car cajsea. Ttje Greatest Mothtr Turns i Tasks of Pekpi; ' .u;i '; .i" 1 1 IlkasfHWslisI iVI ''""f'' -"f 'fiasllllHtlftMlviiJ i i s siiiiiiHM Mm&si-i I in iiii 'llji SlBBBBBSSBBlB9rSSlSl -TvrslBHinnfMH lnlllllllHnP ' f -V y,?'!HJSHIPMJBsvwit ' ' $ IffiltWM'' ,r vK-.,naBr,mwnsii-,v .ij r.ii; 'Utinvi k ' m&MFhmMI ?&',- ! Sill I mi m i II l . I ! , X9v .rt.ri r . ftiMT:mm ?KH T ,tA- Lri zm-tn? PUBLIC SALE Having decided to leave the farm I will sell all my stock and implements. at public auction at my tfarm i mile west of Mack's store, 11 miles south of Klamath Falls on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29th commencing at 10 o'clock the following described nrenfirtv: t I'Akm imim:mi:nts Three w gon& Tno mowing machines One hay rake One spring tooth harrow One spike tooth harrow One Superior drill One 7-foot Deering binder Ono 1-liorse cultivator Ono Junior planter Ono gang plow, two-bcttom 12-in. J I Cnso .T I. Case 12-In walking Plow Two hay rncks Two wood racks Ono grain-tight wagon box Ono Mast and Boom hay derrick 1 aic.llKht Jieatur stove 1 commode Carpets 1 lard press 2 4-year-pId colts 4 coming three yeais 1 saddle h'orse 1 5-months oolt 2 good sets work harness I set chajn.h''rnc3 1 light ha?r)ess 1 single harness 1 saddle ' And all ojtra collar?, bridles, lial tors g t i & iio'usimoLT) rcnxiTurti: 2 iron bcdsteadB M 3 sets bed spring 1 8-foot dining room table 1 .kitchen cabinet ''" THE THREE CROSSES Tho Iron cress is Mack as death and hard as human hatcf" The wooden tress lsrhito and still and whispers us, "Too Lnte," Cut the lied Cross sings of Hfo and love and hearts regenerate. The Iron cross Is a boastful cross and marks the war-mad slate; The wooden cross Is a-dumb, (load. f cress and marks a shallow grave, But tho Red Cross reaches out its arms to solace aud to save. Tho Iron cross fs a kaiser's cross and narrow Is Its clan; Tho wooden cross Is a soldier's cross and mourns its partisan, But the lied Cross is the Cross of One who seried h! fellow man. , Edrnond-Vance Cooke. THANK YOU I can hardly find words to express my appreciation of U, splendid patronage of the people of Klamath County nt my Th teenth Yom Kippur Sole. The tremendous volume of business to far exceeded my expectation, that I was simply overwhelmed. Saturday night was the climax of a week of surprises to me and I feel that I owe an apology to those who had to wait to be served or any who had to leave before getting everything they needed. But any who did not. get the benefit of the efficient service we are so proud of, can understand the difficulty that confronted us in caring for such an unprecedented crowd. It is our only ex cuse. The attendance wa, however, a source of great satisfac tion to me, for it showed that the people of the city and county have confidence in the integrity of my Yom Kippur Sales, that 'they recognizee tH$uality of the Merchandise 1 carry and ap preciate the dhyUffy rWl value, at bargain prices. Next year I am going to. try and make my Fourteenth Yom Kippur Sale still greater K. SUGARMAK v "I ain't mad at nobody" .!' M '. rt ! .V.- " i.'.i; j t n,, , &s til ...! j(r & ..t'i'.i' l. ,',' till tt.i t. ' V '61, it. 4,. ."'' ,(. . V f,i 4- ' -. . ... .i . .... ( ' V r Today's Birthdays Inost a dollar In lied Cross and cut happiness coupons the rest of the year. Gen. Christopher Columbus An- t'drows, ono of tho fow HurvhMng gen eral olIlcer8 of the Union army, born nl Hillsboro, Now York, ono your 'agotoday. Giovanni Glollttl, noted Italian statesman and formor premier, born on Piedmont, 77 years ngo today Hon Walter Scott, formor prom lor of Saskatchowun, born In County Middlesex, Ontario, D2 years ago to day. Kdwln P. Oay, who has resigned as dean of tho Harvard graduate school cf business administration, born In Detroit, 52 years ago today. Todays Anniversaries lSl'J Thomas Church Urownull was consecrated third Episcopal bishop, of Connecticut. 1858 Theodore Hoosovclt, 2Cth Picsident of tho United States, horn NOTICE OP HAM: OP ULWIj KSTATK In tho bounty Court of the Stito of Oregon for Klamath County In tho Mutter of tho Kstnto of Eliza beth M. Oalarnoau, Deccasod. Knlipii Ik hnroliV civun that. Dlir- fsuant to Clatiso 15 of tho Inst will and testament of Elizabeth M. un larneau, deceased, oxocutcd by hor on tho Ctli day of November, 19 1C, complete One slip scriper One farm level And all other farming tools that 1 sewing 'niacnlno I have n A,TTI.B One Sharpless soparutor 11 cowh1 One miter bpx l Ijjpu4arn 'bull . ' , ,. And other 'things too numerous 7 gtLroni. corning 2 years old to mention 14 Seii(wRt3r hogs HOKSKH AM) HAIt.MISB rta,.' OVluWC r' 1 Span mares, weight 1400 (Bay Rhodo TslantTlled hens' and pul- 9 years?. black B.ypars old) letsi ,, ' 1 span 12-years old, wl, 1200 lbs, Beeaand bc-tj supplies ..FREE, LUNCH FOR MWAND'BEAST ' TEEMS : All sums ob$qmSmd under, cash. On all sums over $20100, lthpiwths' time wilj be given on approved securit $ty$ft$tigf 8 per cent in terest. 