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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1919)
r..,m.)AV, OW)'"1" gft' ini0 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Personal Mention l(r. U. '" .. -.... county " luinbor mnn of Dunn or iiHi" ,u '" iiurcliiiBlnR wlntor . . i(uriiinn "... ..i. unction. In n county Boat Tiiltor toW- , . - n Hamilton nnd family nnvo r loved from Kurt Klamath to tlilfl f"10" ... ...... n,nlr homo during thu l-intor moiitliB. im- AmonK I'10 Mrarolrs. M ....I, ci y. " ;; nnl J 0. liml, O0"' t o HnrrlB, who oporntos tiro ,'..'. nt .iimiiv Crook, Ib lit tlio ltwiu"""" : ,... tlu ,i icndlnB to oH'or 'Irlunt mnt- jteri of buslncBH. vwalt nml Mr. Zwiilt lft this mornlnK on tlio train for tholr homo in oaklond, California. Mr. .wait tujiccn In JCInmntnh for nhout two ck luyl"B cniuo. Harry Allon, president of thu Orc- wlio liaH noon noro mr tonrlBtH roglatnrod I). I'ortor of Now McMnniiB of San of l'ort- V, In mr. iinu mm, jhi. I'rouur aro town from tholr ranch at Malln. Mm, Frank Ilhlloy of OiIubbii lofl thlB morning for Callfomlan jiolntB to pond tho wlntor. Mm. Do 'Armond of Swnn Lnko loft today for (IrantB I'iibii and Mod ford whoro Mho will visit with friends and rolatlvoH for tho wlntor. Mm, W. I, Klllott ciinio up from tho Elliott honiOHload al Malln to dny to spend tho wook and vlHlt with tlio children who nro horo nttondlng Hchool, JAPS TO HUM: HAWAII IN KOUHTUn.N YHAICS Within fourteen yoaM Hawaiian horn Japanese will hold tho political control of Hawaii, accordlni; to tho Itov. Umataaro Okuin out .Itimitiosu cleruvmn fl plllirrll rnnviitif Inn III t f rinfilltti, 1.11111,011, tho Dcor Head drill. Pink La Franco rosos and tullo woro UBod In decoration 'with kowo bridt api favoM and during tho evening tho KUOBtH woro ontortnlncd by Httlo MIbb Jean Thompson an accomplish ed dancer jib woll n music by tho KiiCBtH iind'dnncing. Mr. and Mrs. (Jlvim will mnko tholr homo In Illy whoro Mr. Olvan Jb engaged In Btock rutBlng. MrB. Olvan Ib n toachor In tho local High School. 8ho formerly nttcnt-l od tho UnlvoMlty of Oregon nnd was a momhor of tho Delta Delta Delta Sorority and popular In Hchool circles Thoso Invited besides tho honor guest wore: Mrs. draco Drlscoll, Mm. Frnnk Frankford, Mrs. J. N. divan, Mrs. Hdniund dowor Mm. A. J. Voyo, Mrs. Itodcrlck Smith, Mrs. Louis Hoagland, Misses Agnes Leo, Allco lira, a nroniln-1 McCourt' MnrBnrt Colahan, Mildred in, speaking all ('",n,la" f'oraldlno Wntt, Claudia Inez Thompson, Hess Kll- To prepare for tho Inevitable, do- oHsentlal that greater effort! bo made to Americanize tho younger .Tapancso who nro growing Into tho franchise. goro, Inez Kllgoro, Hazel Olvan, dared tlio Itov, Mr. Okumura, It lB!""ry "eggondorfor. Betty daddls, jo, mom unusiuin, vorn inomp son, Jean Thompson, Karl Montgom ery, Inn dould, Ina drahnm, Claudia Spink. Ilrlscoo car' $475 at HowIo'b. Just 24-2t "PAID IN ADVANCE" i. (iii itfiu iii'i ii iiiir h r ..i ! i . Iron Wi """ rinmji il HHui day In tho Interest of pa- trlolle movements, loft UiIb morning Ion tho train for rormuiii. Mrs. Q imiiioii, nccompanled by A Companion Picture to Mri. J- u '"" "" v. 1 he Spoilers,' at the l0g for IlBlillltoil i;uy, unniiirnm,; ihero eho will spotlit n roupio in. necks visiting at tho homo of Mm Mitchell. ' Everett (Jrllllth of Merrill loft 1Mb morning for Ashland, whoro ho will spend tho wlntor. Mr. drlllllh re-, ports that IHh fathor, Judgo drlf-; (lb, ho removed there somo tlmo aco. I Krcatly Improved In health since his residence In Ashland. , Mr. nnd Mrs Mntt Ugnn nro In iton on mntteM of hiiBlness. Mr. Egan Is superintendent of tho Al oraa Lumber company. K. J. John ion, president of tho company, Ih also hero on mnttorn In connection llh tho company's lnterotB. i Miss llurnarillno Hnnnon nnd. little Miss Helen Msher of South Bend, Washington, who bivo been spending the past two weeks vlntt Ing nt the homo of Miss Hnnnnn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Hnnnon, left this morning for tholr homo In South Dcnd, Washington. Star Sunday "I'uld In Advance," stirring Dor othy I'hllHlv and an all-star cast, In a gripping picture of tho frozen north, written by