,...- in i -- - rtT,.nnv, ooyonKK an, iio THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAOR SEVEN drich Tires and Tubes National Auto Accessory Company . 210 MAIN STREET Next to Poatoffice Phone 471 li v y MM Goo - I HIP'S CLASSIFIED COWS FOR SALE Real Estate rMT1rOUA I ' 1 Modnrii bunga 1 i u.7 roouiH mill Hluuplnn inn eh; ' t.nluUOll 111'"'"' " "II". , ' doii il citivoiilincon throughout; i " r v o v I'or furtlior particular.. 'Towner Mm. Oarculon nt Cam I ,00 UWIiur. ui.r.i House- ThaI.I 'lrlck h0,(,I' r'7 r00lM n ninln fltroot.n Itli four ground J HifllncHH rooniH. refrlgoinllng flor. ' i ...i rr.inu.i lmrn In roar.' PiJ lot on Pi HlBliwny In county M?. Nor M-rii Cnllfornln, nil furnl-i iWt- N(r," .' ,u ..,. with luiliil. tlircnl finest rooniB now routed, iiIho nt lots In town or Dunmuulr. JJtosnnil terms Blvon upon nppllcu , n to 11. K Collier, Yroka. Cal rOU BAMI Modern 7 room no nit BDrlBRa llnrBnln Fred' W. "yiMljnnn BPXIM Wall St Owner. 23-Ot -Mil lllllll id lll "VHMfl -.. FOR SALE Miscellaneous win HALN Good woilc toiun, wag .. .ml Iwirnuss.SlOO. Iiiciulro at City Milk Depot. 21-2t roit SAM Two Reed milch cowh and oiio four ynnr old huruo 1030 pounds, Bound liroau anu gonuu, thcan O "A alililoH, ono nillo oast of I.ot Ulr (lain. Jli FOR SAM- Dodge car III Hrat class condition Must bo sold nt onco, I-hono 2G9J -t K0H SAM' 10 shouts , 7 tuood sows 1 I'oland China hoar and 10 pigs. All In good ordor. Inquire Walter J Heifer, Shlpplngton, tulo phono S 2 II isot FOR SAM Or will Undo for Indian hand on tlio KIniuuth Mnrsh; ono Ave iasPii(,'"r six cylinder touring car, cylinders liavo boon ground and new pistons, now top, fw 2 now cord tires and ono extra tiro. Box A. I) C Ilornhl Rif USi:i) Al'TOS Saxon "Six" and Ilulck "1'our", for sale Iloagliind Mct'ollum S-tf FOR SAM A Chevrolet, n Ford, Miuuoll nnd an Oakland. Inqulro A. C. Ilenllno, 327 Main Ctr SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED A plnco for a hoy of 9 In country Mother employed. Ad dress Hox W, Hornld. ' 2l-3t IP VOU WANT STUDENT Iini.l', call tlio Klamath County llli;h School phono 350. Girls for typhiK copjlng and filing; uIho general housework, c.irlnK for children etc. Boys for clerking, messenger service, choris, etc. Special attention Is giv en to this service hy tho school authorities and an effort is to he mado to mako o'llclont, ronvenlunt and profltnhle hoth to tho student and to those requiring their services. 2tf WANTI'I) (Jlrl for general house work and cooking Mrs. O. (5. Lab aree, niy, Oregon. 1-tf HELP WANTED DRESS MAKING Work guaranteed 131 N. Fourth St., Phono 214W 23-Ct WANTED Mlddlo aged womnn as housekeeper in small family for two or three months. Work light Wages good Hornld office G-tf NJ Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week nt O.O. p. iio.ll. Cth and Main streets. P. J Gorges , N. O.; Fred Bromer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Troasuror Ewnnnn rnramnmnnl Mn in t n 0. F., moots Tuesday night of each " m i. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor ?'. - p-: Nato Ottorboin, Scrlbo; r. h. Fountain Treasurer. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells now To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds., I?b Splendid! In nun mln..ln . . " "J11 oi'oii. thq air pubsubos of h,..uhead w111 clear and you can nfn. frcoly- No ,noro hawking. S?. n' blwlng. headache, dry ness No struggling tor, breath at night, yonr cold oFfWrrh )ll e gone. ( v Daim1 ,a smaU bottIt ot Kly'B Cream Blv mi1? your druBRl8t now. Ap septic w1?. ot thlfl 'rrarit. arftl trii. ' h.oallnB cream in your nos ir L U Pnetrntes through ovory Infl,866 ot tno ne"l, soothes tho b a ,or "woUon mucous mom rana and rollof comes Instantly. In ',,"" "no- Dou't stay stuffed Reiif n co,(1 or nilsty catarrh "ef comes bo quickly. k ir FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR LEASE- To rcHponnllilo pnrtlon that niivo equipment and caul, to fliiimcii tlioniHclvcH, a desirable ranch. Ailrcfyi M, K 'J. Herald olllto. 8-tf mi Art MISCELLANEOUS WANTKI) TO IIIJY Mug runabout Iiiciulro Klamuth Itotord OMlco 21-2t MONKV TO LOAN On iiutoH,fu7 nltiiio, real estnto. XYZ Herald 21-Ct WANTI3D-Would like to hear from I Home (inn, piefdrably In tho Mer rill country or near Klamath Falls, who has a good feed yard and first claim alfalfa hay to food 100 or 000 2-year-old ntoors for February or March, on pcrcontngo ImhIh. j. i i .MCAiinno, j't Kiiimnth ll-tt CITY GAUHAan When yoiT want Garbago removed phono 91. 