't "- r sw rs, " 1 v frAGR TWd BRITON RUfES DAMS Kill TO BE SHOWN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON LONpON, Oct 1 -(By the Asso ciated Press). Sir "ilornco Hyatt, Administrator of 1 1 u t wns formerly Gcrmnn Knst Africa, soon lll loivo England for Dar-ca-Snlnam, which will bo the now headquarters of the government under the mandate of tho League of Nations. Various gov ernment olllcinls have been appoint ed for administering the now terri tory but It will be some tlmo before the staff will be complete and the 'ncw broom" start sweeping. Meanwhile it is reported all Is go ing smoothly The old German na- GAME WITH A "KICK" IN IT "Tho National Dairy Show of tho West." Tills Is what I'rof. Gordon 11 True, on leave of absence from the Pnlorstt of California to tnnnngc tho show, sa,s of tho dairy depart meut of the California International LUestot-Vc Show lo bo hold at San Krnncloo during tho tlrst week In November. Tlllle Alcarlrn, the world's record milch cow, will be the stir attraction of tho Holstolu breed, Vive I.si France, the world's record Jersey, and California GrotW, tho world's record nilleh goat, will ho guest's of the show. 1 Laiuson Scribner, expert on ex- (Ive army has melted nwny and tho h,,b,?s of t,,c U.S Department of Ag- pnunlrr I ,,. ,..!..., I... .1 ""'" "l niuiiiuhiuu, u. w., Ill- - -hattHltHi! Of Kins'? African iUUes -''"irom U10 neighboring colonies Tho ' only Germans left are n few of tho original settlers, tho majority hiv- formed Truo that the federal exhibit! of the Bureau of Animal Industry at the National Dairy Show at Chicago will be shipped to the California Building at the I'atiama-I'aclllc i:po- "Ing lieen jrvpatrlated. Since tlicyjsn grounds ror tiie Uaiirornla In- ilnnnrlnil MlflrA dnrn fcnmi nn .Ho. i tOmatlonal. ..-.... .i. .. .. t 1 Mann fact tvrcrs and distributors , of lUIUilllVCil UillUtl 111U illllltU ILlUilUI tants, who arc said to have taken kindly to the chnugo of rulers. The' rail ways, which "were much milk and milk products will compete for honors In the showing of tho'Tllf- fercnt make and grades of butter cheese, milk and cruain. and the latest damaged by the Germans, have bconf In'dairj and barn equipment will or- repaired right up to Lake Tanknn-' cujiy tho greater paxt of tho big ball ylka. The most urgent need of holroom w,,lch was tUo SCG" of moM ,,,1,. ! .. -,. ... u. i festivities during tho l'anama-l'ttc'flc rnlnnv i Mm rpcumTiltnn nf chin. ' , exposition. ping, coastwise anu with Europe. The (Ur, herds of the West have jor on mis uio prosperity or tuofi country chietly depends MAAAAAAWVSMWWVWWWVWWVMWWWv At tjie Theatres been proclaimed by Eastern judges to bo the llnest In the country and this show will bring together tho best of them in competition that will bo the kpucst. AMWVMSWWSNW James Oliver Curwood Is tho au thor of the Sjtory of Canadian Northwest and the Klondike region during the gold rush of 1S97, which inspired Allen J. Holubar to put the tense situation and scenes in terms of the photoplay. "Paid in Ad vance," a new Jewel production! featuring Dorothy Philips, is the xesult of tho inspiration. It will bo seen at tho Star Theatro Sunday! and Monday. China has moro suicides than any other country in the world. In a single jear as tunny ns half a million cases of self destruction hnvo boon recorded. Briscoe car $4 75 at Howie's. Just gling it away. 24-2t - c A '" '- yg't r -I I i : iihl- - I I II .sttUTittt J Itol . Sil CTWCBBW! 7.