the famous au thor, James Oliver Curwood, and staged regardlcis of oxponso, umld marvelous mountain sconery. The dramatic story, of n girl who was Hiiowcd In at a lawless mining camp and bad to mnko a great decision. A story oven hotter tbnn "Tho Spoll om." Don't miss It. At tho Star Thoutro Sunday and Monday. ltrlsroo car $475 nt Howie's. Just giving It'nwny. 24-2t S oc i e t y, Mrs. H. T. divan, a recent hrlde, who was Jo Drlscoll was tho honor guest ThiiMilny night when hor sis tors tho Misses Agnes and Lethn Drlncoll nnd MIfs Illancho WOTron cntortnlncd for hor at a delightful dinner party In the banquet room of Ycstordny afternoon Mrs. J. H. Ilratton entertained at luncheon nt hor homo on High Htroet In honor of otto of hor girlhood frlendH, Mrs, (Jeorgla Martin and Mrs. Martin's i daughter, Mrs. Wesley dlbson, a re cent brlclo. Tho house was nrtlstl-1 cally decorated In autumn colors and ! presented n pleasing nppearanco. i Tho guests woro delightfully cn- tortnlncd by Bovoral piano solos ren-j dercd by Miss IClIzabeth HaniBby whoj Is giving gr,cat promise us a musiei-j nn of moro than ordinary ability, i I Mrs. Ilratton's guests boildof tlioi i guests of honor wore: Mesdnines n.j A. Kmmltt, F. H. Mills, Carey Rams by, Hownrd f'an Vnlkenburg, deorge I IJIohn, George Humphrey, Sam i Summers, I'ntil Johnson. John Jobn-( son, Gcorgo Hum, Au&tln Hayden. c. H. Martin, d. A. Massey, Ljle, Mills, Frnnk Nelson. W. T. Shlvo.i ! doorgo T. Walton, A. M. Worden. 1 Henry Nownhnm, Ivy North and tho .Misses Maudo Baldwin, VIo'ln Campbell, Helen Caldwell and Hliza botb Ramsby. J To raise monoy for a plpo organ for tho new I'rcsbytorian church. "V- -. rif. Saving Promotes Good Citizenship ' We Pay 4 Per Cent on Time Deposits jij-ik.. p. gam? .-m inn...- gmf IM ' 3g Ti W! BHll rffsfr "SUM PAGE fnw ., "f &M J ' 'M - I ''' x ' - : :. . . : '?' ' x y .i. K ' -" f '. h . 'If ' I. f A - ' J : i i i l ri t 5 . ft Klamath State Bank ' 'THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main VWt? r tf i i i ' v A n ttrf ". 1 ' 'A - Wf-KId- f, kf ( i - i,- ,iin; t 'J v. i Hi!iJir ? r .X "Evening of Dreams," but say that it j Addle Walker, R. A. Emmltt, Paul won't bo as sleepy as that sounds. ' Johnson, Harry Richardson. O. M. There will be no admission charged i Hector, Addle Zwaldt, Joe Lane. as thoy plan to extract the money as painlessly as possible after the crowd is there. It won't bo a pipe dream. somo of tho girls of tho church are ' but a pipe organ dream. planning n "stunt at tho Moose Hall. for November They call It an I'm for AMERICA through and through; I'm for the old' RED, WHITE and BLUE Today, tomorrow and the next day, too, Tm an AMERICAN; what are you?- ssHIHissssissssssssBsssssssssssssssssHlsrfliVB I ) J Miss Esther Calkln3 ontertaine' Informally nt cards Wednesday even ing In honor of Miss Velma Meredith who wlll'loave soon for Portland. St. Paul's guild met at the homo Newham, Steinmetz and Humphicy. Miss Bessie Tull and Emmltt North took their friends on a hiking party Sunday to the McCorm3cii Ebther McAndrews, Waive Drew, Mary Deggondorfer, Inez draliam, and Dr. Fred Westerfeld, Frank Griffith, Frank Sloan and. Mr. Clemens. fairs given during the week by the Subscribe Now to the ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND Take your place among men and women who are 100 per cent American. The old United States is the BEST GOVERN MENT of all time. Keep It American Come up now with your patriotic offering. Pay to the so licitors, or to the FIRST NATIONAL BANK FRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK & 'KLAMATH STATE BA'NK, or CHARLES WOOD EBERLEIN, County Chairman. Mesdames Earl Whltlock. H. N. Moe.f Beatrice Walton Mrs. Frye, J. C. Brockenbrought. Fred Sballock and Mrs. II. D. Mortensen " A Jolly crowd of picnickers tramp ed to the headgates on the west side Wednesday evening where a Jiuge bon fire w bsualbtiaLheBoR ohust. leal selections by Catherine and Mrs. Melba, Tom Merideth and his sister Miss Merideth and A. Itoberts. A duet by Mrs. Will Halloway arid Mrs. R. I. Merritt, and an organ solo by Frank Robinson. Address of welcome was given by Edmund M. Chllcote, and Lawrence Phelps spoke bon