11-tf MADAM IOINA, Palmist WoiIiPm (Ji cutest I'lncnoloKNt, Palmist mill Medium Heads yonr ontlro life- past, pres ent and future conectly, giving namcF, datea aiul llgures In ImalncsH, lovu. law, marrlago and dnmcstlr trouhlra 'JViIIh you what you are IipnI ndnptcd for and what to do to holler your conditions in IITo. This lady roads jour hand as you would an open book. A reading by her will meet your highest expectations, nnd you will ho wiser nnd happier after containing her, sho having the gift of removing nil evil Influences anu placing you in mi environment of happy thought nnd contentment, ltoadlngH Sunday and dally, 9 a m to 9 30 p in lloom 0, Swansea llldg , ovor gun Htoro, Main St. be tween iJth and 7th, opp WoHtorn C'nlon, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 10-7-2G PIIONi: PEYTON for Wood. 11211. Mvnci: I nin now prepared to furnish -SluiHta Sand from tho lloey, cam vmd and gravel pit, In any qnantlti that may bo desired by contractor mil builders AI, F GRAHAM Ilrlscoo car $170 at Howie's. Just giving It away. 24-2t PUBLIC SALE At 1 o'Clock, Monday, October 27 at tho Cluhln'o jilneo, at Mer rill, of household goods. Ev erything to furnish a homo completely. TerniB Cash. MUS. II. CMJHIN'E, Owner II. C. MOOP.H, Aiutloneor. RELIEVES, TIRED ACHINGJUSCLES Duy a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and keep It handy (or emergency IF I only bad sonic Sloan's Lini ment!" How of tin you've said that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided after hours of buffering ou forgot it! Don't do it again get a bottle today for possible use toniehtl A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, 6orc muscles, stiff joints, neuralgia, the painsand aches resulting from eposure. You'll soon relieve it with Sloan's, the liui ment that penetrates vjttl,out rubbing. 38 years' leadership. (. lean, econom ical, rhrce eke 35c, 70c $1.40. Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Raton Phono 130 823 Klamath Ave LEGAL NOTICES DIK.SOMJTIO.V OK I'AltTNintHIIII. Notice In herohy given that tho co partnorahlp heretofore oxlstlnrf bc twoon Mlnorva Hunter and J. C. Hun tor nt Modoc Point on tho Klnniath Indian ItcHoivntlon In Klamath Co,, Orri;oii, under tho name ot the Hun ti' Trading Comyany Is Ihw d.iy t'ln solved by mutual consent. Dated September 27, 1!)19. MINUUVA HUNTUIt J. C. I1UNTKU. 27-I-11-18-2G NOflCH OF HAM) OF ItKAlj ESTATE In tho County Court of tho State of ()rcgon for the County of Klam ath. In the Mnttor of tho Estate of Jos eph S Seeds, Deceased. Notice In herohy glvon that, pur suant to an order of tho above en titled court mado and entered there in on the 18th (by of October, 1919, lluiiislng this administratrix to fell the lands and premises horolnaftcr doHfrllied, I will, pursuant to tho said order, on and nftcr 10 00 o'clock a m , on and nfter tho 17th day of" November, 1919, In tho olflco of II M. Manning, attorney for tho ad ministratrix, Eoomls llnlldlng, Klam uth Falls, Oregon sell at privato sain to tho highest and heit bidder tin rotor, for cash In hand, all of tho following described lands and real eatato, to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter of tho . nc rl boast quarter, southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter, and the northwest quarter of tho 'southeast quarter of Soctlon Ten, Township Thirty eight, south, Knngo Nino, cast, Wllhinotto Meridian, in Klam ath County, Oregon, containing 120 acres Terms of salo nro as follews: Cash in hand, abstract at expense of purchaser, sale to bo mada sub ject to tho confirmation of tho nbovo court; all bids for said lands must bo made in writing and shall be left In tho oillco of lay aald attorney as aforesaid. t z Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 17th lUy of Octobor, 1919. SARAH E. SEEDS. Admln'stratrix ot the Estate of Jos eph S Seeds, Deceased. -18-25-1-8-10 PETITION I'OR SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In" the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Klamnth County. , r In tho matter of tho Estate and Guardianship of Albert Hop kins Pierce, a m'nor. This matter coming on to bo hoard upon tho petition cf Agnos PJerco. guardian of tho estate and person of Albert Hopkins Pierce a minor, prayjjig for an ordor of this court llconslng the said guardian, Ai;ne3 Plorco, to soil at privato sale all of tho right, tltlo'nnd Intorest.of tho saldAlbert Hopkins Pierce, a mln-' or, In and to tho following described lands and real estate, to-wlt: Tho Bcuth one-half of the north west one-quarter, tho east one-half of tho southwest one-quarter and Lot Throe (othorwlso