(:r j w . m T ' are -rr K K- J, M Y. i VT f rt I fm I . $ )J BoLuesl 5 ' , V y J WfweV J m ft& ?w j? h "i i 6-,.Aricr;z ' & ! Vsta!xS(l S2wV.Vi7 I I ? imww LW yUA'rfjaEA WW I E&r 'fi'StS'- f?r .. I: fNMrt.. Sr j. CT--VZ VIIIF f tTT . " ' i THOMAS- ;"''&2&riX'Z'sS.'' ' f ' . r 1 I FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldp. Phono 432 HATIJHBAY, ()(rm,, .. rrr r ..r' n "upilNbSS CARne Phono 400 lc Crenm .720 Main Bt. Candlen PASTIME Jiulc MouroWt Prop. Cigar, Tiilwrro, Soft Drlnlt.X Peel mill HIHIttrilH Harbor Shop In oCuuoctlon Of It .MO'lTO "Courtesy mill "Seriko" S;sX-.sSs.x..:..:..:..v,,,y SHANP.ha ,WH RESTAURANT : t'HOP Hrnv ANI, ; HI""rd.rM,,.RmMi i KLAMATH .JS vW. Commission & Au R ction oom PROFESSIONAL CARDS jjfrjj.rftm' , w ---fc DR. CARTER dkntist wiiiti: nuii.iHNO PIIUNi: :tH5 ilfifc M K At ono tlmo snail racing was n gront fad In Austria. Vienna had a fashionable snail racing, club, where Tortutlca wore wagored on tho ridiculous contests. Careful records of tho tlmo taken by tho Winning snails to crnwl around tho mlnln mre race courses wero Kept in or dekthat contestants might ho prop erly handicapped in subsequent matches, Tin: KIAMATll ItntllKtl .i m:atiii:u oo. Uonlci's In Chrome, Snblo, Oak and Rubber Belting, Hoho PuLklng und all lilies of Moclinnlcal Huhbor GooiIh. Aro, doing hoiiio very High Class Uo-treadlng on their lilt MoliN "i Wo Invito ou to inspect some oil our Hotreads. should you nerd , auytlilng In that lino We stnnd back of our guarantee on all work done at our shop, 1 1 liO - -Multi St, Klnmnth Kilts. Oregon 21-lt llllIIIMM' ojso77ypjAi,ir i Mf7itArtVCtSAL-iWt. f&OOVCrOV 1l "PAIP SAT APYANCS" What is undoubtedly the most tremendous of the vital problems' raised by the war forms the basis, or Cecil B. DeMille's new Artcraft special feature "For Better, For. Worse." Now that the soldiers are I returning, the status of the man who! stayed at home Instead of going to France is being discussed. Is he to lie shunned as a slacker, or ie he to be considered, as having done his duty? r Edgar Selwyn, a noted dramatist, wrote the play from which Mr. DeMille's picture is ad apted and Jennie Macpherson wrote the scenario. Both from the stand point of dramatic values and time liness, "For Better, For Worse" is one of the most important produc tions which has been shown In this city this season. It will be shown at the Star Theatre tonlghl. i WWiwmMMirjiiuiiiii What's the use of pretending? Time will find you out IMPEMALES MOUTHPIECE CIGABETTES make no pretense, but they've taught thousands of men what quality means in a cigarette. They are what they are, always the longer you smoke them the better you'lllike them. 10 for 13c . The John Bollman Co. Branch I Briscoe car $475 at Howie's Just giving It awny. 24-2t Surety bonds wlillo J on wait. Clill coto Smith. B-ti FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIST l.oomlH Illilg., Kliiniiith I'ilU I)U. C. A. IIAMIIO Dentist I. O. O. 1 Building phem: n Yen, wv hit Iwmeholil t. "I m. and i.iorclmnd Z& I' "HI null ri, ,WIll 8(,- DICK tons Main si haw mii.1 r(iiNi:i:mNfl T CONSTItrcilOV to. ""Ikiht mi.,1 l,iil,rn i maii vrn Haw Mills .,,K hn r.l. Ai,.rUiiN n, r(.mt, Dredglu,:. r(1llrr, ' MHsof n Imlldlng nml J iiiiuhlncr) of inn ,m. I)riifili.gf,m) Mm! ,nc. w Print tm.de. .I()N,j ' wmie in h. I). ihilMinj v I) Phone :illl..l ( IIMnlaSt. O. K. Lunch AND CONKKCTIOXlinV Formerly at 4K Mnln St. IloiiiivMmlo Pin nml Ctkei. Cll Mi-ntu A I.unrh Goodi. Ico Crcjim mid l'rulti. iitnuftturtn 12 WVkA Houston "'.Metropolitan AniuneaieiiU " HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DA.NCI.NG Wediit'Mlny it Saturday Mghu. Popular Jaz Orchetitra The Battery Doctors The Itnltory DocIoih BOLSHEVIK I IS YOUR BATTERY A BOLSHEVIKI? Is it everylastingly giving you trouble? Then come to us we are running a Peace Conference for Storage Batteries If your battery is a "Bolsheviki" tell us and we'll make a good hardworking citizen out of it. Regardless of the kind of batter jou have, wo can KECIIARGK or REPAIR it with Master jllandii. ft 44 Wo mo tho RATTintY DOCTORS I,et us bo YOUR IIATTIMIY DOCTOR "Bxxfce Extoe" JUDD LOW AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 49 Main Street Phone 22M The Bttery Doctors The Buttery Doctor PRIVATE HOSPITAL S'oi Open for Mlitl'rnlt) Own Mrs. Rosa McDnnloU, 301 High SL Phone 455 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station W hnndln the Hurley Darldios Mntnrrycli'n and Itrcrclcs Eicln "voly AUo tmv Bell nnd exthwjf ill oilier JinkoR rcnnsjlMnu nnd Dlamnnil Tires nnd Tubes c i:. niHM.tnK I IBS. OlhSt. Klnmnth Fli DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis ModlrliiD nnd Surgery Olllru r UndurwoodB Phono 2S0W 7th and Mnln a OIIlco Phono 3SG Ites 430 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'll) nIi Ian ami .Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oregon KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Itcpilf log Now Onrti Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blnrkxinlthlng AMi WOKK (1UAKANTEKD Phono 25I-Y 017 KImthAe. WWWWWVWIAMVIIWVW STAR THEATER TODAY Cecil 11. DeMille's tor nTTi:n for worse" Also A Two-P.irt Bllllo West Comedy "IIK'8 IN AGAIN" It's as essential to your shoes ss on to your sun. You believe In keeping; your Eun wen oiieu, because you know it needs It. Your shoes need BERGMAN SHOE OIL just as mucn. It's no joke climbing a moun tain after game In stiff shoes, or setting; wet feet at the edge of a slouch. Put a little BERGMANN SHOE OIL on them. It softens them and makes hlklns much easier, waterproofs them, and makes them wear lonrer, Get a can today good for all kinds of shoes. Theo. Bersmann Shoe MlE-SCo., Portland, Ore. For Sale at Shoe, Drug, Ifardware and U.occry Stores pGJESfri&y an y& d at Shu lieualr shop and Spoillni Goods Storei SUNDAY AND MONDAY DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "PAID IN ADVANCK" ('oiiip.iniim Picture to "The Hpollei h" Also A Hpctlal Big V Comedy "HARKMH & HOKUMS" Admission Iftc and i)Sc TEMPLE THEATER TODAY "THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA" Starring House Peters and Blanch Sweet Also A RalnboM Comedy lu Tito Parts SUNDAY AN!) MONDAY Vltagiaph Presents GliADYH l.ESIAE In "TOO MANY CROOKS" AUo Two Reels of Good Comedy MERRILL OPERA HOUSE I'UkHlMsh AND fATlltIIAY UerrlU, Ori'Kou M''M''M'M'H,'M!'-'f4lM'' HOW OFTEN you have vished you knew just the right place to enter tain your friends at dinner! We invite you to take them TO THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. afJ A A . AAA A A A A A A A AA A A ... 1 ,. .j. y .j, 4, , ; 151 rt . if .,. 15. y y , .wj, 4 y y j . KATHERINE SCHLEEF i i k PliNlcIaii mid Surgeon 7. Off ho, White lildg. X WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SUROERT 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Surrcssor lo Dr. Truax Suit S0(l, I. O. O. l Bldg Ofllrc phono H(l.l Res Phono 8M.M Pliono- -ini.I IIoiiho , UilM UcHhlonco DR. A. A. SOULE OIIlco, 420 Main UeHlduuco, 1909 Main DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon riulte 211, I. O. O. K. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic PliyBl- clan und Burs;eon In KUmfttk FalU ) WVsW'iViA1 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarvor PHONK OS4 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood'H Be yen th "unci Main 'Streets WWWWWWsAA'r Let your (Haas Troubles be Mr Troubles. HcBlazInR dono In anr part of tho city K. C. 8TUCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone H77W 1024 Mill J. c. cixoiioiw Clll IIiiRlnw' "n(1 Snrreior Offlco G17 Moln St. Phone. Office, 10. lies. 1W- " RECKARD'S RENT K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W HIT WIMOl'Ml ;awiW niniM.ii fi 1 7 Mnln ARTHUR It. WltSO" MaiiaRcr ' ' - Yn Had Better 0t& Your Winter Wood now Douhlo IxmcI Wo . 7' f360 Green S'ah, tt Oiccn Shch, V - V. E. SEEH0RN 6-a flinill nu ..nVITUUf FUlwi"- FOR ANY KIND OK Bee Andy Mauri AtN..lOJ",lnB,rCet' TOY MB PHONB m I 1