fire was built and dinner servecj.j on the work of the Epworth League. After the dinner the bon fire afforded I There were talks also by Mr. Merritt a good opportunity to roast chest-J and Rev. Chaney. nuts and spin yarns. Those present) A social hour and reception follow wore the Misses Faye Hogue, Parker, ied the program, together with games Jennie nnd Anna May Johnson, I and light refreshment!). Sunday rancn wnere a picnic dinner wasi served. Those who- enjoyed' pleasant trip were: Pearl Blehn, Stella Turner, Frances Humphrey, Eva Jenkins, Frieda Madison, Bessie l Tull, George Carr. Homer Garich, of Mrs. Chas. J. Martin Thursday Clifford Hogue, Roger Montgomery. .. t -1 A 1 1 nAln nnlnn rtll T-n.7.1I Tl,.l.. T 1 .1 ' aiiernoun. jv biiurt uumue&a uaaiun was held after which tho remainder of tho afternoon was spent in neeaie work and music. The members present were: Mesdajies J. IL Garrett, Louis Hoagland, C. B. Cozad. W. Re'.l. Thos. Hampton, B. O. Withrow, C. M. Ramsby, O. D. Burke, J. D. Morgan, J. C. Brockenbrough, L. M uminij, L. Terwilllger, H. Carter, J. Foster, P. V. Burke, D.'IL Kuykendall, C. Frankford, S. E. Martin, F. A. Pat- TlcTc, A. Worsley, I. Morrison, Mics, Verda Cozad, Mrs. C. J. Martin. Tho Visitors were: Mrs. James McClure. Mrs. J. H. Galllgher, Mrs. Fred Murphv. M' Williams, Mrs. Rose Soule Bratton, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. H. Hosley, Mrs. E. L. Hosley. ; Miss Fannie Virgil entertained on Tuesday evening with a small needle work party. The guests were Misses Gertrude Parker, Jennlo Johnston, Faye Hogue, Allco Palmer, Eunice Vandenburg, P.atton and Mrs. E. Vir gil Dainty refreshments were ser ved. I Miss Fayo Hoguo entertained Fri day evening the following guests be ing Invited: Lena Guest, Jennie Johnston, Maudo Carolton, Eunlca iVandenburg , Ruth Avory, Fannlo Virgil and Mrs. Wlllard Johnson. The evening wns spent with needle work. One of tho social events of the coming week and ono that Is looked forward to with a wreat deal of pleasure Is the social evening to be given Tuesday evening by tho officers of Aloha Chapter O. E. S. to their Past Officers. This lsr a yearly event In the Lodge and one that is greatly enjoyed by both officers and members Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith enter tained at a delightful little dinner party Wednesday evening when they had as th'olr guests the Misses Ruth Avery nnd Alleen Smith and Messrs Wilson and Ranshaw. . Mrs. George L. Humphrey wns hostess to tho Happy Hour Club this wook at hor homo on Eighth Street. The afternoon wns pleasantly spent Jn sewing' and convorftion. after which refreshments worn served. Thoso present were: Mesdames Geo, "Biohn, John Hamilton, S T. Sum mers, W, Templor, Jennlo Hurn, A reception was given at tne Sieth odist Church' last evening to Rev. theiS. J. Chaney, who was sent by the Methodist Conffrenco to Klamath Falls. Mr, Chaney comes from Idaho where he has been very successful ,ln his ministry. He Is exceptionally well qualified to fill his post at Klam- Delos Mills. Freddie Blehn. Harold 'P-m a. W reason ot lis eaucauon, Bateman, Chester Schreiver and training, experience and pergonal aa Emmltt North. Mrs North and Mrs. ' "Ptability to new environments. Tull chapeioned the young people. J A large crowd was In attendance 'at the church'and an excellent pro- There were a few small social af-' grain was rendered, including mua- The Mezzanine Room, on the second floor of .The Deer Head Grill, is now open for your inspec tion. We solicit your patronage for teas, banquejts or special parties. Our music is unexcelled, and with an excellent floor for 'dancing, it will be pos sible to give parties under conditions most fa vorable for the convenience of the hostess and the pleasure and comfort of the guests. Phone your orders to 444, or see us personally. We will convince you of our ability to give you the best of service and satisfaction. The first floor of The Grill is devoted to coun ter and tables, where you may enjoy our quick service and good food at any time. Our prices are right. THE DEER HEAD GRILL AND CONFECTIONERY 619 and 621 Main Street Fred W. McManus, Prop. m M m fXi. r to fa. v iM A