known ns tho northeast quarter of the northwest nunrtor), In Section 2, in Township 30, south, of Rnngo 6, east, of tho Willamette Meridian, and also an undivided one-fourth interest in and to tho southo3st one-quarter of tho southwest one-quarter of Section 35. Township 34, south, Range 6, east, of tho Willamette Meridian, in Klnmath County, State of Oregon, an,d It appearing to tho court from the snld petition that tho said Albert Hopkins Pierce is a minor and that the said Agnes Pierce Is the duly ap pointed and quallflod guardian of his estate and person, and that tho following named persons, to-wlt: Agnes Plorco, of Litchfield, Connect icut ;Margaret Applegate, Ashland, Oregon; Lena Smith, Klamath Falls, Oregon ;AIIco Pell, Ashland, Ore gon; Moroy Applegate, Los Angeles, California; Charles Pierce, Ashland, Oregon; Albert Pierce, Altoona, Pennsylvania; Ophelia Pierce Tay lor, Buffalo, Now York, aro tho next of kin of tho said ward, and it ap pearing to tho court from tho said petition that it Is necessary and ben eficial to tho said ward, Albert Hopkins Pierce, a minor, that all of his right, titlo and Interest in and to tho lands and premises above de scribed should bo sold, now, there fore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, AD JUDGED AND DECREED THAT Monday, tho 17th day of November, A. D. 1919, at 2:00 p. m. on said day, in tho court room of tho above ontitled court In tho county court house at Klamath Falls,, Klamath County, Oregon, bo and tho same Is hereby fixed as tho time and placo nt which this court will hoar tho said petition and determine tho same, and It is further ordorod that tho said Agnos Pierco, Margaret Apple gate, Lena Smith, Alice Piol, Moroy Applegate, Charlos Pierco, Albert Plorce and Ophelia Pierce Taylor nnd all other unknown heirs nnd next of kin and all other persons Interested in tho estate of the said Albert HopklnS Pierco, a minor, appear In tho' above ontitled court on tho said 17th day of Novem ber, 1919, at 2:00 p. m. as nbove Btatod and then and there to show cause, if any they have, why a li cense should not Jio granted by this court to the said,, Agnes Plorco, guardian of the said, minor, to sell 'at prlvatosell upon, terms - to bo prescribed by this court, all of the Interest of the said Albort Hopkins ttJtJ t y t t t t t t t t f T t y f t T t t ? ? t t t X FAIR PLAY Illinois business men's organizations are taking a definite step forward in effecting a business-like settlement of the public service questions affecting their home cities. They have been brought to the realization of the fact that the business life of their communities would be crippled without efficient transportation; electric, gas, telephone and water service. They admit that these services cannot be rendered at a loss by public utility companies and that capital for a permanent in vestment in the upbuilding of their cities will be driven away by unfair actions upon the part of irresponsibles. J A, number of Commercial Associations are making exhaust ive investigations with a view of reaching agreements equitable to both the public, the companies, the employees and the invest ors. f t California-Oregon Power Company Aa WW ''' Pierce, a minor, In and to the lands and real estate hereinbefore de scribed. It is further ordered that a copy of thl3 order shall be pub lished forthwith for a period of three consecutive and successive wqcl.s in Tho Evening Horald, u dally newspaper of general circula tion ,ln Klamnth County, Oregon, 'printed, published and circulated da ly in said county and state at Klamath Falls, Oregon. R. H. BUNNELL, County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon. 18-25-1-8 NOTICE OF HALK OF REAL ESTATE In tho County Court of ttie State of Oregon for Klamath County. In tho matter of the Estate of S. B. Gardner, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to an order of the above en titled court licensing me to sell the lands and premises hereinafter de scribed, I will, on and after 10:00 a. m. on Monday, the 17th day ot November, A. D. 1919, at the office of H. M. Manning, attorney at law, Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder therefor, upon terms herein aftor described, all of the following described lands and real estate, to wlt: A piece or parcel of land situ ated in the Town of Fort KlSmath. Klamath County, State of Oregon, and described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point 200 feet south of the norheast corner of Sec tion 21, in Township 33, south, Range 7V4. east, of the Willamette Meridian, in