5 per cent discounts pikWi- " . ' GEORGEGRlZZliE, Owner. MERRILL & MOORE, mBERT DAWSON, . "Auctioneers." VWi Clert4 fur &r5c 4 , In New York City. Died at Oyster jfid filed for probate In tho nbovo Bay, New York, Jnn. C, 1919. 1891 Germany, Austria and Italy signed a commercial treaty, 1891 Appointment of I'rlnco Ho-hcnlolic-Schllllngsfucrnt us German Imperial chancellor. '1395 A part of (ho buildings of the University ,of Virginia at Char lottesville was destroyed by llro, entitled court and matter on tho "d day of May, 1919, and duly admit ted to probato thoroln that I, tho undersigned duly appointed, ciunriiiru and acting exocutrix of tho said os tato, wlll,on anil nftur 10 00 n m on Wedni'sday, tho 2Cth day of No- vombor, A. IX 1919, at the oinco or II. M. Manning in tho Loomis IlHlld Inc. IClJinath Palis. Klamath Coun- tv. Statu of Oregon, wall 'nt prlvuto ' f lt. 1.t,.ti,w,t rm1 liiot ltt(1(llf 197-Ma,y Adelaide, Duchess of Sor for caVh In hand.' Gold Coin Teelt, mother of Queen Mary, died of tho united States of Amorlca, all of tho following (loscrliiou lunu ana at Klchmond, England 1914 Destruction caused by Gorman- bombardment at Ithetms esti mated at $200,000,000. "f91D Kussian 'fleet bombarded I!ulKurIr.u port of Vuinu. 1"91C Dutch government protest ed to' Germany agafnut violation of neutrality, "" ' 1917 Prench under General Pe taln continued buccessful drive Jn Plunders. , One YeafifAgo Today in tk&'War iti.'. I ltro-, . 4 !iwf, iftn Italians' andMlJ(UlBb crossed itho Pavo, w,, p j Prench advapeed five, miles bo rtVen tho pteefiitho prta. i I United StaroBftroopstoolc Bois Bolleau, on thJ5'yord'un,' front. I real estate located and sltuuto In Klumath Falls, Klamath Counjy, Stato of Oregon, to-wlt: All of Lot 0 of Block C, In Palrviow Addition to Klamath Palls, Oregon, being sit uated in tho West of tho North west Vi of tho Southeast VI of Sec tion 29, Township 38, south, range 9, east, of tho Wlllnmctto Meridian, as shown by tbe duly recorded' Wat of, said addition now , upon fllo In tho office of tho County Clarkt Klamath Palls, Oregon. Terms of sale shall bo purchase price cash In hand, bids to bo in writing, -and shall bo left with this executrix at the" ofncQ of her said attorney, H. M. Manning, at the address aforesaid, fkiygtratt of title shall be a,t tho ex pense of the estate. Tho salo of said premises shall be made subject to confirmation by the said County 'Court,' Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 27th duy of October, 1919. .'.JSgd,) , ELU3N HERLIHY, ExecMtri;pftlie,EBtli'pI Elizabeth 27-3-ld-17-24 y-og T t- Vlola Allen, long a leading act rcsH of tliu Amorlcan ttage, born tt HuntKvillu, Alabama, SO yean no today IVN-V-IXS-T-O-IWl fK'iiil fur lliriT monlM I'rrc Trial Sulncrlpllon TI3.YAH Oil IIUIXCTI.V Published weekly In tho heart of tho Texas Oil Fields by men know ing tho nil bublness You want rcllubloi nuns about existing con dltloiiH, Home "liulilo no" on Invi'htuionts Write today for 1M llullutln iib-oliiK'lj free ask for any Information you de sire, about any oil fields or oil companies In which you are In terested. Address fMti:i(T JOIIXKON & ("0. 10 jrs. Oil OiwratorH and Broken Suite 514 501 JJ Main St., Port Worth, T h " Dr, Livingston Parrand, tho great est iiuthorlty on public health In Amur lea, feorv'cil In Franco as tho head ol tho fight against tuberculosis. Ho now titiccoudH Henry P. Davison as head of tjio Amorlcan Hed Cross. Dr. Far rand"1 recontly visited Seattlo, Spo kane,and Portland nnd conforrod with representative's of Bod Cross Chap ters of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington', '.'Tho led Cross faces problems lntho posi-wnr period moro serious,' if possible, than tho problems of tho 'War Itself, Not a great amount of m'oliioy, but the membership and hearty' qo-ope'ratlon of every Amorlcan tttlun is what is needed to holp tho Red Cross to solve theso probloms, which threaten our national vitality, and which, unless solved, will rob us of tho fruits of Victory," said, Dr. Far-rand. i'Tho.iR?aii'Crpss4i8. tho, Gospel, Jn, boots." LIGHT READING FOR WINTER DAYS WhlUHwinglngorounjS days sou will probably a collection of looKn Our lipofc department af rnrds tlio best P'v: Choice... "v-a-H M- l $ lato Action In (l"dl tho old rqllsblo standards w all lon Sill e can "'jv ' ) ppJy of ,the;poPu,ar .'- J othef magazines .- Ifyouarogoh.gonTfd', tlon tako f suPP" reading matter. 'j r y n,vjJd ''.