Klamath County, Ore gon; thenco west 200 feet, thence south 108 feet, thence east 200 feet, thence north 108 feet to the placo of beginning. Terms ot sale are as follows, to-wlt: For cash in hand or 60 per cent ot purchase price In cash and the balance secured by the note of purchaser, payable four months from date, bearing Interest at tho r3te of 7 per cent per an num, nnd secured by a mortgage upon the premises heretofore de scribed, abstract 'to be at expense of purchaser, and .sale to .be made sub ject to confirmation by the court. Bids shall be in writing and shall bo left at tho office of H. M. Man ning ,ns aforesaid. " Done, at Klamath Falls. Oregon,' this 18th day of October, 1919. F. L. BURNS, I Administrator of tho Estate of S. B. Gardner, Deceased. 18-25-1-8-15 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OR- REGON STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Sealed bids will bo received by the State Highway Commission ot tho State ot Oregon in Room, 020, Multnomah County Court House at 10 a. m., on the 4th day of Novem bers 1919, for the following proj ects; Klamath County ' .Algoma Soctlon s.9 miles grad ing and macadam; 43,000 cu. yds. excavation; 20,000 cu. yds. surfac ing; Klamath Falls-Dairy Section 13,9 miles grading and macadam; 30,000 cu, yds. excavation; 29,000 cu. yds. surfacing. Klamath Falls-Merrill Section MHWvMWHMH Solving Utility Problem SW1 The horse is by no means becom ing obsolete either for general utility or Pleasure purposes, according to the breeders and importers ot both heavy and light horse3, who will show at the California International Livestock Show in the California Building at San Francisco, November 1st to 8th. Breeders of draft horses declare that the demand far exceeds' the sup ply, ,one of the chief reasops being the falling oft of breeding a few years ago when motor trucks came into such prominent use, supplanting the draft er. While trucks are being used more than ever, still there is work for the dr,aft horse that the truck never will crowd out. Europe is now importing teay drafters- instead of exporting, so the breeder in this country finds an unlimited market. San Francisco society has entered Into the horse show contests at the California International with great inthusiasm, and the classes of three And flve-gaited horses as well as smart harness equipment will make a show ing of light horses that has not here tofore been approached in the West. An arena seating 5000 or more people is being built in the California Build ing for the showing of these high steppers in action. This show will demonstrate that the horse is coming Into his own and that the Pacific Coast Is still the breeding place for good ones. 14.7 miles grading and graveling; C2.000 cu. yds, excavation; 30,000 cu. yds. surfacing. Merrill-California Lino Section--12 8 miles grading and graveling; 24,000 cu. yds. excavation; 27.000 cu. yds. surfacing. A satisfactory bond will bo re quired for tho faithful poiformance of tho contract in a sum equal to one-half of the total amount bid. Proposal blanks and full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at tho office of tho State Highway En gineer, Capitol Building, Salem, Ore gon. Plans, specifications and form of contract may be inspocted at the same place or may be obtained upon a deposit of $5.00 for each set of plans and specifications. Plans and specifications of tho work in Klamath County may be in spocted In tho office of Earl Withy combe, Division Engineer, at Klam ath Falls, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the State ot Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. S. BENSON, Chairman. W. L. THOMPSON, Commissioner. R. A. BOOTH, Commissioner. Attest: HERBERT NUNN, State Highway Engineer. October 14, 1919, Salem, Oregon. 23-24-20 K Oassengers r and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CI QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. WAIT! AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW TIRE Hoagland & McColIum Next Door to Potilofflcc. I ROOFING Now Is the time to fix that Roof now before the rata and snow come and make it al most impossible to do4- the work. You sa ve money by doing it now, and save your property, too. Let me do your work and it will be done .right W. D. MILLER Contractor Phone 2!3 . 232 Gth St. I A. F. Graham I Concrete I Construction I MM Shasta Sand Used I Exclusively ti . &;,M . '&X ' -Jf?t A .- :Km if ! (P 'ih S3 r i t m t , -V m v -, 1 V 1 . l SULPHUR First Car Has Arrived MurpheyVFeed & Seed Store vtf'A 126 South Sixth St " rhoi